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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mmm that Skarner.

And I never said I was a Vlad expert. I even said I only played the matchup once.
Just a bad joke/terrible potshot. It's really not a post to take super seriously. Like, I forgot about Nidalee for example, who is seeing a bunch of high level play, transforms, has stronger poke and a safer lane.


Ok, Hextech Ahri I like. 14 kills two matches in a row. I'm doing boots+pots -> 2 dorans -> hextech revolver -> sorc's boots -> abyss -> rab's -> wota -> zhonya's (though I haven't gotten this far).

Guys, few things are quite as delectable as a EQR combo as Commando Jarvan.

Oh, is your carry in the backlines? That's nice.

Or when I EQ next to an Ez... you can tell he's waiting for me to ult so he can E away, so I just hammer away at him. He starts to panic, he Es away...



64.4k gold to 64.4k gold, though sword had more kills I think...I felt like sword was doing better early on, but they came back to win. Sword won he first series 2-0.

Was there a do-over game or something? I think Achtius asked why the score was still 0-0.


Because AB got to the finals through the losers bracket they need to win two BO3's. They won the first one 2-1.

(That 2-0 was their first encounter in the quarter finals)


Tragic victim of fan death
Wow. That ending showing Najin Sword in the Blaze booth is really telling. It's very opposite to what you see when American/EU teams walking in to congratulate the opposing team. There were so many sincere smiles, hugs, handshakes, and small talk that it's sort of ridiculous. Another testament to the E-Sports environment in Korea than what America has.
No idea what it says but I thought it was funny.


Core Zero

So, I'm godawful at this game, I need a remedial course or something. I have this problem in a lot of games, where I know what I'm supposed to do, but I just can't execute. Here, I think I know what I'm supposed to do, but I find myself getting called out, and constantly feeding despite my best efforts. After I hit about level 10 (level 14 now), I went from feeling like I was evenly matched against my opponents, to just getting outplayed again and again.

I can't carry as a carry, in my match history, on any AD/AP champ I have at best 2 kills, usually one or none, and several deaths. Just went 0/9/7 on Ashe in my last game. I have four Lulu support games in my history, also all losses.

When it gets this bad, it feels like I'm missing something fundamental. I wondering if it is just that everyone else is on smurfs or something, because I generally feel like I'm playing with and against people with much more experience than me.

It's just frustrating, because I like the game, but being so bad fucks over my team. Any tips to help me not die so much and actually get kills?
What exactly is killing you? There are a lot of factors.

If you were getting killed a lot during laning phase, are you getting ganked often? You need wards and playing more cautiously; don't push your lane to the enemy tower. Are you getting torn apart by the enemy lane? Maybe it's a bad matchup. Ashe can play aggressively in lane, but she's not the best at it. Anyone with strong ranged pokes can shove her out.

Are you getting killed a lot midgame? Again, maybe a bad matchup too, and lack of wards is also a problem. Ashe is pretty weak against gap closers. Champs like Akali would wreck her.


So, I'm godawful at this game, I need a remedial course or something. I have this problem in a lot of games, where I know what I'm supposed to do, but I just can't execute. Here, I think I know what I'm supposed to do, but I find myself getting called out, and constantly feeding despite my best efforts. After I hit about level 10 (level 14 now), I went from feeling like I was evenly matched against my opponents, to just getting outplayed again and again.

I can't carry as a carry, in my match history, on any AD/AP champ I have at best 2 kills, usually one or none, and several deaths. Just went 0/9/7 on Ashe in my last game. I have four Lulu support games in my history, also all losses.

When it gets this bad, it feels like I'm missing something fundamental. I wondering if it is just that everyone else is on smurfs or something, because I generally feel like I'm playing with and against people with much more experience than me.

It's just frustrating, because I like the game, but being so bad fucks over my team. Any tips to help me not die so much and actually get kills?

Maybe you're just getting outplayed ,smurfs, or you're not thinking far ahead enough on what to do in the event your plan fails.

Core Zero

What exactly is killing you? There are a lot of factors.

If you were getting killed a lot during laning phase, are you getting ganked often? You need wards and playing more cautiously; don't push your lane to the enemy tower. Are you getting torn apart by the enemy lane? Maybe it's a bad matchup. Ashe can play aggressively in lane, but she's not the best at it. Anyone with strong ranged pokes can shove her out.

Are you getting killed a lot midgame? Again, maybe a bad matchup too, and lack of wards is also a problem. Ashe is pretty weak against gap closers. Champs like Akali would wreck her.

I'm usually okay in the laning phase. I buy wards, I try to last hit and keep my lane closer to my tower, and most other people at my level will push pretty hard. The trouble is usually in mid game, once people start roaming. What I think I die to the most is trying to keep lanes pushed out after losing a tower or two, and getting caught out in a 3+v1. And in team fights, I can lose track of my champion, and even when I don't, I feel like I don't contribute very much. Another one is that I'll dive in to situations I know are bad with another player, just so it's not two of us roaming alone in the map, and we die (or I die and the other person gets away.

