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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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So I'm level 15 and right now my favorite character is Sion but I seem to have a little trouble with him sometimes depending on the matchup. Maybe I'm playing him wrong. I build him for AD and max his E, W, and finally Q. The one thing I don't like is that Sion seems to need a lot of farm to be real good and the items I build him with are very expensive so it takes a while. I do really well in 1v1, 1v2 depending on the enemy, but in team fights, most of the time I get focused and I can't keep myself up. Any tips for using Sion? I was thinking maybe giving him more survivability would help him out but I'm not sure.

From the new rotation def. going to try Leona. Been wanting to try her for a while. I tend to like characters that are tanky but can dish out the pain too, like Garen.

Leona doesnt dish out that much damage on her own though. She's very lethal if paired with a champ that makes good use of her passive and crowd control. Basically she enables kills but cant exactly kill on her own.

Cho is on rotation. He can do good damage, has good crowd control and is very tanky on his own.


Leona doesnt dish out that much damage on her own though. She's very lethal if paired with a champ that makes good use of her passive and crowd control. Basically she enables kills but cant exactly kill on her own.

Cho is on rotation. He can do good damage, has good crowd control and is very tanky on his own.

Oh I see. Well I will try her out see how I do as support/tank. I will try out Cho.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So I'm level 15 and right now my favorite character is Sion but I seem to have a little trouble with him sometimes depending on the matchup. Maybe I'm playing him wrong. I build him for AD and max his E, W, and finally Q. The one thing I don't like is that Sion seems to need a lot of farm to be real good and the items I build him with are very expensive so it takes a while. I do really well in 1v1, 1v2 depending on the enemy, but in team fights, most of the time I get focused and I can't keep myself up. Any tips for using Sion? I was thinking maybe giving him more survivability would help him out but I'm not sure.
You should max Q before W on Sion as AD. Your stun will come up more frequently and do more reliable damage than the shield.

But Sion does suck.


Last pick wants top. Team was Blitz, Ahri, Trist, Yi jungle. Locks top lane Vayne. Goes 0/8 to Akali. Complains we don't have a tank to protect her. SMH.


So I'm level 15 and right now my favorite character is Sion but I seem to have a little trouble with him sometimes depending on the matchup. Maybe I'm playing him wrong. I build him for AD and max his E, W, and finally Q. The one thing I don't like is that Sion seems to need a lot of farm to be real good and the items I build him with are very expensive so it takes a while. I do really well in 1v1, 1v2 depending on the enemy, but in team fights, most of the time I get focused and I can't keep myself up. Any tips for using Sion? I was thinking maybe giving him more survivability would help him out but I'm not sure.

From the new rotation def. going to try Leona. Been wanting to try her for a while. I tend to like characters that are tanky but can dish out the pain too, like Garen.

Leona doesnt dish out that much damage on her own though. She's very lethal if paired with a champ that makes good use of her passive and crowd control. Basically she enables kills but cant exactly kill on her own.

Cho is on rotation. He can do good damage, has good crowd control and is very tanky on his own.

Cho is a good champ to learn. Wolf posted some good points plus Cho's E makes last hitting much easier, thus increasing his survivability (thru passive). Landing Qs can be tricky but it's a fairly big aoe. His silence can disrupt key enemy champs in team fights. Target the champ that can CC or aoe dmg the most and get an easy team fight win.

Played against Reginald last night and got stomped. Is JessicaJungQT his gf? If so, she was Ezreal and I gotta say she was pretty damn legit.


So I'm level 15 and right now my favorite character is Sion but I seem to have a little trouble with him sometimes depending on the matchup. Maybe I'm playing him wrong. I build him for AD and max his E, W, and finally Q. The one thing I don't like is that Sion seems to need a lot of farm to be real good and the items I build him with are very expensive so it takes a while. I do really well in 1v1, 1v2 depending on the enemy, but in team fights, most of the time I get focused and I can't keep myself up. Any tips for using Sion? I was thinking maybe giving him more survivability would help him out but I'm not sure.

