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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Big E33

Neo Member
New Trundle is OP. I love him. Dude is near unkillable 1v1 with BotRK and his W and R. He can also take down tanks pretty quickly. Spirit Visage is also fun on him if you need some MR and are snowballing a bit.

I've actually been running "heal" on him instead of ignite when i feel like im playing against a champ I cant kill in lane

500+ heal later in the game with spirit visage and his aura, not to mention the AOE heal is pretty solid in team fights


Reddit frontpage soon

Ya... I didnt post it there. I guess my friend posted it to 4chan and someone put it on reddit, then Wildturtle showed it on stream and it went nuts......

My roommate is asleep and has no idea this is going on. I fear for his account tomorrow....


This thread is super intimidating for newbies.
it kinda is, but just ask

there's some nice people in here, sorta

some people say I'm nice

Not really. Just never leave home without your antidotes.
master corgi combining two memes in one post



Can't wait for Viktor revamp (well the Augments at least). Been playing him the past days, and he's super fun and deadly. Snowballed so often. Dat AoE damage, I tell ya.


Can't wait for Viktor revamp (well the Augments at least). Been playing him the past days, and he's super fun and deadly. Snowballed so often. Dat AoE damage, I tell ya.
Imo Victor doesn't really offer more than some of the other mids out there right now. Hopefully the revamp will fix that.


Imo Victor doesn't really offer more than some of the other mids out there right now. Hopefully the revamp will fix that.
Well if he offered more than other mids, presumably he would be overpowered or they would be underpowered.

If he doesn't even offer the same as some other mids then maybe there's a problem though. :p


Did the game end quickly? I always have problems with her late game due to how squishy she is.
my friend stupidly gave up first blood to her and jungler made a lot of mistakes (like A LOT, but shit happens) and they just got a massive lead early on and she just got too big, diving me without giving a shit even if I was doing pretty good mid.

so yeah, we just surrendered at minute 25 because shit wasn't going nowhere.

and yeah her range, lack of cc and squishyness without having trynda's ult or something to make up for it, makes her pretty shit in my book

even if she looks hot in a porn outfit


my friend stupidly gave up first blood to her and jungler made a lot of mistakes (like A LOT, but shit happens) and they just got a massive lead early on and she just got too big, diving me without giving a shit even if I was doing pretty good mid.

so yeah, we just surrendered at minute 25 because shit wasn't going nowhere.

and yeah her range, lack of cc and squishyness without having trynda's ult or something to make up for it, makes her pretty shit in my book

even if she looks hot in a porn outfit
Yeah, sucks when things like that happen.

If her Q worked like Vi's it would be a great way to jump in, do some damage jump out. But even then then the squishyness is still a problem.

new avatar! redline is an awesome flick!

Never seen it. By your comment I am assuming it is worth checking out.


help me pick pls


Ok so this was amazing....

I was playing on low level accounts with my roommate, who is just getting into League of Legends. I was the Leona he was the Ryze, and we were playing against a Pulsefire Ezreal who was only account level 10. Well this happened... amazing...

sharing this on a 10 guys skype convo gave us a lot of laughs


dat ryze so fucking yolo

Yeah, sucks when things like that happen.
yeah it's part of the game

If her Q worked like Vi's it would be a great way to jump in, do some damage jump out. But even then then the squishyness is still a problem.
I dunno what I'd do to fix her really, if anything.

I mean she's an assassin, but not of the caster type, but at the same time her ult means she kinda is, so I dunno what the hell she's supposed to be.

edit: a fun change I'd think would be welcome by fiora players is making her w instead of returning 60 damage (lvl 1), make it so it returns like 100 the moment you cast it, but it falls off to 20 over the 1.5 secs it lasts. good fiora players could time it correctly and get the most out of their ripostes, while baiting a bad riposte is fun counterplay or something. also make it physical damage and retool the numbers so it's not op. it's silly not to.


Never seen it. By your comment I am assuming it is worth checking out.
picture a speed racer episode directed by suda51

I'm sad that only a few people know of this movie. I was waiting so long for its release and it lived up to the hype.
yeah imma add it to the candidates for this film festival I may or may not be hosting

I hadn't heard anything about it but liked the animation style and just went for it


welp after not losing 2 ranked in a row for quite a while and climbing out of Bronze I, I lost 4 matches in a row with 3 games having afk. Now back to 0 LP.