My frustration I think more comes from the fact that I just can't kill anything. I tend to end up with quite a few assists. I suppose that's not bad, but as an AD or AP, I'm pretty sure that's at least somewhat of a problem.

Maybe you're just getting outplayed ,smurfs, or you're not thinking far ahead enough on what to do in the event your plan fails.

Probably a combination of all of them. I could definitely learn to plan better. I know it frustrates me that usually it feels like no one has a plan beyond "push mid".


I'm usually okay in the laning phase. I buy wards, I try to last hit and keep my lane closer to my tower, and most other people at my level will push pretty hard. The trouble is usually in mid game, once people start roaming. What I think I die to the most is trying to keep lanes pushed out after losing a tower or two, and getting caught out in a 3+v1. And in team fights, I can lose track of my champion, and even when I don't, I feel like I don't contribute very much. Another one is that I'll dive in to situations I know are bad with another player, just so it's not two of us roaming alone in the map, and we die (or I die and the other person gets away.

My frustration I think more comes from the fact that I just can't kill anything. I tend to end up with quite a few assists. I suppose that's not bad, but as an AD or AP, I'm pretty sure that's at least somewhat of a problem.

I had that problem too starting out.

Also, don't push out too far when towers are done without wards or you're setting yourself up for a bad time. Go help other lanes or be around to take objectives.

As for not killing anything, are you building damage items? Know what you're most damaging combos are?


She's not. You can keep saying I'm lying or whatever but I also think everyone who is talking about how strong she is top lane is full of it too so clearly everything with this argument is going great. Thankfully all the resident Vladmir experts are here to prove me wrong.

Even if she is the best harasser in the game
there is still this elephant in the room that harassing pushes the lane and she has no escape tools on top of being a flatly easy gank.

I watched some of your games yesterday. Your opponents were really bad a lot of the time. Let's throw a party that you took such a lead over Kage's Pick/HoG/Aegis Shen and he still not only caught up to you in CS by the end of the game but also won the game and passed you up in gold.

I really don't understand if these numbers are supposed to be impressive. Even Rumble could choose to max his E instead of his Q and do as much or more damage from a longer range before Danger Zone. Maybe if we wanted to bring up champions who show up all the time that harass well we would look at Jayce and see that he too can hit for ~200 at 1k range. Thankfully this is a world without resistances or pots so this is all A++ damage. The range on her Q is short. Even if you push someone out of lane they can come back and all in you the next time you try it or once they pick up their ultimate. Unless you don't think Darius or someone will pull you and outdamage you, especially once he hits six.

She simply doesn't have the range to effectively harass or zone well in the way I think other AP tops are able to. And she doesn't have the all in that someone like Swain does to push people out or win a fight if she gets caught.
You bring up the point about win rates, but you don't even play Vladimir. Rich.

I'm not saying that counterpicking means you win the game, so all this shit about about my crappy ranked streak or elise's low win rate doesn't show that elise doesnt dominate vlad in lane. I don't get why you resort to personal attacks, if you really want to do that again, I am better than you soda cop so whatever I say is better than what you say. Like you've already proven yourself full of shit when you said his Q and E outrange her.

You said it yourself, so I dont even know why you're arguing this. You think all Vlad can do v Elise is just farm. That's not winning the lane. But guess what? She can just stand next to his minions and Q his ass all day. She's an early game lane bully and vlad is a shitty early game champion. Therefore Elise is going to give him a bad time. You can't even dispute that. Who said Elise v vlad is an auto win game? Nobody except you in order to pretend you win your arguments.

"Harassing pushes lanes". Haha Elise can Q him on CD and not push the lane ever. She can then push him off minions then harass him without pushing. As soon as she gets a pushing lane, Elise can freeze it all day.

I don't care if Jayce has a longer range poke. This isn't about other champions - this is about Elise v Vlad and Elise has a longer range so what is your point?
I'm usually okay in the laning phase. I buy wards, I try to last hit and keep my lane closer to my tower, and most other people at my level will push pretty hard. The trouble is usually in mid game, once people start roaming. What I think I die to the most is trying to keep lanes pushed out after losing a tower or two, and getting caught out in a 3+v1.

Unless you have a very very good idea where the rest of the enemies are (saw them very far on the minimap moments ago), never push if the place isn't warded. If you have a nasty feel, use your Hawkshot. Actually, you should use that skill very often. Either go home to buy a few, go to another lane or take jungle creeps. Avoid going through the jungle if the enemy is MIA though.

Ashe is the best at kiting. If she gets forewarned about incoming enemies she's not gonna get caught.

Also, unless you have a significant advantage (health, numbers, gold, surprise, cooldowns), try to avoid small teamfights.

