Because they changed how hitboxes work. It'll probably still be/feel the same after the patch.They seriously nerfed the range on Varus's Q?
Because they changed how hitboxes work. It'll probably still be/feel the same after the patch.They seriously nerfed the range on Varus's Q?
Because they changed how hitboxes work. It'll probably still be/feel the same after the patch.
Yes.Oh. Is that the reason for all of the weird little range nerfs? Amumu, Nidalee?
Aegis been my second item of choice on any jungler (except ap rengar), the item is just extremely cost effective for an early game item (especially on casters like khazix and darius where taking wriggles wont help that much).Aegis of the Legion? Why? What a bizarre choice. Hextech is a bad choice on him too. His only AP scaling is on his passive and the heal off his spikes, and while Phage can be a good item on many top laners it pushes you too hard into building Triforce on him which I just find to be underwhelming. Kha'Zix frankly doesn't need the slow from either. His passive is astoundingly good with its damage and slow, and it's easy to stick to targets on him between Leap, your ultimate, and his passive. With evolved spikes you'll find it even easier.
You just have to go all out offensive and rely on your ultimate and positioning to keep you safe. Mastery page is mostly the standard 20/10 one for offensive AD champs, but I have been testing out a really weird page aimed specifically at Kha'Zix.
Diamond looks badass
I bet that'll be what happens when I try to do shit like this
That's not even the entire story. He had like 109478021 instances where being late as much as a fraction of a second would've spelled in his death.
Because they changed how hitboxes work. It'll probably still be/feel the same after the patch.
Is that for everybody? I swear my Ashe arrows aren't hitting the same as they used to.
Is that for everybody? I swear my Ashe arrows aren't hitting the same as they used to.
Well, targets need to be isolated, even from minions. I just think it's rare the instance in which you are trading top lane and get to have that. I feel the other abilities are far more useful for your role as top lane.
A Kassadin buff. Seriously. Lol
The Kat nerfs were needed. I think it'll be a little surprising how much it impacts. Adjusting base values down like that might take their toll. I'll still enjoy playing her. I just like her kit.
Zed looks pretty awesome. He'll abuse the heck out of mids on release![]()
AP or AD Nidalee? I pretty much always play her as a ranged AD when I pick her top.All I want is for someone to get Nidalee so I can watch and learn. I had no fucking idea what I was doing last night on her and it was terrible. So. Terrible.
AP or AD Nidalee? I pretty much always play her as a ranged AD when I pick her top.
End of season borders:
Diamond looks badass
Oh, then yes, Teemo will screw you over both with bushes and autoattacks. The idea (or one of them) is to start out with AD items, I think I might have used some combination of (boots first then) brutalizer, then phage, then bloodthirster (maybe wriggles)...and use the bush speedboost to harass with ranged autoattacks, depending on your boosted speed to let you kite or get a few attacks in. Max your AS-boost first, then E, ignore Q besides one level maybe at 4. It will do so little damage that you will be lucky if you finish someone off with it. Flash ignite, pretty standard.AD, though it was more a reference to not knowing my engage timings or trade values. Hell, I just learned that her Cougar W isn't a targeted leap but a directional one. It was awful. I should've done that bot game to practice animation timings.
Plus, it was vs a Teemo. All the fucking worse.
Oh, then yes, Teemo will screw you over both with bushes and autoattacks. The idea (or one of them) is to start out with AD items, I think I might have used some combination of (boots first then) brutalizer, then phage, then bloodthirster (maybe wriggles)...and use the bush speedboost to harass with ranged autoattacks, depending on your boosted speed to let you kite or get a few attacks in. Max your AS-boost first, then E, ignore Q besides one level maybe at 4. It will do so little damage that you will be lucky if you finish someone off with it. Flash ignite, pretty standard.
Also try to leave a trap in the river bush and top bush(es), and/or try to get a trap out of the minion range. The idea is that if you have to go toe to toe, and the trap hits the other player, they're going to take increased damage, and you can suddenly go cougar mode for tanky stats, and do your combo to do shocking amounts of damage to them. Make sure you hit the low-HP one last out of the cougar combo, I think it's Q.
Also kiting with a quick switch to cougar mode and jump, especially if combined with the lane bushes, works very well. If you're about to get hit by something, cougar mode for better stats. A properly played Nidalee should be incredibly hard to gank or chase. Last but not least, make sure to pace yourself when using mana, since the attack speed boost heals very little, boosts attack speed a lot, but uses a TON of mana.
