Starting elo is 1200. If you consider 1400 elo hell, then better hope you never see sub-800 players.Want to learn how to carry yourself out of elo hell? Watch Scy.
Carrying the crap outta 1400 players.
Starting elo is 1200. If you consider 1400 elo hell, then better hope you never see sub-800 players.Want to learn how to carry yourself out of elo hell? Watch Scy.
Carrying the crap outta 1400 players.
Just what we need, more shitty Yi running around.
I think 1700 is elo hell, since people who have gotten there often believe they are awesome. Guys at 1400 usually are a bit more down to earth.Starting elo is 1200. If you consider 1400 elo hell, then better hope you never see sub-800 players.
She's good, doesn't need to be banned though.So im in queue and people are saying that Sivir is OP now and should be banned... Have i missed something here?
Want to learn how to carry yourself out of elo hell? Watch Scy.
Carrying the crap outta 1400 players.
One win away. Too tired to play again. I'm expecting the patch to happen 4 PM my time when I'm leaving work just for the ultimate troll.
One win away. Too tired to play again. I'm expecting the patch to happen 4 PM my time when I'm leaving work just for the ultimate troll.
Edit: Also, I really, really wish I won the game you're referencing here. Go 17 kills and have a 15 kill advantage? np, entire team throws.
So random, so bitter, so much hate, I never had fun playing those ranked game. At least in solo queue, people are more kickback and relax, those guys... if I went down by 20 cs, they act like I killed their entire family.
In ranked, there are a lot of amazing talented people who type so freaking fast, that within 0.5 seconds after a fight went wrong, they already blamed someone else in chat with this order: champion closest to you -> jungler -> closest lane -> furthest lane for not pushing harder -> lag.
Okay I am done complaining for the day.
So random, so bitter, so much hate, I never had fun playing those ranked game. At least in solo queue, people are more kickback and relax, those guys... if I went down by 20 cs, they act like I killed their entire family.
In ranked, there are a lot of amazing talented people who type so freaking fast, that within 0.5 seconds after a fight went wrong, they already blamed someone else in chat with this order: champion closest to you -> jungler -> closest lane -> furthest lane for not pushing harder -> lag.
Okay I am done complaining for the day.
You just gotta make that atmosphere yourself. A lot of 'good work!' 'good job!' and apologising for not warding other people's lane helps.
And if you get the team blame, stay silent. They eventually shut up and if you make a good play, they will praise you cause they have the memory span of a goldfish.
Sometimes I feel like an idiot for spamming 'nice work' every time we get an objective or a kill but it's all for that elo.
Nah, Riot will shut off the servers while you're hitting the Nexus in a steamroll match.
So random, so bitter, so much hate, I never had fun playing those ranked game. At least in solo queue, people are more kickback and relax, those guys... if I went down by 20 cs, they act like I killed their entire family.
Poor kiunch. I think I only feel bad playing ranked if my duo partner is a Debbie downer and demoralizes me.
Oh and scy, I won't be on til late tomorrow anyway. Going across town for dinner with family. Good luck on hitting gold.
You just gotta make that atmosphere yourself. A lot of 'good work!' 'good job!' and apologising for not warding other people's lane helps.
And if you get the team blame, stay silent. They eventually shut up and if you make a good play, they will praise you cause they have the memory span of a goldfish.
Sometimes I feel like an idiot for spamming 'nice work' every time we get an objective or a kill but it's all for that elo.
There are worse things. He surprisingly shits on a lot of top laners if you max W because he gets so much free armor. Maxed W + Ninja Tabi + runes/masteries = Taric with ~150 armor at level 8.
Hm. This probably isn't a good time to mention that I removed FoN and scattered its various passives and pieces to the wind onto other items.
This and the GA changes ... man, how I build tank now?!
So, is there any official confirmation about soft elo reset? It was supposed to happen last night but it didn't.
I don't really know much about Shen, and I think I lost top lane the one time I tried him there, but last night I picked Shen since he wasn't banned in ranked, and someone wanted me to go support with Draven since Darius was top.
It actually seemed to work pretty well. Shen didn't seem to need many items to keep himself healed up, and if Draven or I ever got in range for a slow or taunt, we could combo for a bunch of damage, in addition to me occasionally ulting across the map. I have no idea if support Shen is viable against decent players, though.
