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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Wow, I've fallen in love with trundle top.

Destroyed a singed who tried to proxy. I just held the wave in the middle of the lane and farmed with singed until I got my botrk. Then I just murdered him for the entire game.

Poor guy ended up going 0/11/1

Trundle passive and lifesteal quints = Full health all game.

Don't even need pots.

Trundle is a pretty good top, he can even keep up with Yorick thanks to his passive (can't kill him without assist though)

Trundle does have some pretty bad matchups though like Jayce, and Renekton can be pretty rough too

Certain ranged AP champs will give him a hard time also since the AD debuff from your Q doesn't really do anything to them


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Shit I just lost 7LP for inactivity, a warning would be nice riot >_>. Do I lose points everyday or per week?
This does seem super fucking annoying when he starts x2 proxying in base.

Haha I've also never heard someone be more nineteen years old than this kid.


Well, Druiddroid Singed lost his tower first, top lane towers were even, he got some kills so he was worth money again (432G bounty), and the game looked close (though maybe the other team didn't get more than 3-4 towers). The Shen seemed to handle it fairly well until he got caught alone near the end.

Singed also forgot to use seraph shield a couple of times, like I always forget. The chat was yelling at him.

But man, that seizure flicker scoreboard is ultra annoying.


Please no more Singed nerfs, he's fine after the last bout of nerfs (losing tenacity on ult was a huge hit, fling DID need a nerf though at the time)


Those sound cool:

Because Xerath players have expressed significant interest in fewer spells, which hit harder, we've eliminated the CDR / Doublecast passive and replaced it with a new passive which grants significant amounts of % spell penetration, which scales with your maximum mana pool.
Because of how overwhelmingly consistent the perception of Xerath was as a long-range mage, we've decided to push this factor to the extreme. Xerath now gains +600, +1000 and +2000 range to all of his spells during Locus of Power. (Numbers subject to change before launch). However, this power comes at a price - Locus of Power drains mana per second while active and has an ultimate level cooldown, but in an unusual act of buffery, Morello insisted that we make all spells cast during Locus of Power completely free. This means that your time in Locus of Power is all about deciding which attack will provide the most value to your team, not which spell will force you out of mana fastest.

With high cooldowns, I'm curious how good wave clear will be. But I suppose if you can hit it before minions bunch up, a single Q might be enough to wipe everything out.


His E will also become a long range, in line skill shot. They only mentioned that it will stun in the article, but I assume it will also do damage to help with wave clear.


MakNooN leaves Najin Sword and Joins KT Rolster A.

I feel like Xerath's reworks are rushed and the current champion barely requires any tweaks. Xerath is played in tournaments, but it is not a priority pick. Voyboy and other popular streamers said multiple times that Xerath has an insane potential and is a viable pick, but majority of mid laners do not practice Xerath.

Riot was going to rework Volibear, but Diamond's show changed their plans. Instead of reworking with an intention to make a champion stronger, they nerfed Volibear. This just proves that Riot is sometimes far too quick to make changes and does not fully understand champions's strengths.

Edit: Yes, the passive is nearly useless for early/mid game. Majority of itemization options involve building mana items (tear, chalice, catalyst) and only later building heavy AP items.


I feel like Xerath's reworks are rushed and the current champion barely requires any tweaks. Xerath is played in tournaments, but it is not a priority pick. Voyboy and other popular streamers said multiple times that Xerath has an insane potential and is a viable pick, but majority of mid laners do not practice Xerath.

Riot was going to rework Volibear, but Diamond's show changed their plans. Instead of reworking with an intention to make a champion stronger, they nerfed Volibear. This just proves that Riot is sometimes far too quick to make changes and does not fully understand champions's strengths.

I agree for the most part. I think part of the fun of Xerath is planting and sniping with your Q every <4 seconds. They're now saying that it will have an "ultimate-like cooldown", so that is going to be all but completely removed from his kit. However, the +2000 range with three skillshots is going to make for some pretty insane plays and a high skill cap, which I do like. I really think the pros will likely outweigh the cons, even if the complete rework is a little unnecessary. There are many champs who need much more help than Xerath.

All he really needs is a REAL passive in my opinion

Yeah I was really excited about the double cast passive :(


Can someone explain how the reworks and "Traditional Skins" thereafter work? I see people who had Sej now have Traditional Sejuani as a skin, but Nunu didn't get one.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Can someone explain how the reworks and "Traditional Skins" thereafter work? I see people who had Sej now have Traditional Sejuani as a skin, but Nunu didn't get one.
Champions that get visual overhauls that differ from the original sometimes get the traditional skin as a means of serving players accustomed to the champion's old look. Nunu never got a model update, they only changed his splash art.


How did you kill him? Did you camp the tribush so he couldn't get to the minion wave between towers, and BOTRK + Trundle AOE speed boost + pillar was enough to catch him even through Singed slow and flip?

