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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Just won my promos in silver 5 and went to silver 3. Does this happen normally?

It's dependent on your hidden mmr so it tries to place you in the right division/league. A lot of smurf accounts of those players are Diamond I, they will be in Silver I on their smurf account, promotion series right to Platinum because their hidden mmr is so high.

To raise MMR, the way to "exploit" it is to essentially duo queue with a partner with someone who has a very close hidden MMR to yours and chain win. The duo queue system forces duo queues to average out the hidden mmr and then add X amount of rating to find more challenging opponents since you are now 40% of a coordinated team.

If you can hold say 85-90% win ratio with your duo queue partner, you can easily just jump from silver to plat, and win 30+ LP and start your promotions for diamond. But winning 90% of your games, simply means you and your partner have complete game dominance, which is just a ton of global pressure. As previously stated before, jungle/mid, top/mid, etc.

Rarely will it be the duo bot, because winning bot lane means very little unless you can hyper carry in the late game if it even goes that far.


It's dependent on your hidden mmr so it tries to place you in the right division/league. A lot of smurf accounts of those players are Diamond I, they will be in Silver I on their smurf account, promotion series right to Platinum because their hidden mmr is so high.

To raise MMR, the way to "exploit" it is to essentially duo queue with a partner with someone who has a very close hidden MMR to yours and chain win. The duo queue system forces duo queues to average out the hidden mmr and then add X amount of rating to find more challenging opponents since you are now 40% of a coordinated team.

If you can hold say 85-90% win ratio with your duo queue partner, you can easily just jump from silver to plat, and win 30+ LP and start your promotions for diamond. But winning 90% of your games, simply means you and your partner have complete game dominance, which is just a ton of global pressure. As previously stated before, jungle/mid, top/mid, etc.

Rarely will it be the duo bot, because winning bot lane means very little unless you can hyper carry in the late game if it even goes that far.

Cool. Thanks for the info. A friend and myself will duo together sometimes. When we play together he'll usually go jung and i'll either support or adc depending on what our other teammates are more comfortable with. I like the setup because I have a direct impact on bottom lane and he can roam and do his thing. Occasionally we'll duo bot lane, but that's only when the other 3 have their hearts set on top, mid, and jung. It's funny too, because he went on a big losing streak and now he's only getting 4-6 points for a win, while i'm sitting here getting around 30.


Cool. Thanks for the info. A friend and myself will duo together sometimes. When we play together he'll usually go jung and i'll either support or adc depending on what our other teammates are more comfortable with. I like the setup because I have a direct impact on bottom lane and he can roam and do his thing. Occasionally we'll duo bot lane, but that's only when the other 3 have their hearts set on top, mid, and jung. It's funny too, because he went on a big losing streak and now he's only getting 4-6 points for a win, while i'm sitting here getting around 30.
The lp gains are mostly dependent on your mmr. I got +30 all the way to diamond by solo queueing. I still get +30 in diamond as well, but I play less. If you keep winning the league system is great.
Im watching Ocelot stream high/drunk as fuck and he's spittin gold.

Talking about marrying Cass and living a long life with her and making her dance while he just watches.

About how much he fucking LOVES covers. Not any particular song, just the phenomenon of people re-performing other people's songs.

"Whenever someting bad hahpens, someting good happens right aftawards. That's how life iz." After he reclaims his stolen blue buff.


Im watching Ocelot stream high/drunk as fuck and he's spittin gold.

Talking about marrying Cass and living a long life with her and making her dance while he just watches.

About how much he fucking LOVES covers. Not any particular song, just the phenomenon of people re-performing other people's songs.

"Whenever someting bad hahpens, someting good happens right aftawards. That's how life iz." After he reclaims his stolen blue buff.

That's why he's so popular. He's really fun to watch.


For anyone who hasn't seen yet..

Woad King Darius

Justicar Aatrox


For anyone who hasn't seen yet..

Woad King Darius

Justicar Aatrox

I really want Aatrox to be a good jungler, but I don't think it's going to happen. He'll probably be along the same lines as Fiora, Zed or Darius. Decent but not great.

edit: and I like that Woad Darius skin. I'll buy it on sale.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I really want Aatrox to be a good jungler, but I don't think it's going to happen. He'll probably be along the same lines as Fiora, Zed or Darius. Decent but not great.
Fiora jungle is decent?


Fiora doesn't do anything when she goes to gank besides forcing a 2v1 fight. If she's getting kills, it's more that the enemy is letting things happen (/CC from the laner) rather than due to Fiora's kit.

She doesn't really do anything special in the jungle. If she snowballs, she can snowball it but that applies to basically anyone.