Shen bot support isn't bad it's not optimal. With certain adcs, bruisers, or supports he is pretty good considering his taunt done well can shut down a lot.
To be fair, a lot of other supports have better shutdowns but none have the same kind of global presence that Shen would. Zyra's probably the best "unconventional" support to be learned right now.
Honestly, I'm not even sure we should be saying unconventional for Zyra anymore.
To be fair, a lot of other supports have better shutdowns but none have the same kind of global presence that Shen would. Zyra's probably the best "unconventional" support to be learned right now.
Zyra is the new blitzcrank. No sustain but strong CC and kill lane potential. Huge teamfighting.
Btw, congratz on the near gold
Not saying he is great but unless you get a blitz or hard counter to shut him down he can be in the lane with very few issues. His heal actually makes the lane decent when me and few people you know who queue with me use him. With vayne that heal and taunt are basically free kills near a wall or when jungler gets involved.
Zyra you say, I must see this but I agree on the potential. You're mean just thinking of the harass from plants can be just as bad as teemo or nidalee doing good support.
Hopefully I will be back tonight. I have a quick question for people in to this game and on 64bit os/machine. Is there 64bit download or is it all one package. My new machine unlike the C2D will be 64bit based and am wondering if I can take my current install and leave it be or if I have to redownload all again.
The wording makes it sound like they just wanted a few extra hours. I hope that it's at least the full day, though. I need one last game.
Here's hoping, I suppose.
To be fair, a lot of other supports have better shutdowns but none have the same kind of global presence that Shen would. Zyra's probably the best "unconventional" support to be learned right now.
Honestly, I'm not even sure we should be saying unconventional for Zyra anymore.
I'm not sure how they can fix this besides giving her better AP ratios and lower base damage. Then she'll potentially be ridiculously good in mid lane. Maybe lower durations on her CC in lane, I guess.
Also, it's so hard to not get kills or cs with her when zoning.
Honestly, it's not that bad of a grind but I should have taken it more seriously and just spammed games for a few days awhile ago. I got to 1400 pretty easily one night so I just assumed it'd be 3-4 games to finish it off. Not necessarily "elo hell" but just expecting win streaks and not factoring some losses has put me in this situation.
Then there's just the troll-y awful games, but that's to be expected really. They're not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but really do suck. If I was playing ranked "normally", it wouldn't be a big deal I suppose. I think for Season 3, I'll work on my ADC some so I can comfortably carry a game as Top/Mid/Bot and then just hope I don't get jungler. dat Maokai game ><*
Whatever though, stepping back from the game to do a mission or two in Ragnarok Odyssey to reset has been fine~ By the way, I haven't been checking that OT as much, I assume your copy shipped and all fine, right? I think there's still a few people with shipping woes somehow.
Just saying that his Taunt is nice but I think, as a total kit, others have better options. Leona stuns and Zyra snare/zone knockup are the two that immediately come to mind. Shen works there but I think it's more to get his global still :x
Vorpal for sustain plus his taunt, though, is a nice combination to have for bot lane that you don't really get with any other support option.
Not sure how well Zyra would go with a Vayne (snares + Condemn? Hm) but I'll gladly Zyra support for you some time :x
Annie is best support.Support TF! lol
Zyra is the new blitzcrank. No sustain but strong CC and kill lane potential. Huge teamfighting.
Btw, congratz on the near gold
Annie is best support.
At some point I will probably do Poppy support too...
Better do some poppy support or let me support that poppy. Double wall stun fuck gg. Just wait till lvl 3 harassing when you can. Then lvl3 comes and boom double kill.
Good kill potential, but she dies way easier than Blitz, like one of the squishiest in the game kind of champs.
Hell yeah. And once I hit six we can tower dive all day long.
Hell yeah. And once I hit six we can tower dive all day long.
Better do some poppy support or let me support that poppy. Double wall stun fuck gg. Just wait till lvl 3 harassing when you can. Then lvl3 comes and boom double kill.
Hadn't even thought of using poppy's broke ass ult like that. How many seconds would that be to get a perfect dive?
I've seen a poppy+vayne lane, it's pretty nasty when it works.
That or alistar is vicious. The knock back and stun effect just wrecks people who have no idea how to position.
You gonna be around to play today?