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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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plus, it still has to matchmake a game

which of you gets priority?

lets say theres an 8 person group + the dude you ignored + you

how can the system decide that


The anatomy of her arm and elbow joint is confusing the shit out of me.
yeah also the proportions on her limbs are kinda off but it's still a pretty cool pic. I just love dat stare, looks like an actually cool female champion rather than epic evilness tits like syndra or elise

Holy crap just had an exhilarating game. In lobby 2nd pick instalocks eve jungle after I pleaded for it. Caitlyn first pick, eve 2nd , fizz 3rd and for some reason 4th pick locks in trist while i get taric for support. Trist was forced to top lane and every lane expect our bot made some questionable plays. Edit: Forgot to mention how my team was fighting and talking shit to each other for quite some time in the early game.
I was able to use my knowledge from jungling to keep accurate objectice timers and ward both aggressively and defensively. Caught them trying to sneak a fast baron with my pink around the 26min mark and we were able to kill 2 of them and eve stole the baron. After that we got some lucky pick ups in the jungle through wards and took another baron to end the game.

Felt great to provide team leadership from my least favorite role. Made a smart call to back immediately instead of taking dragon since baron was up in 30 seconds and that lead to the end.

Their comp was anivia, udyr(top), nasus (jungle), cait and lux (supp) for anyone who is curious.

That game was truly truly outrageous. I also immediately starting browsing the store for some support champs. Any cheap IP suggestions? Brush and objective control was pretty rewarding as support and a strong part of why I enjoy jungling.
janna is godly for 1350 if you can play her, but her ult is kind of hit or miss, more of a liability than a help in the wrong hands, really.

ali for 1350/free is also pretty good but hard to play right (and like janna a double edged sword if you suck at him). I'm not a big fan of him really, leona is pretty much as good at ccing people to death without pushing people out of my lasers.

sona for 3150 is super duper awesome, and she has everything, insane harass, an amazing ult, sustain, movespeed buffs/debuffs, massive tits, everything.


btw the tiny bugfix to syndra might be actually pretty awesome. I always get that happen to me, miss some balls because I E'd too tight.


yeah also the proportions on her limbs are kinda off but it's still a pretty cool pic. I just love dat stare, looks like an actually cool female champion rather than epic evilness tits like syndra or elise

janna is godly for 1350 if you can play her, but her ult is kind of hit or miss, more of a liability than a help in the wrong hands, really.

ali for 1350/free is also pretty good but hard to play right (and like janna a double edged sword if you suck at him). I'm not a big fan of him really, leona is pretty much as good at ccing people to death without pushing people out of my lasers.

sona for 3150 is super duper awesome, and she has everything, insane harass, an amazing ult, sustain, movespeed buffs/debuffs, massive tits, everything.


btw the tiny bugfix to syndra might be actually pretty awesome. I always get that happen to me, miss some balls because I E'd too tight.
I've got to test this syndra thing out because I've run into issues a few times where the stun wasnt detecting the balls especially at max range.
The Janna suggestion seems like a good idea since itll leave me with enough ip to buy support runes and another OP aram champion.
I know I can't play alistar but I could definitely try to practice him. I still love my soraka and idc what anyone says :p

Ive got an MMR related question:
So right now I am bronze 1 and earning about 11 LP per win. I am usually matched against teams with elo ranging from silver 2 to gold 5. I am also currently on a hotstreak and performing well against these opponents. I understand that duo queing with my silver 3(now silver 2) friend raise my mmr but shouldn't I be gaining more LP for being able to perform against better players.

I don't mind higher ranked opponents since I now have a higher chance of being matched with teammates who adhere to the summoners code and running into wins or losses now comes from being outplayed rather than trolls/afks/no communication.



I don't want to play on the latin american servers but waifus

I know I can't play alistar but I could definitely try to practice him. I still love my soraka and idc what anyone says :p
tbh I have a newfound love for raka, as long as I'm not playing her.


I'm generally pretty supportive of Riot's F2P model, and think it is pretty fair... but damn them rune page prices.


I'm generally pretty supportive of Riot's F2P model, and think it is pretty fair... but damn them rune page prices.
yeah, generally you should only buy a bundle or on sale. there have been lots of page sales recently though, maybe they read your mind
it's not my fault isn't it?

having my lux q fire off the moment I press the key instead of like a third a second later will be nice too.

