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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Yeah, I know.

I wish the new champ didn't take forever to come out, the melee sword guy. I was saving the IP for him but since it's taking so long I just blew it, couldn't wait any longer.

Come back to the champ at a later time. I remember buying Lee Sin and not having any clue on how to play the champ . After a month of playing other champions I returned to Lee Sin and started kicking ass.


Yeah, I know.

I wish the new champ didn't take forever to come out, the melee sword guy. I was saving the IP for him but since it's taking so long I just blew it, couldn't wait any longer.

Well if you didn't blow them yet, there's always the 3 refunds. Get that IP back. I did that for Nami actually. Didn't want her after all. Was worth it to me getting the IP back.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well if you didn't blow them yet, there's always the 3 refunds. Get that IP back. I did that for Nami actually. Didn't want her after all. Was worth it to me getting the IP back.
afraid to get your feet wet?


I did this in a GAF inhouse once with Nasus. Just have to make sure you don't get any kills or assists.Then you can just farm and whittle down their towers.

Everybody yelled at me for going like 8-0 in lane and for being "too try hard" that game ;__;

but it's not about this case in particular, like I said, yi does the same, nunu does the same, etc.

They have built-in sustain so they can get away with it. This has nothing to do with their starting item, however. Which was the point, right? That Doran's start is stupidly good. Which is false. The only ones who can do it are those with built-in strong sustain but they have better item starts anyway. If you want to complain about Master Yi's heal or Nunu's existence, that's another matter entirely and I'd probably be on board (at least with the Nunu, Master Yi isn't really an issue). Unmovable lanes are some of the most frustrating things to play against. And Nunu is just annoying because FUCK YOU SNOWBALL WHYYYYYYYYY.

It just sounds like you got outplayed by a Morgana. The starting item isn't really relevant here.

Edit: Which, to be fair, isn't that bad for an Orianna vs Morgana thing. Whichever person falls behind first tends to lose out in the long run as far as lane is concerned.


Same. When I first read about her kit I thought she'd be great fun seeing as how I prefer playing utility mids like Ori. Everything about her felt clumsy though. She's since gotten some QoL fixes but my limited play time with her really turned me off.
she has insane unavoidable burst (unless you zhonya's, I don't think you can even banshee's her ult) great spammable harass, a ridiculously long range (small) aoe stun, farms extremely easy (great aa animation plus qw combo), etc.

she's actually really good, it's just too much hassle because she's very punishing if you screw up.

also she has no defensive spells which is one of the things I like most about lux/orianna

Yi and Nunu are useless without kills or completely deny your cs. Just focus on wave clear and play defensively.
this is what I mean by them being broken. like, leblanc can be outplayed, dodge her e, punish her bad waveclear, deny her kills, pay attention to her roaming, etc.

yi and nunu have to be survived, that's about it when it comes to counterplay.

Morgana cannot farm with her W until level 7 or 8 where the base damage is high enough to clear the caster minions with 1 W. Before that she can still cast W and run away, but eventually she will have to walk back to finish off the minions.

If she use her W then run away, stand between morg and minion waves and zone/harass with auto and E (don't even waste mana on Q unless its a gank). Just remember that since all morgana will max W first, her Q will barely do any damage. If morg used her W to farm, you should win 100% of the trade. While zoning her out you can try using auto attack to freeze the wave (assuming you successfully zone morg out, and she can't aa the wave). If morg choose to counter attack with Q>W, it should be a skill match up, and you will have an advantage since you start with flask + pot/ward.

imma watch the replay but it sure looked like she could farm with her w. I didn't dodge two or three easy snares, got ganked I think twice and overall didn't play so well

promotion series makes me nervous

They have built-in sustain so they can get away with it. This has nothing to do with their starting item, however. Which was the point, right? That Doran's start is stupidly good. Which is false. The only ones who can do it are those with built-in strong sustain but they have better item starts anyway.