From the new rotation def. going to try Leona. Been wanting to try her for a while. I tend to like characters that are tanky but can dish out the pain too, like Garen.

Cho is a good champ to learn. Wolf posted some good points plus Cho's E makes last hitting much easier, thus increasing his survivability (thru passive). Landing Qs can be tricky but it's a fairly big aoe. His silence can disrupt key enemy champs in team fights. Target the champ that can CC or aoe dmg the most and get an easy team fight win.

Played against Reginald last night and got stomped. Is JessicaJungQT his gf? If so, she was Ezreal and I gotta say she was pretty damn legit.

A tip for hitting more Qs with Cho is to silence them first, so they can't flash or use escape abilities.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?

What would be considered faults of Kat during team fighting? I keep having this consistent problem. When it is clear no one is engaging the other team, am I supposed to just go in? I don't because it seems pretty obvious that Kat doesn't have the health for that. I usually wait for someone to initiate, support them, then shunpo in when I believe my ult can kill the non tanks, or even all 5.

I am trying to find out what things done in a game would be considered my fault. Sometimes people blame me in game for them dying in a team fight, even though I am throwing bouncing blades at tanks and such while remaining safe. I am incredibly frustrated.



What would be considered faults of Kat during team fighting? I keep having this consistent problem. When it is clear no one is engaging the other team, am I supposed to just go in? I don't because it seems pretty obvious that Kat doesn't have the health for that. I usually wait for someone to initiate, support them, then shunpo in when I believe my ult can kill the non tanks, or even all 5.

I am trying to find out what things done in a game would be considered my fault. Sometimes people blame me in game for them dying in a team fight, even though I am throwing bouncing blades at tanks and such while remaining safe. I am incredibly frustrated.

try not to take what people say to heart

unless theyre being really really constructive and sound super helpful, which is rare


kat cant initiate, shes like the 3-4th person into a team fight.

you can spam Q's at the tank and hope it bounces around?

if youre super ballsy, if said tank has used their cc, you can E-W and run the hell away (need extra skillz to dodge inc skillshots)

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
try not to take what people say to heart

unless theyre being really really constructive and sound super helpful, which is rare


kat cant initiate, shes like the 3-4th person into a team fight.

you can spam Q's at the tank and hope it bounces around?

if youre super ballsy, if said tank has used their cc, you can E-W and run the hell away (need extra skillz to dodge inc skillshots)

That's what I do, I spam q and w as much as possible until I can actually do something. It pisses me off because people will blame me for losing the team fight, then I take their "advice", and try Q+E+W+R, and die. I just don't get it, how can you expect me to kill Voli and Blitzcrank?


A good Kat can help with a teamfight without doing much at all. If the enemy team is saving their CC for Kat's ult they're not using it in the actual fight.

Usually there's one person on a team that saves their CC for Kat's ult. You can usually play mindgames with that person.

Of course, this is all silver tier stuff. I don't know how players play at higher levels.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
A good Kat can help with a teamfight without doing much at all.

How though, I really want advice. I watch Scarra Kat plays all the time now, and I try to emulate what he does. It works out for me well until very particular situations come up. I really don't want to give up playing her, she is incredibly fun. I just want to do better.

I notice the same thing happens to him sometimes. He gets put in situations a lot like what I deal with, and even he dies.


I like to kite as Kat.

Team fight going down, target about to die, Q-E-W, target is dead, team will focus you now probably, ward and E since you got a reset. Throw Q. Usually this is enough with crappy players that they'll chase you for a few seconds then give up, but that gives your team time to win.

Of course, strategies always change with the amount of CC the enemy team has and how good they are. Sometimes you just have to man up, sometimes you have to kite, it just depends. Thresh is Katarina's worst nightmare.


