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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I love silver!

Does anyone use the Mac client? Comments on the league forums make it sound buggier than 4p magicka.

Yes, I play on mac. From the amount that people complain about the client overall, I wouldn't say it's that much worse. I can't say I'm necessarily unhappy with it.

There have been a couple of times where I crashed in the loading screen and I wasn't able to reconnect. In fact, the very few times I've crashed, it hasn't given me the option to reconnect at all. So there's that. But otherwise, runs pretty smoothly.


I'm as bad searching gaf as I'm bad in LoL. What was the name of that program that changed the color of your health bar? A virus-free link would be appreciated.


Ok, found the program on reddit.

I would love to get into Dota2 but I barely have any free vidjagames time, and that I already give to LoL. Plus the idea of having to relearn what champion does what is very off putting.

edit: Also that 1v1 map seem quite unnecessary. This is a game thats supposed to be balanced for team v team. What is the point of someone winning a 1v1 outside, perhaps, mirror matches. I would have preffered they spent the resources on another 5v5 map or mode.


Having weird login issues with this game. Last night it logged in perfectly fine, this afternoon it was having problems, but after a while it let me, and now it's not letting me after multiple tries still. Anyone know what could be causing this?


People in ranked, especially in low levels, typically don't know how to handle an enemy team that isn't following the standard meta.

Gold levels players can't handle it too. They're too into the meta and think they'll win because they have the right team comp.

They don't know how to stall games and just give up dragons to go to late game.

And magma chamber is nothing like their first teaser.


Gold levels players can't handle it too. They're too into the meta and think they'll win because they have the right team comp.

They don't know how to stall games and just give up dragons to go to late game.

And magma chamber is nothing like their first teaser.

tbh if you change the meta in a normal match I wouldn't really know what to do either

I'd probably just swap lanes to better match the enemy's or something


do you hate google
why do you hate

I'm gonna download iLoL today and see how that works. I can play with windows people right?

Why iLoL? There is a Mac client and it runs much better in my experience. On my low end 13" MBP, I get an overall smoother experience on it than when in bootcamp. Bootcamp sometimes gives me like 50fps, but then I have to deal with constant BSOD.


Why iLoL? There is a Mac client and it runs much better in my experience. On my low end 13" MBP, I get an overall smoother experience on it than when in bootcamp. Bootcamp sometimes gives me like 50fps, but then I have to deal with constant BSOD.

What's iLol? I was using that as a substitute for "the LoL Mac client."



Sona is a high-sustain, high multi-target burst mage that excels both in laning and in teamfights. In lane she out pokes most typical mids, is very dangerous at 6 and, with blue buff, she can virtually last forever in lane. Mid game she can turn teamfights around with her great multi-target burst.



I know what you're thinking...


"We've gone over this Subtle, Sona is not a viable AP mid! We're not about dat life."


I know, I know, just hear me out. I think Sona has what it takes to be a viable APC.


"But she has shit scaling, only two damaging abilities, and she's the squishiest champion in the game."



In this section we'll be going through each skill one by one.

Power Chord

(Innate): After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals an extra 8 + (10 × level) magic damage in addition to a bonus effect depending on which ability was cast last.
Additionally, Sona's Auras persist for 1 second after deactivating and set off a 0.5 second global cooldown.

This is Sona's hidden third damaging ability, and boy does it hurt. At level 18, a Staccato will do a whopping 618 damage. This is a very important ability for Sona and the reason I believe she's a viable AP Mid, but more on that later.

Hymn of Valor

(Stance) – Persistent Aura: Sona plays the Hymn of Valor, granting nearby allied champions bonus attack damage and ability power while the aura remains active.

(Active): Sona fires bolts of sound, dealing magic damage to the nearest two enemies (prioritizes champions).

(Power Chord) – Staccato: Deals double Power Chord damage.

The aura on this ability, while nice, is pretty unnoticeable. The reason this ability is so good is because of the active. It targets two people and scales really damn well(+0.7 per ability power). This and Power Chord are your two main poking tools early on.

At 50 ability power(what you have at around level 1-3) and this ability leveled twice, it will deal a hefty 135 damage. At level 18, with 500 ability power, it will deal 620 damage. With max CDR that's 600 damage every four seconds to two enemy champions.

For comparison:
Champion's Move (single/dual/multi target): Damage if you only hit one, damage if you only hit two.

Sona's Hymn of Valor (dual target): 620, or 1220 damage.

Annie's Disintegrate (single target): 595 damage.
Ahri's Orb of Deception (multi-target): 610, or 1220 damage.
Lux's Light Binding (dual target): 610, or 915 damage.
Brand's Sear (single target): 565 damage.

So, as you can see, Sona's Hymn of Valor is definitely up to snuff against some other common AP Mages.

Aria of Perseverance

(Stance) – Persistent Aura: Sona plays the Aria of Perseverance, increasing nearby allied champions' Armor and Magic Resist while the aura remains active.

(Active): Sona sends out healing melodies, healing Sona and the most wounded nearby allied champion and inspiring them to receive additional Armor and Magic Resist for 3 seconds.