I'll miss the arams tho T_T
eh, the lag is more important for insta popping E's, rather than how fast your Q casts

Wow. I just lost an entire month worth of ranked wins in one night by losing 4 games. GG

1 month worth of my work down with that demotion to silver


Lose 6 games in a row, Turn on WildTurtle's chill playlist and carry hard for 2 games.

Still lost 39points today though. It hurts so much :(


lux got a pretty new ult skillshot indicator

I like it better, takes a bit to get used to it but it's nice.

also new items sets still keep your sets from enigma so it's all fine.

What was the old one? I only played her once a while ago when she was free. Was is the same as Ashe's ult?

I bought Freijlord Ashe. lulz

Only thing I could buy with the RP I had in the latest skin sale. The splash art is super cool but the in game model is just a color swap. -_-

Yea I bought it too. Ashe is the adc that i've been using the most lately. When I saw the sale I was just like "why not?" and bought it.

muramana jayce is easily the grossest power spike in the game right now

but like srsly,

korean meta is best meta

I love playing as Jayce. He was the first champ I bought when I started playing again a few months ago. I had never thought about building a muramana on him until a couple weeks ago. I haven't played him in a couple weeks since I don't like to play champs I own when it's their free week, but whenever I see people talking about him it just makes me want use him.


Is the fog bugged for anyone else? During a game of ARAM I saw an Anivia ult at the edge of fog that was still going when it clearly wasn't.

I'll see random abilities getting stuck in the fog every few games. I feel like it has something to do with lag, but then again I could be completely wrong.


muramana jayce is easily the grossest power spike in the game right now

but like srsly,

korean meta is best meta
I assume you're talking about the OGN matches today. So good.
Is the fog bugged for anyone else? During a game of ARAM I saw an Anivia ult at the edge of fog that was still going when it clearly wasn't.

Yeah I've often found Sivir's boomerang spinning around the edge of fog on the Howling Abyss.




I want Zombie Brand sooooo badly.

Why Riot ... why you do dis?

Just cause I took a break around Halloween. I am taunted by the skin. I'D PAY YOU A PRINCELY SUM FOR IT RIOT.

I'm still kicking myself for not buying Bad Santa Veigar and Headmistress Fiora.
I bought Slay Belle Kat. I should have bought Haunted Maokai. Have Headmistress Fiora :D

Get Zed in ARAM, enemy team has Zilean -_- please just remove that fucking champion.


Mhhhh what is the better option for support-lulu:

M.Reg Reds + Armor Yellows or Armor Reds + M.Reg Yellows?

2.34 M.Reg + 12.6 Armor vs 8.19 Armor + 3.69 M.Reg

M.Reg instead of M.Resist blues on top.

Fuck flash and please remove it from the game. kk
sivir's spellshield is actually quite decent in its current state, its real problems are that it has a large variation in power depending on the type of fight and it is unsatisfying to use. adding a stun to it doesnt seem to be the answer. perhaps adding an AD boost would make more sense and allow her to turn around fights with the extra power.

Honestly I think that lowering the cast time would go a long way. I don't play her much these days, but when I did, it allllways felt sluggish. Casting it as counterplay - like you can do with Morgana's spell shield - seemed impossible to me. Maybe I was just super slow and bad then. <shrug>

muramana jayce is easily the grossest power spike in the game right now

It is just crazy ridiculous. I would've stopped building it on him ages ago but dear god the damage is just insanity.

Fuck flash and please remove it from the game. kk

I'd like to see the game without flash, even for a week. Be interesting.

(Obviously the higher level of play, not 1-12 where you don't have it anyway.)


if something is SO strong that it's a 99.9% pick, it needs to go or nerfed until diversity is restored. In case of flash, you can't really balance it, so I feel it should go and be replaced.


