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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Ok, so your saying don't play support? And kill steal?

Support is not the easiest role to learn first. It requires a certain understanding of the game, as well as game sense. Jungling is also a more-difficult role to just jump into from the start.

Carries are easier in the beginning because you focus on things that you would naturally be attempting to do if you weren't being taught a particular meta: kill minions for gold, and kill other champs for more gold.

Solo top bruisers are also easier to get into.
Getting on the groove of Ashe, carried a couple of games (and of course lost some). She got the arrow which is fun to aim and kinda tricky to use, but the most important is her positioning.
No escape mechanisms or positioning abilities equal instant death for one misstep, which makes it really a thrill to walk around, I haven't quite figured out yet where to stand in a fight.
Fun champ.


It's so good. So damn good. Not many games have been able to supplant LoL as my free time passer, but BioShock is keeping it at bay.

edit: new Gamecrib yo.

The big one.

Wow. Gamespot must be so happy. Their show is as drama filled as the Real World.

It was pretty tough seeing Dyrus breakdown. Gotta feel for Chaox a little bit. But in the end, it's a job. No one is indispensable. He mouthed off to "the boss" all season and his attitude sucked. The only humbleness he showed was when he was being let go. Little late for that. Hopefully he learns from it and moves on.


9/10 for the new ep, not cause of the feelings caught but for the way it uses each teammate's constructed character

rly good part when chaox and oddone say goodbye, then he talks to xpecial and accuses him of stuff; theres this really great pause before chaox says "u a brat tho", kind of like admitting that nothing he says really has to do with the team anymore. + dyrus like talking like he's the internet, I think he said randomly said "ask me anything".

love how lcs just pastes WildTurtle's image onto their little roster things, and also how there is this little subplot put in when he is 1v1ing Regi, sucking up to the boss etc. MALICE BEHIND THE SMILE?!?

I dunno if any of you have watched Hell's Kitchen before, but how Gordon Ramsay's skills are portrayed on the show is basically how the team reacts to Qualcomm and Gamespot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgBXKbCVA5A
but at the same time the way the phones are portrayed in this episode is basically like nerd kids unable to speak to each other without their eyes on electronic devices (mainly oddone aimlessly scrolling through his phone when regi is asking for his vote, or like xpecial being on his computer while chaox is talking to oddone, you are still in the room dude you are 1 foot away from a conversation)


Neo Member
don't facecheck (the brush)

I do it all the time but i jungle and most of the time the other 4 enemies are on the map so i only have to worry about one enemy.

i'm level 25 but i only play with level 30 on normals now and the teamates still facecheck and practically don't buy any wards at all.

I'd rather buy something else than ruby sightstone when i jungle. I figure it pays itself by the 8th wards but still..



So any advice for a noob who just downloaded this game last night for the first time? :)
play easy and fun champs for the time being and focus on learning her mechanics, learning to watch the map, getting more minion kills, reading guides to find the build you like best for your champs, learning when to take objectives (dragon, towers, baron, buffs), etc.

just get better at those bit by bit and you'll be find.

also hold tab and click on the little dialog icon to mute people.

Sona is the best support. Yes or no?
right now probably not, I'd say either lulu or thresh. sona is a close third now that taric's been nerfed to the ground tho.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Really enjoying Kha'zix.

When you guys use him, which abilities do you evolve first-last?
Evolve order is spikes, then wings, then invis/ult.
Evolve spikes first, jump second. Last is a toss up, most pros seem to go R for the defensive and extra blink.
It's not just defensive. It also gives you more mobility and another passive proc in combat.


dat gamecribs episode

dyrus is the only one with a soul on that team, really asshole-y thing to do to fire a guy you've had for two years because of a shitty week. even if the problems were there before, you talk these things out, and it's pretty obvious that the wildturtle penta just made it really easy for reginald to fire him and be done with it.


So any advice for a noob who just downloaded this game last night for the first time? :)
hey, another PADder.
Welcome : )
Did gungho advertise league or something lol
I recommend playing coop vs ai for the first 6-8 levels

But no more than that

There are really only micro transactions if you want there to be. Btw, like league on fb for Tristana, and follow on you tube for Alistair

Sona is the best support. Yes or no?
i love sona to bits but the more versatile supports are probably the best atm(lulu/thresh)



Almost got a penta, but scumbag Malz stole the final kill with DoT.

