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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Wish I could get into a game of SR with some GAFFERS so I could actually claim the role I want and test out nunu and his new jungle buffs.

Also please give hecarim back! I've waited so many weeks to buy him and now hes unavailable=[


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Man Division 1 of any tier is just one insane roller coaster.

You're telling me. Silver 1 is absolutely brutal when you can get teammates and enemies ranging from Silver III to Gold II.


I suck as Ashe. :(

Since you guys are at it, whats the best build for her? I really have no idea as I am first timer as her (I played like two times and lost - she seems so fragile ;-;).


A lot of interesting item buffs and nerfs. All boots getting 25g more expensive, Doran's Ring going down by 75g, Nashor's Tooth dealing 15+15% AP magic damage on-hit and more. Also, Tibbers lasts 60 seconds now. Nothing is final of course.

EDIT: Right, hadn't seen that.

Wow. Crazy patches. I guess the jungle changes will be good. Going to see a lot more wriggles now too.

no lux nerfs, good

doran ring change is super weird, sounds to me like everybody but me is gonna run dorans and mid will be a pain to play. and obviously no friendly jungler will take advantage of the fact that they have no wards, while all enemy junglers will.

If I spot a top or mid laner with a dorans start, I heading there level 3 without fail.


Man Division 1 of any tier is just one insane roller coaster.

I put the brakes on my main account for now. Slowly creeping past it with my second account that is only to play duo with newbie bro that started this year. I feel bad for TellYourself. I think he hit two wins for promotion series to gold after climbing quickly to Silver 1 and had just been unable to to get a team past the hump.

There was one guy in our league that sat at 2/2 W/L for almost a month before playing the fifth game. And he got it. The pressure though to play that last game really got to him though, lol.


I put the brakes on my main account for now. Slowly creeping past it with my second account that is only to play duo with newbie bro that started this year. I feel bad for TellYourself. I think he hit two wins for promotion series to gold after climbing quickly to Silver 1 and had just been unable to to get a team past the hump.

There was one guy in our league that sat at 2/2 W/L for almost a month before playing the fifth game. And he got it. The pressure though to play that last game really got to him though, lol.

I still haven't regained my will to ranked since the big losing streak I had. I play a ranked game every couple weeks to avoid demotion but after being so close to promotion to gold just to fall down to 0 lp in silver 1 I haven't wanted to put too much time in it.

I will jump back in soon I think. I'm sitting on 20 or so points in silver 1. My normal win ratio has been phenomenal so maybe its soon.

Edit: also didn't help that most of my main champs got nerfed recently.


I suck as Ashe. :(

Since you guys are at it, whats the best build for her? I really have no idea as I am first timer as her (I played like two times and lost - she seems so fragile ;-;).
I go IE, PD, bjork/LW. I'll usually get a vamp scepter while building IE/zeal.

If I spot a top or mid laner with a dorans start, I heading there level 3 without fail.
I shoudl play with you more often


Changes are interesting. Love dat Isolation Kahz nerf (even tho he got buffs as well). In particular early to mid game he'll be less of a threat in 1on1 situations.

Also, dat lantern. Wtf.

Sad that they don't introduce a AD caster item. =/ HP + Spell vamp + (CDR) that builds into an ultimate AD caster item.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Annie goes AFK 5 mins into ARAM....

Have massive Bowser Rammy Comeback Winrar!

PS: Yes I probably should have bought mercs but I only had enough for the other at the end.



Mana Manipulator+2wards+2pots start is so stronk as supporter.

Btw, which is the go to site for lol-news? nerfplz? reignofgaming?

And are Lifesteal quints any good on Panth or maybe even Spell vamp? Kinda want to try it, but they cost sooooo much.


on cheese

Dbllift: we're kinda like mixing different stuff... it's like a fondue now
Travis: yeah ok I see
Xpecial: it's a mixture of cheese, like I have some mozzarella, he has some cheddar and then we can add some more cheese in it and
Saint: ok now you guys are taking this cheese thing way too far. you're like trying to make a whole pizza
Dyrus: put some pasta. spaghetti

what the fuck is dyrus talking about haha


I go IE, PD, bjork/LW. I'll usually get a vamp scepter while building IE/zeal.

Same here. I've been playing Ashe the most of any adc lately. I use lifesteal quints, so unless I really need extra lifesteal i'll go straight IE then PD. After that it's usually Last Whisper. Botrk is nice after that for those players who like to stack health items.


Mana Manipulator+2wards+2pots start is so stronk as supporter.

Btw, which is the go to site for lol-news? nerfplz? reignofgaming?

And are Lifesteal quints any good on Panth or maybe even Spell vamp? Kinda want to try it, but they cost sooooo much.

reign is usually good and fast

the bloggers there are terrible, they could at least spellcheck or something


Mana Manipulator+2wards+2pots start is so stronk as supporter.

Btw, which is the go to site for lol-news? nerfplz? reignofgaming?

And are Lifesteal quints any good on Panth or maybe even Spell vamp? Kinda want to try it, but they cost sooooo much.

