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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Wrecked is a stupid exaggeration, and most of the time I play sona bot anyways

Wrecked, zoned out, out traded. Many words to describe the same thing. I know Krepo goes 6 flat MR and 3 scaling for a little balance.


Wrecked, zoned out, out traded. Many words to describe the same thing. I know Krepo goes 6 flat MR and 3 scaling for a little balance.
will try 6-3 because why the hell no, but I don't have any problems being zoned out or out traded.

the only way to trade well is to play the matchup better than the other guy, if you allow sona to q power chord you then it's your fault, 8 more mr won't fix that.


I hope it doesn't sadden you, but your failures make me feel a little better about my own. That kind of streak makes it so hard to stay motivated. Helps to know it happens to others that are better than me. I've only played a handful of ranked games since I had a losing streak like that.

I've given up on plat. I got through gold 5 to gold 1 by winning 30games and losing 10 overall with my jungling. It was so easy to carry those games by playing at my best.

Gold 1 was a nice place when I was still vsing gold players. But when I won 10games in a row to get to 70points and started to play with plat5-3 players, I realised that plat is worse than anything I've ever played with in my entire life.

I'm just playing for the fun of it now. Picking whatever the hell I want. Playing jungle Ez, Ez top, Ryze support etc...

If plat 5 people don't even want to try, what's the point?

My mmr is slowly getting back to gold now and I'm enjoying the game a bit more.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I've given up on plat. I got through gold 5 to gold 1 by winning 30games and losing 10 overall with my jungling. It was so easy to carry those games by playing at my best.

Gold 1 was a nice place when I was still vsing gold players. But when I won 10games in a row to get to 70points and started to play with plat5-3 players, I realised that plat is worse than anything I've ever played with in my entire life.

I'm just playing for the fun of it now. Picking whatever the hell I want. Playing jungle Ez, Ez top, Ryze support etc...

If plat 5 people don't even want to try, what's the point?

My mmr is slowly getting back to gold now and I'm enjoying the game a bit more.

Duo with a silver player and that should leave you with higher tier gold players right?


I've given up on plat. I got through gold 5 to gold 1 by winning 30games and losing 10 overall with my jungling. It was so easy to carry those games by playing at my best.

Gold 1 was a nice place when I was still vsing gold players. But when I won 10games in a row to get to 70points and started to play with plat5-3 players, I realised that plat is worse than anything I've ever played with in my entire life.

I'm just playing for the fun of it now. Picking whatever the hell I want. Playing jungle Ez, Ez top, Ryze support etc...

If plat 5 people don't even want to try, what's the point?

My mmr is slowly getting back to gold now and I'm enjoying the game a bit more.

yo that kennen top was pretty sick


For anyone who hasn't seen yet..

Woad King Darius

Justicar Aatrox
those wurms are the new baron
I've given up on plat. I got through gold 5 to gold 1 by winning 30games and losing 10 overall with my jungling. It was so easy to carry those games by playing at my best.

Gold 1 was a nice place when I was still vsing gold players. But when I won 10games in a row to get to 70points and started to play with plat5-3 players, I realised that plat is worse than anything I've ever played with in my entire life.

I'm just playing for the fun of it now. Picking whatever the hell I want. Playing jungle Ez, Ez top, Ryze support etc...

If plat 5 people don't even want to try, what's the point?

My mmr is slowly getting back to gold now and I'm enjoying the game a bit more.
you are in elo heaven right now


I just realised, denying doesnt really work in league of legends

the stat system and skill system just doesnt suit it


man, I didn't think that in ranked games there would be so many assholes. I should have known that leavers and ragers were still a thing on both sides of the field.


I just realised, denying doesnt really work in league of legends

the stat system and skill system just doesnt suit it

That was one of the harder things to get used to when I switched to league. It didn't make sense to me why league didnt let you deny creeps.



That was one of the harder things to get used to when I switched to league. It didn't make sense to me why league didnt let you deny creeps.

1. Stat system
Denies are handled by auto attacks. Auto attack damage is handled differently in both games. In doto, auto damage is the primary dps stat (usually), auto damage gains are higher in doto overall and primary stats also add to your auto damage. In league however, auto attacks are governed by attack damage, making AP champions fundamentally disadvantaged in terms of last hitting vs denying.

2. Spell system
League has favoured a high spell environment which rewards consistency, eschewing the high cost high reward model of doto. What this means for lane control is that skills have much more of an impact on the flow of the lane. Which leads to....

3. Ideal Lane position
In contrast between the games, the ideal position of the lane in league is in the middle of it, making pushing to reset the lane easier in terms of lane control. This is for a few reasons: 1. Roaming is easier in league - if you are pushed to tower, the smaller travel distances mean that a lane can roam and make it back before they lose too many creeps. 2. Towers die faster in league - no tp scroll to defend, no glyph of fortify and siege minions tankier in league all mean that towers die a lot faster if the enemy team is given the chance to take it




dyrus learnt how to play singed from inverted composer guide

as did shy

see his new guide on lolpro.com

its suicide singed

i gotta try that


Wow, I've fallen in love with trundle top.

Destroyed a singed who tried to proxy. I just held the wave in the middle of the lane and farmed with singed until I got my botrk. Then I just murdered him for the entire game.

Poor guy ended up going 0/11/1

Trundle passive and lifesteal quints = Full health all game.

