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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I don't know how Alistar is somehow doing decent damage going pure tank.

His passive. I have done decent damage too on him in ARAM, and I start chalice(!) for the E spam and then just build resist/armor/health depending on who they have. Constantly walking through people/minions to stun/headbutt someone back to your team adds up, and with E + ult he can stay around quite a while to keep trampling.


So I tried to explain to this Tristana on my team after the last ARAM match why Ravenous Hydra was not a good item to build. Wasn't even being snippy (even though we almost lost 5 v 4). Got to "So, Trist, about your Ravenous Hydra" before they logged out.

I tried, dammit.


People call me a rager when I say stuff like:

"Yeah, I don't think doran ring as your first item was a good idea lol" after firstblood is given out.



Had a ranked today...2nd and 4th pick person called mid. 4th pick said ok, ill go support. 2nd pick person picks Nidalee, and the 4th and 5th people start raging. "NO NO DONT GO NID. I'M NOT ABOUT THAT LIFE" and demand that he change his pick or else. He locks in Nid and 4th pick says he is going mid with him then. Then locks in Ahri and they demand Nid go to support.

WHAT THE FUCK? I've seen ragers, but never have I seen people rage so hard at another player's pick. Jesus christ the crybabies. And then there was another game where this last pick person raged at me because I didn't let his buddy get mid when I was higher pick. Said I was a dick because of it. That doesn't even make sense. Never have I seen so much queue rage.
So now that it's not 4 AM and I can actually look at a screen again, Aatrox thoughts:

He's a melee carry-ass melee carry. He has a dunk-up (a dunk that knocks up) so he has some hard cc, so that's good. His ult also gives him a lot of team fight presence, but he's still likely to be the focus of the enemy's attention. You're probably gonna want to dunk in, it'll and peace out and shit people from a bit further back with the range he gets. So he's a bit safer than other melee carries.

He feels nothing like Fiora, or any of the other melee carries. His auto animation is pretty good, all his animations in general are pretty good. Probably the closest thing in terms of AA animations is maybe Aether Wing Kayle's. He can jump over walls with his dunk up, but only barely. It's pretty short range.

He's get two AP scaling abilities, his E and his ult. his wave clear is pretty sucky, so you'll absolutely need a Hydra. Blade of the Ruined King and Ravenous Hydra will be your two core items.

The healing on Blood Thirst is pretty decent and it scales with AD, so the more ham you build the more health you recover. Blood Price is a great tool for dunking people in a trade, but it's pretty risky early on. Eventually you'll get enough life steal to life steal past the health you lose on every third hit. He'd a be a bad jungler, because his clear would either be stupid slow because he has no real steroid, or super dangerous if you use Blood Price. His Q and E being short ranged wouldn't be great for jungle ganks either. I don't think he'll be great in mid lane either. He is a solo top laner.

His power spike is probably at level 2. He'll pick up W first, then Q and do an all in. Turn on Blood Price and duke it out, then sustain back up with Blood Thirst after. He'd be the type of guy to do a fortitude pot start if that wasn't a sub-optimal start anymore. Doran's Blade probably better saved until first back. I'd say start rejuv bead, 5 pots and a ward. The rejuv bead will build into Tiamat anyway.

End game build would probably be BotRK, Hydra, Zephyr, Frozen Mallet, Bezerker Greaves, BT or something. It's a shit load of AD anyway.

He can solo baron with Blood Thirst on, but not Blood Price, so that's interesting. I killed it with full health left with Blood Thirst on, had to stop because I would have died with Blood Price on.

His passive isn't all the amazing, but you'll want to have it full and ready to go before going into a fight. The health recovers over 1.5 seconds, so at least it's quick.

That's about it.


brazilian server


yeah I had absolutely no idea what I was doing with rumble lol


His passive isn't all the amazing, but you'll want to have it full and ready to go before going into a fight. The health recovers over 1.5 seconds, so at least it's quick.

That's about it.

Says that he is invulnerable when he is using his passive.

He has 1.70 lives with 1.5s of downtime.


Okay I started playing (frequently) about 6 days ago and I am a level 11.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far, I've been playing with friends (and making new ones) and I've become pretty good with a couple of champs.

However, there is one thing that seems to really bug me:

There are a few champs who are consistently dominating and they just seem to be overpowered.

Jax and Master Yi to be more specific. EVERY game I am playing against one of those two champs, thy are just incredibly difficult to kill.

For example, Jax tanks and does quite a bit of damage but he can also leap from a mile away which makes him a ranged character too.

Master Yi just stands there and revives and he cannot be slowed by a lot of attacks. He has a ranged attack and pretty good damage. It just seems like whatever I do, he always gets away and comes back 10 seconds later with full health.

I mean, is there any way to counter these two champs?

On another note, I just bought Olaf, and I really WANT to like him but I'm just not doing so well with him. Any tips for playing Olaf?

I'm also considering buying Zac, is this a good idea?
I mean, is there any way to counter these two champs?
Crowd control kills Yi. He's not a naturally tanky champ. Normally, unless he's extremely fed he will dive in only after some time the fight started. Stun him then blow him up.