Disclaimer, I'm only mediocre at Nidalee and all of this advice may be terrible, but I feel like it usually works okay for me against random top players. I think I even killed a Rumble a few times though he was presumably bad.
I could see that also working. I like the CDR from brutalizer and I rarely get dorans items, but either way it's probably an AD item followed by damage and/or triforce, followed by whatever tanky items are appropriate.I would personally go boots, 2x Doran daggers>Triforce>GA. Turns Nidalee into an inescapable, impossible to catch monster.
Max your AS-boost first, then E, ignore Q besides one level maybe at 4. It will do so little damage that you will be lucky if you finish someone off with it.
AD Nidalee is typically WEEQ -> R>E>Q>W. Why wouldn't you level Q second? Better Takedown damage.
Like I said, my issue was not knowing/being familiar with her kit (and the Teemo matchup). I had to take it to a sustain lane with a Chalice (and didn't Visage second for some reason) and, even then, it was mostly trying to get a feel for ranges so I was bullied around.
Doran's into Vamp -> Phage/TF -> GA or a Wriggle's build (which is basically the same just Wriggle's instead of Doran's/Vamp start). Vs an AP Sustain lane, Chalice -> Visage into a bruiser build.
I guess I'm a little confused -- you're saying you don't know how to play her but saying which builds and skill orders should be used?AD Nidalee is typically WEEQ -> R>E>Q>W. Why wouldn't you level Q second? Better Takedown damage.
Like I said, my issue was not knowing/being familiar with her kit (and the Teemo matchup). I had to take it to a sustain lane with a Chalice (and didn't Visage second for some reason) and, even then, it was mostly trying to get a feel for ranges so I was bullied around.
Doran's into Vamp -> Phage/TF -> GA or a Wriggle's build (which is basically the same just Wriggle's instead of Doran's/Vamp start). Vs an AP Sustain lane, Chalice -> Visage into a bruiser build.
I could be wrong, but I think Nidalee's cougar abilities only improve on 6/11/16. I'm actually not sure which I max second, but there is an argument to level traps improve the MR/Armor shred. Dat 40 percent shred against bruisers can be pretty OP.
I guess I'm a little confused -- you're saying you don't know how to play her but saying which builds and skill orders should be used?(sure, skull lifesteal thing could be nice)
If you mean that guides and pro players typically use those skill orders and builds then okay. I thought you were asking for suggestions so I was saying what I usually did, no offense intended.
Leveling Q second after level 6 might also work, if you aren't catching your laning opponent in any traps. As mentioned, the shred could be very nice for 1v1 fights though. What EXGN says about cougar abilities is probably correct, since the wiki only mentions three levels of improvement for cougar abilities...meaning that leveling human Q as AD probably doesn't help you much, but leveling E can directly help in fights.
...if you're not familiar with her kit, why are you telling people what a correct/typical build and skill order is? Why ask for suggestions from people who have played her if you've already made up your mind from guides? And if not guides/streams, where have you gotten the build/skill order?No, you're right. I'm just dumb. Like I said, not familiar with her kit!
That said, I'd still level Q over W if you're comfortable with landing spears. By the time you reach Level ~10, you should have a TF anyway for it to get some scaling out of it. The shred from W is nice (as is the damage), but you mainly just want the vision from it.
Eh, it's debatable I guess.
...if you're not familiar with her kit, why are you telling people what a correct/typical build and skill order is?
Why ask for suggestions from people who have played her if you've already made up your mind from guides? And if not guides/streams, where have you gotten the build/skill order?![]()
Nidalee's traps are underrated in teamfights. Free LW and VS for everyone!
It's a discussion but I was asking how you knew her "typical" build was WEEQ and then R>E>Q>W -- is that from top-rated guides, or streams, or what? I just wanted to know the source of the information.Telling? I said her typical build is WEEQ and then R>E>Q>W. Then I said it makes sense (though for a wrong reason, as pointed out). I'm not "telling" anything, merely remarking at what I think on it. It's a discussion, right?
How can you say the same thing? I've played her a fair bit before which was the reason I responded to begin with, I thought. So I'm slightly familiar with her kit, though I didn't remember the cougar levelup stats without checking the wiki.If not, I can say that exact same thing for your post then.