It just sounds like you got outplayed by a Morgana. The starting item isn't really relevant here.
I'm not saying starting doran's is stupidly good (though I dunno why I rewrote a part of my original post that made this clearer), I'm saying champions like yi that like to start doran's are stupid, unfun and I wish weren't in the game. and doran's just furthers that even more.

and I did get outplayed by morg, no two ways about that (she even got a very good kill on me by hiding in the side brush, while placing a ward right next to it from my side, so when I went to do wraiths she got the ult stun off before I realized what was happening), which is why I'm saying forget about that case in particular.

edit: also, it's not even saying that doran's a good item, it's just an item I always lose to. I think I should commit for longer trades against people starting doran's, since me being hit for 200 and them for 150 in the end hurts them more because I'll heal most of that back up.

Edit: Which, to be fair, isn't that bad for an Orianna vs Morgana thing. Whichever person falls behind first tends to lose out in the long run as far as lane is concerned.
nah, that's alright, I did a lot of stupid stuff like giving away blue buff by fighting her when I knew I was losing the lane.


yi and nunu have to be survived, that's about it when it comes to counterplay.

Well, you can kill Yi if you have any disruption. Nunu just sort of annoys you for the entire laning phase until you've lost your will to live and play the game ever again.

I think I should commit for longer trades against people starting doran's, since me being hit for 200 and them for 150 in the end hurts them more because I'll heal most of that back up.

Basically. If you have more sustain you just have to come out ahead eventually. They may come out ahead in a singular trade but you should win out after enough of them.

Or, well, you get 100-0'd somehow and then their gambit worked I guess.

also it's 5 pm I'm just having lunch and it's a fucking salad

fml T_T

I fucked up my wings (over parboiled so they're a bit rubbery, sauce didn't coat right) ;__;


Any precise counter strategy suggestions for the Singed strategy in that page? It seems difficult for average players to counter, and I'm curious if there are specific optimum strategies (besides having your jungler ignore top lane?).
Sorry I didn't mean Fizz. I meant the little champion that uses explosives. He's free this week.

I'm only lvl 15 but when I mid I prefer to play Ziggs. He's a lot of fun to play, you just have to really practice him to get good at aiming his Q. Also, get good at using your W to escape.

The most satisfying feeling I've come across so far in League is throwing a Hail Mary Ziggs ult into the fog of war to finish off an enemy that thinks they got away.


Well, you can kill Yi if you have any disruption. Nunu just sort of annoys you for the entire laning phase until you've lost your will to live and play the game ever again.
I don't have the champion pool to kill yi in lane tbh

edit: maybe diana? or even ahri

Basically. If you have more sustain you just have to come out ahead eventually. They may come out ahead in a singular trade but you should win out after enough of them.
yup, this is my takeaway from that match

I fucked up my wings (over parboiled so they're a bit rubbery, sauce didn't coat right) ;__;
imma get a subway sub and cheer myself up

this salad is like depression made food


Well I tried doing that proxy thingamajig with Kat then Singed. Don't know why Kata, but with Singed it's good. However you need a good team. People who can take advantage of what you give them.


Hey I wasn't sure, but anyone looking for a duo queue partner for ranked?

I like being semi-competitive in the games I play, and I'll admit I'm not a great league player. Only silver 3 at the moment. I fluctuated from 1400-1500 last season, and ended up being silver in season 2 :(

I know a lot of my mechanics are mediocre, the usual aim for 100 cs per 10 min, I'll average 50-80, counting on how focused I am/playing defensive. I am trying to definitely improve, it's just I think I got tired of just queuing by myself, and have plateaued on how much I can "carry."

If anyone want to play with me for ranked or whatever, just shoot me a message. (Also if you have any questions, like previous competitive gaming history, roles I specifically play, etc. I can go in detail)


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Ya I think im done playing support in ranked for a while. I love janna and all, but I cant deal with an adc who doesnt know what to do. MF just kept ulting for no reason last game.

When you play support in ranked you are the pokemon trainer and your ADC is the pokemon. You must give them orders as you see fit.