Armor Pen or Flat AD is a better option. You need to deliver that 3.6 AD Ratio on your E.



nothing crazy, just played one ranked match to combat the elo decay and found myself pleasantly surprised.

I asked for mid and xin kindly let me even if he had called first, people friendly chat about pacific rim while waiting for blue buff to spawn, xin ganked like a boss and helped every lane and everyone was just focused on objectives. even at the one throw attempt we quickly defused it and it was just one kill and a dragon when it could've been an ace, drag and tower.

I also outfarmed everyone, I was stupidly fed and it's not an amazing score or anything, I know, but I found that I've just passively improved my farming, haven't done anything special or timed it, it just happened, and I luv it. other than that I played like shit, even if I got fed, I missed tons of silly lasers and didn't land a single snare in lane. probably because I had been playing raiderz for like 2 hours and couldn't even remember how to play lol.

anyways, happy ranked story, they're far and in between, so yay

also had the shittiest week and this really cheered me up for some reason

Guys... guys what's Sona's problem? Why is she so mad?

adagio, summoner!

Thanks for the link :)
no probs bro

And are Lifesteal quints any good on Panth or maybe even Spell vamp? Kinda want to try it, but they cost sooooo much.
get armor penetration or flat ad, probably armor pen since early game panth's damage is redonks and it'll be useful all game.

don't bother with anything else, why do you want lifesteal or spellvamp, you don't need health if your target is dead
What should I be doing as a level 13 player? Just playing normals, trying to get better? I feel like in normals you don't exactly get people conforming to the meta, i.e., supporting/jungling. Is that a detriment? Or should I just be going in and playing champions I want to get good at in any role?


What should I be doing as a level 13 player? Just playing normals, trying to get better? I feel like in normals you don't exactly get people conforming to the meta, i.e., supporting/jungling. Is that a detriment? Or should I just be going in and playing champions I want to get good at in any role?

Just use level 1-30 to practice roles or game mechanics even if your team doesn't follow meta.

At level 30 go to ranked and tryhard.
Just use level 1-30 to practice roles or game mechanics even if your team doesn't follow meta.

At level 30 go to ranked and tryhard.

The problem is that it's kind of hard to practice a role like top or ADC if you don't have a jungler/support. It's also kinda hard to jungle without runes, right? So my first rune purchases will probably be for the jungle so I can get in there and practice.


The problem is that it's kind of hard to practice a role like top or ADC if you don't have a jungler/support. It's also kinda hard to jungle without runes, right? So my first rune purchases will probably be for the jungle so I can get in there and practice.

Yeah, so it's not entirely your team's fault for not having a jungler. You'll have to endure duo top for a little bit more; I think around level 20 junglers start getting more common?

Even in ranked people don't want support so that's something you should get used to!
Yeah, so it's not entirely your team's fault for not having a jungler. You'll have to endure duo top for a little bit more; I think around level 20 junglers start getting more common?

Even in ranked people don't want support so that's something you should get used to!

Yeah, no blame at all for my team not having a jungler, it's just how things are.

I mean that's generally not a problem, since I actually really like playing support ever since the Thresh free week (first and only champ I bought with RP so far), and I plan on getting Leona and one of Janna/Sona soon so I can practice them support too. I just want to diversify my portfolio, yknow?


40 minute ARAM:

In retrospect though the CDR was nice, DFG was probably bad and I should have gotten a different CDR item since I always died too quickly for it to have effect. I don't think I ever managed to use QSS/hourglass/ult like I was planning either since by that time it was 30+ minutes in and insane damage was flying around. In the end Galio got like a quadrakill, was the only one left after barely getting Ezreal, then he killed both our nexus towers, and then we killed him since he was staying to suicide. But on the push back down, might have taken one or two pushes, the other team lost the fight and the nexus went down with like 2-3 people left. Very close both ways.


Yeah, no blame at all for my team not having a jungler, it's just how things are.

I mean that's generally not a problem, since I actually really like playing support ever since the Thresh free week (first and only champ I bought with RP so far), and I plan on getting Leona and one of Janna/Sona soon so I can practice them support too. I just want to diversify my portfolio, yknow?

Just keep playing. Unless you're on a one game a day schedule, there will always be opportunities where you get to practice the roles you want.

Or you can be awesome and say "____ or feed" and insta-lock champions. Also try draft if you have enough champions.


What should I be doing as a level 13 player? Just playing normals, trying to get better? I feel like in normals you don't exactly get people conforming to the meta, i.e., supporting/jungling. Is that a detriment? Or should I just be going in and playing champions I want to get good at in any role?

uh don't worry too much about that right now, just play whatever and learn champions/overall strategy/etc.

junglers and supports will start popping up later
Just keep playing. Unless you're on a one game a day schedule, there will always be opportunities where you get to practice the roles you want.

Or you can be awesome and say "____ or feed" and insta-lock champions. Also try draft if you have enough champions.

