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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Holy shit. Riot pls make this. Pls.

I really want a Diana skin :( Think it's Zyra next and then she's due one.


So I won my training mission. How exciting! I used Garen, and he seemed fun.

But the stupid announcer kept yelling at me for going ahead of my minions. I had no ranged attack so what was I supposed to do?

Anyways, game seems pretty fun.

That's called "pushing the lane". It's not always a bad idea to do, but on the average you'll always want to stay behind your minion wave to avoid unnecessary damage from them (they'll start focusing you if you are by them when dealing damage to the opposing players and visa versa, it can really hurt), and only "last hit" for the gold, until later in the game when you are more focused on downing towers and can do so quickly. In the beginning, it's all about the farm and doing your best to keep your opponent from doing the same. ~15 minions = one player kill, gold wise.
Check my farm.


The key to winning 3v3 solo que is:

1.) Jungle with smite.
2.) Farm massive level advantage.
3.) Ignore teammates when they cry for help in lane.
4.) Farm their lanes if they die.
5.) Start ganking as soon as you hit 6 when the enemy team is still 4/5.
6.) Get teammates fed.
7.) Farm everything, ignore teammates crying about you taking their farm.
8.) Get impossibly far ahead.
9.) Carry teammates.
10.) Win.

This works best with Shybangbang, Tryndmere, Olaf, Diana, and Mundo.

If you're using Shaco, just rush lvl 3 and don't stop ganking top.
And the patch hit the european servers, I am on a trip for a couple of days but when I return I will finally excercise my rise in the League of Legends (from bronce 4 to 3 maybe, gotta start small)


I'm coming around on Quinn. She's super solid top. Her passive is the best thing about her. Going top, whenever the enemy gets marked they run away, meaning no creep for them. Mid game you get healed for like 150 every time you shoot a marked target with just a Bloodthirster. Her Q is really good at disabling the ADC and her E is really versatile. If you land it right you can use it to hop over ledges and through the jungle with jungle creep. Her ult is really weird. I find myself using it to get away more than anything else. Flash into Ult means you're out of combat and running at an extra 80% speed.

As an ADC though? Meh.


I got flash-taunted 3 times in a game standing in a warded bush while typing. Almost threw the game. 3 times. AMA.
So, I just bought Ahri, and have some good games with her. [ie]

And I had the luck to have 2 very friendly junglers who offered me blue without asking for it.
I know some junglers depends more of blue than others, which junglers do you think doesn't need blue that much?

To know who to ask, and with who to wait a bit.

First time I used Ahri's ulti to tower dive, and killed a Kha6, feels good. :)


I have yet to have a bad game as Janna. I think she's my new main. I love Ashe, but man, so much pressure on your shoulders as an ADC.

"OMG you suck at last hitting minions"

"wtf you're getting out farmed"

"ashe use your ult NOW" (usually at a nearly impossible to land angle) "wtf ashe you suck" (when said ult misses)

"ashe is a noob champ"

"wtf don't use ashe she's the worst adc in the game"

My experience in ranked play ):
I have yet to have a bad game as Janna. I think she's my new main. I love Ashe, but man, so much pressure on your shoulders as an ADC.

"OMG you suck at last hitting minions"

"wtf you're getting out farmed"

"ashe use your ult NOW" (usually at a nearly impossible to land angle) "wtf ashe you suck" (when said ult misses)

"ashe is a noob champ"

"wtf don't use ashe she's the worst adc in the game"

My experience in ranked play ):

Ranked matches are just usually frustrating. Oh, and Ashe isn't a very good pick in solo queue unfortunately, she's outclassed by some ADC's. At least she isn't as bad as Corki though.


And I had the luck to have 2 very friendly junglers who offered me blue without asking for it.
I know some junglers depends more of blue than others, which junglers do you think doesn't need blue that much?

Vi (Don't use Q to clear or dash through walls if you don't have blue)
Cho gath (self sustain)
Xin Zhao (If you have attack speed reds, you don't have to use any skills on small camps and you should still be able to stay on relatively high hp)
Lee Sin
Udyr to some degree. If you have the right runes/masteries, you don't have to spam turtle stance as much.

Then there's crappy junglers like shyvana, nunu and rengar.