When you play support in ranked you are the pokemon trainer and your ADC is the pokemon. You must give them orders as you see fit.

so you're saying I should let them rot at pokecenter while I spam charizard

haven't played a pokemon game in like 15 years


project your e?

also make sure you pause in between spells so your teammates can proc your passive

"shield up! that leona must be ready to go in with e" is what he means

dunno. i dont have enough leona experience to say one way or the other. w later is probably better though since that's where most of the damage will come from if they fight back.
project your e?

also make sure you pause in between spells so your teammates can proc your passive

yeah doesn't my w make me all glowy and shit? if the enemy sees that they're probably going to know an e is coming.

didn't think about pausing though. i'll do that from now on.


On the other hand, them backing off because of reading your W still means they backed off. That's still worthwhile.


"shield up! that leona must be ready to go in with e" is what he means

dunno. i dont have enough leona experience to say one way or the other. w later is probably better though since that's where most of the damage will come from if they fight back.
oh right

yeah doesn't my w make me all glowy and shit? if the enemy sees that they're probably going to know an e is coming.
yeah, it's kind of a tell, but tbh I wouldn't say leona really has a combo. sometimes you ult them first then jump in, sometimes you ult behind them to cut them off so you can keep them in range for your e (since now they have no place to escape to), sometimes you e from brush, sometimes you flash e, etc.

it's a case by case thing I think

didn't think about pausing though. i'll do that from now on.
yeah, just a small pause or else they'll flash away. don't do the pause if they have cleanse/qss


Is the best strategy for a mid mana caster/ranged just to harass them into using up their mana?

generally the strategy is to trade with them favorably and force them out of lane (because of low health). if they don't leave that's an easy kill for you + jungler or a solo kill if you can pull it off.

sometimes it's hard or impossible to come out of a trade in your favor and in those matchups i'd just focus on CS.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
generally the strategy is to trade with them favorably and force them out of lane (because of low health). if they don't leave that's an easy kill for you + jungler or a solo kill if you can pull it off.

sometimes it's hard or impossible to come out of a trade in your favor and in those matchups i'd just focus on CS.
Yeah, I agree with the jungler sentiment. I had an interesting lane phase with a mana ranged champion. I died once, so I know they have a bit more damage than I do, but what I started doing was e+w in without continuing the engagement, and then Eventually our jungler came in and gave an assist kill about 3 times.


What runes/masteries?

shppy likes:

-masteries: I go 21/9/0. Most of the points are in typical physical damage masteries... AD, armor pen, and %damage amps. And of course the extra damage to minions/monsters. The exception is i take cdr rather than AS (the AS isn't noticeable, the cdr can be), but it's not necessary to do so. Also i've got a point in summoner wrath, because i run ghost on most melees, but that can be thrown in destruction or wherever if you don't want that. The defensive masteries are pretty typical too... hp, hp/level, reduced minion damage/reflection, and summoner's resolve.

-runes: I've got flat AD reds and quints, armor yellows, and flat cdr blues... the flat cdr blues aren't necessary, i just prefer them, again. But the rest is pretty much needed.

Because I think MS is OP I swap the AD quintessences for MS. I also went 9/21/0 for enhanced diving.

also make sure you pause in between spells so your teammates can proc your passive

If they still have ignite (or their own DOTs), that's the easiest. Every tick procs Sunlight and it burns fast enough for you to go at a normal-ish pace.



When did they increase the timer for dodging to 15 min? I haven't dodged in a million years but we had an awful aram comp and I said, well 5 min aint nothing and BAM 15 fucking minutes!!


If they still have ignite (or their own DOTs), that's the easiest. Every tick procs Sunlight and it burns fast enough for you to go at a normal-ish pace.
oh wow didn't know about ignite

I guess I never noticed since I'm not insane and I play her support


When did they increase the timer for dodging to 15 min? I haven't dodged in a million years but we had an awful aram comp and I said, well 5 min aint nothing and BAM 15 fucking minutes!!
was that in normals/ranked too? I know it's like that on aram but I figured that was because of the reroll thing


So it's possible to get points for not playing? I was bummed since I was at 0 last week and now I have 20 and am still in in the same tier/division?
oh wow didn't know about ignite

I guess I never noticed since I'm not insane and I play her support

was that in normals/ranked too? I know it's like that on aram but I figured that was because of the reroll thing

So.. are you going to transfer to LAS?

