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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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TIL: Support Fiddle sucks against Varus. Healing debuff OP. Blind pick also OP.

He's definitely still a strong character still. People have learned how to play against him, that and he is a difficult champion to play in general. Resource (energy) management, as well as maximizing damage with his shadow.

He can pretty much assassinate and carry a game just due to the fact of he is a very in and out champion, great poke and damage with amazing snowball potential.

Wasn't his assassination potential nerfed since you can only E once in his combo now? Note: Haven't played him since he was nerfed.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Behind by 10k gold at 30minutes. Enemy ADC Dcs for 2minutes.

We manage to ace a 5v4 and end the game before he comes back.

So scum. But a win is a win.

How far will you go for Plat Rex? Have you no honor?!


Man that Singed proxy farmer is great. He actually posted about getting banned a year ago because of what he's doing. People called him awful and that he was getting carried the entire time. Now people are crying for nerfs! He even used in against Dyrus. He even started farming inside the enemy base by Lv6. Just look at his ELO climb.

This reminds me a lot of AP Tryn. People are just too tied how you're "supposed" to play the game.

Had no idea this Singed play style was a thing. Yesterday I had the fortune of playing with one of these guys, and he proxied lvl 1 and his 'distract' the jungler strategy really worked. He then proceeded to farm and die a bunch (until worthless) and push the tower, while the rest of the team distracted them from top and he ultimately got all the towers.


Would anyone here who plays support be up for some duo sometime? Solo Q can be such a mess.
What level (bronze/silver/gold/plat)?

Also just a suggestion, I feel as though duo queue bot lanes often do poorly, unless they are two players who really match each other well, since the duo queue will result in them being matched against players of a higher ranking than either individual player. If the duo queue is playing against a non-duo queue bot lane, both opposing bot lane players may be better than the duo queueing players, potentially leading to pain and sadness.

The other reason I'm not fond of it is because even if you do great and almost always win your lane...there are still two other lanes and the jungler. If you duo and do mid and jungle, or mid and top, or some other combination like that, there are probably a larger number of positions and objectives the duo can easily influence.


What level (bronze/silver/gold/plat)?

Also just a suggestion, I feel as though duo queue bot lanes often do poorly, unless they are two players who really match each other well, since the duo queue will result in them being matched against players of a higher ranking than either individual player. If the duo queue is playing against a non-duo queue bot lane, both opposing bot lane players may be better than the duo queueing players, potentially leading to pain and sadness.

The other reason I'm not fond of it is because even if you do great and almost always win your lane...there are still two other lanes and the jungler. If you duo and do mid and jungle, or mid and top, or some other combination like that, there are probably a larger number of positions and objectives the duo can easily influence.
I'm silver. Anyways, I agree with you somewhat, but I find that as long as bot lane works together to the point where they can secure dragon they have a large enough impact on the team. You're right though, the players have to complement each other well. I haven't been playing ranked for too long, but even I realize that a fed mid or fed bot drastically reduces your chances of winning. But this is the same whether you're Mid with Jungle or ADC with Support.


What level (bronze/silver/gold/plat)?

Also just a suggestion, I feel as though duo queue bot lanes often do poorly, unless they are two players who really match each other well, since the duo queue will result in them being matched against players of a higher ranking than either individual player. If the duo queue is playing against a non-duo queue bot lane, both opposing bot lane players may be better than the duo queueing players, potentially leading to pain and sadness.

The other reason I'm not fond of it is because even if you do great and almost always win your lane...there are still two other lanes and the jungler. If you duo and do mid and jungle, or mid and top, or some other combination like that, there are probably a larger number of positions and objectives the duo can easily influence.

When I duo with my bro I always try to take jung and he takes top or support. Works best to have the spread out map awareness/communication.

Edit: He'd take mid, but since 95% of the time I'm FP and he's last, he usually gets support.


What level (bronze/silver/gold/plat)?

Also just a suggestion, I feel as though duo queue bot lanes often do poorly, unless they are two players who really match each other well, since the duo queue will result in them being matched against players of a higher ranking than either individual player. If the duo queue is playing against a non-duo queue bot lane, both opposing bot lane players may be better than the duo queueing players, potentially leading to pain and sadness.

The other reason I'm not fond of it is because even if you do great and almost always win your lane...there are still two other lanes and the jungler. If you duo and do mid and jungle, or mid and top, or some other combination like that, there are probably a larger number of positions and objectives the duo can easily influence.


A good jungle/mid combo can influence every lane and control all objectives the best.


imo the best thing you can do on duo queue is either jungler+mid or jungler+support.

those are the roles that give you the most control of the map early and midgame, ensures at least two "lanes" aren't feeding, and gives you a jungler that isn't shit.

I built a Zeke's because we were dominating for most of the game and Vayne was snowballing like crazy (notice the 11 kills). Going for WoTA wouldn't be worth it since Janna and Nidalee did very little damage in the mid game. There is no reason to go for defensive items if we're winning every teamfight.
personally I'll usually get aegis/locket even if we're winning. it kills their opportunity to beat you even harder and both make you tankier which is ridiculously snowbally if you're ahead. I might get morello's as an exception sometime.

haven't tested it much since the nerf but swapping as for ad just killed my interest in zeke since I imagine it isn't the tower destroying beast it used to be (also super duper awesome on like cait and vayne)...


What level (bronze/silver/gold/plat)?

