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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Ditto. Between the kid and, well, life money isn't a concern for enjoyment anymore. Time however very much is.

Exactly. Wife + kid + job = little gaming time. I'm more than happy to buy a champ I like on sale to make the most of my 5-10 games a week. More money than time.

I'm a little better off with time now than I was before because my wife works late on Friday nights and sometimes Saturday night, but it's still limited.


I had a game with a Blitz and one with a Thresh, where they spent the whole laning phase standing around behind me. No bush control, no presence... so frustrating. You might as well be 2v1 at that point. I'm trying to cs and I'm getting poked by the adc and support, while mine is hiding behind the lane contributing nothing.

On the other hand, there's overly aggressive Blitz and Thresh players that "I can hookz" and do stupid things with it. Still, I can't imagine playing either of those Supports and hiding the entire time during lane ;_;

Speaking of bad supports, I got stuck with a Riven support, who contributed nothing but getting himself killed. Then he proceeded to blame me for sucking, to which our top laner agreed with him because "he can tell from my cs". I tried explaining how I had to back multiple times, because of my inept support, and spent the majority of the time turret farming, but no... I just suck. So much rage that day.

To play devil's advocate here, bruiser support is about making it a kill lane. There's always the possibility you're not following up on early all-ins.

Then again, it's a Riven support. They probably also think that and "BETTER QW IN NOW" on everything and die rather than look for opportunities.

Haha. I can afford to drop cash on LoL I just choose not to.

And that last reason isn't weak. If I felt the dev needed the money then I wouldn't mind throwing them some cash, but LoL is estimated to make $5m-$10m a day.

To be fair, whether or not they "need" money shouldn't really matter :x


So feelings on Hecarim jungle post nerf? Is the 4 second cooldown increase on his W going to impact him that much?

fake edit: Mafia MF sale! My favorite skin :)

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
To be fair, whether or not they "need" money shouldn't really matter :x

Why not though? Like I said, in the normal run of play I don't feel the urge to spend money on this game because skins don't really excite me. In other words, I have no interest in buying skins because I wouldn't get much enjoyment out of them. Now, if the dev was hurting for money then I would consider buying some skins (which I wouldn't enjoy) just to support them. But they don't need the cash, so why should I spend money on something I won't get much enjoyment out of?

I don't have anything against people spending money on LoL, it's just not for me. I started playing Dota 2 recently and I'm even less inclined to drop money on that game's cosmetic items.


I played a match last night where I was top with Garen. 1/0/0 by lvl 10
Not great but not terrible either. I out cs'd khazix and was dodging ganks like no other.

Then around lvl 13 I go down to mid for a team fight (at this point I'm 2/1/1)... and on my way i notice Vayne in bot lane has TWENTY THREE KILLS

I'm like WTF? What has bot lane been doing?
Vayne is now 4 lvls ahead of everyone, i'm like this is useless...

After 3 deaths in laning phase i just tower hug... how the heck did they let Vayne Get TWENTY THREE KILLS ON THEM? woulda been better off if they just stayed at the nexus.

Needless to say vayne carried the team to an early surrender for us.


try to play pretty aggressive as garen

your silence ability does heaps of damage at level 1

then like at level 3 and onwards, ur spin does a lot


spin to win my friend

that vayne was possibly a smurf. theyll eventually disappear


Why not though? Like I said, in the normal run of play I don't feel the urge to spend money on this game because skins don't really excite me. In other words, I have no interest in buying skins because I wouldn't get much enjoyment out of them. Now, if the dev was hurting for money then I would consider buying some skins (which I wouldn't enjoy) just to support them. But they don't need the cash, so why should I spend money on something I won't get much enjoyment out of?

I don't have anything against people spending money on LoL, it's just not for me. I started playing Dota 2 recently and I'm even less inclined to drop money on that game's cosmetic items.

I think you misunderstand. I'm saying that whether or not they need money shouldn't matter if you don't want to buy the items in the first place. That should matter more than their financial status. I buy skins because I like the skins.

