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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I still say Leona is the best support, next to Blitz. But Blitz doesnt count since he's ALWAYS banned in ranked.

leona is easy to counter with janna since the animation for leona's gap closer is longer then the time to spam out janna's tornado. Also the shield blocks most dmg which can occur in the time of the stun, and janna's ult can pretty much push all enemies out of range from leona's ult (so if you ult and hers lands, then they need to gap close again, or she ults, the moment the stun end, you ult and it's all for not).

Alistar also has some advantages against leona.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I still say Leona is the best support, next to Blitz. But Blitz doesnt count since he's ALWAYS banned in ranked.

If you're ahead or even sure she's an alright support. But fall behind and Leona can quickly become useless.
I believe this is the second time i bought RP and got 2 new champions and weren't able to try them out due to problems. 1st time was due to that update that made everyone disconnect for a few hours. The 2nd time was because my ping for some reason only today is getting a 4000+ ping (I'm usually in the 60's - 80's). I swear me and my bad luck lol.

Anyways I just got Fiora and she is beast at the start game. Holy moly I was putting champions at half health just from parrying and a few auto-attacks at lvl 1. I wasn't able to get past lvl 12 because my ping kept screwing me up but i can't wait to try her and Vlad out.


Oh god you got fiora

and thats coming from me who played her heaps when she was released
shes pretty good at 1v1 though

Glacial Path is a pass-through linear skillshot that deals magic damage to all enemy units it hits. Lissandra may re-activate Glacial Path while the projectile is in-flight to blink to its location, destroying the projectile.

huh. didnt know that. imagine the potential plays!


leona is easy to counter with janna since the animation for leona's gap closer is longer then the time to spam out janna's tornado. Also the shield blocks most dmg which can occur in the time of the stun, and janna's ult can pretty much push all enemies out of range from leona's ult (so if you ult and hers lands, then they need to gap close again, or she ults, the moment the stun end, you ult and it's all for not).

Alistar also has some advantages against leona.

Janna is where it's at..


so how does she jungle

but really, more than her being squishy, her range is why she's not a good mid, but also her terrible wave clear and how all her abilities are wasteful in lane if she's 1v1ing.

for her damage you're comparing it skill versus skill, instead of combo versus combo.

sona is probably: q, ult, q, power cord q

lux is: q, e, ult, auto, detonate e, auto

I don't have the numbers but it's pretty obvious she deals more damage.

same for most other mids, grab diana, zed, ryze, karthus, everyone outdamages her, maybe not on a spell by spell basis but their spell rotations will always win.

her cc outside of her ult is not that great, and its range is very limiting when flash is on cooldown, so she won't be that much of a playmaker (unlike say tf, morgana, gragas, etc.).

so yeah, she might be fun and if you got really good at her that's great but it's not really a smart pick, she belongs bot lane, carrying bitches from the support role.

btw what do you build her? I imagine something like lich bane, morello, zhonyas with cdr boots


also did anyone notice like a complete death on lulu picks post nerf? like for real I barely see her anymore.

Don't get me wrong, she's a very niche pick. Only using her as a counter pick to a few select champs is the smart thing to do. I use her mid whenever I feel like it and surprisingly have a 60% win rate.

Her combo is Ult-Q-Power Chord-W-Auto-E-Auto-Q-Power Chord. Probably throw in a Zhonyas somewhere in there. W and E are just there to proc Lich Bane.

I didn't do combo versus combo because I was too tired, but here:

Annie Combo:
Around 2800 to 3000 damage depending on how much Tibbers does. Raw spell damage is 2600.

Lux Combo:
Around 2800 damage depending on how much Liandry's does. I honestly have no idea how much Liandry's does. Raw spell damage put is 2600.

Sona Combo:
About 5000 damage.

This is assuming: No item actives are used (only passives), Lux has Liandry's, Sona has Lich Bane, and everyone has 500 AP. First build I saw on Mobafire is what I went for for Lux and Annie. Everyone executes their combos perfectly.

(My phone deleted the entire part of combos so I forgot the exact numbers sorry)

I'm not sure if my math is wrong or if Lich Bane is stupidly OP. But the catch here is for Sona to do that combo she has to last 5 to 6 seconds. Annie and Lux have to just last 3 seconds, 4 for Annie.

Anywho here's a more bare bones version.




Assuming: No item actives nor passives. 500 AP.

So Sona has more sustained damage (a shitton at that) and less burst.

My build goes something like Sorc, Athenes, Morello, Lich, Zhonya's, Deathcap, Deathfire, and Void Staff. You can only choose 6 though ):

Yeah her wave clear is bad, but it's a double edged sword. Sure she'll be pushed to tower more often than not, but that puts your enemies in a very risky position. Her range I find to be adequate in lane but subpar later on. That's why Zhonyas is core on her. With the new buffs her early game prowess will only be exemplified and Doran's Ring will be a great start for her.


the inherent problem I see in your sona is that it assumes that the enemy team lets a 600ish range (since most your damage comes from your autos) 6 damage items squishiest champion in the game kill everybody for 6 seconds :/

also this is the problem of using raw damage to compare "damage potential".

to keep on comparing lux and sona, there's a couple problems:
* sona's combo looks super complicated, all those autos in the middle might get missed with her shitty base as. same may happen for lux, but since running lich bane on lux is pretty dumb, it's not that big a deal.
* sona's damage after her ult is mostly single target, while with lux like with most of the other mids you're constantly dealing aoe damage. so while sona's supercharged power chord lich bane auto may deal say 500 to one guy, lux's e may be dealing 200 to three or four guys.
* when I talked about combos I was talking burst. a 6 second thing is not really a combo for fair comparison, it's just sustained damage (by second 3 people will flash out of your killzone), and it's hard to gauge, if you're gonna compare sustained damage champions you might want to see cassiopeia or something. I mean, by second 7 or 8 even lux might get her cooldowns back and do another spell rotation.
* you're equipping lux with liandrys :p

can't wait for ap sona part two tho :p



it begins T_T

will try a smurf account first to check if it's half empty like the brazil server


Just the skill matches i think

I think its because the 1v1 map is still in alpha and they want to edit out any weird pauses n stuff

They played the first matches today to determine the semifinalists.


SEA.Toys vs KR.Ambition
EU.Alex vs CN.Misaya

CN.PDD vs EU.Soaz
KR.Shy vs SEA.Stanley

NA.Saintvicious vs KR.Insec
CN.Clearlove vs EU.Diamondplox

NA.Doublelift/NA.Xpecial vs SEA.Chawy/SEA.Mistake
CN.Weixiao/CN.Xiaoxiao vs KR.Pray/KR.Madlife


do they get regular bans and picks or is it same champions?

and jungle 1v1 sounds boring. so it's basically another top match


New sale:

Elise @ 487 RP
Jax @ 292 RP
Zilean @292 RP

Stinger Akali @ 260 RP
Deep One Kassadin @ 260 RP
Hextech Janna @ 487 RP



I'm down for some Hextech Janna. I might as well get a skin for my favorite support.

In other news, I am now 5-2 in my placement matches. Lost one last night where I had second pick and one of my teammates asked me to get Kayle for him so he could support with her. I did it, then started naming top champs that I own for him to grab for me. Of course he didn't have any of my champs and I ended up having to go Ryze top. To be honest, I was giving the Gangplank a rough time, especially with all the ganks from our jungler. Unfortunately it was over because our Kayle and Tristana fed MF early.


It should come up around the opening of the allstars methinks

any elise players here?

is it possible to shift into spider and rappel with very very fast timing?

maybe my shitty au ping stopping me from doing it

welcome to the all-stars shanghai
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