Don't even need pots.


spent all night playing custom games of all random (though not mid) TT and SR with friends of friends, ended up with shit like mf top or jungle panth. it was pretty fun, one guy was raging for some reason even if we were all laughs on skype. people are weird.

also played a lux vs lux match against a guy we used to play with and won, so confidence boost right there

good day, good day.


Had fun in all my ranked games today.

No ragers, team coordination, throws where everyone laughed and accepted.



Hey guys, I want to get a champion that's melee and really aggressive. I've always liked Fiora's game when I face her and someone's playing her good. She just wrecks. I'm considering Akali, she looks fun with those abilities. I can get Akali now.


Hey guys, I want to get a champion that's melee and really aggressive. I've always liked Fiora's game when I face her and someone's playing her good. She just wrecks. I'm considering Akali, she looks fun with those abilities. I can get Akali now.

Trundle or Jax


stop trolling him

wtf is your problem man


akali is a pretty good aggressive melee

or diana

But trundle is melee and you can play him aggressive. I wasn't trolling D;

Build a Botrk or a frozen mallet on him and chase everything down and never die.


And now I'm looking at Wukong, he seems really good too. My friend loves Gangplank so it'd be cool if the character makes a good combo with that. But if not whatever lol.


I love free week blue Ezreals with Twitch as my main ADC. Just farm up a BF Sword + Cutlass and force fights non stop while all he has is a tear and Lizard Elder. Blue Ez so weak early.


I was tired of not buying a champ so I said screw it and bought Ahri last night. In my first game with her I went 12-6. I had an 8-2 start and was playing really well, but a win wasn't meant to be. She's really fun, I can see myself using her alot now.


Wow, I've fallen in love with trundle top.

Destroyed a singed who tried to proxy. I just held the wave in the middle of the lane and farmed with singed until I got my botrk. Then I just murdered him for the entire game.

Poor guy ended up going 0/11/1

Trundle passive and lifesteal quints = Full health all game.

Don't even need pots.
How did you kill him? Did you camp the tribush so he couldn't get to the minion wave between towers, and BOTRK + Trundle AOE speed boost + pillar was enough to catch him even through Singed slow and flip?

If Trundle can actually catch Singed enough to stop him from distracting minions, maybe Trundle is an effective counter for that strategy.


You beat Singed proxy farming the same way you always beat Singed proxy farming: Just take the rest of the map. Wasting time on him is basically the exact reason it works. Alternatively, if you do kill him, make sure you actually do something with that time (e.g., take the tower) as opposed to slow pushing the lane. That's one of the reasons it works well against some top laners. They just cannot push fast enough and are forced to farm under their tower infinitely.


And that takes sense to me on a conceptual level, having not faced it or done it myself recently. What I guess still confuses me is -- taking the rest of the map. Does that mean sending the top person mid or bot? Or camping mid lane? Any sort of action that results in the top laner -not- staying top to farm seems to me as though the top laner would lose XP or cause teammates to lose XP, unless the double pressure is enough to take a tower quickly.

To put it another way, abandoning the top lane to let Singed afk farm while towers fall almost seems worse than farming while he farms, but maybe that's a psychological trap.


And now I'm looking at Wukong, he seems really good too. My friend loves Gangplank so it'd be cool if the character makes a good combo with that. But if not whatever lol.
You are correct, Wukong is awesome. I can't really think of a way that him and Gangplank would work well together though. You'd have to shove one of them in the jungle and I don't think either of them make for great junglers. The ult combo would be nice though. Stealth in as Wu, pop your ult, and have GP drop his on top of you. Or, the other way around to help you get your knock up onto people. Seems like a great way to start a fight.
In theory craftin against proxy farming. You kill him early, then switch your bot lane top to take his tower and push down his tower fast.

At this point he should be so crippled that you have free control of the rest of their map, end lane phase early and start engaging team fights or start taking their jungle/dragons etc.

Its a strong tactic because it takes little coordination to perform but takes alot to counterplay.

Watching Rivington stream has made my morning. He shoutcasted his own teamfight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_tt3sxtkvY


Switching bot lane to top early does seem like a good idea if your top laner can get strong enough to hold 2v1 from an early lead, good point.


In theory craftin against proxy farming. You kill him early, then switch your bot lane top to take his tower and push down his tower fast.

At this point he should be so crippled that you have free control of the rest of their map, end lane phase early and start engaging team fights or start taking their jungle/dragons etc.

You don't really have to switch the lanes (though it helps), just move towards taking towers, dragon, etc. and ending the laning phase while it really hurts that they're essentially down a person.

Watching Rivington stream has made my morning. He shoutcasted his own teamfight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_tt3sxtkvY

Riv is always entertaining. Always.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Had three losses going into Silver II. Just really bad luck with people playing Soraka mid and stuff. Was losing my fourth game so hard and thought I'd be demoted, but Skarner has saved me. Even picked up a triple kill while outnumbered in a 3v5. Thank you Scorpion God, for dumping out AOE damage and CC. Really looking forward to Wit's End changes on him.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I was under the impression the lobster wasn't very good, falling to the same fate as Warwick in the jungle.
Their problems are completely different. Warwick only has single target damage and can't gank very well pre-six. Scorpion has mana problems and weak initiation.
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