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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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hows the mouse
Buying mice blindly is scary to me, but I actually like it better than the wired one I got in a store. The new wired one goes up to 1000 Hz and I haven't installed the Logitech software to configure it yet, so just waving the mouse really fast makes my CPU (e8400 3.0 GHz core 2 duo) shoot up to 30-40% usage from idle. I probably need to ramp it down, but for LoL it didn't seem to cause problems because I presumably am not maxing my CPU with that game. :p It's nice having a smooth mouse though, especially since the new wireless one I got seemed to occasionally catch/stutter/jump.

I think some reviews mentioned the cable tends to break after a year, but the mouse is fairly cheap so that's not the end of the world. The weight and grip is pretty nice for me, since I have big hands. I normally don't like thumb buttons, and I think I still hit these by accident, but they're not terrible.

I don't know if Shyvana is a viable jungler in most cases, but at least she's supposed to be a good counterjungler as far as I know.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That's basically what I did, except Nasus version. I avoided killing anyone and just withered people who came to attack me while focusing on the tower. Final was 0/13/0 if I remember correctly.
How do you play a game and not even get assists?


How do you play a game and not even get assists?
We kept Nasus away from all fights. I was the jungler and never ganked top (I think I started to once but was correctly told to leave it alone so Nasus would not get assists). Elise got a ton of farm and gold, and had like 2-3 final tank items, probably much tankier than even Cho, and started like 7/0/whatever, but once Nasus was left alone to farm the lane or teleport to backdoor towers, Elise stopped mattering as much.

And yes, tank items and I think it was 0/13/0. We would push base towers while Nasus was suiciding into the Nexus towers behind the enemy team...I think I stupidly dived too far that way, but we killed at least one or two so it worked out. I didn't know what I was doing with Shyvana though.


I kind of felt bad in lane with all the kills. But then you started suiciding on me or just rushing the turret. That and the gold/kill was practically irrelevant so my 8/0 didn't really matter.

We kept Nasus away from all fights. I was the jungler and never ganked top (I think I started to once but was correctly told to leave it alone so Nasus would not get assists). Elise got a ton of farm and gold, and had like 2-3 final tank items, probably much tankier than even Cho, and started like 7/0/whatever, but once Nasus was left alone to farm the lane or teleport to backdoor towers, Elise stopped mattering as much.

I can bully so well with Elise in lane. But then her transition to the actual team fighting phase is meh. It also didn't help that our approach to the split pushes was "dance around for a bit and then chase the split pusher while the rest of the team pushes down." The few times we could capitalize on, nobody followed the initiates. Oh well.
Maybe they should add a new defensive style summoner that is as interesting as flash

[push]: displaces target directly away from you
This will be good on singed.

Oh and, I am not sure that I am pleased to see Barrier in SR. You only get two choices against Barrier - try to break it, or back off. At least heal could be answered by heal debuff in addition to what barrier provides. Shit, you can even wait for them to ignite you before you barrier. Despite ignite countering heal, at least heal users had the opportunity to heal before the ignite.

At least Flash/Barrier will support my farm middle gameplay.

Yeah, summoners should be things with interesting, play-making or breaking things like that. Or targeted blink an allied champion. Or create a wall. It's the ignites, heals and ghosts that should be removed.

I mean look at ignite; very little interesting decision making goes into deciding whether to take it, very little interesting decision making goes into deciding when to use it. It's just this mundane, ubiquitously picked, boring thing that certain champions have to take because you basically need to use it to get a kill.
That'd be so utterly op.

You should never have a summoner spell as strong as a character's ult.

Zilean restores so much health even without (mad-scaling) AP. Max CDR + constant Rewind brings the cooldown to sub 30 I believe.

I was thinking just enough health to survive 1-2 shots, plus small timeframe (~3secs).

Nasus W is roughly as good as Exhaust with like 2 second downtime.
Jesus, I just got completely outplayed by a skarner jungle with me jungling as Mundo. It was one of those demoralizing games. I'm just sitting out this next game with my friends. Fuck.



That darius skin looks terrible in game and the art looks so generic


I kind of felt bad in lane with all the kills. But then you started suiciding on me or just rushing the turret. That and the gold/kill was practically irrelevant so my 8/0 didn't really matter.

