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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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my new solo que fun: if my support doesn't want to buy wards and/or creeps i just switch to support ADC. surprisingly good results in #bronzeV


my new solo que fun: if my support doesn't want to buy wards and/or creeps i just switch to support ADC. surprisingly good results in #bronzeV

how do they buy creeps?

the numbers on new cait:


The damage difference only changes depending on what attack speed items you add to the mix. Due to the way that attack delay works, any attack speed you add via items will provide less bonus damage than it did before the patch. Caitlyn's early game is a lot weaker now, but endgame damage-per-second stays around the same as the attack delay nerf on item scaling basically negates the attack speed buff at later levels.

Base stats: -6.5% DPS @ level 1, +4% DPS @ level 18
Level 1: -6.5% DPS
Level 9: -0.7% DPS without AS items, -1.4% DPS with Berserker's Greaves
Level 13: +.5% DPS with Berserker's Greaves, -1.2% DPS with PD + Greaves
Level 18 DPS: +.5% with Greaves/PD
from: http://www.reignofgaming.net/blogs/.../24270-how-does-patch-3-7-affect-caitlyns-dps

this is of course assuming auto attacks are used on cooldown - therefore the DPS loss would be a little smaller at lower levels. (but still quite a large hit)


Every single person on the enemy team should have built wardens and tabi.
yeah, I dunno what they were doing, mf kept derping and giving them kills and lizzy spent 60% of the match hiding in a corner trying to pull off some weird combo.

enemy team kept saying lux and ez were trolling but they had normal builds and never just run up to us to feed or anything like that. in fact, ez was pretty big late game.

TIL boken watches girls stream LoL purely because they're cute.

bad boken
now I'm not the weirdest guy in the thread

yay for me


woo hoooo

New sales are up for NA.

Void Nocturne
Myrmidon Pantheon
Pentakill Karthus


hmm myrmidon pantheon kinda has a cool looking splash art but it's gross in-game...


TIL boken watches girls stream LoL purely because they're cute.

bad boken

If you click on Ocelot's profile on twitch, the only person he's following is the chick with massive tits, who is diamond or something. She probably got carried but whatever. Pretty much every female streamer I've watched is higher elo then me. Feels bad man...


It seems the name wipe event has been postponed and wont come during this patch.
I'm hoping that I can snag my forum name away from the level one summoner who is sitting on it =/


No runes at all, only level 5

Thanks will be looking out for Warwick.
tbh with machete I imagine you could do fine with pretty much anyone that has some decent clear speed

try chogath, maxing e first, he has innate sustain, lots of cc, great objective control with his ult, gets tanky for free, etc.


tbh with machete I imagine you could do fine with pretty much anyone that has some decent clear speed

try chogath, maxing e first, he has innate sustain, lots of cc, great objective control with his ult, gets tanky for free, etc.

Should clarify that just about every champ needs a leash especially without runes.


No runes at all, only level 5

Thanks will be looking out for Warwick.

Level 5 jungling will be really rough. Probably have to start cloth armor/5 pots to survive even with a decent leash. Fiddlesticks is good for your situation though because of his life drain ability.
If I was you I'd leave jungling for quite a while, tbh. You'll be leaving someone in a 1 v 2 because jungling is virtually non-existent at that level, and that person won't survive the 1 v 2.


lux got a pretty new ult skillshot indicator

I like it better, takes a bit to get used to it but it's nice.

also new items sets still keep your sets from enigma so it's all fine.

I don't play Lux so I'm generally on the receiving end of those lasers. Is the hitbox really that wide? Sure does explain how often I get dinged by her ult despite it seemingly missing. Perspective's a bitch.

And the enigma thing is so amazing. I put together 30 or so custom pages so not having to do it again is great news.


That's pretty smart, it'll definitely smoothen the transition from Enigma.
yeah, good on riot for still supporting it. options is always better.

Next up replays...
pipe dream...

I wish the leaguereplay dude at least fixed it for aram. I have a bunch of crazy shit I wanna rewatch

I don't play Lux so I'm generally on the receiving end of those lasers. Is the hitbox really that wide? Sure does explain how often I get dinged by her ult despite it seemingly missing. Perspective's a bitch.
it's a bit wider than the line in the middle, say about 50% bigger. so no, it's not that big, but it's wider than most people think and it's for the most part undodgeable without flash (though you can dodge it in certain situations). if it helps, sometimes it messes up and misses entirely when it should've hit, so it's not like it's always rounding up for the pretty lasering lux.

but I just like how the new indicator looks. people playing without smartcast indicators are missing out :3

And the enigma thing is so amazing. I put together 30 or so custom pages so not having to do it again is great news.
yeah, my thoughts exactly.

the official system is kinda cool that you can set up a couple default pages like "adc" and "support" and set them for all champions.


How much does it cost to get into it? Don't I have to buy every xpac?