Also just a suggestion, I feel as though duo queue bot lanes often do poorly, unless they are two players who really match each other well, since the duo queue will result in them being matched against players of a higher ranking than either individual player. If the duo queue is playing against a non-duo queue bot lane, both opposing bot lane players may be better than the duo queueing players, potentially leading to pain and sadness.

The other reason I'm not fond of it is because even if you do great and almost always win your lane...there are still two other lanes and the jungler. If you duo and do mid and jungle, or mid and top, or some other combination like that, there are probably a larger number of positions and objectives the duo can easily influence.

From my personal experience, this isn't necessarily true. In S2, I was around the 1200-1400 Elo range, and people would always fight over top and mid, there were less chances for the duo to get both positions. Support is almost never contested, so it's much easier to actually get the bottom lane. Plus, I'd rather have someone who knows how to play support on the position instead of someone who wanted mid and was forced into it because me and my buddy wanted to mid/jungle to control the map.

My and my buddy probably won 70 percent of our matches when we went support ADC simply because we knew how each other played and play off each others aggressive nature. Plus, by having a strong bottom lane, you can ensure your teams becomes a late-game threat and can maintain control of dragon.

But maybe in Gold+, people are more willing to let duos play the roles they want. At the 1200-1400 level, the second you mention you're a duo, you get shit on and you get shit on even harder if you make a mistake.


Yeah, don't mention you're duo. It's just a bad idea. What I hate about duo is people fail to talk to the rest of their team, when I'm duo I try to communicate. Two people saying nothing on a team becomes a problem. If you mention you're duo people will start hating you, lol.


don't talk to the tribals
don't look at the tribals
don't engage with the tribals

just say "<role> please"

then buy a pink ward and say lets do baron

be sure to say worth a lot


Yesterday I had the funny experience of playing with a Nautlius that portrayed as a bot.

'Bot: Smite ready.'
'Bot: Stealing dragon sequence.'
'Bot: Activate recall.'
'Bot: Failed recall.'
'Bot: Target ADC.'
'Bot: Noob detected.' <-- after a failed ult from one of our teammates, lol

He threw a bunch because each time he did something he stopped to type and he got caught, also he mentioned he had high ping. Besides the throws, my team was completely dominating so it wasn't that big a deal, still gave a me a mini heart attack, though. Worth the throws for a few laughs.
Taric AP top is such a pubstomper and super fun to play.
loving it

edit: I recently get flamed a lot less when I lock him and call top/mid, did he get popular?


I saw a neat idea on making the life of supports easier. Everytime you kill a minion you get CS and you can spend that CS to buy wards. I believe it was something like 25 for a sight and 35 for a vision ward. To stop wards from being spammed around the map you would get 15 extra gold for killing an enemy ward with an oracle. I'll try to find the thread, but what do you all think?


I saw a neat idea on making the life of supports easier. Everytime you kill a minion you get CS and you can spend that CS to buy wards. I believe it was something like 25 for a sight and 35 for a vision ward. To stop wards from being spammed around the map you would get 15 extra gold for killing an enemy ward with an oracle. I'll try to find the thread, but what do you all think?

Nope. Wards are already too prevalent. If anything I think they need to limit ward placement.


nope, wards are what separate us from the tribals and the last bastion of my sanity

also why would you want to reward supports for csing?

the best thing for supports would be to actually create good support items aside from shurelyas/aegis/locket. also add gp10 to support items, it's stupid to have to sacrifice your main source of income for your teammates.

but seriously:
ohmwrecker: remove the ap, make it cheaper, give it gp10, give it an aura that reduces tower armor or something
mikael: it's actually pretty ok, just give it gp10
eleisa: rework completely, stupid item
shard of the true ice: terrible mp5 with a useless active
zeke: make it cheaper, at expense of cdr. just rework this shit if you want supports to build it, the hell are you supposed to do with a vamp scepter or how are you supposed to save 1700g as support to build it straight up from kindlegem


Maybe Riot is afraid that if they make support items too decent, you'll end up with stuff like top laner champions stacking GP10 items ala the old Heart of Gold days.

It's like the opposite problem of Lulu mid/top being too good or something.


They just need to revisit the actives on most support items and make them not self-targettable to ensure non-supports don't pick them up.


Its crazy that anyone would join CLG now. They have kicked a lot of people in hopes to not suck.

On that note, Doublelift is fun to watch.


I bought the Bastion announcer pack and some tournament pass that had an evolving Queen of Pain set. I was seduced by all the buzz words.

And I've only played bot games with like 2 people in it so no free drops >.<


Maybe Riot is afraid that if they make support items too decent, you'll end up with stuff like top laner champions stacking GP10 items ala the old Heart of Gold days.

It's like the opposite problem of Lulu mid/top being too good or something.
they don't want laners to build support items but they have supports buying bruiser items (aegis, locket) or ap (morellos), if anything.

also sightstone is problematic too because most dumb supports just buy that and have tops 3 wards in the map.

itemization for supports is pretty terrible.

I dunno really what to do for laners not to abuse support items, just make them have low ad/ap values (mostly cdr/health/auras/support actives). maybe some laners or junglers will pick them up, but that wouldn't be so bad, like it's fine for supports to build morellos or something

If you have a champion on your team with good hard initiation it's pretty alright actually.
I guess? I mean, initiatiors usually buy randuins or frozen fist or have slows of their own or something.

in my experience it sounds better in theory than practice


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Anyone want a free The Walking Dead steam key? I already have it.
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