I might have over-exaggerated saying decent. Of the 3 I mentioned, Fiora is by far the worst but she can function in the jungle. Really that whole group is just second class niche junglers.

To be fair, Zed is only knocked down due to his changes.


The lp gains are mostly dependent on your mmr. I got +30 all the way to diamond by solo queueing. I still get +30 in diamond as well, but I play less. If you keep winning the league system is great.

Nice man. Got any tips that I guess you would separates yourself from other lower elo players?

Honestly, I've been trying to improve and I'm somewhat disappointed in my performance due to my previous game experiences. I feel like I should be playing better, and when I watch streams, it's like my global/situational awareness is definitely significantly lower than I used to have.


Get Banshee's.

One thing I realized from spectating from one of my friend's games relative to the elo I'm at. He's plat and I'm just a silver, they do more regular bans on everything else other than supports.

His reasoning was "People would rather ban out champions that can significantly carry and impact a game. Blitzcrank is a phenomenal support champion but, you would waste a ban on him, due to mass warding and global pressure will put them behind. They can't make plays if their team isn't ready to take what he grabs onto."

Pretty much his explanation was that support bans are just a double edged sword. You might alleviate some pain on the bottom lane, but you also leave dangerous carries such as a TF and hecarim.

The only support champion considered to really ban at higher elo is thresh, because while it opens up opportunities on punishing someone's position it doesn't always force a fight as it doesn't full on put the enemy into your team.


Nice man. Got any tips that I guess you would separates yourself from other lower elo players?

Honestly, I've been trying to improve and I'm somewhat disappointed in my performance due to my previous game experiences. I feel like I should be playing better, and when I watch streams, it's like my global/situational awareness is definitely significantly lower than I used to have.

Well, first of all play champions that you are good at rather than champions that the community perceives as good. A good Fiora is definitely scarier than a mediocre Jayce. If you are good with a champion seen as strong, just hope the enemy won't pick him before you. Personally I mostly played Jarvan top lane, with about 62% win after 140 games. Since I have so much experience with Jarvan, it was quite easy to win the lane even against champs who are seen as 'counters' to him.

Buy wards. No matter what position (except maybe adc in the beginning, but you should buy wards once you farm without support as adc).

Time objectives; dragon spawns 6 minutes after death, baron 7 minutes after death. Blue/Red buff spawn 5 minutes after death. Drake/Baron are the most important, of course.

Also, keep calm. I don't rage at people in chat. I have face palmed a bit though, but always try to keep morale high in the team. The moment someone gives up is the moment your chances to win drop drastically.

The final part is about knowing when to engage. This mostly comes with experience, but it is really common for lower elo players to not know when to engage and when to not engage. Typically a player is either to aggressive or too passive. The passive player makes the team lose opportunities due to not engaging when they really should engage. The aggressive player might instead worsen a situation when the team has fallen behind the other team, engaging in a bad situation. It's really hard to become perfectly good at this. Everyone makes mistakes.

It's important to remember the times you know you missed an opportunity or worsened the situation though. I'd say the passive player is more common in lower elos, and it is also typically the one who 'ruins' the game more. The passive player can ruin a great lead, which the aggressive player has a bit harder time to do. If the aggressive player engages at a bad time when the team is leading you can often just follow up and kinda win the team fight, even if it's really close. The passive player can often ruin the lead completely, by not following up when a more aggressive player engages.

as that support bans are just a double edged sword. You might alleviate some pain on the bottom lane, but you also leave dangerous carries such as a TF and hecarim.

The only support champion considered to really ban at higher elo is thresh, because while it opens up opportunities on punishing someone's position it doesn't always force a fight as it doesn't full on put the enemy into your team.

.. and yeah, only Thresh is banned at higher elo. He can completely destroy the bot lane. Blitzcrank is not really as dangerous. Shen and TF (especially TF) are more dangerous since they can win not only their own lane, but other people's lanes too.


Since I did it by accident, I've started going 21/9/0 jungle Nautilus and having success with it. I still sometimes screw myself over since A) it depends on getting good help on blue buff, I can't kill it alone and B) I tend to misjudge fights by like 100 HP and die.

The plus side is that the lower level burst from Nautilus works surprisingly well against champions. It also helped when I finally realized Nautilus shield is an autoattack reset for a tiny bit of extra burst.


Well, first of all play champions that you are good at rather than champions that the community perceives as good.

Yeah. We may go on a lot in this thread about things being bad but player skill is always a relevant factor (that seemingly gets ignored). Just need to be able to discern where it's the player winning instead of the champion.

Typically a player is either to aggressive or too passive.