Oh well, was fun nonetheless.


To expand on why, you want flat AD runes to make last hitting more reliable at early levels and to strengthen AA and, on certain champs, AD scaling abilities (e.g. Ashe's W, Graves Q). By the time scaling AD runes have equaled flat AD runes, you'll likely have a few AD items in your inventory so last hitting should be easy(ier) regardless of rune choice. Once scaling AD runes are considerably better than flat AD runes, you should have a Tier 3 AD item (Blood Thirster or Infinity Edge) so the relative contribution to your total AD from the scaling AD runes won't that considerable.


so what in blue and yellow?

Armor and ability cd?

Flat Armor seals and flat MR glyphs, generally. Armor to reduce damage from the opposing ADC, glyphs to reduce damage from the opposing support. I could see other combinations, but if you're looking for a generalist AD Carry page that combination will serve you in 80%+ of match-ups.

EDIT: Oops! Posted two in a row. Is it possible to delete posts so I can clean this up?


Sounds difficult. I just did the Tutorial. I don't know how good at this game I will be.
it's not as much difficulty as it's luck. most times someone else will kill someone and ruin your chance. I haven't ever gotten a penta in over 900 matches, only once against bots as jax lol.

so what in blue and yellow?

Armor and ability cd?
flat armor yellows, flat mr blues, armor pen reds and ad quints is the typical S2 thing. I think people are starting to get crit % and lifesteal but I dunno.

remember not to buy runes until level 20 or else you won't get the good ones.


This is cool, because they are the cheaper ones
Generally, more versatile runes are cheaper ones.
so what in blue and yellow?

Armor and ability cd?
Armor and flat MR - they're good overall on adc and the most versatile runes for each colour.
Sounds difficult. I just did the Tutorial. I don't know how good at this game I will be.
Just focus on learning, then winning or losing doesn't matter. Eventually the game will understand where you are at and matchmake you better. Also, I recommend playing vs ai for the first 6-8 levels


hey, another PADder.
Welcome : )
Did gungho advertise league or something lol

Awwww man, don't tell!! :) I just wanted to try something new is all! I will still play PAD. Need something to do when I have no stamina!

So, how do levels work? is it a Champion by Champion basis? Or overall? Does it stay between matches?

It's hard to come into a game that is so well established.


dat gamecribs episode

dyrus is the only one with a soul on that team, really asshole-y thing to do to fire a guy you've had for two years because of a shitty week. even if the problems were there before, you talk these things out, and it's pretty obvious that the wildturtle penta just made it really easy for reginald to fire him and be done with it.

I don't think its just a one week thing. I would hope everyone would get on Regis case about that if it wasn't.

It'll be interesting if Wildturtle feeds heavily next week, and TSM loses every game.

It was cool to see Dyrus crying too, in a way where I finally see Dyrus with emotion. I've met him twice now, and he seemed emotionless and clueless both times. Everytime he streams he seems completely monotone and bored to me. New insight I guess.


So I have enough points to buy either Annie, Ashe, Garen, Kayle, Master Yi, Nunu, Poppy, Ryze, Sivir, or Soraka.

Who is good and who is bad? I played as Ryze my first game and just did terrible with him.


So I have enough points to buy either Annie, Ashe, Garen, Kayle, Master Yi, Nunu, Poppy, Ryze, Sivir, or Soraka.

Who is good and who is bad? I played as Ryze my first game and just did terrible with him.
Of that list, Garen is probably the simplest yet effective, if you're looking for a beginner champion. then after that is annie.

Ryze requires smart casting and a lot of spell casting to be truely effective.
Awwww man, don't tell!! :) I just wanted to try something new is all! I will still play PAD. Need something to do when I have no stamina!

So, how do levels work? is it a Champion by Champion basis? Or overall? Does it stay between matches?

It's hard to come into a game that is so well established.

the level is just your account level - so its global.
theres nothing bad about an established game - it just means that theres more information for newbies like you! (the game will try to match you with new players at the start... ideally anyway)

but yeah, play some co-op vs ai games guys. even better, play them together, aggrotek and paritybit and cbb fan
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