The funniest one been the last when I told our afk jungler to go fuck himself (first time I lose it in game) and he was like "lol you are all bad, look at how your losing the game"... No shit sherlock you d/c for the first 10 levels. I just dont give a crap anymore, I'll just play normals where I'm playing with less shitty silver and gold people.


Shit I just lost 7LP for inactivity, a warning would be nice riot >_>. Do I lose points everyday or per week?

As far as I'm aware, it's after 1 month of inactivity, and then it goes down once a week while you remain inactive? That's what mine was doing anyway, at least you only lost 7LP, I lost about 30 on the first hit!


welp after not losing 2 ranked in a row for quite a while and climbing out of Bronze I, I lost 4 matches in a row with 3 games having afk. Now back to 0 LP.

The funniest one been the last when I told our afk jungler to go fuck himself (first time I lose it in game) and he was like "lol you are all bad, look at how your losing the game"... No shit sherlock you d/c for the first 10 levels. I just dont give a crap anymore, I'll just play normals where I'm playing with less shitty silver and gold people.

don't bother with ranked if you're gonna care or you'll get hurt bro


I dunno what I'd do to fix her really, if anything.

I mean she's an assassin, but not of the caster type, but at the same time her ult means she kinda is, so I dunno what the hell she's supposed to be.

edit: a fun change I'd think would be welcome by fiora players is making her w instead of returning 60 damage (lvl 1), make it so it returns like 100 the moment you cast it, but it falls off to 20 over the 1.5 secs it lasts. good fiora players could time it correctly and get the most out of their ripostes, while baiting a bad riposte is fun counterplay or something. also make it physical damage and retool the numbers so it's not op. it's silly not to.
Yes, that would make the riposte much better.

Also I like the third one.
picture a speed racer episode directed by suda51

yeah imma add it to the candidates for this film festival I may or may not be hosting

I hadn't heard anything about it but liked the animation style and just went for it
Sounds cool, I will check it out.


don't bother with ranked if you're gonna care or you'll get hurt bro

Is not that I reeeeeaaaally care but after losing so many in a row, it kind of starts getting to you, especially for afks. I mean if there was a system were you could forfeit the match bcs there is an afk from the very beginning then my rage would go down 100%

I dont care about losing, but losing for stupid shit like that...yeah


Yes, that would make the riposte much better.
it's the only change I can think of without making her a straight out ad caster or a full on bruiser like jax.

currently I seriously don't know what she is, a she's a squishy melee auto attacker that unlike yi/trynda can't splitpush.

her kit really is a mess, her ult is really cool but they should prolly replace it with a megasteroid or something like that.

Is not that I reeeeeaaaally care but after losing so many in a row, it kind of starts getting to you, especially for afks. I mean if there was a system were you could forfeit the match bcs there is an afk from the very beginning then my rage would go down 100%

I dont care about losing, but losing for stupid shit like that...yeah
yeah, I get what you mean, that actually really sucks if you had 3 afks in a row

I feel you bro

the last one looks like akali
so thats my pick
like akali?


just sayin' I'm not seeing it :p

anyway, fiora's problem (and most melee adc) is that shes basically a ranged ADC that has to stand next to people to kill them

ranged adc in melee bodies just dont work with how the game is designed
sure, but fiora's kit is like stuck in between being a melee adc and an ad caster in a way taht trynda/yi's isn't.

like you build pd on her then run to people and cast your ult and don't auto for a couple seconds, it's weird. trynda turns immortal for a bit to compensate for being super squishy, he's still crap but at least he's consistent, you just auto people all the time.

I think if someone made a super cool counter system for fiora it'd be pretty cool. like a perfect riposte refreshes its cooldown and returns a bit of mana or something. though that won't help her being blown up by apcs



So I was jungling in soloQ. Top was getting pushed the most so I spent alot of time up there ganking. Mid was a stalemate between their veigar and our lux so I ganked when I could. Our botlane had them pushed to the tower most of the laning phase. The problem is that they would get a kill and push hard to the tower and stay on it. Then the enemy would respawn and they would die running back to our tower. Saying things like "WTF our jungle never ganks!" I try to explain that I cant gank and help them fight when they are pushed to the enemy tower and Janna responds with "Well their Fiddle can gank why cant you...." It's like seriously? Why wouldnt he gank them if they were pushing the tower like they were. Am I supposed to just sit bottom and wait for a counterpush? That's half a joke because I really want to know what to do in that situation.

help me pick pls


Third one!