If Trundle can actually catch Singed enough to stop him from distracting minions, maybe Trundle is an effective counter for that strategy.

I took Ghost, exhaust.

We both farmed normally at levels 1-3.

After his first b, he started to run past my top tower to do his proxy. I told my jungler not to help since it would be a waste of time. I held the enemy minion wave just outside of my turret range and farmed there so I wouldn't get ganked.

I was full hp at all times with my regen bead, lifesteal quints and trundle passive. Farmed until 15-17minutes and bought my botrk with boots.

So when Singed ran up to proxy again, I started chasing him with my W active. When singed tried to run through my tribush, I put a pillar in it so he was slowed for 2-3seconds since he HAD to run through the tribush to escape. When he got almost out of range, I used botrk and caught up to him. I rarely had to ghost to catch him at that point.

Trundle's Q also has this weird thing where it disrupts the enemy's movement for a split millisecond as you're biting them. So I used this little thing to stop singed's movement when he was trying to run around me.

I also took the relentless mastery (reduces slows).


New Trundle is OP. I love him. Dude is near unkillable 1v1 with BotRK and his W and R. He can also take down tanks pretty quickly. Spirit Visage is also fun on him if you need some MR and are snowballing a bit.


Man I love Elise. I've put a ton of games into her in the last 3 weeks. It helps that I can play her jungle top or support. My bi-weekly ranked game to prevent demotion had me stuck going top so I pulled her out. I don't really have a page for her top so I went with a standard movespeed quint magic pen mark page and it worked pretty well. Faced a trynd. He tried to all in with an early level 2 but i managed to get away. From there I stomped him. Felt bad for his team because he rage quit after about 10 min. I had killed him twice and was completely zoning him. He was way behind.

Went ahead and got hybrid pen marks since I was sitting on 13k IP. Should help next time. I love her in the jungle though. Just need to refine my mid to late game with her in the jungle. I usually crush early game but haven't quite figured out the transition yet. Might be my itemization. Same thing happened with me and vi. Just had to work it out.

Hope she doesn't earn any more nerfs. All my favorite champs do. I still see her a ton in high elo streams. She's practically non existent in silver though.
Just watched a video from last year, it's kind of crazy how bad some of the splash art was back then.



Just played a weird game.

My team:
Master Yi - top
Vi - Jungle
Lux - mid (me)
(AP)Kass** and Jayce - bot

We won. Who need adc? (In the other team there were 2 guys with over 1,500 wins)
**I played once a game with an ADC Kass....


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Guys, don't tell anyone but Nami might be my new go to support. That bubble can make so many plays.


Just means aiming it better. Nami's power is wrapped up in that Q. If you can land it consistently, she's a really powerful support. There's a reason why a lot of Korean supports have been working on her.

Edit: Of course, the fact she's kind of binary like that makes her kind of unfun at times ;__;


my problem with nami is that her e feels super useless. like the mechanics on her jumpy water thingie are a lot of fun and her stun is really strong in the hands of someone that can use it reliably, and even her ult after all these buffs is probably among the best counterinitiates in the game, but her e is just boring.

her passive is also pretty meh


It's rather unexciting but it's far from useless. Rank 1 E adds 75 damage and it's independent of the person you used it on (i.e., you can utilize it yourself). Plus, you can guarantee at least one shot fairly simply by just casting it mid-attack animation. It's no Janna shield, sure, but it's 80%-60% more damage (though it doesn't boost attack scaling).

Her passive is pretty bland but, hey, they keep buffing it!

Plus, feet are strange.


It's rather unexciting but it's far from useless. Rank 1 E adds 75 damage and it's independent of the person you used it on (i.e., you can utilize it yourself). Plus, you can guarantee at least one shot fairly simply by just casting it mid-attack animation. It's no Janna shield, sure, but it's 80%-60% more damage (though it doesn't boost attack scaling).

Her passive is pretty bland but, hey, they keep buffing it!

Plus, feet are strange.

yeah I know it's not useless, but it kinda feels like it :/


Beat another proxy singed with Jayce.
I got 2kills on him at first then i suicided to him while I let my ignite get the 3rd kill on him. I reset his gold and he didn't get a killing spree reward off me.
Did this twice and started roaming and killing everything on the map.

Still annoying as hell to play against.

Game went to the 35minute mark when it should have been a 20minute surrender. Blue ezreal is hard to push against and a split pushing singed worth no gold doesn't make that easier.

Riot was right. I've won 9 out of 11 ranked games because people didn't start raging
Gold elo heaven#


I lost a ranked game against a proxy singed, but I think it was more due to the bot lane enemy getting super fed. We had a Kha against the Singed, and Kha 2 towers and got none, but Kha himself was getting fed (like 5/0 or 7/0) and I think we got the towers in 2 other lanes. So in theory we did part of it right.

But the bot lane person was typing some arcane combination of english and another language like "i dont vs leona bie" and dying like crazy, and our coordination options were limited on that one.
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