Karma is gorgeous


[ ] Cottontail teemo
[ ] Battle bunny riven
[ ] Valkyrie Leona
[ ] Riven

edit fuck nvm they removed the price in the time i typed this
fuck you neogaf the things i do for you guys now i dont get my sale shit


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Every single game I am in or speccing I see Diana. Every single time she is just crushing. How long until the nerf?


What does Jungling mean?

I was thinking of buying a single Champion to learn and play for a while. is that a bad idea? Should I just screw around with the free ones as they cycle past?

I am assuming that you always start at level 1 each map, have to buy new stuff every time, etc?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What does Jungling mean?
In order to maximize gold gains across the map one member of the team won't take a lane, instead opting to clear out the minion camps in the "jungle" between lanes. The focus of this role are on ganking for and helping out your teammates while controlling the major map resources like Baron, Dragon, and the monsters that yield buffs.

It is kind of more advanced because of the map awareness it requires. You don't see it very commonly in lower level games because the role becomes much easier with the runes you will purchase after level twenty.
I was thinking of buying a single Champion to learn and play for a while. is that a bad idea? Should I just screw around with the free ones as they cycle past?
I felt like playing every champion was the most useful thing I could do when I started the game. If you're still learning the basics winning isn't super important. Knowing and understanding your champion is important, but knowing what your enemy is capable of can have just as big of an impact. You'll also be able to find the ones you actually like the most. Obviously it won't hurt to have champions you pick up and focus on, but familiarizing yourself with the entire roster can be useful.
I am assuming that you always start at level 1 each map, have to buy new stuff every time, etc?
Yes. The only things that cross over all your games are runes and masteries.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Munkieeeman: mid
Evica: anything but jungle
bI4dY: top
soda cop: i might take mid if i can get karma jfyi
Munkieeeman: ban karma plz
Munkieeeman: every game ive played with her
Munkieeeman: on my team
soda cop: : l
Munkieeeman: she sucks
soda cop: it'll be alright
soda cop: you just gotta believe
Munkieeeman: wow tf
Munkieeeman: lemme mid
Munkieeeman: i wanna snowball akali
soda cop: think how much cooler
soda cop: snowball karma would be
soda cop: it's pretty cool, i know
Munkieeeman: ur a silver 5 player
Munkieeeman: oh god
people don't seem to like the lucky karms.


people don't seem to like the lucky karms.

Should have pulled out the crs cop smurf card. You would have gotten your karma.


Zac spotlight. I wouldn't be surprised to see him out today.


edit2: Yeah. I'm buying him. He's going to be sick. Didn't know that his passive blobs heal for a percentage of max health. Build spirit visage, lisandrys, warmogs will be core.


Now that I beat Bioshock Infinite, we need to get back to playing this game.
And by this game, I mean DotA2

Reminds me a lot of Vi. Probably why I like him so much. The mobility Vi gives me as a jungler is almost more valuable than the CC.... almost.

I can't believe how often it gets overlooked on what mobility does for a gank. Even without a hard CC, being able to gank at weird angles or timings really does a lot for a Jungler (and/or laner, depending on how we want to look at it). Bypassing known ward locations is a big deal.

It also means needing to know Jungler kits and approaches for warding defensively. You ward deep against a Nocturne. You want river bush against a Jarvan. You need to know their effective ranges so you don't get caught out by a Q - Vi Ult.

It's such an important aspect. Just so huge.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You guys know Sejuani can dash over walls and it doesn't take 12% of her health right? Or a charge up.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Oh wow, they really tweaked him from the PBE. The cost used to be insane. He actually might be alright with everything at 4%.


Oh wow, they really tweaked him from the PBE. The cost used to be insane. He actually might be alright with everything at 4%.

Yeah, I think it's ok. Especially since the costs are current health and the passive returns % max health. Add spirit visage and some spellvamp and it's a non-issue.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Finally a champion who can get Spirit of the Spectral Wraith going.
The funniest thing happened in a current game with Ezreal. So this was my 2nd time playing as Ezreal and I got an enemy down to a small portion of HP. The enemy started retreating and I had too, so before I hit the nexus I cast my ult down the mid lane and it said I got a double kill. I got one from my enemy and the other from someone else fighting their enemy.

Never knew how good it felt to kill with Ezreal's ult.
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