Am I supposed to just sit bottom and wait for a counterpush? That's half a joke because I really want to know what to do in that situation.

Well, if you know they're going to overstay their welcome, why wouldn't you be there? Unless that's a realization post-match. When you're jungling, you're not really reacting to what is happening on the map now but what is going to happen in 10-15 seconds. If you know they're about to get punished for staying too long, you could have been moving down there.

But, yeah, you generally just can't do much on a lane that is pushed up unless you're going to coordinate a dive.


Well, if you know they're going to overstay their welcome, why wouldn't you be there? Unless that's a realization post-match. When you're jungling, you're not really reacting to what is happening on the map now but what is going to happen in 10-15 seconds. If you know they're about to get punished for staying too long, you could have been moving down there.

But, yeah, you generally just can't do much on a lane that is pushed up unless you're going to coordinate a dive.

Yeah I see what you're saying and I agree, but I just feel like they should know to not be in a bad spot like that for too long with a couple mias out there.
Ok so this was amazing....

I was playing on low level accounts with my roommate, who is just getting into League of Legends. I was the Leona he was the Ryze, and we were playing against a Pulsefire Ezreal who was only account level 10. Well this happened... amazing...


This is pretty hilarious. :D

Waaaaaaaaaaaait a minute, though. I made a smurf yesterday, and the summoner name choice thing said pretty specifically that you can't have 'Riot' in your name because it's reserved for Rioters. How did this guy get away with it? Unless...

(Secret conspiracy of Rioters trolling low-level games incoming.)

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Do you guys have any tips for being more useful as Caitlyn? That's a pretty broad question, but just tactics for being more useful during the team fighting phase.


Don't die.

The biggest thing for an ADC is to learn how to move between attacks. Being able to kite whatever is diving you is a fairly big deal. Also, don't feel like you have to be playing it risky in a teamfight to get your damage out there. You surviving throughout the fight is better than getting more damage at the start but dying.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Don't die.

The biggest thing for an ADC is to learn how to move between attacks. Being able to kite whatever is diving you is a fairly big deal. Also, don't feel like you have to be playing it risky in a teamfight to get your damage out there. You surviving throughout the fight is better than getting more damage at the start but dying.

Twice in a row I have had this problem where the other team is building such high health or armor that even the damage from my q in a fight is worthless.


Twice in a row I have had this problem where the other team is building such high health or armor that even the damage from my q in a fight is worthless.

Sometimes, your autohit is more important than your spells. Especially as Caitlyn. If you don't deal any damage, then you either build a bit strangely, or you are seriously behind. You should have at least something like Last Whisper/IE/Phantom Dancer if your enemy has several high end hp + armor items, unless you are behind. If you have these items (+ something lifesteal) you should be able to deal considerable damage to them.


Twice in a row I have had this problem where the other team is building such high health or armor that even the damage from my q in a fight is worthless.

The damage from your spells as an ADC is almost always going to end up being worthless in a teamfight (especially something like Caitlyn where you give up a lot of time to do it). That said, if they're getting that much Health and Armor across the board to make you irrelevant, what exactly are you building? How's your farm? What is the rest of your team doing?

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
My farming is getting a lot better.

I usually prioritize items for attack speed, and I try to get phantom dancer before anything else. I'm fine with this being a wrong move, since I have already had someone tell me it is, but it would suck to change it because it is a blessing for clearing out creeps.

I feel like it has more worth than my spells too. The problem is that 90% of the time, if I am caught i'm dead.


Well, that's your problem then. Getting AD actually lets you farm better than with PD as well, since your spells scale with AD.


Twice in a row I have had this problem where the other team is building such high health or armor that even the damage from my q in a fight is worthless.

Sometimes, your autohit is more important than your spells. Especially as Caitlyn. If you don't deal any damage, then you either build a bit strangely, or you are seriously behind. You should have at least something like Last Whisper/IE/Phantom Dancer if your enemy has several high end hp + armor items, unless you are behind. If you have these items (+ something lifesteal) you should be able to deal considerable damage to them.

The damage from your spells as an ADC is almost always going to end up being worthless in a teamfight (especially something like Caitlyn where you give up a lot of time to do it). That said, if they're getting that much Health and Armor across the board to make you irrelevant, what exactly are you building? How's your farm? What is the rest of your team doing?

Would a BoTRK be worth it?
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