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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I bought Gangplank and just played a couple games with him. I'm liking him alot so far. Any suggestions for item builds? I've been going tanky.



hmmm riot seeing into sona buffs/nerfs...

tbh I feel like she's one of the better designed champions in the game, stupidly easy to pick up and play but with the perfect amount of depth, and if you take advantage of it your presence in lane and in the game in general is huge.

yeah malady sucked, i dont doubt it

they should just revert it to the really old malady

but the new wits end is so gud

kayle god tier in mid once again

AP tops gonna get eaten by it too
kayle is already god tier mid, I don't know why people stopped playing her, the nerfs weren't so terrible (worst was taking out her mr per level, I suppose?)...

but yeah, tons of changes:
* new jungle timers: good
* new starts with cheaper lvl 1 boots and doran ring/shield: scary, but I'm guessing ultimately good
* nashors: good for kayle, fuck teemo, bad for di (not terrible but nashor being cheap as fuck was a great selling point for me about the item)
* wriggle/mandreds: good
* wit's end: sounds op, but I like it
* nerfs for the jungle items: good, but sad for abusing laners :p
* good nerfs all around for kha, liz and sej
* still buffing kharma rofl

yeah, it's a lot.
Just saw a post on Reddit about how peeling is not mentioned anywhere in the tutorial or spotlights.

This is something I think that should be included in the tutorial considering how many people believe that the role of CC tanks and tanky champs is to dive the enemies back line while leaving your own squishy members to die without any protection.


Kayle is so good its annoying.

Her range is really misleading. Sometimes you cant even tell what killed you in a team fight, then you see Kayle is standing way back there, and you ask: she probably didnt kill me right? She has a fucking ordinary sword. But noooo, the fire emanating from it is able to reach faaar. Of coourse. >___>


Kayle is so good its annoying.

Her range is really misleading. Sometimes you cant even tell what killed you in a team fight, then you see Kayle is standing way back there, and you ask: she probably didnt kill me right? She has a fucking ordinary sword. But noooo, the fire emanating from it is able to reach faaar. Of coourse. >___>
treat her as ranged dude, with nashor/blue buff she can almost permanently keep her e up.
Just saw a post on Reddit about how peeling is not mentioned anywhere in the tutorial or spotlights.

This is something I think that should be included in the tutorial considering how many people believe that the role of CC tanks and tanky champs is to dive the enemies back line while leaving your own squishy members to die without any protection.

Yep, 100% agreed. As an ADC it's painful when your team mates don't know how to peel for you. It also happens in every ARAM I got an ADC in. I get super fed, but when it gets into late game and the enemy team realises that I'm the on who's been murdering them, it's like dive city and nobody knows how to peel.

In other news I just had a game with Vi where I went 13/0. Remembered how much I fucking love playing her. Pity she's getting nerfed again. :/


Yep, 100% agreed. As an ADC it's painful when your team mates don't know how to peel for you. It also happens in every ARAM I got an ADC in. I get super fed, but when it gets into late game and the enemy team realises that I'm the on who's been murdering them, it's like dive city and nobody knows how to peel.

In other news I just had a game with Vi where I went 13/0. Remembered how much I fucking love playing her. Pity she's getting nerfed again. :/

I didn't see more nerfs. Where did you read that? Vi is still my best jungler. Even post nerfs.


it's not really a nerf for vi, or a "nerf" in general, it's more of a general mechanics change that affects here negatively

basically being unstoppable now queues up your cc for after the unstoppable effect runs out.

so if you're playing vi or malph and you get snared by a pretty lux while ulting them you'll still hit her (asshole) but after your ult's over you'll be snared in place, with full snare effect counting from then on.

I like the change, sometimes you throw your snare at those champions and they ult you before it hits them, so you just wasted your cc and it didn't even do anything...


it's not really a nerf for vi, or a "nerf" in general, it's more of a general mechanics change that affects here negatively

basically being unstoppable now queues up your cc for after the unstoppable effect runs out.

so if you're playing vi or malph and you get snared by a pretty lux while ulting them you'll still hit her (asshole) but after your ult's over you'll be snared in place, with full snare effect counting from then on.

I like the change, sometimes you throw your snare at those champions and they ult you before it hits them, so you just wasted your cc and it didn't even do anything...
I got the impression that the cc is not queued up, it just takes no effect until after the unstoppable part. For example, if you use a 1.5 seconds cc on a champion that is unstoppable for another 0.3 seconds, you will get 1.2 seconds of cc after the unstoppable effect is over.


I got the impression that the cc is not queued up, it just takes no effect until after the unstoppable part. For example, if you use a 1.5 seconds cc on a champion that is unstoppable for 0.3 seconds (0.3 seconds after your spell hits, that is), you will get 1.2 seconds of cc after the unstoppable effect is over.

