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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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You know what. From what I've experienced in the past week with plat players, I don't think I even want to go plat.

Once I got my mmr up, I've been vsing plat 5-3s people in all my games. Almost all of them play the blame game and do nothing but trash talk if someone does something wrong.

I can usually calm this shit down but I can't do it against 3-4 people doing it together and spamming surrender votes because we lost an obective.

I've had to report people in over 90% of my games.

I rather play in god damn Gold.

That's been my experience as well. Everything is always someone else's fault. There was some diamond rated player in a game, and one of my teammates looked him up, started freaking out, kept saying gg, fed someone who wasn't even the diamond, and blamed it on the diamond.

It's a miracle if the first blood is against us and someone doesn't immediately start raging and blaming.

So jungle Leona is a thing (at least up till Plat), and that thing is beautiful.

Yup, I usually play her a tad more tanky, but she is totally viable and hella fun.


Speaking of odd things like Leona jungle, one of the best parts about practicing stuff in non-serious mode blind pick is seeing hilarious things end up working, even if it's only because the opposing laner is terrible.

Last night I had a game where I laned as Katarina with Varus bot lane -- he took the CS, I took the kills -- and Nautilus top lane -- I think he got first blood and had a BF sword by like 10 minutes. He was laning against Warwick who was like HOW DO YOU HAVE A BF SWORD ALREADY. Nautilus just kept coming back into lane and attacking and apparently, I have no idea how, Warwick couldn't do anything about it and was running out of mana trying to heal or something.

And then a bit later Nautilus sold his AD item or two and had rod of ages, part of rylais, and other stuff. His score was just average but the overall game was just very funny if obviously not very competitive.


Another question. I'm level 15 and my friends, all 30, told me to not waste time with runes or whatever until I'm 30. Should I follow said advice?
Another question. I'm level 15 and my friends, all 30, told me to not waste time with runes or whatever until I'm 30. Should I follow said advice?

20. That's when you can start getting tier 3 runes.

GG MVP Ozone. SO it's MVP Ozone vs. either Blaze or Frost in the final. Incredible.


imo most champions that can start dorans at mid are broken since there's little room for counterplay, I just would like to know what the fuck to do against them :/

No mid can start Doran's and not be punished for it. It's a terrible starting item and only works if the opposing player can't harass them. Yes, you take more damage from them but you have sustain and they do not. It's the easiest item start to beat honestly.


yeah, I figured morg wasn't gonna start dorans, so it caught me off guard. but even people like yi or heimer will just push me out of lane.

imo most champions that can start dorans at mid are broken since there's little room for counterplay, I just would like to know what the fuck to do against them :/

also morg's snare having longer range that lux's always messes with my dodges

At least this is after spell vamp nerf, Morgana was an ungangable lane pushing machine. Well she still is, but at least her passive got hit.

If you start with flask, pot and ward, just start trading damage with Morgana. Doran ring is only 80 health (flask itself is 360?), and 15 AP doesn't do much early game for a pre 6 morgana.


No mid can start Doran's and not be punished for it. It's a terrible starting item and only works if the opposing player can't harass them. Yes, you take more damage from them but you have sustain and they do not. It's the easiest item start to beat honestly.

At least this is after spell vamp nerf, Morgana was an ungangable lane pushing machine. Well she still is, but at least her passive got hit.

If you start with flask, pot and ward, just start trading damage with Morgana. Doran ring is only 80 health (flask itself is 360?), and 15 AP doesn't do much early game for a pre 6 morgana.

Also if nothing else, point out the doran's start to the jungler (if he didn't already notice it). Dorans means no ward and no sustain. I punish that severely when I'm jungling.


Also if nothing else, point out the doran's start to the jungler (if he didn't already notice it). Dorans means no ward and no sustain. I punish that severely when I'm jungling.

Yeah, a no ward start in mid lane means that every approach path is a free gank. If they're pressuring you due to the AP, they're basically an easy kill (or at least an easy Flash).

What is proxy pushing?

Go beyond the tower and farm the minions coming.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
hello again ranked


I think dimb already said as much, but I'd probably try to land more auto-attacks than I normally would against a Morgana, particularly if I were playing Orianna.
Just spent 6300 on Syndra randomly, a impulsive purchase, couldn't help myself to spend it. First game I went 5-9-3, had 200 cs, but was terrible. No idea what I'm doing. I know she's got a really high skill cap but fuck this, I feel like shit. Like a billion hours wasted to get 6300 IP and I end up with this turd of a champ. Fucking game pisses me off a lot of times, don't know why I play.