I can bully so well with Elise in lane. But then her transition to the actual team fighting phase is meh. It also didn't help that our approach to the split pushes was "dance around for a bit and then chase the split pusher while the rest of the team pushes down." The few times we could capitalize on, nobody followed the initiates. Oh well.

nobody could follow the initiates*


nobody could follow the initiates*

Meh. It was the right play. We baited them to follow, they were split 1 top, 1 bot, 3 mid. We had all our ults up. But, yes, it's my fault for engaging with everyone else that far back. I had just been assuming we were on the same page, rather than chasing down a zero gold split pusher. It was basically the perfect time to fight but nobody (myself included) was paying attention to what anyone on the team was doing.

But it's an inhouse so the level of care is pretty small in the grand scheme of things.


Meh. It was the right play. We baited them to follow, they were split 1 top, 1 bot, 3 mid. We had all our ults up. But, yes, it's my fault for engaging with everyone else that far back. I had just been assuming we were on the same page, rather than chasing down a zero gold split pusher. It was basically the perfect time to fight but nobody (myself included) was paying attention to what anyone on the team was doing.

ahhh and it kills me that we weren't on the same page for that, like it surprised me how much I cared about it not working out

But it's an inhouse so the level of care is pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

yeah that's really something I'd like to change in inhouses actually, like I know that I'm usually at the forefront for advocating "fun", but it really is a shifting definition, like haphazard play with certain intentions (that sounds like I'm pointing to something in particular, but I'm not) or things not working out is just really not fun to me, even if that seems like what I'm forwarding.

making suboptimal team compositions work out, for example, is something I'd really like, or like cheese stuff.

like I see inhouses as something with the most potential of fun in this game, I'd really like to reach a point where I can interact with it meaningfully and everyone else too. a lot of the problem for me has to do with this preoccupation with this fucked up notion of people being "better" than others, of team balance, I really have to let that go in order to play a more real inhouse I think. like those considerations only make sense if you play these strictly current meta matches, with everyone playing their specified roles, but I'd like to think of inhouse as a place where you can try new things. it's hard to balance that with intention though; if someone wants to win they will play the tried and true, but there are also people who want to win via discovery or whatever

I mean something I think is characteristic of a GAF inhouse is the ridiculously high percentage of lvl 1 invades, I'd like that type of atmosphere and paranoia to extend throughout the game


I have a question, I'm a team that's gold 3v3, if I get 5 wins on that team, but I wasn't on the team when the current ELO was > 1450, do I still get the Janna skin? Anyone know? Thanks.


Played my first 2 ranked games yesterday in a team of 5. Love it! Ranked is way more fun. Makes normal games feel like child's play. Won both of them, the second game being a fucking 85 minute game lol.


ahhh and it kills me that we weren't on the same page for that, like it surprised me how much I cared about it not working out

Really, I was the only one not on the same page since everyone else kept going :x It may have been the "best option" but with nobody there to follow up, it should've immediately been disregarded and I should've just not done it. Oh well.

Also, I probably half thought I was Katarina and just wanted to go full blender on three people. Then I Rappeled in and realized I'm a spider.

a lot of the problem for me has to do with this preoccupation with this fucked up notion of people being "better" than others, of team balance, I really have to let that go in order to play a more real inhouse I think.

I hate every single time we're like "GUYS TEAMS BALANCED?" and it becomes a five minute discussion of what trades can be done to make things fair. Like, "in order for us to have him, we want three people to balance it out." I just kind of sit back during these and try to ignore what has to be an awfully shitty conversation to listen to if you're involved in the trades. I don't think there's that many outliers in GAF that can solo carry an inhouse, especially with the typical in-house mindset we seem to have anyway.

Honestly, for the "completely goofing off" in-house games, I'm surprised we haven't just done blind pick for them. Though, honestly, I'd rather ARAM than do an SR blind pick then.
Feels so good to roflstomp a 4v5. It was bot Cait (me) + Blitz, top Irelia+Amumu, Diana mid. They had Top Malph, Jungle Riven, mid Kat, Bot Fiora+Vayne.