There's bigger things for Kat that need to be answered: How's your csing/farm? What's your item build path? How comfortable are you at Q-E-W-disengage?

Generally speaking, you don't initiate with Katarina unless you're doing some kind of Zhonya's baiting. Katarina goes in to clean up a fight. After most CC and high cooldowns get blown on your proper initiation. You unload on the squishiest target and pray for the reset so you can continue. You don't need a full channel of your ult either unless you can do it safely.

Edit: Just to expand, if I get in there and start my ult up and get a kill, I'll most likely E-Q-W-AA to the next squishiest/lowest target and try to cascade that reset through the entire team. Sitting there channeling an extra tick of your ult isn't better than another reset and keeping up with the team fight that's (probably) moved. If they just sit there in your ultimate and nobody even looks at you then, sure, just channel some more I guess but you'll still get more damage to the next reset target by using all your skills.

Basically, my teamfight presence is to Q whenever it's up, E-W when someone is too far up and forced to pull back, and to always be ready to Q-E-W-R when the initiate happens. If it comes down to it, I'll be ready to Flash-E-W-R / Flash-E-W-Zhonya's if that's what's necessary but there's better initiations.

I notice the same thing happens to him sometimes. He gets put in situations a lot like what I deal with, and even he dies.

What are these situations?

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
T How's your csing/farm? What's your item build path? How comfortable are you at Q-E-W-disengage?
What are these situations?

-I think I am doing poorly farming because I can't afford haunting guise as early as I want.

-I was reccomended to go Zhonya's first, but I am drifting towards getting the revolver and guise after 1st tier boots.

-I'm comfortable with Q-E-W, but not the disengage, especially with casters and ranged. i get damage in, but depending on who I'm fighting, they can turn around just as quick and deal equal damage. That's a big problem with Teemo. What I have started doing is continuing auto cutting, and that deff helps.

- Some team fights.

I read all of what you wrote btw.
Complete MOBA noob so forgive me if the topic comes up quite often but I've been looking for a new competitive multiplayer game (tired of FPS's) and I figured I'd like to dip my toe into either LOL or DOTA2.

Are the claims of the insanely high learning curve and horrible communities legitimate or is there room for a "casual" player to succeed and have fun? Basically do I have to grind out 50 hrs plus worth of matches before I begin playing decently and enjoying myself or can a smart gamer pick up the basics relatively quickly?

Complete MOBA noob so forgive me if the topic comes up quite often but I've been looking for a new competitive multiplayer game (tired of FPS's) and I figured I'd like to dip my toe into either LOL or DOTA2.

Are the claims of the insanely high learning curve and horrible communities legitimate or is there room for a "casual" player to succeed and have fun? Basically do I have to grind out 50 hrs plus worth of matches before I begin playing decently and enjoying myself or can a smart gamer pick up the basics relatively quickly?


DOTA2's learning curve is far steeper.

Community is generally okay to bad. Just mute whoever's giving you a hard time. You should go play coop against bots so that you'll learn the basics. People are a lot nicer there.

50 hours isn't even a lot. In LOL, that's probably not even enough to let you start playing ranked games.


Complete MOBA noob so forgive me if the topic comes up quite often but I've been looking for a new competitive multiplayer game (tired of FPS's) and I figured I'd like to dip my toe into either LOL or DOTA2.

Are the claims of the insanely high learning curve and horrible communities legitimate or is there room for a "casual" player to succeed and have fun? Basically do I have to grind out 50 hrs plus worth of matches before I begin playing decently and enjoying myself or can a smart gamer pick up the basics relatively quickly?


I'll be frank and say that LoL has (at times) the worst online community I've ever seen, but it is not something you run into frequently, and most of the time people are pretty mellow, especially outside of ranked games. As said, DOTA 2's curve is much, much steeper, although LoL isn't something you'll get overnight. It will take you time to find characters you like, and then get good with them and their respective roles, and most characters play quite differently from each other on top of that.