(Power Chord) – Diminuendo: Reduces the target's total damage output by 20% for 4 seconds.

This is the generally the reason it's commonly thought Sona has bad AP scaling. This ability is great early game and is where your sustain comes from. You can brush off enemy poke easily with this ability.

This ability, at 500 ability power, will heal you and an ally for 245 health.

For comparison:
Champion's Move (single/dual/multi target): Health given to yourself, total health given. MR and Defense given.

Sona's Aria of Perseverance (dual target): 245, or 490 health. 15 and 15.

Soraka's Astral Blessing (single target): 575 health. 0 and 105.
Nidalee's Primal Surge (single-target): 540 health. 0 and 0.

Song of Celerity

(Stance) – Persistent Aura: Sona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allied champions bonus movement speed while the aura remains active.
(Active): Sona energizes nearby allies, granting them increased movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
(Power Chord) – Tempo: Slows the target by 40% for 2 seconds.

This is a nice little ability. It makes it so you don't need to prioritize boots and will make you uncatchable at max rank. Not much else to say though.


(Active): Sona plays her ultimate chord, forcing enemy champions in a line in front of her to dance for 1.5 seconds and take magic damage upon impact.

This is Sona's signature and it's very strong. An AOE stun that, at 500 ability power, will deal a whopping 750 damage. That's 750 damage, on top of a stun that leaves them vulnerable for more ass-whooping from your team. At level 6, a Flash+Crescendo+Hymn+Power Chord is a guaranteed kill.

For comparison:
Champion's Move (single/dual/multi target): Damage if you only hit one, damage if you only hit two.

Sona's Crescendo (multi-target): 750, or 1500 damage.
Annie's Summon Tibbers (multi-target): 800, or 1600 damage.
Brand's Pyroclasm (multi-target): 600, or 1200 damage.
Lux's Final Spark (multi-target): 875, or 1750 damage.

Full Combo

Sona's full combo(consisting of Power Chord, Hymn of Valor, and Crescendo) will deal 1988 damage to a single target. This is only one rotation. Sona's cooldowns are very small with max CDR and she can easily sneak in another Hymn of Valor and Power Chord(not to mention the extra damage from Lich Bane)


Power Cord - Staccato: 20(Hymn of Valor Aura) + 101(AD) + 188(8 bonus and 10 per level) + 309(Staccato bonus)

holy fuck this took forever. I'll update it tomorrow with more numbers, my item build, playstyle and shit like that. didn't spell check either. and i got the background color wrong. fml


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Those Sona changes need to come out soon. I'm tired of playing a caster minion.


Counter picks TF with Panth. Gets camped ): Didn't help that our jungler was afk either.
smart jungler
always camp the counterpicked lane for ez ganks


Good luck getting out of bronze.
hes quite proud of bronze 1 and its actually pretty good
top 50% or something
do you hate google
why do you hate

I'm gonna download iLoL today and see how that works. I can play with windows people right?
overall its pretty normal
I'm ass at last hitting and map awareness

I play with the map locked to my character

Gaf am I bad?
camera lock is an OK way to play, but im sure you know its not optimal
I'm as bad searching gaf as I'm bad in LoL. What was the name of that program that changed the color of your health bar? A virus-free link would be appreciated.


you're supposed to max zoom in on your character while camera locked too
thats how aphromoo plays blitzcrank


I can tell you love to go for kills in lane

might I suggest to you thresh (though i dunno how hes like after the nerf)

china loves thresh graves combo for the great burst


What's iLol? I was using that as a substitute for "the LoL Mac client."

Oh, iLoL was the name of the third party Mac client that was out before Riot came out with their own. I thought you were talking about that.

Anyway, much prefer the Mac client than Bootcamp on my MBP. Highly recommended.


ADC Sona is a lane monster, AP Sona is better end game.

ADC Sona's shit attack speed is what makes her pale in comparison by late game. Even with a few items it's still bad. Trust me, I've played a bunch of ADC Sona.

You know what's better than both ADC and AP Sona combined together?

Support Sona.


so how does she jungle

but really, more than her being squishy, her range is why she's not a good mid, but also her terrible wave clear and how all her abilities are wasteful in lane if she's 1v1ing.

for her damage you're comparing it skill versus skill, instead of combo versus combo.

sona is probably: q, ult, q, power cord q

lux is: q, e, ult, auto, detonate e, auto

I don't have the numbers but it's pretty obvious she deals more damage.

same for most other mids, grab diana, zed, ryze, karthus, everyone outdamages her, maybe not on a spell by spell basis but their spell rotations will always win.

her cc outside of her ult is not that great, and its range is very limiting when flash is on cooldown, so she won't be that much of a playmaker (unlike say tf, morgana, gragas, etc.).

so yeah, she might be fun and if you got really good at her that's great but it's not really a smart pick, she belongs bot lane, carrying bitches from the support role.

btw what do you build her? I imagine something like lich bane, morello, zhonyas with cdr boots


also did anyone notice like a complete death on lulu picks post nerf? like for real I barely see her anymore.


who needs waveclear when you can dodge skillshots and auto aim a 600 range spell that deals da damages

every 3 seconds

then heal off anything they do manage to land
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