It began 5v5. We had no jungler. We invaded and took their red plus killed Fiora. We were doing really well; me and Blitz were pulling off some amazing combos with our CCs. to completely shut down bot. Whenever Blitz pulls someone, I quickly place a trap on their escape path then we just went apeshit. I totally loved it when Fiora dived for me then blew Flash + Exhaust to kill me. I managed to place a trap within our tower while running away and she stepped on it. :D

Irelia disconnected some time later, so we got worried. We needed to end the game ASAP. We started losing some fights. After we won one particular fight we were surprised to see they surrendered since they still had 2-3 tower tiers. I think final score was something like 35-15. I'm glad it ended soon since I really don't want to see their late game.


yeah that's really something I'd like to change in inhouses actually, like I know that I'm usually at the forefront for advocating "fun", but it really is a shifting definition, like haphazard play with certain intentions (that sounds like I'm pointing to something in particular, but I'm not) or things not working out is just really not fun to me, even if that seems like what I'm forwarding.
What's the worst is that I burned two of my IP boost bonuses on the inhouse games! =(

But seriously, I prefer inhouse games be not-too-serious, and/or ARAM games, since otherwise, why not just make a premade of 5 and try to stomp non-GAF people? Otherwise you end up with angry people and/or hurt feelings.

Last night, for instance, Player X was literally typing in the chat how he hated me, and he was annoyed because he was trying to ignore me but he could still see my chat messages, and now he remembered why he stopped playing. Was I the only reason he stopped playing, or was it other people as well? Who knows...the point is, he was annoyed presumably because he thought I was griefing. I was doing really badly trying a champion I hardly ever play (Tryndamere), and I was trying to backdoor the nexus turret by using my ultimate, kind of like Poorfate did the second game. The problem was, a minute or two earlier, I knew that the nexus turret had been down to 152 (or 125, I forget) HP, literally one-hit range, but we didn't have an extra person the previous time to tap it down. So I waited in the jungle, spun through the wall, ran for the turret, got snared by Lux as I was about to attack it...and discovered the turret was up to like 30% health or more already, so I couldn't kill it in time.

Now, whose fault was that? Mine, for being an idiot and not knowing/remembering that Nexus turrets heal themselves so quickly (the bar visibly goes up as you watch) with 2 inhibitors still up. However, the REASON I was trying to do it was actually a backdooring reason, since at that point I think we were ahead in turrets and inhibs. Maybe having the nexus turret could have given us an extra chance. The EFFECT, however, was that Player X immediately got angry, didn't play in the second game, apparently thought I was griefing, and so forth.

Another note was that even aside from player balance, that first game I think I was literally the only person on my team on Mumble, while the other GAF team had 4-5 people coordinating in Mumble. Not exactly the same there. :p And finally, in inhouse games, it's pretty traditional to do a targeted ban of 2-3 of someone's favorite champions (typically me or Scy with Eve or Katarina or Riven, for example). Is that effective? Well, maybe it prevents one of us from rolling the other team with their favorite AP mid, but it's probably more of a spite move that tends to irritate people than a normal ban set.

Overall, I guess I'm saying I think it's way more fun when people are laughing and having a good time, and not simply trying to screw someone over as much as possible, or yell at someone because they're playing badly in a particular game. I would like to think it's still possible to be somewhat relaxed and laugh about things, while still trying to win, but maybe I'm naive in that regard.


I hate every single time we're like "GUYS TEAMS BALANCED?" and it becomes a five minute discussion of what trades can be done to make things fair. Like, "in order for us to have him, we want three people to balance it out." I just kind of sit back during these and try to ignore what has to be an awfully shitty conversation to listen to if you're involved in the trades. I don't think there's that many outliers in GAF that can solo carry an inhouse, especially with the typical in-house mindset we seem to have anyway.

Honestly, for the "completely goofing off" in-house games, I'm surprised we haven't just done blind pick for them. Though, honestly, I'd rather ARAM than do an SR blind pick then.

I just feel bad if my team is going to stomp the other. I'm just going to adopt closer's philosophy of asking if everybody is okay with teams and then from there assume it's fine regardless of what happens. Pretty sure I started playing worse when I noticed Scy stomping Poorfate in top lane such that I stopped paying attention and making calls because I felt bad. The whole second half of that game I felt really lethargic and I have no idea why.


He did in the game I was with him last night. Not a very fun game, always feel bad when LCGeek goes on a vayne rampage and we still lose. Yay teamfighting.