Sometimes they do promotions around the next expansion release to let you upgrade for <$20, but I'm not sure if they still do that. Game should be free2play at this point. It's stale and they keep adding cash shop things.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
How much does it cost to get into it? Don't I have to buy every xpac?
Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King are built into the base game now. You can buy base WoW, Pandaria, and Cataclysm for $60. If you are unsure about the investment you could buy the standard box copy for $20 and that will last you until level 80. Owning Cataclysm opens up two additional races for you to start as, Goblins and Worgen. Owning Pandaria will allow you to start a character as the Monk class, and you also can choose to be a panda.


Ashe gains 3/6/9/12/15/18 stacks of Focus for every 3 seconds spent not attacking. At 100 stacks her next attack is guaranteed to crit. Her Focus stacks will then reset to her current Crit Chance.

Apparently this is Ashe's passive now. It's still a WIP, but eh, I'll take it.

Edit: still dislike how you have to lose cs for a cs


I bought Freijlord Ashe. lulz

Only thing I could buy with the RP I had in the latest skin sale. The splash art is super cool but the in game model is just a color swap. -_-


Apparently this is Ashe's passive now. It's still a WIP, but eh, I'll take it.

Edit: still dislike how you have to lose cs for a cs
I kinda like it, her passive stacks don't reset until she gets the crit and even then they go to her current crit chance so it's kinda easy to get her passive back up late game (even though late game it'll be just as worthless as it is now).

I'd rather a fun new passive tho

I bought Freijlord Ashe. lulz

Only thing I could buy with the RP I had in the latest skin sale. The splash art is super cool but the in game model is just a color swap. -_-
pre cheerleader ashe was so much better


cool and sexy


I don't understand. People have 1000+ wins, they dominate their lines and I come to a line to get a kill or two. And then the line phase ends, and our two carries decide to push mid to T2 together with entire enemy team MIA. Both get caught and die, what a surprise. Not a single teamfight, every time someone gets caught. Rinse and repeat 10 times.
Three games in a row, same pattern. Silver players.
I wonder what BV looks like.
Shiv sucks. She has no poke. Her E sucks. She lacks any CC,
Pls stop. I don't need a reminder. At least she's good in ARAM. One day Riot will get their shit together and add slow on her Q. What a wonderful world such would be...

Sivir definitely needs a total rework.

She's supposed to be a pusher but Caitlyn can push almost as well and siege a million times better and her lane is as safe as it gets.


Her Q needs to not diminish so hard. Her W should have been left a toggle. Her shield should stun the target that casts the spell on her. Her ult should enhance her abilities, maybe make her Q and W have lesser diminishing returns.


So after my close to almost 4000 hours of Dota 2, I decided to play LoL again. Hopped into a couple unranked games. First thing I remembered is I always enjoyed the fundamental gameplay of LoL just really fun and great. Yet what I think really got me hooked me back then was unlocking heroes, runes, getting the newest champion and playing with it. Loved the amount of skill shots and pokes, and just spamming abilities again. The grind aspect that had me hooked is the biggest turnoff now. Its awesome to see the ranked system and other structure Riot has built around the game.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I kinda like it, her passive stacks don't reset until she gets the crit and even then they go to her current crit chance so it's kinda easy to get her passive back up late game (even though late game it'll be just as worthless as it is now).

I'd rather a fun new passive tho

pre cheerleader ashe was so much better


cool and sexy

The anatomy of her arm and elbow joint is confusing the shit out of me.


Her Q needs to not diminish so hard. Her W should have been left a toggle. Her shield should stun the target that casts the spell on her. Her ult should enhance her abilities, maybe make her Q and W have lesser diminishing returns.
Her Q needs to not diminish so hard. Her W should have been left a toggle. Her shield should stun the target that casts the spell on her. Her ult should enhance her abilities, maybe make her Q and W not have any diminishing returns.

I like the stun effect on E

but it sounds really strong on a ranged champ vs assassins/bruisers in fights and very in lane so i'm not sure how to balance it.

- what is certain is that the shield duration needs to be short, probably around 1s to allow bait counter play
- the stun needs to be less than the shield length otherwise theres no decision making for the opponent after they see it - so like a 0.5/0.65/0.8/0.95/1.1 stun
- at the most op it would be 1.5s shield with 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 stun

- a skill that blocks damage and applies a stun has stupidly high value in skirmish situations and linear team fights but is potentially weaker in an aoe fest. I think the power level of damage block + stun in a skill is too high for a league champion, especially on a ranged high damage kite based champion.
- It is possible that with a very small stun the skill could still function without being overpowered (0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 or even 0.1/0.15/0.2/0.25/0.3).
- Consider removing the spell block component - but that makes it way too counter intuitive on a glass cannon champion since youd have to eat the damage + the cc before they are stunned. Keeping it at a damage block only makes fiora cry, cc only block gives sivir the same problem as before. perhaps it should cut damage by 50% and block cc, but now the spell is overly complicated and counter intuitive
- basically, a stunning spell shield should only be on a squishy melee carry/assassin/caster champion


sivir's spellshield is actually quite decent in its current state, its real problems are that it has a large variation in power depending on the type of fight and it is unsatisfying to use. adding a stun to it doesnt seem to be the answer. perhaps adding an AD boost would make more sense and allow her to turn around fights with the extra power.


