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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I'm now wondering if the dialogue would have gone away after everyone selects their champions so I could choose my runes.


So I'm looking for a new mouse cause I'm sick of my laptop mouse.

Anyone have a comfy lol mouse they like to use? Kiunch? Rex?

Logitech G500

Considering the hundreds of games you play to get to level 30, just go ahead and play ranked. Playing normals where you won't have a jungler/wards/invades/teamwork doesn't really help you learn.

Don't play ranked unless you have have 100 matches focusing on 3 champions in at least 2 roles. Or just play with GAF, pretty sure we are at least 1400 worthy, be a good way to evaluate yourself.


So I'm looking for a new mouse cause I'm sick of my laptop mouse.

Anyone have a comfy lol mouse they like to use? Kiunch? Rex?

I use the mouse that came with my computer.


Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse v2


I got the already seleceted/can't select champion error during a ranked game. Couldn't change masteries or runes and couldn't honor/report at the end of the game. It was really strange that the error persisted to the end game lobby. Lucky for me Jungle Clear Mode Teemo wasn't half bad and we won.

I haven't been able to reproduce the error, but I tried to change champs at the last second and that's when it stuck on my screen w/o letting me close it. If I spammed enter I could clear it briefly, but not long enough to change anything.


-Derp Dragon Trainer Lulu
-Zed's shadow clones have a cool disappear animation
-holy shit his passive will be strong for laning
-It's hard to change Kat's core to nerf her. 3 resetting abilities will generally snowball teamfights. Wouldve liked a MS% nerf on W though.
-poor tf that change is gonna hurt
-they are changing how skillshots work


Change the 30% damage reduction to a flat 20 armor/mr and maybe laning against her won't be such a dread.

The damage nerfs are pretty weak.


As long as they don't keep nerfing Katarina until she's worse than before...I'm glad they didn't do a huge kneejerk change. My fear is that she will end up worse than before the remake, after another 2+ rounds of nerfs. Losing 20 damage + 20 AOE damage every 2-4 seconds could be significant, since lots of situations where someone survived now could turn into missing last hits or the person escaping. This is especially important since I tend to max W first now.

I don't understand a few of these nerfs...Soraka E -- was everyone really being crushed by how much damage it did, since everyone plays AP Soraka? Varus Q and Nidalee Q...were AP Nidalee and Varus played so much, so successfully, that they really needed toned down? :p

*edit* I'm trying to figure out Zed. Both his ult and his W spawn the shadow?
Dragon Trainer Lulu looks .... freaky.

I think it's the face and proportions. Come to think of it, I've never seen any art that had the same giant head small body proportions that the official art has.


Zed looks cool, no way his numbers stay the same (Katarina W as his E with -1s cooldown and a .9 bonus AD Ratio? Double hits if played right with his shadow?).

Katarina nerfs, end of the world, etc. etc.

Effective ~11.1AP/rank nerf to her Q, ~20 AP/rank nerf to her W. It won't change how I play her at all, though ...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Dragon Trainer Lulu looks .... freaky.

I think it's the face and proportions. Come to think of it, I've never seen any art that had the same giant head small body proportions that the official art has.
Oh, and new Kha'Zix evolution route for top lane is W -> E -> R.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Wasn't it always that? You rarely get to take advantage of his Q. Makes sense for jungle, but not top.
Most people are ignoring W or R on evolution paths. How do you rarely get to take advantage of his Q though?


Most people are ignoring W or R on evolution paths. How do you rarely get to take advantage of his Q though?

Well, targets need to be isolated, even from minions. I just think it's rare the instance in which you are trading top lane and get to have that. I feel the other abilities are far more useful for your role as top lane.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well, targets need to be isolated, even from minions. I just think it's rare the instance in which you are trading top lane and get to have that.
It comes up more often than you might think. Especially during chases. Also, you could get it mid or late game after you win your lane if you want, and it's the only true damage boost from evolution in a 1v1.


Tried a couple champs while on barely keeps 20 fps laptop...

Olaf is pretty great, I'll probably buy him. What's a good build on him?

Talon... not so much. I didn't find any of his mechanics to be any fun at all and he just seems lame...


Tried a couple champs while on barely keeps 20 fps laptop...

Olaf is pretty great, I'll probably buy him. What's a good build on him?

Talon... not so much. I didn't find any of his mechanics to be any fun at all and he just seems lame...

Olaf: Tons of health since you can just spam your true damage for damage. I've also been seeing people build an early Zeke's Herald on him to some success.

