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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Yes, I'm transferring(to LAN) mostly because of friends and RP...
I'm almost sure I'll end with the same ping that I have right now in NA. I usually have between 40 and 50 of ping. Except some hours of the day where I have 70 of ping.

I have hope eventually there will be enough people playing in the server that the matchmaking experience will be good enough. One can only hope.

Also they answered the question about if you can play with the client in English... here.

Well... more like they answered if we could call the items for their names in english in the chat, because they never really said if we can play with the client in English or not...

Of course, you can change the files in your computer so the game is in english, but that would only change the in-game language, the rest of the client would still be in spanish. (Champion select, profile, Store).

It must sucks for dudes like him: (He got promoted to Challenger three days ago)

He lives about 100 miles away from me. (He's in a latin america "pro" team[LyonGamingLA])
I'm sure there's a way to change gamefiles so it's everything in english (something like this: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=10880)

like, lux laugh in brazil server is pathetic

deal breaker for sure

I wish it was reasonable to sacrifice an AP item for an extra set of boots. I want more speed.
boots don't stack bro
I wish it was reasonable to sacrifice an AP item for an extra set of boots. I want more speed.

Lichbane, Twin Shadows and Trinity Force gives both AP and movement speed. Of course, not always is efficient(if ever) to have those three items. I have had Lichbane and Twin Shadows at the same time, I think I was playing with Fizz and Twin Shadows active helped a lot when ganking in that game.


Ryze is a good choice if you want a mobile AP champion.

I mean the reason most ap champs are so slow because they can do ridiculous amounts of burst, so it's a champion balance thing.

Also tier 3 boots is always an option if you have an early lead, but usually you don't consider getting them since you can just get more damage.


Ryze is a good choice if you want a mobile AP champion.

Boots of Swiftness w/ Alacrity + MS Quints + 21 Utility + Ryze ult~!

Though, to be serious here, Ryze is fairly low on the mobility thing by himself (335ms). It's the fact that most people run MS Quints + Nimble on him (plus his ult) that makes him a bit more mobile.

Edit: Though, I suppose calling 335 "fairly low" is a little misleading since it's not _that_ bad when compared to the 325/330 tiers. Still, Ryze stops a lot for his spells + his relatively low ranges so the bonus mobility helps him immensely. That and proper rotations / moving between casts.


Any precise counter strategy suggestions for the Singed strategy in that page? It seems difficult for average players to counter, and I'm curious if there are specific optimum strategies (besides having your jungler ignore top lane?).
I don't see any responses to this yet so I assume there aren't good counter strategies! ;p

On a personal note, in the depths of silver, I got a team that was speaking Spanish in lobby so I wasn't sure if I should be worried...but they spoke both Spanish and English and were apparently friendly and had good teamwork. IN RANKED! It was so pleasant. I accidentally went 21/9/0 Nautilus with flash and ignite for jungle since I forgot to get smite. But then I kept doing hilarious damage early game because of it so it worked out in some weird way. The other team's Jax tried to farm against at like level 4-5 mid lane while both mid laners were gone, and I think I just used Nautilus abilities and anchor attacks and he died. :D
Man that Singed proxy farmer is great. He actually posted about getting banned a year ago because of what he's doing. People called him awful and that he was getting carried the entire time. Now people are crying for nerfs! He even used in against Dyrus. He even started farming inside the enemy base by Lv6. Just look at his ELO climb.

This reminds me a lot of AP Tryn. People are just too tied how you're "supposed" to play the game.


I give up. Gold 1 is too hard.

I'm going to pick ezreal every game because he is the only thing I like playing anymore.


I give up. Gold 1 is too hard.

I'm going to pick ezreal every game because he is the only thing I like playing anymore.

Man that Singed proxy farmer is great. He actually posted about getting banned a year ago because of what he's doing. People called him awful and that he was getting carried the entire time. Now people are crying for nerfs! He even used in against Dyrus. He even started farming inside the enemy base by Lv6. Just look at his ELO climb.
Rex, you know what you must do. Be the guinea pig.


Vlad can do the proxy farming thing super effectively as well. I saw a Vladimir do it to Zekent once and Zekent would kill him, but every time Zekent (Malphite) would leave lane to help his team with other objectives, they would lose their top lane turrets.


just had a troll in a game for the first time in loads

calls support
picks heimer
doesn't start flash
doesn't start wards
goes afk first five minutes
feeds first blood
feeds 5 times more
buys mejai
died 12 times



Oh damn, didn't know that. Might actually buy him...or maybe I'll wait for the new champion. Really don't know what to do with my IP.

they nerfed him big time, I dunno where he sits right now, I barely see anyone play him anymore

if rex says he's strong he prolly is I guess

I have like 10k IP just sitting around with no champion to its name either


Behind by 10k gold at 30minutes. Enemy ADC Dcs for 2minutes.

We manage to ace a 5v4 and end the game before he comes back.

So scum. But a win is a win.


lost all my matches today except one aram

but I was lux in that aram

so it's all good

I'm bored of megaman lux


roit pls


Are they going to nerf Zed anytime soon? I have enough IP for him...I kinda want to buy him.

He's definitely still a strong character still. People have learned how to play against him, that and he is a difficult champion to play in general. Resource (energy) management, as well as maximizing damage with his shadow.

He can pretty much assassinate and carry a game just due to the fact of he is a very in and out champion, great poke and damage with amazing snowball potential.


He's definitely still a strong character still. People have learned how to play against him, that and he is a difficult champion to play in general. Resource (energy) management, as well as maximizing damage with his shadow.

He can pretty much assassinate and carry a game just due to the fact of he is a very in and out champion, great poke and damage with amazing snowball potential.
they made his laning much weaker, which is counter to why one runs an ad mid


Do any of you also play Doto 2? Was wondering whether Valve balances/nerfs heroes and items as often as Riot does.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
i am in a promotion series in silver iv. so...okay?

you built zeke's first when your team was mostly ap.

I built a Zeke's because we were dominating for most of the game and Vayne was snowballing like crazy (notice the 11 kills). Going for WoTA wouldn't be worth it since Janna and Nidalee did very little damage in the mid game. There is no reason to go for defensive items if we're winning every teamfight.


Shit just went down.


good/bad thing about doto patch is too much information to theorycraft

shit just went down in here too though

I built a Zeke's because we were dominating for most of the game and Vayne was snowballing like crazy (notice the 11 kills). Going for WoTA wouldn't be worth it since Janna and Nidalee did very little damage in the mid game. There is no reason to go for defensive items if we're winning every teamfight.

shouldve built starks fervor
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