Maybe I misinterpreted this. I guess the impression I got from your posting "All I want is for someone to get Nidalee so I can watch and learn. I had no fucking idea what I was doing last night on her and it was terrible. So. Terrible." was that you would not be against someone on NeoGAF either playing Nidalee so you can watch, and/or posting some suggestions about her if they have played her. I don't mean any offense and was only trying to help.For one, where did I ask for suggestions? I said I wanted to see a Nidalee in the games since Maknoon and Hotshot are involved. I rarely watch Nidalee games in general so how her laning phase is executed is something I want to see.
Then yes, due to the gradual levelup of the cougar abilities, and the stat shred, I think that the trap (W) may be better than Q. If you're hitting Q very often as AD Nidalee, and/or building chalice, my suspicion would be that you would be better off with AP Nidalee. Otherwise, you can save the 70-90 per Q mana for more traps and E's.Secondly, I don't really have my mind set on anything and, yes, a lot of it comes from guides and basic theorycrafting. Why? Because I'm at work and I've played all of one Nidalee game. I'm not trying to sound like I know it all about her but if you remark on something that goes against what I've read and what my own theorycrafting gets me to, then I'll definitely question it.
How can you say the same thing? I've played her a fair bit before which was the reason I responded to begin with, I thought. So I'm slightly familiar with her kit, though I didn't remember the cougar levelup stats without checking the wiki.![]()
Maybe I misinterpreted this. I guess the impression I got from your posting "All I want is for someone to get Nidalee so I can watch and learn. I had no fucking idea what I was doing last night on her and it was terrible. So. Terrible." was that you would not be against someone on NeoGAF either playing Nidalee so you can watch, and/or posting some suggestions about her if they have played her. I don't mean any offense and was only trying to help.
Then yes, due to the gradual levelup of the cougar abilities, and the stat shred, I think that the trap (W) may be better than Q. If you're hitting Q very often as AD Nidalee, and/or building chalice, my suspicion would be that you would be better off with AP Nidalee. Otherwise, you can save the 70-90 per Q mana for more traps and E's.
Why don't people want to ban Lee Sin? Eve isn't scary anymore stop banning her. : l
No, you're right. I'm just dumb. Like I said, not familiar with her kit!
That said, I'd still level Q over W if you're comfortable with landing spears. By the time you reach Level ~10, you should have a TF anyway for it to get some scaling out of it. The shred from W is nice (as is the damage), but you mainly just want the vision from it.
Eh, it's debatable I guess.
I level W second for wave clearing, her mobility and aoe clearing to push wave to tower, clear enemy jungle, roam to gang, force jungle to camp top while teammate split push or forcing objective.
For me, Q is a waste of mana on ad build, you won't even have enough mana to trap around your lane + using heal to harass/sustain.
edit: pretty sure reduction is worst, since it apply before flat and percentage penetration.
edit: pretty sure reduction is worst, since it apply before flat and percentage penetration.
Nidalee traps are flat cooldown of 18 seconds, nidalee Q is flat cooldown of 6 seconds, so if you spam max Q you could burn 270 mana in the same amount of time it takes to do one 120 mana trap.All the more reason to not level W second, wouldn't it? Mana cost is +15/rank. If you're trapping around the lane for utility purposes, raising the mana cost seems to just not be optimal to me.
This is also one of the reasons that Chalice AD Nidalee saw some use during the finals, even in AD tops. More mana to heal and trap constantly. Granted, that's also due to how Stanley/TPA plays with her rather than a general rule.
I was reading a LoL forum thread about champions with the worst fanbase. I feel like it used to be Tryndamere and Master Yi, but now Xin and especially Darius take the crown for the most jerks playing them.You know who's underrated? Jungle Xin.
You know who's underrated? Jungle Xin.
Totally agreed. Underrated but not underpowered. Really need work on my jungling have him and leesin and they remain virtually untouched.
Lee sin is a dude
Why don't people want to ban Lee Sin?
Eve isn't scary anymore stop banning her. : l
This is also one of the reasons that Chalice AD Nidalee saw some use during the finals, even in AD tops. More mana to heal and trap constantly. Granted, that's also due to how Stanley/TPA plays with her rather than a general rule.
Nidalee traps are flat cooldown of 18 seconds, nidalee Q is flat cooldown of 6 seconds, so if you spam max Q you could burn 270 mana in the same amount of time it takes to do one 120 mana trap.
Maybe chalice AD does work. One concern would be that it could delay needed damage items.
I'm pretty sure Stanley took Chalice against Yorick more for the magic resistance than the mana regeneration. I don't think Chalice is usually a core AD Nid item unless your facing someone that does magic damage (like Rumble or Yorick).
is ur computer fix yet