By the way, Diana is still way too powerful. Fuck her


Just spent 6300 on Syndra randomly, a impulsive purchase, couldn't help myself to spend it. First game I went 5-9-3, had 200 cs, but was terrible. No idea what I'm doing. I know she's got a really high skill cap but fuck this, I feel like shit. Like a billion hours wasted to get 6300 IP and I end up with this turd of a champ. Fucking game pisses me off a lot of times, don't know why I play.

Have you used all of your refund credits?


Her passive can be pretty strong too once you get your attack speed up. Prep the headshot and when the fight starts her first hit can do 1k.


4800 pi, solo top, jungle, supp champs recomended?

I was thinking about Wukong.

I play Wukong here and there. I haven't tried him in ranked yet tho. He's alot of fun. E to the enemy and Q them, then just walk away with W. His ult is awesome for teamfights too.

So does anybody have an idea how the system actually places you after your placement matches are finished? I went 7-3 and placed into silver 5 while a friend of mine went 8-2 and placed into silver 2. Another friend of mine went 5-5 and also placed in silver 5. None of us placed in a previous season (if that matters).


I'm pretty new to the game (lvl 8). I just started ARAM to try out new champions. I previously mained Ryze. Now I am starting to really enjoy Graves and Fizz. Are these champions considered any good?


I play Wukong here and there. I haven't tried him in ranked yet tho. He's alot of fun. E to the enemy and Q them, then just walk away with W. His ult is awesome for teamfights too.

If you can, E -> AA -> Q -> W. The Q resets your auto-attack so unless you're at risk of getting CCd and killed, you should squeeze in the extra auto-attack there at the start.


If you can, E -> AA -> Q -> W. The Q resets your auto-attack so unless you're at risk of getting CCd and killed, you should squeeze in the extra auto-attack there at the start.

Yea, I usually try to get a feel of how many aa's I can get in before I need to get out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Teemo is a counter to Vayne...top. What division is this? I've never had it this bad.
This person was Silver I, and the game was a mixture of Gold and Silver players. People can kind of do whatever and win at this level.

I am not actually super freaked out by unusual support choices. I just thought it was funny.


I previously mained Ryze. Now I am starting to really enjoy Graves and Fizz. Are these champions considered any good?
They're both good imo, although Fizz comes with a relatively high skill-cap. Might not be the best choice while still learning the ropes.


Dat 17-1 Ryze :/ Ryze is just beasting in Korea right now.

ryze is faceroll op, I said it a billion times already :/

No mid can start Doran's and not be punished for it. It's a terrible starting item and only works if the opposing player can't harass them. Yes, you take more damage from them but you have sustain and they do not. It's the easiest item start to beat honestly.
I think my biggest mistake (aside from being dumb and not dodging her snares) was doing quick trades rather than fully committing to them. I should've dodged a snare, then qw and auto her like 3 or 4 times to fuck her up. problem is, she just pooled the lane and ran away, there wasn't much room to trade with her.

my problem with people starting dorans is that they just push me to tower and force me to waste all my mana on farming under tower or trying to reset the lane. and junglers are dumb and don't take that opportunity. my bad for not asking for ganks that match, I guess, but our jungler was trash that game anyways.

but seriously all the mids that start dorans (nunu, yi, heimer, first time I see morgana but she does the same thing) just push the lane then hide. I'm not saying I can't beat an annie that started doran's, that's easy because you can force trades against that player. you can't force trades against yi because he runs away to a corner and heals. morg pushed the lane then stayed in range to throw some random qs and if I tried to harass back she just e'd and walked away.

Just spent 6300 on Syndra randomly, a impulsive purchase, couldn't help myself to spend it. First game I went 5-9-3, had 200 cs, but was terrible. No idea what I'm doing. I know she's got a really high skill cap but fuck this, I feel like shit. Like a billion hours wasted to get 6300 IP and I end up with this turd of a champ. Fucking game pisses me off a lot of times, don't know why I play.

buys hard-to-play champion in spite of knowing it's hard-to-play
finds out first hand the champion is hard-to-play
fuck this game it robbed me 6300 ip

Just spent 6300 on Syndra randomly, a impulsive purchase, couldn't help myself to spend it. First game I went 5-9-3, had 200 cs, but was terrible. No idea what I'm doing. I know she's got a really high skill cap but fuck this, I feel like shit. Like a billion hours wasted to get 6300 IP and I end up with this turd of a champ. Fucking game pisses me off a lot of times, don't know why I play.

By the way, Diana is still way too powerful. Fuck her

Or you just don't have the mechanics to play or haven't practised playing one of the single highest burst champions in the game.

And you also played against Diana, who Syndra has a really hard time against.

Learning how to play Syndra was one of the single most rewarding feelings I've ever had playing League. She teaches you so much about the game and you can do things with her that you can't with pretty much any other mid in the game.