Also, most of DotA2's cosmetic items are pretty meh. I think LoL's skins have spoiled me though ;__;

I played a match last night where I was top with Garen. 1/0/0 by lvl 10
Not great but not terrible either. I out cs'd khazix and was dodging ganks like no other.

Then around lvl 13 I go down to mid for a team fight (at this point I'm 2/1/1)... and on my way i notice Vayne in bot lane has TWENTY THREE KILLS

Now, you probably didn't mean it that way but ... how do you not notice them getting kills? Like, you had absolutely no idea what was happening in the other lanes? Might want to work on that awareness! :x

But, yeah, either A) A smurf or B) Your bot lane was intentionally feeding.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I think you misunderstand. I'm saying that whether or not they need money shouldn't matter if you don't want to buy the items in the first place. That should matter more than their financial status. I buy skins because I like the skins.

Also, most of DotA2's cosmetic items are pretty meh. I think LoL's skins have spoiled me though ;__;

Oh I see what you're saying. Yeah, you're probably right, but I have been known to support needy devs I like on occasion. :)


Also, most of DotA2's cosmetic items are pretty meh. I think LoL's skins have spoiled me though ;__;
I think they've been getting much better lately. I also think that the modular nature of Dota- cosmetics is much superior to Leagues skins, both from a consumer- standpoint (mix & match according to your preference) and bsns- standpoint (customers being more prone to buy little bits for several heroes rather than entire skins for several champions )


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....ck me
I did a repair a couple of weeks ago and it erased all of my custom logins and music and previous official logins I had backed up!!!


fake edit: Will downloading the swf from youtube yield the same quality as the official releases?


I think they've been getting much better lately. I also think that the modular nature of Dota- cosmetics is much superior to Leagues skins, both from a consumer- standpoint (mix & match according to your preference) and bsns- standpoint (customers being more prone to buy little bits for several heroes rather than entire skins for several champions )

There's quite a few items that are comparable in price to a LoL skin (e.g., ~$5) but are ... a new weapon. Or a chestpiece. Or a mask. There's not much extras to it, though. No changed spell effects or lines or animations etc. There's exceptions (+ the sets), yes, but they're not as impressive as most (newer) skins in terms of what they do.

On the other hand, Lina's Arcana has a lot of little extras that are nice. A portrait change, minimap icon, etc. And the mix and match modular aspect is neat too. And it's hard to complain too much when you can just get stuff as random drops for playing anyway so the price isn't really a huge factor.


So feelings on Hecarim jungle post nerf? Is the 4 second cooldown increase on his W going to impact him that much?

fake edit: Mafia MF sale! My favorite skin :)

I think what'll end up happening is that if you're heading into late game without having done well, you'll be further penalized since the extra 4 seconds might mean not getting that 2nd or 3rd W to let you sustain throughout a teamfight. Hecarim to me is like Amumu - there's comes a point in a match where even if you've done badly, you'll get to a sweet spot. W nerf makes it harder for Hecarim to get there.

Basically, casual Hecarim players will feel it lots. Hecarim mains probably not so much.


I also think that the modular nature of Dota- cosmetics is much superior to Leagues skins, both from a consumer- standpoint (mix & match according to your preference) and bsns- standpoint (customers being more prone to buy little bits for several heroes rather than entire skins for several champions )
Both approaches have ups and downs, though. For example, Valve's item creation standards say that items need to maintain the lore of the character while the Riot skin team can ignore lore. So you wouldn't see something like Pulsefire Ez, Mecha Kha'zix, French Maid Nidalee, Brolaf and any number of other great LoL skins.


I've randomly bumped into him a couple of times in real life and he always came off as a complete twat.
Oh that sucks. Figure he was just competitive but if he's that way outside of gaming then that's pretty douchey.

Poor xpecial. Yoonie and he broke up a month after the Btw.

So he actually hooked up with that fan from the panel? Haha that's funny.