Man we stomped that bot lane so hard with Poppy/Vayne lol. I went hard on their Cait during team fights but I guess I should've been peeling for Nutty instead. Bad calls and Mundo d/cing for 7 minutes didn't help either. The other team really caught up in that time.
I just feel bad if my team is going to stomp the other. I'm just going to adopt closer's philosophy of asking if everybody is okay with teams and then from there assume it's fine regardless of what happens. Pretty sure I started playing worse when I noticed Scy stomping Poorfate in top lane such that I stopped paying attention and making calls because I felt bad. The whole second half of that game I felt really lethargic and I have no idea why.



And finally, in inhouse games, it's pretty traditional to do a targeted ban of 2-3 of someone's favorite champions (typically me or Scy with Eve or Katarina or Riven, for example). Is that effective? Well, maybe it prevents one of us from rolling the other team with their favorite AP mid, but it's probably more of a spite move that tends to irritate people than a normal ban set.

I don't mind this at all. In fact, I want more of this. What's the point of banning normally if we know that those normal bans won't actually matter? It feels weird to basically throw away bans. Ban out my champs. It gives me the actual reason to play something else.

Pretty sure I started playing worse when I noticed Scy stomping Poorfate in top lane such that I stopped paying attention and making calls because I felt bad. The whole second half of that game I felt really lethargic and I have no idea why.

I should've just pushed top lane to their base and kept going rather than taking first turret and abandoning top for free farm :( We played right into their hands!

Edit: Xypherous has a post about what to expect from the Season 3 Item Changes. Nothing specific because Riot hates actually saying things I guess.

Hey guys,

I’m Xypherous, a Technical Designer here at Riot Games. I’ve been working a bit on the goals for itemization changes as we head into the preseason, focusing mostly on specialization, player self-expression, and adding new gameplay patterns in the game. We wanted to fix a lot of the existing problems that players have with items and try to add more depth in terms of itemization. Let me go over the major goals we have for the preseason item changes:

Clean up / Reworks

We have some items that need a lot of love and some items that simply don’t have a place in the current framework in the game. We either made these items relevant for a specific purpose or removed them if they were too problematic to balance. Some super-niche or narrow-scope items have been remade to work on a greater variety of champions.


There aren’t enough items to allow each champion to really feel like they have their own unique build. We also want to add more items that allow you to specialize for the particular game that you’re in. We’re adding items to give players in each role alternate primary builds that fill out their teams better. If your carry needs to do more AoE damage, he has an option for that. If your primary AP caster needs additional CC capabilities, there’s an option for that, too.

We want players to have a degree of specialization in terms of playstyle, and to buy items that complement that playstyle rather than simply giving them the highest raw stats.

Gold and Statistics Pass

We’ve done a complete gold and statistics pass on the entire item shop. Many statistics have been reevaluated to better reflect how much gold they are worth at a particular stage of the game. Premiums have been adjusted across many items to reflect how difficult they are to build or how niche they are, rather than their raw statistical strength. Items that grant early Resistances / Attack Damage / Attack Speed have all been reevaluated in terms of strength.

Breadth and Depth

One of the most important things we tried to accomplish during the preseason was to ensure that your mid game items didn’t pigeonhole you into certain choices later in the game. We’ve also endeavored to give mid-tier items more late game options so that you don’t run into dead-ends as the game progresses. If you build Warden’s Mail in the mid game, you shouldn’t feel compelled to buy Randuin’s Omen every game. We wanted to make sure that at each stage of item progression gave you upgrade choices later on.

We know that some of your favorite items might be affected by the coming update. I’ll be discussing many specific examples in depth leading up to the patch. If you’d like more information on a specific change, reply to the thread and I’ll answer your question if I can.


Man we stomped that bot lane so hard with Poppy/Vayne lol. I went hard on their Cait during team fights but I guess I should've been peeling for Nutty instead. Bad calls and Mundo d/cing for 7 minutes didn't help either. The other team really caught up in that time.

I never could get decent positioning in any fight. That and elise rappelling down on my ass wasn't helping. Really wish mundo had given that first blue to me, elise was able to bully me early cause leesin gave her their first.


To be honest, the more I think about it, the less I see the need for Manamune. Whenever the game drags long enough it's always the first item I sell. Lv18 + fullstack Manamune + FH + TF gets you around 80AD from Manamune including the built in 20AD.

I'd consider a Chalice for mana regen + MR then Glacial Shroud/Sheen for mana. Instead of Manamune, get a BT after getting some bulk. Lifesteal goes so nice with how tanky he gets.