Thankfully, the basic goals for each game remain the same, and some basic strategies like CSing, last hitting, warding and summoner spells are universal skills. After that, find some champs you like however you want (most are attracted to aesthetics and there's youtube vids of just about every champ in every situation and how they work), learn them, buy runes for them, and branch out from there. There's beginner/medium AI bots, tutorials, and normal/ARAM queues to help start you out. Try to get at least one win a day though, you'll need lots of IP.


-I think I am doing poorly farming because I can't afford haunting guise as early as I want.

Well, getting the gold earlier and earlier is the biggest thing you can strive for at least in your early game. Being able to get that much stronger earlier can change a lot about the game since it makes it easier to shut down your lane opponent and do things around the map. Basically, work on csing :x

-I was reccomended to go Zhonya's first, but I am drifting towards getting the revolver and guise after 1st tier boots.

I don't think that Revovler is all that good on Kat. You're better suited with Haunting Guise -> Abyssal* rather than a Revolver. Revolver -> Spectral Wraith isn't that bad though but I personally don't find the Spell Vamp worthwhile on Kat's kit when you can just spare the gold for a potion or two in the early-to-mid game rather than itemize it.

Plus, Gunblade isn't that good either so it doesn't feel all that efficient.

*Or early Seeker's if vs an AD Mid. Haunting Guise -> Sunfire Cape works well too vs ADs if you want to go the far tankier route. Early Zhonya's isn't ideal all the time unless you're expecting to be going in a lot.

-I'm comfortable with Q-E-W, but not the disengage, especially with casters and ranged. i get damage in, but depending on who I'm fighting, they can turn around just as quick and deal equal damage.

With maxed W first, you tend to disengage faster than most people can DPS. It's especially noticeable on skillshot based characters. It's not something you can always do (because of things like Teemo, like you mention) but it's a pretty vital skill to have when playing Kat: Being comfortable enough to jump in and W for free damage.

...of course, sometimes doing that in the mid-to-late game will have someone interpret it as an engage so sometimes it backfires!

- Some team fights.

Well, any other details? Low level games tend to just stalemate on team fights because nobody wants to initiate so that's usually where things collapse. While Kat isn't ideal at initiating, being able to start a teamfight on your terms can generally win games anyway so that's something to keep in mind. At the very least, know what to look for as a good time to initiate (and then initiate and your team /afks).

From what you've written so far, it doesn't really seem like you were playing bad so it's probably just people looking to scapegoat someone. Of course, at the same time, you can't be super passive either and if you only look for free options, you're wasting your potential. While it's nice to chip away and stay back, you can't do that forever without having a comp meant for it (e.g., Jayce).

Basically, don't go super balls deep as Kat unless the situation calls for it but don't sit back until that moment arrives. Try to create those situations and be sure to punish mistakes (improper positioning mainly). Waiting around won't win you games. If nothing else, learning your limits happens a lot easier/faster when you play aggressively.
I'll be frank and say that LoL has (at times) the worst online community I've ever seen, but it is not something you run into frequently, and most of the time people are pretty mellow, especially outside of ranked games. As said, DOTA 2's curve is much, much steeper, although LoL isn't something you'll get overnight. It will take you time to find characters you like, and then get good with them and their respective roles, and most characters play quite differently from each other on top of that.

Thankfully, the basic goals for each game remain the same, and some basic strategies like CSing, last hitting, warding and summoner spells are universal skills. After that, find some champs you like however you want (most are attracted to aesthetics and there's youtube vids of just about every champ in every situation and how they work), learn them, buy runes for them, and branch out from there. There's beginner/medium AI bots, tutorials, and normal/ARAM queues to help start you out. Try to get at least one win a day though, you'll need lots of IP.

DOTA2's learning curve is far steeper.

Community is generally okay to bad. Just mute whoever's giving you a hard time. You should go play coop against bots so that you'll learn the basics. People are a lot nicer there.