Talon is a counterpick.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Need to try top khazix, how do you build him ?
Pretty dependent on who you are laned against and how things are going, but you are shooting for mostly damage. Buy defensive boots, Ninja Tabi if they have more AD or Merc Treads if they have lots of AP/CC. Early game items that are good are Brutalizer and/or Hexdrinker if you need MR. Then shoot for stuff like Yomuu, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, and Maw if it makes sense. GA is the most logical defensive item, and you just have to gauge when the most logical time to start building it is for when you see the damage on the enemy team really starting to rise.


Pretty dependent on who you are laned against and how things are going, but you are shooting for mostly damage. Buy defensive boots, Ninja Tabi if they have more AD or Merc Treads if they have lots of AP/CC. Early game items that are good are Brutalizer and/or Hexdrinker if you need MR. Then shoot for stuff like Yomuu, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, and Maw if it makes sense. GA is the most logical defensive item, and you just have to gauge when the most logical time to start building it is for when you see the damage on the enemy team really starting to rise.
need to try it in normal, so far i've been going khazix brutalizer into aegis into bloodthirster or hextech/phage depend on the situation.
what about masteries ? 9/21 or 21/9 ?
Tried a couple champs while on barely keeps 20 fps laptop...

Olaf is pretty great, I'll probably buy him. What's a good build on him?

Talon... not so much. I didn't find any of his mechanics to be any fun at all and he just seems lame...

I don't play him often, but when I did I always built him HP CDRlaf.
Choice Boots
Mallet / Warmogs
Frozen Heart
Maw / FoN
GA / Randuin / Zeke / Aegis

340 true damage every 3 seconds.
You can keep throwing axes at your feet since it'll only have 0.3 second cooldown.


numbers for Zed

(PASSIVE - Contempt for the Weak) Whenever Zed basic attacks an enemy below 50% health, he deals an additional 8% of their maximum health as magic damage. This effect cannot occur on a given target more than once every 10 seconds.
(Q - Razor Shuriken) Zed and his shadow both throw their shurikens, each dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+1.0 bonus AD) physical damage to the first enemy they pass through and 70% damage thereafter. Additional shurikens striking the same enemy deal 50% damage, but restore energy. [Cost: 75/70/65/60/55 Energy] [Cooldown: 6/6/6/6/6] [Range: 900.0]
(W - Living Shadow) Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for 4 seconds. Reactivating this ability will cause Zed switch positions with his shadow.Zed's shadow will mimic his spellcasts. If both strike the same target, Zed restores 20/25/30/35/40 energy. Energy restore can occur only once per cast. [Cost: 40/35/30/25/20 Energy] [Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16] [Range: 550.0]
(E - Shadow Slash) Zed and his shadow both create a burst of shadow, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+.9 bonus AD) physical damage to nearby enemies. Zed's Slash reduces the cooldown of Living Shadow by 1 second for each enemy struck. The shadow's Slash slows enemies by 20/25/30/35/40% for 1.5 seconds.Overlapping Shadow Slashes striking the same enemy deal no additional damage, but slow 50% more intensely and restore energy. [Cost: 50/50/50/50/50 Energy] [Cooldown: 3/3/3/3/3]
(R - Death Mark) Zed marks target champion for death. He then sinks into the shadows and dashes to them, dealing (100% of total AD ) physical damage and spawning a Living Shadow beyond them, which mimics his spellcasts and can be teleported to by re-activating this ability. After 3 seconds, the mark will detonate, dealing physical damage equal to 40/45/50% of all magic and physical damage dealt to the target by Zed and his shadows while the mark was active. [Cost: null] [Cooldown: 120/100/80]


So... Q is 345 (+1.5 bonus AD) on single target if you get to hit both.
W is kinda like... LeBlanc W and R combined.

He seems tricky to deal with.


Dragon Trainer looks so bad I might as well pick up Wicked Lulu during the upcoming sale.

Do you think Spooky Gangplank is worth it? 260 RP.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
need to try it in normal, so far i've been going khazix brutalizer into aegis into bloodthirster or hextech/phage depend on the situation.
what about masteries ? 9/21 or 21/9 ?
Aegis of the Legion? Why? What a bizarre choice. Hextech is a bad choice on him too. His only AP scaling is on his passive and the heal off his spikes, and while Phage can be a good item on many top laners it pushes you too hard into building Triforce on him which I just find to be underwhelming. Kha'Zix frankly doesn't need the slow from either. His passive is astoundingly good with its damage and slow, and it's easy to stick to targets on him between Leap, your ultimate, and his passive. With evolved spikes you'll find it even easier.

You just have to go all out offensive and rely on your ultimate and positioning to keep you safe. Mastery page is mostly the standard 20/10 one for offensive AD champs, but I have been testing out a really weird page aimed specifically at Kha'Zix.
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