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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
if you want free elo play sejuani before riot nerfs her into the ground.


any of you guys know how to set the game to another language than the one it's automatically chosen for your region?

like, it was funny at first reading everything in portuguese but now I'm absolutely incapable of using the store because searching tear or morello or nlr doesn't show up anything :/

also voices would be nice.

I don't want shitty spanish lux voice :3

Well I've climbed up to the heady heights of rank 14. Last few games have been me attempting support. Sona is amazing, just a shame in the player matches at the moment I also seem to end up against two ranged carry types and get slowly killed at a distance. The person I'm with normally isn't good enough to get all the last hits on the creep I'm leaving for them (not intended as an insult - I'm not good enough either. We are all terrible).

So I play around with the free champs in custom games. Not keen on a lot of the melee ones again. Remembering some of you guys, decided to try this Vi character. Oh, so I can kill bots at quite an early level. That will never work in a real game. End result? I believe the colloquial term is GET DUNKED!

Man she is vicious. Need more practice at the Q, keep having people just out of range and I get punished for it. Plus thought I was all eSports and nearly threw the entire game by going in hard against the entire enemy team. Topped off with missing a pretty dead Nunu with the Q three times and getting picked off by a turret.

Why are all these good people over 6000 IP? It took me ages to save up for Diana and I haven't used her since. Damn you Riot and tempting my wallet.
there's a ton of cheaper champions that are still great.

try the 450-3150 champs, they may look a bit rough but they're usually pretty decent

if you want free elo play sejuani before riot nerfs her into the ground.
not long now...

still haven't player her mid long enough to make up my mind if I like her there


if you want free elo play sejuani before riot nerfs her into the ground.

Yeah, she's cool. I got dumbstruck in champ select in ranked since my main junglers were picked/banned so I picked her. I managed to initiate lots of winning team fight, despite not having played her more than in a couple Arams.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What if I told you guys
she used to be stronger before the rework.


bought varus, I'm kinda confused what to level him

EQW or QEW depending on the situation then R>E>W>Q

I'm thinking it might be cool to get like two early points in Q and leave it at that then level E and W. would be doing QEQW then R>E>W>Q


also it's noticeably harder to play him on 200 ping than on 40.

Edit: Yay, more buffs for my Sona mid. I never have W on anyway.
you and your sona mids prompted me to try her on my brazilian smurf. I was called a trolla and who knows what kind of filho da puta stuff and was sent down bot lol.

we still won and I got to build my muramana+morello+nashors aram build.

edit: also sona buff would make lux the champ with lowest base hp in the game. I'm ok with that, all I do is play low health champions


can someone recommend me a dota hero I'd potentially like?

there's just like billions to choose from

c'mon corgi, do my homework


hey guys i just recently installed this game it looks really cool and everybody seems so nice so far ^^

any tips for a beginner?


how do i beat this plastic bag champion every game hes in he always gets a bunch of kills. hes so slippery and hard to catch and once he jumps on you, thats it youre dead. he just seems so strong, is this game balanced?????


dawngate gonna be sick

its so hype seeing mineral line harass in sc2, right? right. so just, put it in a moba. bam esports


how do i beat this plastic bag champion every game hes in he always gets a bunch of kills. hes so slippery and hard to catch and once he jumps on you, thats it youre dead. he just seems so strong, is this game balanced?????

He's a tough bastard



dem drugs will be bad for you bro

I miss your gamecribs summaries


Okay I started playing (frequently) about 6 days ago and I am a level 11.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far, I've been playing with friends (and making new ones) and I've become pretty good with a couple of champs.

However, there is one thing that seems to really bug me:

There are a few champs who are consistently dominating and they just seem to be overpowered.

Jax and Master Yi to be more specific. EVERY game I am playing against one of those two champs, thy are just incredibly difficult to kill.

For example, Jax tanks and does quite a bit of damage but he can also leap from a mile away which makes him a ranged character too.

Master Yi just stands there and revives and he cannot be slowed by a lot of attacks. He has a ranged attack and pretty good damage. It just seems like whatever I do, he always gets away and comes back 10 seconds later with full health.

I mean, is there any way to counter these two champs?

On another note, I just bought Olaf, and I really WANT to like him but I'm just not doing so well with him. Any tips for playing Olaf?

I'm also considering buying Zac, is this a good idea?


Jax is pretty good character, but he is nowhere near overpower. You need to tell us who you use against him in top lane if you want some tips on how to counter him.

Yi is weak against hard cc like stun/root, since he is a paper cannon, just cc and blow him up in 2 shots during teamfight.

Just keep playing the game, focus on learning 3 or 4 champions, and follow a guide in site like http://www.solomid.net/ until you master the game mechanic.

Yes Zac is good, but since ip is very hard to get, only buy champions you tried in the free rotation.
i lost my yellow ribbon :'(

wat did i do wrong. is it because i went back to dota?

I lost mine a little bit ago too :(

Why is it that whenever I mid I always just end up with a really safe score? Might be because I play way too cautious as ziggs, and he's who I mid with. Just went 4-1-9. Two of those were hail mary ults, which are just about the funnest things to do.
That moment when you critic does 1.7k of damage... and the enemy jungler(heimer) has 1.4k hp (level 14, without items giving him more health or armor...)

He tried to gank me(Caitlyn) I had my crit ready... and shoot him... 100-0 in a single shot. I laughed.

Seriously, it was really funny. I was like "and this is how you gank".... hahaha. And latter when the game ended, they blamed him for feeding me.

Not sure if Heimer jungler is even viable...

I think this was the match with my highest CS(cs per minute)... 234 at 26:30. I'm not sure how "acceptable" is that, I have heard I should have like... if in minute 27, 270 cs, if in minute 30, 300 cs.

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