It was your first game with her. Labelling her as a turd champ isn't really correct.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think my biggest mistake (aside from being dumb and not dodging her snares) was doing quick trades rather than fully committing to them. I should've dodged a snare, then qw and auto her like 3 or 4 times to fuck her up. problem is, she just pooled the lane and ran away, there wasn't much room to trade with her.

my problem with people starting dorans is that they just push me to tower and force me to waste all my mana on farming under tower or trying to reset the lane. and junglers are dumb and don't take that opportunity. my bad for not asking for ganks that match, I guess, but our jungler was trash that game anyways.

but seriously all the mids that start dorans (nunu, yi, heimer, first time I see morgana but she does the same thing) just push the lane then hide. I'm not saying I can't beat an annie that started doran's, that's easy because you can force trades against that player. you can't force trades against yi because he runs away to a corner and heals. morg pushed the lane then stayed in range to throw some random qs and if I tried to harass back she just e'd and walked away.
This is pretty much just nonsense. You can't even farm well on Morgana like that. You should be waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead on farm against someone who tries that.


Or you just don't have the mechanics to play or haven't practised playing one of the single highest burst champions in the game.

And you also played against Diana, who Syndra has a really hard time against.

Learning how to play Syndra was one of the single most rewarding feelings I've ever had playing League. She teaches you so much about the game and you can do things with her that you can't with pretty much any other mid in the game.

It was your first game with her. Labelling her as a turd champ isn't really correct.
tbh I feel like syn is more trouble than she's worth

but she's pretty fun and if you allow her to q 5 times in a teamfight consider yourself aced.

This is pretty much just nonsense. You can't even farm well on Morgana like that. You should be waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead on farm against someone who tries that.
what can I say, she started with 47 ap iirc and kept doing that, then wraiths. I didn't have a very good game (spent most of my energies reminding people to stop passively farming the jungle and lanes when the enemy team kept doing dragon and group pushing lanes), but she had solid cs doing that and she denied me doing my own wraiths because I had to be constantly farming under turret. by the time I got tear my tower was half health and I still couldn't get up on her. she went back a bit later and returned with a nlr, so now trading was seriously out of the picture.

but it's not about this case in particular, like I said, yi does the same, nunu does the same, etc.


tbh I feel like syn is more trouble than she's worth

Same. When I first read about her kit I thought she'd be great fun seeing as how I prefer playing utility mids like Ori. Everything about her felt clumsy though. She's since gotten some QoL fixes but my limited play time with her really turned me off.


I think my biggest mistake (aside from being dumb and not dodging her snares) was doing quick trades rather than fully committing to them. I should've dodged a snare, then qw and auto her like 3 or 4 times to fuck her up. problem is, she just pooled the lane and ran away, there wasn't much room to trade with her.

my problem with people starting dorans is that they just push me to tower and force me to waste all my mana on farming under tower or trying to reset the lane. and junglers are dumb and don't take that opportunity. my bad for not asking for ganks that match, I guess, but our jungler was trash that game anyways.

but seriously all the mids that start dorans (nunu, yi, heimer, first time I see morgana but she does the same thing) just push the lane then hide. I'm not saying I can't beat an annie that started doran's, that's easy because you can force trades against that player. you can't force trades against yi because he runs away to a corner and heals. morg pushed the lane then stayed in range to throw some random qs and if I tried to harass back she just e'd and walked away.

Yi and Nunu are useless without kills or completely deny your cs. Just focus on wave clear and play defensively.

Morgana cannot farm with her W until level 7 or 8 where the base damage is high enough to clear the caster minions with 1 W. Before that she can still cast W and run away, but eventually she will have to walk back to finish off the minions.

If she use her W then run away, stand between morg and minion waves and zone/harass with auto and E (don't even waste mana on Q unless its a gank). Just remember that since all morgana will max W first, her Q will barely do any damage. If morg used her W to farm, you should win 100% of the trade. While zoning her out you can try using auto attack to freeze the wave (assuming you successfully zone morg out, and she can't aa the wave). If morg choose to counter attack with Q>W, it should be a skill match up, and you will have an advantage since you start with flask + pot/ward.

buys hard-to-play champion in spite of knowing it's hard-to-play
finds out first hand the champion is hard-to-play
fuck this game it robbed me 6300 ip


Yeah, I know.

I wish the new champ didn't take forever to come out, the melee sword guy. I was saving the IP for him but since it's taking so long I just blew it, couldn't wait any longer.


Ya I think im done playing support in ranked for a while. I love janna and all, but I cant deal with an adc who doesnt know what to do. MF just kept ulting for no reason last game.
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