Generally speaking, I'd say it's better to be too aggressive than passive. If nothing else, forcing a situation means forcing a response. That and it's "easier" to see when the aggression failed vs when playing cautious failed. Not to say go all-in all the time but at least try to make plays as opposed to waiting for your moment.

It's important to remember the times you know you missed an opportunity or worsened the situation though.

And, well, that. Always should have something to learn even if it is just reinforcing something you already know.


Yeah. We may go on a lot in this thread about things being bad but player skill is always a relevant factor (that seemingly gets ignored). Just need to be able to discern where it's the player winning instead of the champion.
Indeed, player skill is very important. I've seen jungle Poppy, top lane Fiora, mid lane Heimer carry games in diamond. Also a guy who pretty much only played Rammus (when Rammus was seen as a weak jungler early S3) completely destroy all lanes. Player skill with a champion and player skill in general are both important.

Generally speaking, I'd say it's better to be too aggressive than passive. If nothing else, forcing a situation means forcing a response. That and it's "easier" to see when the aggression failed vs when playing cautious failed. Not to say go all-in all the time but at least try to make plays as opposed to waiting for your moment.
Agreed, it's much easier to ruin a game by being too passive rather than being too aggressive. If an aggressive player engages, the bad move might still be salvageable by he whole team following up. A passive player ignoring to follow up due to it being "a bad move to engage" may ruin the chance completely.


there's a difference between being good at jarvan and being good at fiora tho. jarvan imo is one of the best champions in the game and a joy to have in your team, while fiora requires you to build around her and to basically snowball or lose.


there's a difference between being good at jarvan and being good at fiora tho. jarvan imo is one of the best champions in the game and a joy to have in your team, while fiora requires you to build around her and to basically snowball or lose.

This is true as well. Jarvan fits into most team comps, while Fiora does not. Fiora is kind of an extreme example though. I did not only play Jarvan, either. You don't have to play a champion that fits into most teams, but it's not unreasonable to ask that you can play a couple of champions. If these champions are less popular than the current "op" champions, it doesn't matter much. If you can only play a single character that only fits into a few team comps then you should both learn to play something more and ask people if they can set up a fitting team comp (say tank jungler for Fiora to be able to go top).


This is true as well. Jarvan fits into most team comps, while Fiora does not. Fiora is kind of an extreme example though. I did not only play Jarvan, either. You don't have to play a champion that fits into most teams, but it's not unreasonable to ask that you can play a couple of champions. If these champions are less popular than the current "op" champions, it doesn't matter much. If you can only play a single character that only fits into a few team comps then you should both learn to play something more and ask people if they can set up a fitting team comp (say tank jungler for Fiora to be able to go top).

key thing is to learn to play a number of different champions that don't pressure your team into playing something specifically

you can play fiora if your jungler is like chogath or something, but if you have a jungling yi or something you might want to try picking someone tougher or with actual cc.

hmm, now I want to buy jarvan.

Royal Guard Fiora such a waifu.
frenchest fiora is best fiora


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Get Banshee's.

Lol this game is from march but okay. The whole team can't get banshees and even if they did it wouldn't help once they get hit with poke (pretty common in silver).

I personably don't have a problem dodging hooks and can sometimes make them work to my advantage but teammates seem to chase after hooks for some reason.


The quality games from that list besides FE:A are probably:

Luigi's Mansion 2
Animal Crossing

MonHun is a great game on the 3DS but it's one of those games where the entry barrier is a little high so if you're not afraid to put the time into learning the nuances and are willing to accept frustration while learning, I'd pick that up. Caveat is there's no online multiplayer without a WiiU, but a few people in the OT have put in hundreds of hours just into offline play. CCPro isn't needed but it certainly helps.

I'm playing DKCR at the moment and I haven't played the Wii version. Seems alright so far but tough. Some slowdown problems though and the graphics aren't as sharp as I'd like them to be but it's been fun.

Got nothing on LM2 and AC since it will be my first AC. I'm excited for AC though since it seems like the perfect chill-out game.

I only have an OG 3DS so I've no opinion on OG vs XL yet. I'm getting the poptart XL though just cause.


The quality games from that list besides FE:A are probably:

Luigi's Mansion 2
Animal Crossing

MonHun is a great game on the 3DS but it's one of those games where the entry barrier is a little high so if you're not afraid to put the time into learning the nuances and are willing to accept frustration while learning, I'd pick that up. Caveat is there's no online multiplayer without a WiiU, but a few people in the OT have put in hundreds of hours just into offline play. CCPro isn't needed but it certainly helps.

I'm playing DKCR at the moment and I haven't played the Wii version. Seems alright so far but tough. Some slowdown problems though and the graphics aren't as sharp as I'd like them to be but it's been fun.