I haven't tried this yet though. Just theorycrafting.

That's kinda what I ended up doing, except I just went straight for Trinity + 2 Doran blades. I've only played a few games with him, but didn't find myself spamming so much that I was constantly going OOM. But again, only played a few games with him thus far.


What's the worst is that I burned two of my IP boost bonuses on the inhouse games! =(

But seriously, I prefer inhouse games be not-too-serious, and/or ARAM games, since otherwise, why not just make a premade of 5 and try to stomp non-GAF people? Otherwise you end up with angry people and/or hurt feelings.

Last night, for instance, Player X was literally typing in the chat how he hated me, and he was annoyed because he was trying to ignore me but he could still see my chat messages, and now he remembered why he stopped playing. Was I the only reason he stopped playing, or was it other people as well? Who knows...the point is, he was annoyed presumably because he thought I was griefing. I was doing really badly trying a champion I hardly ever play (Tryndamere), and I was trying to backdoor the nexus turret by using my ultimate, kind of like Poorfate did the second game. The problem was, a minute or two earlier, I knew that the nexus turret had been down to 152 (or 125, I forget) HP, literally one-hit range, but we didn't have an extra person the previous time to tap it down. So I waited in the jungle, spun through the wall, ran for the turret, got snared by Lux as I was about to attack it...and discovered the turret was up to like 30% health or more already, so I couldn't kill it in time.

Now, whose fault was that? Mine, for being an idiot and not knowing/remembering that Nexus turrets heal themselves so quickly (the bar visibly goes up as you watch) with 2 inhibitors still up. However, the REASON I was trying to do it was actually a backdooring reason, since at that point I think we were ahead in turrets and inhibs. Maybe having the nexus turret could have given us an extra chance. The EFFECT, however, was that Player X immediately got angry, didn't play in the second game, apparently thought I was griefing, and so forth.

Another note was that even aside from player balance, that first game I think I was literally the only person on my team on Mumble, while the other GAF team had 4-5 people coordinating in Mumble. Not exactly the same there. :p And finally, in inhouse games, it's pretty traditional to do a targeted ban of 2-3 of someone's favorite champions (typically me or Scy with Eve or Katarina or Riven, for example). Is that effective? Well, maybe it prevents one of us from rolling the other team with their favorite AP mid, but it's probably more of a spite move that tends to irritate people than a normal ban set.

Overall, I guess I'm saying I think it's way more fun when people are laughing and having a good time, and not simply trying to screw someone over as much as possible, or yell at someone because they're playing badly in a particular game. I would like to think it's still possible to be somewhat relaxed and laugh about things, while still trying to win, but maybe I'm naive in that regard.

i dunno I think people's personal issues with you are outside the realm of inhouse. like I dont know if you communicated your intent or whatever when you tried it, but you were kind of squatting in our mumble chatroom anyway so it's not like we had some sort of communication advantage. also rizz probably didn't think you were griefing, he was acting as if your normal actions were akin to that of a griefer's i dont think that is that hard to see

i do like that you mentioned targeted bans though. i mean the way I have gone about it is either to ban champs that aren't usually picked or to ban kiunch's champs whether he is on my team or not, and the only real times I legitimately ban is to target certain champs i dont want to face. rarely is it a thoughtful process that's connected to my team comp, their team comp, etc. but I kind of don't like being in the banning seat probably precisely because certain gaffers only play certain champs, like, if I want to "win" I can shove them outside of their comfort zone, but it is also kind of malicious. so I'll troll target ban kiunch who can reasonably play champs he doesn't usually play (except nasus). but I mean that kind of thing probably needs to be changed.

I empathize so much with the want to be relaxed and still try to win, that really is how I have the most fun in this game. like, a healthy investment that's also rewarding at the end of the game. and I, maybe naively too, believe that some non-toxic environment can be had, but it's really hard especially when you are translating things through computers, voice chat, etc.

i really enjoy writing walls of text about this

like I saw that narrative happening on the other team and I was happy about it. BUT, people on my team weren't on the same page with this or had different intentions coming in, and that's what I kind of want to fix, like maybe some more general goal for all games can be had. like if the environment where 0/15/0 backdoor nasus can succeed and both teams are happy about it.