I've thought about going in to draft but I want to wait a little bit and get a few more champs first. My ADC/Mid/Top picks aren't really common bans or anything, but my only two support champs are thresh and alistar, and thresh is a common ban and I'm horrid with Alistar.

I also feel like a huge dick when I get in and immediately call mid. I dunno why, I just hate doing it.


I've thought about going in to draft but I want to wait a little bit and get a few more champs first. My ADC/Mid/Top picks aren't really common bans or anything, but my only two support champs are thresh and alistar, and thresh is a common ban and I'm horrid with Alistar.

I also feel like a huge dick when I get in and immediately call mid. I dunno why, I just hate doing it.

you're thinking too much dude, just play the game for now

when I was level 13 people used to do ashe mid and like darius warwick bot or something.

as for calling, just say "mid please" or "can I mid". some people are douches, but if people ask nicely I don't mind letting them get their way.


I've thought about going in to draft but I want to wait a little bit and get a few more champs first. My ADC/Mid/Top picks aren't really common bans or anything, but my only two support champs are thresh and alistar, and thresh is a common ban and I'm horrid with Alistar.

I also feel like a huge dick when I get in and immediately call mid. I dunno why, I just hate doing it.

Well I mean in draft you get to call out roles instead of everyone scrambling for locking champions, but I guess if you have a limited pool it will be tough to work with.

Until League implements some kind of "enter matchmaking as a support" feature (which will never happen) it's something you just deal with for your entire LoL career (or find 4 other friends to play with). So yeah have fun!

as for calling, just say "mid please" or "can I mid". some people are douches, but if people ask nicely I don't mind letting them get their way.

This works too, but usually someone will reply with "could I mid?" And then you must make the decision to be nice and give it to them or be the jerk and say no.


how viable do you guys think elise is mid?

also builds

If you want to play elise mid, you might as well play support elise.

In my opinion, support elise can easily carry the shit out of botlane and is a lot more relevant to the team.

If you're blue side, it's a free kill at level 2 if you tell your adc to commit after a stun.

Roam mid occasionally when your adc backs.


This works too, but usually someone will reply with "could I mid?" And then you must make the decision to be nice and give it to them or be the jerk and say no.
yeah, but I just enjoy the game better this way. I used to insta-call mid like seriously ctrl+v it and it just led to a very rushed and angry thing where I'd get mad if I don't get it.

asking nicely is part of my new mentality of not giving a shit about normals :p

If you want to play elise mid, you might as well play support elise.

In my opinion, support elise can easily carry the shit out of botlane and is a lot more relevant to the team.

If you're blue side, it's a free kill at level 2 if you tell your adc to commit after a stun.

Roam mid occasionally when your adc backs.
yeah I know, but I like playing mid (roaming, dueling, skirmishes)...

just tried her against bots and she seems pretty awesome, really digging her kit's feel.


Neo Member
The problem is that it's kind of hard to practice a role like top or ADC if you don't have a jungler/support. It's also kinda hard to jungle without runes, right? So my first rune purchases will probably be for the jungle so I can get in there and practice.

Some junglers like Warwick can jungle without runes or even masteries. Try to do a jungle route (Wolves, blue, Wraith, Golem, Red, wraith) on a custom game alone, If you're able to get by with machete and 5 pots. You're ready to play in a queue.


Some junglers like Warwick can jungle without runes or even masteries. Try to do a jungle route (Wolves, blue, Wraith, Golem, Red, wraith) on a custom game alone, If you're able to get by with machete and 5 pots. You're ready to play in a queue.

Except you're leaving your top lane to die to enemy's duo top so you can play Warwick of all things.
Unbelievable. I got rolled Udyr in ARAM. I was gonna jokingly ask to trade with our Cass, but Cass prompted me first. He rolled into Galio afterwards.


If you want to play elise mid, you might as well play support elise.

In my opinion, support elise can easily carry the shit out of botlane and is a lot more relevant to the team.

If you're blue side, it's a free kill at level 2 if you tell your adc to commit after a stun.

Roam mid occasionally when your adc backs.

I concur. I played an all Elise day yesterday. I played her jungle top and support. She's pretty strong in all 3 of those roles. I could have done much better supporting as her. Didn't have a good handle on my damage and my ADC was pretty rough. I can see the potential though.


like seriously

thats way too many changes

maybe this is for a major balance patch for spring season LCS

because wow wtf whole new jungle and OP as hell wits end and all new item openings and ahhhhhhhhhh
I personally really like the balance change to Malady/Nashor/Wits. The ASPD between them felt pretty redundant for those who can use them well (Teemo).

Wits End will be picked more often and be a great rush item for some. Nashors will be fantastic for Teemo.


yeah malady sucked, i dont doubt it

they should just revert it to the really old malady

but the new wits end is so gud

kayle god tier in mid once again

AP tops gonna get eaten by it too


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Just had the weirdest disconnect... Once I got out the game, the prompt said it was league side but geez.

We went from knocking on their 2nd turret in ARAM to getting our inhibitor steamrolled. I think at least 3 of our players were knocked out.
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