Got nothing on LM2 and AC since it will be my first AC. I'm excited for AC though since it seems like the perfect chill-out game.

I only have an OG 3DS so I've no opinion on OG vs XL yet. I'm getting the poptart XL though just cause.

Oh yeah I forgot Nintendo doesn't know how to work the internet :/ Hmm that might be a deal breaker for Mon Hun.

Basically I want to get Fire Emblem and 1 more game when I get it, then I'll buy one more before the end of June and then get my free extra game. So maybe Mon Hun and Luigi's Mansion and then get the free download of Animal Crossing.

Although it may depend on what I can get a deal on.

Probably the same with the console itself. I prolly want the XL cause it doesn't feel like cheap plastic crap, but I'm not gonna spend like €60 more unless I get a deal.

Thanks chaps.


Oh yeah I forgot Nintendo doesn't know how to work the internet :/ Hmm that might be a deal breaker for Mon Hun.

Basically I want to get Fire Emblem and 1 more game when I get it, then I'll buy one more before the end of June and then get my free extra game. So maybe Mon Hun and Luigi's Mansion and then get the free download of Animal Crossing.

Although it may depend on what I can get a deal on.

Probably the same with the console itself. I prolly want the XL cause it doesn't feel like cheap plastic crap, but I'm not gonna spend like €60 more unless I get a deal.

Thanks chaps.

Check the Luigi's Mansion 2 OT. I was about to buy it but then people made it sound really punishing towards the end because of lack of checkpoints and I'm pretty terrible at the video games so I ended up getting DKCR instead (lol D:).
Check the Luigi's Mansion 2 OT. I was about to buy it but then people made it sound really punishing towards the end because of lack of checkpoints and I'm pretty terrible at the video games so I ended up getting DKCR instead (lol D:).

Haha yeah I'm not a platformer guy really and I heard about DKCR on Wii being hard. Plus getting Rayman Origins free on PS Plus for Vita soon anyway.

I will check it out. Then again I don't finish games so who cares :/
I actually own champs for every role now and that's kind of exciting to me, I just need to learn how to jungle now.

Also, what runes should I purchase first? I read somewhere that armor seals are used on pretty much every champion, is that right?


I actually own champs for every role now and that's kind of exciting to me, I just need to learn how to jungle now.

Also, what runes should I purchase first? I read somewhere that armor seals are used on pretty much every champion, is that right?

flat armor yellows
flat/scaling mr blues

you can't go wrong with those


I don't get why ppl go for m.def scaling instead of m.def flat. It's true that it outbenefits the flat ones at level 9, but that's already half the levels and the bonus they have over flats is miniscule. (even level 2 boots have more already). I think runes shine the most on the very early / early game, since they offer a HUGE benefit. 12 M.Resist more at level 18 is barely, if at all noticeable, where as 12.24 m.resist on level 1 is a life changer.

Flat > Scaling imo
I don't get why ppl go for m.def scaling instead of m.def flat. It's true that it outbenefits the flat ones at level 9, but that's already half the levels and the bonus they have over flats is miniscule. (even level 2 boots have more already). I think runes shine the most on the very early / early game, since they offer a HUGE benefit. 12 M.Resist more at level 18 is barely, if at all noticeable, where as 12.24 m.resist on level 1 is a life changer.

Flat > Scaling imo
I guess it depends on if I want my runes to be relevant within the first 10-15 minutes of a game or to be more relevant for 15-60+ minutes of a game.


I don't get why ppl go for m.def scaling instead of m.def flat. It's true that it outbenefits the flat ones at level 9, but that's already half the levels and the bonus they have over flats is miniscule. (even level 2 boots have more already). I think runes shine the most on the very early / early game, since they offer a HUGE benefit. 12 M.Resist more at level 18 is barely, if at all noticeable, where as 12.24 m.resist on level 1 is a life changer.

Flat > Scaling imo

Agreed 100%.


I don't get why ppl go for m.def scaling instead of m.def flat. It's true that it outbenefits the flat ones at level 9, but that's already half the levels and the bonus they have over flats is miniscule. (even level 2 boots have more already). I think runes shine the most on the very early / early game, since they offer a HUGE benefit. 12 M.Resist more at level 18 is barely, if at all noticeable, where as 12.24 m.resist on level 1 is a life changer.

Flat > Scaling imo

depends on the lane

I run flat on mid, scaling on bot because I'll deal with magic damage at different times of the match


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
depends on the lane

I run flat on mid, scaling on bot because I'll deal with magic damage at different times of the match

What? You will get wrecked by Sona and Lulu if you try to get away with scaling in bot. Not even that, most ADC skills do a small amount of magic damage that can be mitigated.
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