Ashe is a carry so you're not really gonna get a lot of kills until late game unless teammates give it to you, which is not gonna happen in low levels.


formerly sane
Unless you have a very very good idea where the rest of the enemies are (saw them very far on the minimap moments ago), never push if the place isn't warded. If you have a nasty feel, use your Hawkshot. Actually, you should use that skill very often. Either go home to buy a few, go to another lane or take jungle creeps. Avoid going through the jungle if the enemy is MIA though.

Ashe is the best at kiting. If she gets forewarned about incoming enemies she's not gonna get caught.

Also, unless you have a significant advantage (health, numbers, gold, surprise, cooldowns), try to avoid small teamfights.

Ashe is a carry so you're not really gonna get a lot of kills until late game unless teammates give it to you, which is not gonna happen in low levels.

This. You should always be using your hawkshot the less you use the more you waste it's potential.


I'm usually okay in the laning phase. I buy wards, I try to last hit and keep my lane closer to my tower, and most other people at my level will push pretty hard. The trouble is usually in mid game, once people start roaming. What I think I die to the most is trying to keep lanes pushed out after losing a tower or two, and getting caught out in a 3+v1. And in team fights, I can lose track of my champion, and even when I don't, I feel like I don't contribute very much. Another one is that I'll dive in to situations I know are bad with another player, just so it's not two of us roaming alone in the map, and we die (or I die and the other person gets away.

My frustration I think more comes from the fact that I just can't kill anything. I tend to end up with quite a few assists. I suppose that's not bad, but as an AD or AP, I'm pretty sure that's at least somewhat of a problem.

Probably a combination of all of them. I could definitely learn to plan better. I know it frustrates me that usually it feels like no one has a plan beyond "push mid".
I had a ton of problems with that when I started playing ADC. I solved it by switching to Graves and Corki that are better suited to how I like to play. If Ashe's not working out for you, try maybe Sivir, or the other carry that's on free week.

But basic strategy is to just right click whoever's closest while keeping yourself alive.
Yeah, if you can only hit the tank safely, then hit the tank. Your job is to be the biggest and most consistent source of damage. Leave enemy squishies to your bruisers and maybe even your AP carry.


Ashe is on the low damage end of the AD carry scale.

And a note to all supports: please stop going on exciting adventures on your own when the enemy team is all MIA to ward or ward clear.

Core Zero

As for not killing anything, are you building damage items? Know what you're most damaging combos are?

On Ashe and Sivir I usually shoot for IE, Berserker's Greaves, Phantom Dancer and the like, so yes. And I do look up ability combos, whether I can execute them properly is another matter.

I do need to get better about using utility abilities like Hawkshot and Spell Shield as well. I also always forget on Lulu that E does damage, and tend to just use it as a shield.

(I am too lazy to quote properly :p )

And I do own Sivir as well, and tend to play her, the Ashe game was just the most recent example of the problems. I don't die as much as Sivir, but I still don't feel useful.

I just need more practice probably, and need to be more cautious and aware of my abilities as well.
I tried out Cass. She seems pretty decent but her poison particle is practically non-existent.

90% of the time I can't tell if I've hit or not. This is kind of a deal breaker since I've died so many times already due to using her E when I thought they were poisoned but they were in fact not due to the practically invisible poison particle.

Considering I've never seen her mentioned in the patch notes and they couldn't even be bothered to fix her poison particle like they did with Singed, I think this confirms she's one of of those old champions Riot just forgot about.


That's the reworked poison particle lol

It used to be a little easier to see, but it looks nicer now. You can still see the poison debuff on their heads though, and the movement buff lets you know you hit. Otherwise, you should just know if youre going to hit


#1 Do not play any champions lower than B tier.
#2 Always tryhard even in normals.
#3 No fun allowed.

Slot these into your rune pages for success.

(yeah I mispelled rules)


You should generally tell GAF when you don't want to try hard or when you're practising a champ. I try hard in almost every game to practice team fighting and positioning which gets pretty hard when their carries are so fed that everyone gets instagibbed.

Like in today's game where people switched roles, I just had fun and didn't really aim for a win.


#1 Do not play any champions lower than B tier.
#2 Always tryhard even in normals.
#3 No fun allowed.
#4 Always sing the guile theme in mumble

Slot these into your rune pages for success.

(yeah I mispelled rules)



No idea what it says but I thought it was funny.


GP: I'm a customer! serve me your bun (its a slang for boobs)
A: No way, these are my last ones... not for sell.
T: ...!
T: somebody needs help! Taric... diamond transform! whaaaa [transformation BGM]
T: get ready for my shiny flash baby!
GP: how about let me show you my magic staff, in return, you sell me your bun, what do you say?
A: Shut up, you perv, Wukong never gave you his magic staff.

this comic doesnt make any sense.


You should generally tell GAF when you don't want to try hard or when you're practising a champ. I try hard in almost every game to practice team fighting and positioning which gets pretty hard when their carries are so fed that everyone gets instagibbed.

Like in today's game where people switched roles, I just had fun and didn't really aim for a win.

I always try hard. It's why I don't like trying things I'm unfamiliar with since I know I'd hate it myself. :(
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