I like flash, it allows for fun plays and weird shit of all kinds.

also if you'd remove it you'd mess up like half the champions' viability. maybe that's a good thing, I dunno, but it'd give a ridiculous advantage to champions with gapclosers, specially non-targetted like kha-zix or zac.

and actually flash is in a pretty fun spot right now, it's a 5 minute cooldown, it's insane, and there's ghost for the niche champions that run it instead (singed, vlad, udyr, nasus, etc.).

more variety would be cool but taking out flash would destroy lol as we know it :p

Mhhhh what is the better option for support-lulu:

M.Reg Reds + Armor Yellows or Armor Reds + M.Reg Yellows?

2.34 M.Reg + 12.6 Armor vs 8.19 Armor + 3.69 M.Reg

M.Reg instead of M.Resist blues on top.
well that's really up to you, I don't run mana regen on any of my supports, but you might feel like you need it/helps you, it's more or less up to preference since it's not that crazy a difference.

if it helps, both options are more or less just as gold efficient

mana reds
2.34 * 60g + 12.6 * 20g = 392.4g

armor reds
3.69 * 60g + 8.19 * 20g = 385.2g


Mh I think I'll go with m.reg reds then. I poke quite often with lulu, so additional armor is neat. 1.5 mana reg might not make the difference in the end. Tho, I feel m.reg leaves me more option (for hex, shield etc) instead of m.pen.

+3 from masteries
+5 from mana manipulator (godlike start item now)
+2.34 from red runes

so whether I have 10.34 or 11.6 shouldn't matter that much.


Maybe they could just make Flash baseline? Although if they did that I'm sure there'd be something else that everyone takes. Even though Flash is by far the most used spell and probably OP there are a few champs who prefer Ghost over it anyway. I'm sure it might unbalance a few champ kits too.


A lot of interesting item buffs and nerfs. All boots getting 25g more expensive, Doran's Ring going down by 75g, Nashor's Tooth dealing 15+15% AP magic damage on-hit and more. Also, Tibbers lasts 60 seconds now. Nothing is final of course.

EDIT: Right, hadn't seen that.
The upgrades to boots are more expensive but base boots are cheaper, so it's still the same total cost. Nashor's basically has Malady's passive, and it seems Malady is no more.


Holy crap just had an exhilarating game. In lobby 2nd pick instalocks eve jungle after I pleaded for it. Caitlyn first pick, eve 2nd , fizz 3rd and for some reason 4th pick locks in trist while i get taric for support. Trist was forced to top lane and every lane expect our bot made some questionable plays. Edit: Forgot to mention how my team was fighting and talking shit to each other for quite some time in the early game.
I was able to use my knowledge from jungling to keep accurate objectice timers and ward both aggressively and defensively. Caught them trying to sneak a fast baron with my pink around the 26min mark and we were able to kill 2 of them and eve stole the baron. After that we got some lucky pick ups in the jungle through wards and took another baron to end the game.

Felt great to provide team leadership from my least favorite role. Made a smart call to back immediately instead of taking dragon since baron was up in 30 seconds and that lead to the end.

Their comp was anivia, udyr(top), nasus (jungle), cait and lux (supp) for anyone who is curious.

That game was truly truly outrageous. I also immediately starting browsing the store for some support champs. Any cheap IP suggestions? Brush and objective control was pretty rewarding as support and a strong part of why I enjoy jungling.

Most of the support champs are good, but a lot of the newer ones are expensive. Lulu and Thresh are both top tier but expensive, my personal fav Zyra is also 6300.

I'd say get Sona. She is not super cheap but not very expensive and you can work her into just about every single comp. You can poke/harass with Q and power chords, initiate with her ult, ect. She is very squishy though so you have to be careful about bullying.


A lot of interesting item buffs and nerfs. All boots getting 25g more expensive, Doran's Ring going down by 75g, Nashor's Tooth dealing 15+15% AP magic damage on-hit and more. Also, Tibbers lasts 60 seconds now. Nothing is final of course.

EDIT: Right, hadn't seen that.
no lux nerfs, good

doran ring change is super weird, sounds to me like everybody but me is gonna run dorans and mid will be a pain to play. and obviously no friendly jungler will take advantage of the fact that they have no wards, while all enemy junglers will.

The upgrades to boots are more expensive but base boots are cheaper, so it's still the same total cost. Nashor's basically has Malady's passive, and it seems Malady is no more.
that actually sucks for nashors for di, since it puts it at an unnecessarily high pricepoint
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