50 hours isn't even a lot. In LOL, that's probably not even enough to let you start playing ranked games.

Thanks for the insight. I know they're both F2P so there is little cost to at least giving them a shot at some point.


Thanks for the insight. I know they're both F2P so there is little cost to at least giving them a shot at some point.

As someone that was new to MOBAs, I found League was a lot easier to get in to. There are less "actives" on items and the "roles" in game were a little more clearly defined. Everything seemed a bit more straight forward. That said, I enjoy both games. I just know LoL FAR better and really can't bring myself to learn everything all over again when I could just play and enjoy LoL.

It took a solid year (~400 games for me) before I felt like I had a real good handle on the game. Try them both!


Thanks for the insight. I know they're both F2P so there is little cost to at least giving them a shot at some point.

Yea, definitely give both games a shot. The communities are similar, but I feel like Dota's is less forgiving and has bigger number of assholes (not that league doesn't..). I'll love Dota forever, but I don't see myself going back to it now that I play league.

Horse Detective said:
Is it obnoxious to remind people to call MIA?

Absolutely not. It's MOBA 101 to know to call MIAs. Just make sure you have an eye on your minimap just in case. I know it's annoying, but sometimes just keeping an eye on the other lanes will save your life.


So guys, after the all stars matches and the performance we saw from pretty much everyone who played Jayce... you think a nerf is certain in the near future?

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Absolutely not. It's MOBA 101 to know to call MIAs. Just make sure you have an eye on your minimap just in case. I know it's annoying, but sometimes just keeping an eye on the other lanes will save your life.

Getting ganked by one or two people is one thing, since you can't always know where someone goes after returning from a recall, but four people in the bushes mid with NO pings is ridiculous.


On the opposite end of things, how do four people get to mid lane without any of them being spotted? Or even a little suspicious at the very least to nobody visible on the map.

So guys, after the all stars match and the performance we saw from pretty much everyone who played Jayce... you think a nerf is certain in the near future?

It's definitely happening but the question is more towards the how. Just some tweaks to where his damage is (e.g., make his on-hit Hammer R do more and his Hammer Q/E do less) to change his skill pathing and then some tweaks to the itemization (because, seriously, Muramana is a big deal) and things should work out.


So guys, after the all stars match and the performance we saw from pretty much everyone who played Jayce... you think a nerf is certain in the near future?

I hope not, I've been playing him more often.

Getting ganked by one or two people is one thing, since you can't always know where someone goes after returning from a recall, but four people in the bushes mid with NO pings is ridiculous.

I agree 100%. Normally, I like to go by if there is at least one enemy mia and my lane isn't warded for whatever reason, I won't push past the river.

Whether your teammates call mia or not, the enemies are still missing. I'd rather watch the map and keep myself alive, than get ganked and be mad at my team. I'd rather be mad and my team for not calling mia and still be alive than be mad at my team and be waiting to respawn.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I agree 100%. Normally, I like to go by if there is at least one enemy mia and my lane isn't warded for whatever reason, I won't push past the river.
Yeah, it is my fault for dying if I dont see enemies on the map, I need to not go beyond the river in that situation. I'm just saying if you are pushing bot or top and don't see anyone for like 5 minutes then there should be a clue
just played the most ridiculous game.

62-24 in kills. We had 24. It was like 55-12 at one point.

My team absolutely refused to surrender. The vote failed every time we tried. The other team refused to win. It was a living hell.

i was basically feeding towards the end and I still had around the same number of deaths as my teammates. I don't understand why that lux was building AD. I know the summoners code is like try your hardest to win all the time and all that but jesus


because, seriously, Muramana is a big deal

I really hope they address this first. Muramana's %mana damage boost is too high. I remember around the time Dominion came out Akali received some nerfs and very shortly afterwards it became fashionable to buy Hextech Gunblade on well, everyone really (Singed, Rammus, etc.) in Dominion and that trend started seeping into SR. They ended up nerfing Gunblade quickly, justifiably so, but that put Akali in a not-so-great spot after that for a long time. Turns out a major reason she was OP was that an OP item was core to her build. Now, I'm not arguing Akali was fine and didn't need the nerfs, but an OP item can mask the actual strength of a champ.