I hate every single time we're like "GUYS TEAMS BALANCED?" and it becomes a five minute discussion of what trades can be done to make things fair. Like, "in order for us to have him, we want three people to balance it out." I just kind of sit back during these and try to ignore what has to be an awfully shitty conversation to listen to if you're involved in the trades. I don't think there's that many outliers in GAF that can solo carry an inhouse, especially with the typical in-house mindset we seem to have anyway.

Honestly, for the "completely goofing off" in-house games, I'm surprised we haven't just done blind pick for them. Though, honestly, I'd rather ARAM than do an SR blind pick then.

We usually balance the team by:
1. Relationship Chart: x and y will never want to be in the same team
2. Total wins: beyond ~400 wins it doesn't really matter, a person with 1000 wins and another with 2000 wins are basically the same.
3. Main role: Can't have 3 ad main in one team

It can be awful for the person that involved in the trade. But It is the same for the person that is requesting people to move, while everyone is dead-silent in mumble like a prisoner waiting for execution. Something like "both me and x plays the same role, so I'll trade myself with z" will be very helpful.

If we want to have goofing fun, we should just do all random with ULTIMATE BRAVERY SR! I miss those a lot =/.



I should've just pushed top lane to their base and kept going rather than taking first turret and abandoning top for free farm :( We played right into their hands!

Yeah that was pretty good Poorfate :lol. I'm on to your tricks now though and won't be fooled again!

I don't mind this at all. In fact, I want more of this. What's the point of banning normally if we know that those normal bans won't actually matter? It feels weird to basically throw away bans. Ban out my champs. It gives me the actual reason to play something else.

Gonna have to agree with this as well. Targeted bans should be made against what we consider scary or respect like Kiunch's Ahri or Scy's Kat. If anything consider it a compliment that we think you play that champ well. Using it to prevent Nasus being played however... Maybe if you thought Nasus would be on your team. :lol


the thing about random stuff though is that inevitably someone will feel slighted, that luck isnt on their side and that explains their performance, etc.


We usually balance the team by:
1. Relationship Chart: x and y will never want to be in the same team
2. Total wins: beyond ~400 wins it doesn't really matter, a person with 1000 wins and another with 2000 wins are basically the same.
3. Main role: Can't have 3 ad main in one team

This is fine. But there's been a few times of "Teams aren't fair, we have X player and he's bad." My first in-house with GAF was trying to rebalance teams to make up for the fact that I was on the team (in the, "and he's bad" sort of way). That shit is just annoying to deal with.

Maybe it's just me, though.

Yeah that was pretty good Poorfate :lol. I'm on to your tricks now though and won't be fooled again!

I blame Mumble for telling me to take it easy.

Gonna have to agree with this as well. Targeted bans should be made against what we consider scary or respect like Kiunch's Ahri or Scy's Kat. If anything consider it a compliment that we think you play that champ well. Using it to prevent Nasus being played however... Maybe if you thought Nasus would be on your team. :lol

I remember an in-house with a Kat, Rengar, and Riven ban. Fuck you guys :( Think we banned Ahri, Orianna, and Leona maybe? Think it was around the time of Kiunch's AP Mid Leona anyway.

Think I still got Jayce for that game so it didn't matter.

I've never done an ultimate bravery with you guys, that'd be awesome.

Always wanted to try that mode.

I got AP Jayce the first and only time I did this.

Never again.


We usually balance the team by:
1. Relationship Chart: x and y will never want to be in the same team
2. Total wins: beyond ~400 wins it doesn't really matter, a person with 1000 wins and another with 2000 wins are basically the same.
3. Main role: Can't have 3 ad main in one team

It can be awful for the person that involved in the trade. But It is the same for the person that is requesting people to move, while everyone is dead-silent in mumble like a prisoner waiting for execution. Something like "both me and x plays the same role, so I'll trade myself with z" will be very helpful.

If we want to have goofing fun, we should just do all random with ULTIMATE BRAVERY SR! I miss those a lot =/.

I've never done an ultimate bravery with you guys, that'd be awesome.

Always wanted to try that mode.

Ultimate bravery was a little too silly for me. The restrictions are just wayy too ridiculous and it's like rolling a d20 for everyone to determine stats. Some people get OP builds and some don't and the power balance is off the charts. And because of gimped builds the winning team can't even end the game early sometimes.

I think playing regular bravery (Boots->snowballs->triforce->tiamats) or a 6 zeal game work out a lot better and still provide fun to both teams.
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