AD Yi counters: Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, Thornmail, crowd control
AP Yi counters: Banshee's Veil, Bulwark, crown control, don't get poked down

Jax doesn't have a good early game, has a fine mid game and is a monster late game. He's a carry, so don't let him reach end game. Crippling him early on prevents him from being too relevant.

On another note, I just bought Olaf, and I really WANT to like him but I'm just not doing so well with him. Any tips for playing Olaf?
Build pure tank and stack health and CDR. Dive for the enemy squishy then spam Q and E.
Had a ranked today...2nd and 4th pick person called mid. 4th pick said ok, ill go support. 2nd pick person picks Nidalee, and the 4th and 5th people start raging. "NO NO DONT GO NID. I'M NOT ABOUT THAT LIFE" and demand that he change his pick or else. He locks in Nid and 4th pick says he is going mid with him then. Then locks in Ahri and they demand Nid go to support.

WHAT THE FUCK? I've seen ragers, but never have I seen people rage so hard at another player's pick. Jesus christ the crybabies. And then there was another game where this last pick person raged at me because I didn't let his buddy get mid when I was higher pick. Said I was a dick because of it. That doesn't even make sense. Never have I seen so much queue rage.

Lol that gave me a good morning chuckle thank you.

|OT5| I'm not about that midnid life.

This needs to happen!!!
Says that he is invulnerable when he is using his passive.

He has 1.70 lives with 1.5s of downtime.

Actually, looking at it again, that's incorrect. He stores up to 35% of his health for his passive. The 70% number is that he stores 70% of the damage he does to himself with his abilities in his passive, up to a total of 35% of his total health, if you get me.

Also the invulnerability lasts for like 1 sec at most.


what's your build?

so far I've gone ie pd bjork

IE/VS, PD, into either Bjorn or Bloodthirster, I still can't decide. I lean a little toward BT because the damage from a fully charged Q with 3 stacks of Blight is absolutely devastating, but you want the attack speed to get the Blight. However, you go PD to get that attack speed.

So IE/VS ==> PD ==> BT ==> LW ===> defensive item of choice. I like frozen mallet because Varus doesn't have an escape (outside a wasted ult) and the slow on his E is not the greatest, it doesn't get you away like a Caitlin net or a Tris jump. And I'm still not the best at positioning as an ADC.
Guys, Kennen is a flippin ninja.

Tried him AP first but it didnt suit me.
Now that I play him AD (with a little AP) it is just super fun and strong.

Now what is the best skin?


What's a way to get max CDR on someone like Annie? Without wasting any CDR.

DFG (10%) + Morellinomicon/Athene's (20%) + Masteries and runes (10%)

Blue Buff and Blue Elixir also provides you with 20% and 10% CDR respectively, so you might want to skip out on the runes and/or Morellinomicon/Athene's.


@Varus - BotRK -> IE -> PD (/Shiv, if Korea is on to something here) if you can auto-attack them enough in lane. If you're forced to stay back, you'll probably want the raw AD earlier.

End game build would probably be BotRK, Hydra, Zephyr, Frozen Mallet, Bezerker Greaves, BT or something. It's a shit load of AD anyway.

That's way too glass cannony to be honest. You can't realistically do that coming out of top lane as something that needs to dive-in and fight. To be honest, you'll probably end up with defensive boots and Zephyr being a defensive item of some kind with the final item as a LW or a final defensive item. BotRK+Hydra+FM+Sunfire+Randuin's, for instance.

Playing him full-on damage is basically just for the massive snowball. And, well, maybe for the early days of him when nobody knows what to do. It's not something I'd really expect to work out in the long term for him though.

Hell, there's a good chance he won't even have Hydra in most builds a month or so after release to be honest.

Edit: Of course, there's always the chance he somehow just takes off as an assassin but, looking over his kit, he's more of a get in there and stay in there fight rather than an in-and-out type. Of course, there's always the way to build a comp so you can go glass cannon out of the top but I wouldn't really expect that all the time. As much fun as it would be to have an ADC build on him in top.


The world as a whole doesn't know how many Darkin there are. That's some privileged information you get as a reader ;) As a bit of a future spoiler: three of the five, including Aatrox, are known to history, turning up in myths etc. The other two are completely unknown to the rest of the world. It's unclear whether even the other Darkin know of them. They don't talk much.
Jax and ?


Neo Member
Well I've climbed up to the heady heights of rank 14. Last few games have been me attempting support. Sona is amazing, just a shame in the player matches at the moment I also seem to end up against two ranged carry types and get slowly killed at a distance. The person I'm with normally isn't good enough to get all the last hits on the creep I'm leaving for them (not intended as an insult - I'm not good enough either. We are all terrible).

So I play around with the free champs in custom games. Not keen on a lot of the melee ones again. Remembering some of you guys, decided to try this Vi character. Oh, so I can kill bots at quite an early level. That will never work in a real game. End result? I believe the colloquial term is GET DUNKED!

Man she is vicious. Need more practice at the Q, keep having people just out of range and I get punished for it. Plus thought I was all eSports and nearly threw the entire game by going in hard against the entire enemy team. Topped off with missing a pretty dead Nunu with the Q three times and getting picked off by a turret.

Why are all these good people over 6000 IP? It took me ages to save up for Diana and I haven't used her since. Damn you Riot and tempting my wallet.
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