Unfortunately going by the Kha'Zix nerfs on PBE it seems as if Riot's about to go and do the same thing. Again, not arguing that Kha'Zix and Jayce don't deserve nerfs, but Muramana should really be nerfed first.


I really hope they address this first. Muramana's %mana damage boost is too high. I remember around the time Dominion came out Akali received some nerfs and very shortly afterwards it became fashionable to buy Hextech Gunblade on well, everyone really (Singed, Rammus, etc.) in Dominion and that trend started seeping into SR. They ended up nerfing Gunblade quickly, justifiably so, but that put Akali in a not-so-great spot after that for a long time. Turns out a major reason she was OP was that an OP item was core to her build. Now, I'm not arguing Akali was fine and didn't need the nerfs, but an OP item can mask the actual strength of a champ.

Unfortunately going by the Kha'Zix nerfs on PBE it seems as if Riot's about to go and do the same thing. Again, not arguing that Kha'Zix and Jayce don't deserve nerfs, but Muramana should really be nerfed first.

I'm a little bit worried about Diana, at this point, I doubt she deserves more nerfs.


When I mentioned muramana being next in line for nerfs about 3 weeks ago Id hoped riot would be smart and do that prior to torching all the champions that were using it. I feel like there's no way they're making good analysis about those champions efficacy in a world where muramana exists.

Also, for those just starting out worried about the community and learning curve: It's mostly overblown and a lot of it comes from the earliest days of the genre where no centralized organization cared what
happened within the games. At this point the average solo queue games are relatively tame with low level ranked games coming off the most toxic and blind pick SR by far the most trolly ( it's honestly the worst way to play LoL at level 30). If you really want to avoid the vast majority of assholes stick to Dominion and Twisted Treeline; the shorter games really minimize human frustrations with the outcome.

Learning Curve is steep because most people don't put time outside of their actual gameplay into learning the game. If you're willing to spend time reading, watching vods, and actually practicing with an eye towards improvement you will see results in your game. Of course it will be several hundred games before that point though; particularly if you have no moba experience at all.
When I mentioned muramana being next in line for nerfs about 3 weeks ago Id hoped riot would be smart and do that prior to torching all the champions that were using it. I feel like there's no way they're making good analysis about those champions efficacy in a world where muramana exists.

Also, for those just starting out worried about the community and learning curve: It's mostly overblown and a lot of it comes from the earliest days of the genre where no centralized organization cared what
happened within the games. At this point the average solo queue games are relatively tame with low level ranked games coming off the most toxic and blind pick SR by far the most trolly ( it's honestly the worst way to play LoL at level 30). If you really want to avoid the vast majority of assholes stick to Dominion and Twisted Treeline; the shorter games really minimize human frustrations with the outcome.

Learning Curve is steep because most people don't put time outside of their actual gameplay into learning the game. If you're willing to spend time reading, watching vods, and actually practicing with an eye towards improvement you will see results in your game. Of course it will be several hundred games before that point though; particularly if you have no moba experience at all.

Blind Pick is the best mode in LoL, you take that back Erragal!


kinda late to the kat thing, but from playing with you yesterday I can tell you you did a couple things wrong:
1) you kept too much distance from the actual fight, you were always late and then just seemed to ult whoever was closest. you're not lux, you need to be at shunpo distance at all times so you can ult at the right moment, not too early and not too late. watch for when they waste their big cc, or when they're low, then get in.
2) you ulted the wrong targets a lot. like, you ulted vi like 3 times and she always just q/ulted you and you barely got 2 or 3 spins off. you also ulted single targets a bunch of times, even when there were clumps of people right next to them. get 3 people or don't bother, your goal is to aoe with your ult
3) you didn't use your passive like at all. you'd go in, ult, then run away most of the time. your w has 4 seconds cooldown. spam that shit all fight long until you die or they die. most of the times you'd be the only one left at the fight while their whole team had only a sliver of health. you could've gotten a couple triples and quadras if you had stayed doing resets.