Riot's response:
If Vi uses her ultimate on Lux who lands a light binding while charging. Vi will finish the charge and smash Lux into the ground. Then, Vi will be rooted for the remainder of the duration of the binding.


it's not really a nerf for vi, or a "nerf" in general, it's more of a general mechanics change that affects here negatively

basically being unstoppable now queues up your cc for after the unstoppable effect runs out.

so if you're playing vi or malph and you get snared by a pretty lux while ulting them you'll still hit her (asshole) but after your ult's over you'll be snared in place, with full snare effect counting from then on.

I like the change, sometimes you throw your snare at those champions and they ult you before it hits them, so you just wasted your cc and it didn't even do anything...

Oh yeah. That's pretty shitty. The vi hate continues. Sigh. If it isn't direct nerfs, its nerfs to jungle items, to "mechanics". Sighhhhhhhhhhh.

There's still plenty of abilities that dodge skill shots. Hopefully fizz feels this "mechanics" change too.


Oh yeah. That's pretty shitty. The vi hate continues. Sigh. If it isn't direct nerfs, its nerfs to jungle items, to "mechanics". Sighhhhhhhhhhh.

There's still plenty of abilities that dodge skill shots. Hopefully fizz feels this "mechanics" change too.

don't hate on me, dude, I didn't make the nerf :p

and tbh it feels fair, vi's ult has like zero counterplay. she clicks on you from crazy range (gets in with Q from a brush or behind a wall and cuts like 400 range from you easily) and you're dead. best thing you can do is what, flash and pull her into tower range?

at least now you can do something about her



don't hate on me, dude, I didn't make the nerf :p

and tbh it feels fair, vi's ult has like zero counterplay. she clicks on you from crazy range (gets in with Q from a brush or behind a wall and cuts like 400 range from you easily) and you're dead. best thing you can do is what, flash and pull her into tower range?

at least now you can do something about her

Not hating on you :) always tough seeing nerfs to your favorite champs.


I feel for you bro, I feel for you

at least kha got nerfed :p

Yeah :) that's a good thing. He's not quite as scary in silver but almost impossible to shut down late game if a semi decent player has farmed him up. Like a Darius with escapes, resets and ranged damage.

Just tough playing jungle lately. All the best ones keep getting nerfed.


The only jungler that I enjoy that hasn't taken the nerf bat lately is nocturne but its a lot tougher to carry a game with him.

Seems like every time I pick up a new one they get nerfed.

I'd start playing naut or sejuani but they'll get nerfed soon too.


Yeah :) that's a good thing. He's not quite as scary in silver but almost impossible to shut down late game if a semi decent player has farmed him up. Like a Darius with escapes, resets and ranged damage.

Just tough playing jungle lately. All the best ones keep getting nerfed.


The only jungler that I enjoy that hasn't taken the nerf bat lately is nocturne but its a lot tougher to carry a game with him.

Seems like every time I pick up a new one they get nerfed.

I'd start playing naut or sejuani but they'll get nerfed soon too.
sejuani is getting a nerf but she kind of deserves it. I'd say trundle deserves a nerf too, but only top trundle, so I dunno how that'd work.

but even after nerfs, vi, j4, xin, heca are really strong. they're not as ridiculously great but still top tier.

I still think maokai's pretty amazing too.
Just got Singed and got 2 straight wins. I think I found my 2nd best main. I really don't know how to build him even though I've been kicking butt with him. It seems like the recommended build mostly just gives him armor, where as in I was up against an all magic team and was at a loss with that build. I tried to go for a magic resist build but didn't even know where to start so I just built into a Punic Bulwark, and a Banshee's Veil.

Need to find me a good Singed build. Any tips on Singed builds btw?



Jarvan, nasus and hec are still top tier. They fit into every single team comp you can think of.

Jarvan's early and mid game damage is insane and he becomes a brickwall late game.

Nasus is nasus. His jungle is safe and he can survive any duels in the jungle with wither and his E's burst. If you get to late game with a decent team, you cannot possibly lose.

Hecarim is just fucking hecarim. He does an absurd amount of damage with a spirit elder and is tanky as hell with his W up.

Xin is a snowball jungler who is very easy to snowball with. Once he snowballs, he can carry a game by himself.
Vi is the same.

And they both are tanky as hell with nothing but a locket.

If you don't think these champs are top tier in the jungle, I don't know what is. Plus hecarim being banned in pretty much every game backs up his position in the jungle tier list as well.


formerly sane
Just got Singed and got 2 straight wins. I think I found my 2nd best main. I really don't know how to build him even though I've been kicking butt with him. It seems like the recommended build mostly just gives him armor, where as in I was up against an all magic team and was at a loss with that build. I tried to go for a magic resist build but didn't even know where to start so I just built into a Punic Bulwark, and a Banshee's Veil.