Website is up: http://las.leagueoflegends.com/es/ (and for LAN too: http://lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/ )

If I had to bet, I would say the server will be launched, either the first of June, or this Monday.

Some names of the items... why...

Also... what's "Raposa"? Edit: It seems it is a synonymous of "zorra"(vixen, fox), couldn't they just use "zorra" in any case?. At least they didn't used "vulpeja"...

They named Ahri "la Raposa de Nueve Colas". (Lux "La Dama Luminosa")


Not sure, Havent dodged a 5v5 match but trying to queue any match was still a 15 min wait for dodging that 1 aram match
it's probably just aram

So.. are you going to transfer to LAS?

Website is up: http://las.leagueoflegends.com/es/ (and for LAN too: http://lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/ )

If I had to bet, I would say the server will be launched, either the first of June, or this Monday.

Some names of the items... why...

Also... what's "Raposa"? Edit: It seems it is a synonymous of "zorra"(vixen, fox), couldn't they just use "zorra" in any case?. At least they didn't used "vulpeja"...

They named Ahri "la Raposa de Nueve Colas". (Lux "La Dama Luminosa")
you're in mexico, so you'd be going latam north, right?

myself, I dunno, depends mostly on two things:
1) where they set up the servers: I think the countries that have the best infrastructure are chile and argentina, but argentina is taxing usds pretty heavily (1 usd = 5.5 pesos + 20% tax so buying them skins hurts T_T), so I don't see anyone setting up show here. chile would suck the andes mean the connection between them and there goes all the way up to the us and back, so it's even higher ping than playing in na. anywhere else I think it'd be fine
2) matchmaking: from my experience in the br server, matchmaking can be pretty shit on lower population servers. I was matched against people with ten levels more than me, and I read on reddit ranked constantly matches challengers with bronzes and shit like that

I wish they allowed me to try it out before transferring, that'd be great.

also humberto velez doing vo is amazing, it's gonna be hilarious. imma set it back to english anyways, can't stand translations.

and yeah no idea wtf a raposa is, zorra would've been better though it's basically calling ahri for the slut she is
myself, I dunno, depends mostly on two things:
1) where they set up the servers: I think the countries that have the best infrastructure are chile and argentina, but argentina is taxing usds pretty heavily (1 usd = 5.5 pesos + 20% tax so buying them skins hurts T_T), so I don't see anyone setting up show here. chile would suck the andes mean the connection between them and there goes all the way up to the us and back, so it's even higher ping than playing in na. anywhere else I think it'd be fine
2) matchmaking: from my experience in the br server, matchmaking can be pretty shit on lower population servers. I was matched against people with ten levels more than me, and I read on reddit ranked constantly matches challengers with bronzes and shit like that

I wish they allowed me to try it out before transferring, that'd be great.

also humberto velez doing vo is amazing, it's gonna be hilarious. imma set it back to english anyways, can't stand translations.

and yeah no idea wtf a raposa is, zorra would've been better though it's basically calling ahri for the slut she is

Yes, I'm transferring(to LAN) mostly because of friends and RP...
I'm almost sure I'll end with the same ping that I have right now in NA. I usually have between 40 and 50 of ping. Except some hours of the day where I have 70 of ping.

I have hope eventually there will be enough people playing in the server that the matchmaking experience will be good enough. One can only hope.

Also they answered the question about if you can play with the client in English... here.

Well... more like they answered if we could call the items for their names in english in the chat, because they never really said if we can play with the client in English or not...

Of course, you can change the files in your computer so the game is in english, but that would only change the in-game language, the rest of the client would still be in spanish. (Champion select, profile, Store).

It must sucks for dudes like him: (He got promoted to Challenger three days ago)

He lives about 100 miles away from me. (He's in a latin america "pro" team[LyonGamingLA])
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