Sona has really broad shoulders...
broad enough to support her beauties


Blind Pick is the best mode in LoL, you take that back Erragal!

Depending on your definition of best...I mean I love a good troll time game every now and then; blind pick summoners rift is definitely where I go when I wanted to alt-tab at champ select until 1 minute into the game. Sadly they give me leaver penalties for that now :/

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
kinda late to the kat thing, but from playing with you yesterday I can tell you you did a couple things wrong:
1) you kept too much distance from the actual fight, you were always late and then just seemed to ult whoever was closest. you're not lux, you need to be at shunpo distance at all times so you can ult at the right moment, not too early and not too late. watch for when they waste their big cc, or when they're low, then get in.
2) you ulted the wrong targets a lot. like, you ulted vi like 3 times and she always just q/ulted you and you barely got 2 or 3 spins off. you also ulted single targets a bunch of times, even when there were clumps of people right next to them. get 3 people or don't bother, your goal is to aoe with your ult
3) you didn't use your passive like at all. you'd go in, ult, then run away most of the time. your w has 4 seconds cooldown. spam that shit all fight long until you die or they die. most of the times you'd be the only one left at the fight while their whole team had only a sliver of health. you could've gotten a couple triples and quadras if you had stayed doing resets.

broad enough to support her beauties

Yeah i'll use this advice. Like I said I was really tired last night :( Today I have been doing a bit better.
Depending on your definition of best...I mean I love a good troll time game every now and then; blind pick summoners rift is definitely where I go when I wanted to alt-tab at champ select until 1 minute into the game. Sadly they give me leaver penalties for that now :/

The quality of matches I get in blind pick are much better than the rest of the modes quite frankly. That and people don't care all that much about who you pick. Not to mention the enemy team usually plays along too which to me makes the matches even more enjoyable.

I remember playing Gangplank against an enemy Malphite at top lane, after about 3 minutes we decided that we would just farm and not pay attention to anything else for the rest of the match, it was wonderful.

Now of course Draft Pick has more emphasis on being more serious and competitive, It's just that I find Blind Pick more enjoyable overall.


The quality of matches I get in blind pick are much better than the rest of the modes quite frankly. That and people don't care all that much about who you pick. Not to mention the enemy team usually plays along too which to me makes the matches even more enjoyable.

I remember playing Gangplank against an enemy Malphite at top lane, after about 3 minutes we decided that we would just farm and not pay attention to anything else for the rest of the match, it was wonderful.

Now of course Draft Pick has more emphasis on being more serious and competitive, It's just that I find Blind Pick more enjoyable overall.

I can't help that you enjoy troll games more than competitive ones!!!

Honestly I get your point and do agree; it's more that for someone still learning the game the rather hodge-podge nature of BP-SR doesn't give you a good environment to understand where you succeeded and failed with any sort of context.

But good trolly fun it will always be!


blind is great if you want to try shit out under random scenarios

I don't even think people is more tryhard in draft, it's just adds an extra layer of strategy for randoms to disregard, that's all

Yeah i'll use this advice. Like I said I was really tired last night :( Today I have been doing a bit better.

yeah, I don't really care if you played badly or not, I'm just giving some friendly observations


blind is great if you want to try shit out under random scenarios

I don't even think people is more tryhard in draft, it's just adds an extra layer of strategy for randoms to disregard, that's all

I like draft because I can ban the champs I hate playing against.

Then again.. Maybe I shouldn't ban em so I can get more practice against them.
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