Need to find me a good Singed build. Any tips on Singed builds btw?

IF you're talking MR a spirit visage should rarely be counted out.
This guide is popular: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=19669-invertedcomposer-singed-build-guide

This video is the best Singed tutorial on YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJAYBeItBJc

Because I am a baddie, I start sapphire crystal + 2. It's probably better to start flask+ward+1.

Thanks for the recommendations, also I can't believe you can make Singed poison invisible. Though its a glitch so I'm not going to even try it do to not wanting to be reported and all for cheating.

IF you're talking MR a spirit visage should rarely be counted out.

Yeah, I should go that route with magic resist instead of Runic Balwark. Turns out when I looked at the recommended guide, all the items I put on Singed except 2 were considered bad on him.


I can't win. I feed we lose. I carry we lose.
Must not turn to the dark side.
Must not instalock mid.
Must... not... report...

Alright, it's One Republic - All The Right Moves on a loop playback jungle Shyvana time.
God help my teammates.


Panth mid works so much better than Panth top. Fuck you Riven, Singed and Nasus, I'm gonna insta-gib squishy caster.


Panth mid works so much better than Panth top. Fuck you Riven, Singed and Nasus, I'm gonna insta-gib squishy caster.
you should destroy singed and nasus as panth tbh

I like him better top because he's not outranged by everyone like he is mid.

I'll pick him against like tf or karthus tho


you should destroy singed and nasus as panth tbh

I like him better top because he's not outranged by everyone like he is mid.

I'll pick him against like tf or karthus tho
Killing nasus with lvl 6 isn't really happening. Also, dat fucking inherent sustain, making my Qokes pretty meaningless. I HATE champions with inherent sustain. Garen, Yi, Nunu and who not. Ah yeah, fuck Nunu too. >__<

And singed is just being singed. He needs to be asleep to die in a 1on1 after lvl 2.


I know what the change is. It is a nerf. Yeah, not exclusive to her, but still a nerf.

This guide is popular: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=19669-invertedcomposer-singed-build-guide

This video is the best Singed tutorial on YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJAYBeItBJc

Because I am a baddie, I start sapphire crystal + 2. It's probably better to start flask+ward+1.

Thanks for the recommendations, also I can't believe you can make Singed poison invisible. Though its a glitch so I'm not going to even try it do to not wanting to be reported and all for cheating.

Yeah, I should go that route with magic resist instead of Runic Balwark. Turns out when I looked at the recommended guide, all the items I put on Singed except 2 were considered bad on him.

invertedcomposers updated guide is on lolking
check it out


Finally grew a pair and went adc in ranked. 10-2-9 with Corki! I get a couple kills then somehow escape every teamfight with barely any hp. 4-0 so far in ranked. I figure I should get my bearings in these placement matches.


I need to get Sona. That ult is priceless, it can carry me out of the deeps. But I want to unlock the cute snake first. Oh well.
Also, what a game as Lux! At least 3 moments worthy submitting to that random moments video section in a single game. Cait throwing herself in a root, blind ult killing Mundo after unfortunate duel with our Xin, 100 elo low hp escape from Mundo, 100 elo Lissandra tower dive. I was fed and got core items early. Result? Defeat.
Hey, fellow gaffers, what would you guys say is a fair price to ask/how much would you pay for a EU West Lvl 30 account with all the champions except Lissandra and 1 extra rune page? It has never been used in ranked. 0 skins. Green ribbon (Great Teamate). ~1000 RP (enough for a name change).

Thinking of selling the account on eBay... I never really play anymore and even when I do (which is like once every 3 months or so) I could just use my brother's account.
Just solo-topped for the first time in a draft game and it actually went kinda okay? I was up against warwick as Jax, and I got REALLY behind because he killed me twice, but at some point I turned it around somehow and he would initiate on me with his ult and I'd just spank him. I think I was playing too cautious at first, plus the fact that Jax has very little sustain. Once I got to mid-game he couldn't handle me one on one. It felt good. I was useless in teamfights but I won my lane and the other team surrendered so.


Just solo-topped for the first time in a draft game and it actually went kinda okay? I was up against warwick as Jax, and I got REALLY behind because he killed me twice, but at some point I turned it around somehow and he would initiate on me with his ult and I'd just spank him. I think I was playing too cautious at first, plus the fact that Jax has very little sustain. Once I got to mid-game he couldn't handle me one on one. It felt good. I was useless in teamfights but I won my lane and the other team surrendered so.

Probably because WW is terrible.



this needs to happen
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