IP only or bust for champions. Which role do you like to play the most? Maybe support? :p Anyone can play support.
This couldn't be any more wrong haha. There are so many bad supports out there that doesn't know how to zone and let's their carry get harassed. Or they don't ward properly. You'd think anyone should be able to play it but it's just not the case. :p


While simultaneously killing off the tank jungler. Rammus clears so slowly now. It's a chore to jungle with him.

For shits & giggles the other day I setup a custom game to see check out Rammus' level 4 jungle clear. Holy crap...it's just awful. I'm not even talking the bad clear time. There's a few instances where I seriously thought I was going to die.

dimb said:
They will all feel the Elder Lizard nerf.

That too. I wish they'd change around Spirit of the Ancient Golem. I know it's cost effective and all, and I know the tenacity is hella useful, but I can't stand not being able to buy Merc Threads + Ancient Golem without a significant chunk of wasted stats because of how highly valued tenacity is.


This couldn't be any more wrong haha. There are so many bad supports out there that doesn't know how to zone and let's their carry get harassed. Or they don't ward properly. You'd think anyone should be able to play it but it's just not the case. :p
And yet when you do everything you can, baiting kills errware, still lose. :(
3/7/29 game :(


Am I the only one who thinks Riot in general swings the nerf stick a bit too hard?

Yup, I thought they mentioned somewhere a little while ago that they wanted to start taking a slow approach on tweaks but I'm thinking they're taking this statement and using it as toilet paper.

It also seems like they dont play their own game and that the nerfs, push champions to one specific role, build and way to play Riot wants you to use.

For example, Hecs nerf is retarded. To begin with he was not OP, he was a strong champ but definitely not OP. How to counter him? Invade his jungle early on and you pretty much fucked him. Either by killing him or denying him one of his big camps. Now he has to play catch up and unless you are god tier Hec player you simply wont be able to do so. Not only that, but the reason bad people say Hec is OP was not bcs of his W but bcs of his E. Why? bcs his E secures ganks early game, giving his team an advantage. Yet people cry about a fed Hec's W and Riot actually nerfs it.

Fucking LoL forums and Riot nerfs make me boil hotter than afks and trolls.


Hey All,

A quick update. We believe we've found the root cause of the initial 3.5 deploy and are working on a solution that would allow us to open without rolling back. When we know for sure we will let you know an ETA for when NA will be opened back up.



I don't play WoW much anymore but when I do it's on Thursday night. Cause that's when we raid. If I can't play Karma tonight NOBODY PLAYS KARMA TONIGHT.

Edit: dammit

Double edit: First post in that official forum thread:
You guys should really just delay patches entirely when they tank this hard. Put it out once its not broken.
I love the assumptions that
a) Riot can know ahead of time if a production deployment is going to fail in ways that didn't fail in their test environments but also
b) Riot would have just done the patch anyway even if they knew it was going to fail


Fucking LoL forums and Riot nerfs make me boil hotter than afks and trolls.

Y'know, just because people cry about it doesn't mean it is the reason why a change happened. Nor does it necessarily mean it's baseless whining (or even correct whining).


Y'know, just because people cry about it doesn't mean it is the reason why a change happened. Nor does it necessarily mean it's baseless whining (or even correct whining).

True, but there are many ocassions you can correlate the whining to a change been made, hence my example. The reason Hec was nerfed was because people whined and did not want to deal with OP W when the reality is that W wasnt OP if you didnt feed Hec, not only that but you could shut down Hec's entire game pretty easily. He was a strong champ, but the nerfs he got do not address the reason his W "was OP". Which is why I come to the conclusion that Riot nerfed him bcs of the whining. Kind of hard to see any other reason for it.


Hmmmm.. you might be right. I thought I read on reddit it would be. I don't see it in the patch notes though. :(


For the past 4-5 champions now the champ was released after the patch. That's probably what Reddit means. Just a holdover from when patches were actually named after champions. They've fixed his bugs on E and tweeked his numbers and how his passive health pick-up spawns. Zac is pretty much ready to go.

Buying him too. Love me dem tank junglers.


fake edit: Mafia MF sale! My favorite skin :)

though I like mad max mf better, simply because I love mad max

edit: did you guys see lizzy yet?

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