her old W was very very strong, but the new one is very boring - I think it should be changed and balanced to make it more defining and unique to sivir

toggle: bounces to 1/1/2/2/3 extra targets, dealing a bonus 30/40/50/60/70 damage and proc on hit effects, criticals and life steal but reduce all damage she deals by 60% while active
(this is a total damage of 1.6AD on swing and 112 extra damage as aoe - not sure if the total damage is too high since it does proc life steal and crits.)
- basically allowing it to uniformly deal damage + proc on hits and life steal and crits gives her many more choices in itemisation and gives her a pretty unique feel rather than an incidental aoe effect beyond your primary target

- professor bokens champion school

The anatomy of her arm and elbow joint is confusing the shit out of me.
you just ruined that splash art for me

So after my close to almost 4000 hours of Dota 2, I decided to play LoL again. Hopped into a couple unranked games. First thing I remembered is I always enjoyed the fundamental gameplay of LoL just really fun and great. Yet what I think really got me hooked me back then was unlocking heroes, runes, getting the newest champion and playing with it. Loved the amount of skill shots and pokes, and just spamming abilities again. The grind aspect that had me hooked is the biggest turnoff now. Its awesome to see the ranked system and other structure Riot has built around the game.
the way i suggest getting over that is finding a champion you love enough to play regularly - then the IP becomes incidental and theres no overarching motivation for you to grind because youre very happy with the champion you love. eventually there reaches a point (after two full rune pages) where "the grind" becomes a lot smaller because champions are coming out very slowly now


*very happy with the champion you love, until Riot nerfs them and you become sad.

Aside from all those Sivir suggestions, I still feel like she uses a TON of mana.


*very happy with the champion you love, until Riot nerfs them and you become sad.

Aside from all those Sivir suggestions, I still feel like she uses a TON of mana.

real talk, sivir is in a bad place right now with her mana issues. Best to stick with like Cait, Varus, Graves, Ashe, Trist etcetcetc for now


I think Sivir would probably be in a lot better spot if they'd lower the mana cost on her Q. It's sooooooo expensive and it's the only thing she can use on a regular basis on a lot of opponents since most outrange her.


Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King are built into the base game now. You can buy base WoW, Pandaria, and Cataclysm for $60. If you are unsure about the investment you could buy the standard box copy for $20 and that will last you until level 80. Owning Cataclysm opens up two additional races for you to start as, Goblins and Worgen. Owning Pandaria will allow you to start a character as the Monk class, and you also can choose to be a panda.

I have a copy of Cataclysm somewhere but no base game. What's the leveling curve like?

Who wants to play!!!


Holy crap just had an exhilarating game. In lobby 2nd pick instalocks eve jungle after I pleaded for it. Caitlyn first pick, eve 2nd , fizz 3rd and for some reason 4th pick locks in trist while i get taric for support. Trist was forced to top lane and every lane expect our bot made some questionable plays. Edit: Forgot to mention how my team was fighting and talking shit to each other for quite some time in the early game.
I was able to use my knowledge from jungling to keep accurate objectice timers and ward both aggressively and defensively. Caught them trying to sneak a fast baron with my pink around the 26min mark and we were able to kill 2 of them and eve stole the baron. After that we got some lucky pick ups in the jungle through wards and took another baron to end the game.

Felt great to provide team leadership from my least favorite role. Made a smart call to back immediately instead of taking dragon since baron was up in 30 seconds and that lead to the end.

Their comp was anivia, udyr(top), nasus (jungle), cait and lux (supp) for anyone who is curious.

That game was truly truly outrageous. I also immediately starting browsing the store for some support champs. Any cheap IP suggestions? Brush and objective control was pretty rewarding as support and a strong part of why I enjoy jungling.


Holy crap just had an exhilarating game. In lobby 2nd pick instalocks eve jungle after I pleaded for it. Caitlyn first pick, eve 2nd , fizz 3rd and for some reason 4th pick locks in trist while i get taric for support. Trist was forced to top lane and every lane expect our bot made some questionable plays. Edit: Forgot to mention how my team was fighting and talking shit to each other for quite some time in the early game.
I was able to use my knowledge from jungling to keep accurate objectice timers and ward both aggressively and defensively. Caught them trying to sneak a fast baron with my pink around the 26min mark and we were able to kill 2 of them and eve stole the baron. After that we got some lucky pick ups in the jungle through wards and took another baron to end the game.

Felt great to provide team leadership from my least favorite role. Made a smart call to back immediately instead of taking dragon since baron was up in 30 seconds and that lead to the end.

Their comp was anivia, udyr(top), nasus (jungle), cait and lux (supp) for anyone who is curious.

That game was truly truly outrageous. I also immediately starting browsing the store for some support champs. Any cheap IP suggestions? Brush and objective control was pretty rewarding as support and a strong part of why I enjoy jungling.

I love Janna. Thresh is my main if possible but he's obviously not cheap.
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