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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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No idea why then, but it won't be the first time the death log ever bugged.

If Muramana really does proc on her W, it's 6 procs. She'd have ~3000 mana with those items. Too lazy to properly adjust mana%, but if we simply take 18% off max mana then reduce it to maybe 15% (rough estimate accounting current mana) it'll do 30% of 3000 mana. It's more or less 1000 damage, as reflected in the pic.
Death log didn't show baron damage for me, when I died soloing baron in a bot game yesterday.


is it any good
it's pretty damn fantastic in some regards, not so much in others.

personally I kinda wish I had more freedom and that skyhooking was a little more tied into overall navigation rather than having on foot combat areas and then skyhook combat areas.

the story is super strong though, among the best in recent memory, even if, as someone who knows a bit abouch anarchism/communism, the whole vox populi affair is kinda silly (as in, there were barely any civilian murders during the 1917 russian revolution, though of course stalin went to rectify that over the following 30 years). comstock does sound less interesting than andrew ryan, too, but the whole elizabeth+quantum physics thing is great.


Just carried this team so hard as Ahri.

Fuck that, I threw this team in the air and punted them to a win. That's how hard I carried.


Just beat down a doppleganger team soo hard as Garen.

There were dopplegangers for garen, lux, sona.
Beat down on garen and sona real bad in top lane.. they had to switch to cait and sona... and we beat them down too... had destroyed the 2nd tower at like 10 minutes...

Glad to have my losing streak finally broken ... whew


Just played a game with jungle zac and he was GREAT..

I carried the team as Garen but thanks to his great ganks... led to a quick surrender


Holy shit. Riot pls make this. Pls.

I really want a Diana skin :( Think it's Zyra next and then she's due one.

Yeah that art looks cool. Someone posted it on reddit and the consensus seemed to be that in game it would mostly just look like a recolor. idk, Diana is one of those champs where the default skin is my favorite. I'd love a new skin for her but it would have to be pretty great.


I like watching my bear stance udyr run across the map with mobil boots and MS quints.

It's like playing peek-a-boo. I can be anywhere, at any time.
Just wondering.

If I buy a champion with RP(full price) and then goes in sale.

Can I refund the champion and then re-buy it at the sale price?

Also, I suck as support. So I'm going to read this guide, do you guys have any pro-tips?

Oh, and I bought Vi, I want to learn to play as a jungler, and I heard she's fun to play, and she can play as a Jungler. (right?)


Just wondering.

If I buy a champion with RP(full price) and then goes in sale.

Can I refund the champion and then re-buy it at the sale price?

Also, I suck as support. So I'm going to read this guide, do you guys have any pro-tips?

Oh, and I bought Vi, I want to learn to play as a jungler, and I heard she's fun to play, and she can play as a Jungler. (right?)

you only get 3 refund tokens for your account's life so that sounds like a terrible use of them


Just wondering.

If I buy a champion with RP(full price) and then goes in sale.

Can I refund the champion and then re-buy it at the sale price?

Also, I suck as support. So I'm going to read this guide, do you guys have any pro-tips?

Oh, and I bought Vi, I want to learn to play as a jungler, and I heard she's fun to play, and she can play as a Jungler. (right?)

if you bought it recently, riot support will return you the RP


I like watching my bear stance udyr run across the map with mobil boots and MS quints.

It's like playing peek-a-boo. I can be anywhere, at any time.
I think I did that my first game, and armor boots the second game. Overall I did much better the second game but it may just be due to luck of when you get early kills since I went 9/0 at the start. The second game I also went a mix of phoenix and Q, rather than focusing Q and the other abilities.

I feel like Hecarim or Rammus are the real champions to play if you like seeing speed boost with mobility boost, though.


Speaking of rammus, his clear is extremely slow but his ganks are fucking brutal and he dive turrets like a boss.
I dont see him a lot but when i get one he usually win me my lane with his insane ganks.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Speaking of rammus, his clear is extremely slow but his ganks are fucking brutal and he dive turrets like a boss.
I dont see him a lot but when i get one he usually win me my lane with his insane ganks.
We were just in a game where Rammus outfarmed everyone.


Speaking of rammus, his clear is extremely slow but his ganks are fucking brutal and he dive turrets like a boss.
I dont see him a lot but when i get one he usually win me my lane with his insane ganks.

He also can single handedly mess up an entire team's lead.

Had a ranked game a few nights ago where a rammus just farmed (all the lanes were losing so he didn't want to bother) then he would flash taunt our carry mid game with over 300armour with his W up. ADC died instantly almost everytime until he got a QSS. Not even the QSS saved his ass late game. Game was damn difficult just because of that turtle. A nice and easy 20minute win turned into a 50minute game.

He made a big mistake by initiating with homeguard-powerball since he didn't realise his team wasn't as fast as he was and we just 5v1 him and finished the game after. Entire team blamed the rammus for losing and he even got 4 ally reports for it.

Junglers are the biggest scapegoats. Best community.
Still playing old Karma... great in ARAM. (Bad) Cass RQ'd and the enemy team were trashing me since when they thought they got me I had Barrier, Zhonya, E and Q. Actually bads all over.

Is new Karma still good without the extra Mantra charge? Old Karma's Mantra already felt kinda long.


I am now a Sejuani believer. After playing her on my friends account I decided to pick her up during the last sale. Can not wait to hop into rift and show her off to my friends.
Now getting movement speed quints...is the real problem.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I am now a Sejuani believer. After playing her on my friends account I decided to pick her up during the last sale. Can not wait to hop into rift and show her off to my friends.
Now getting movement speed quints...is the real problem.
Welcome to the winning team. I actually don't like running move speed quints on her. I've done a bunch of different tests and I feel like armor quints are the best thing you can get. Makes for a much better first clear.

I play her with Ghost though so maybe that's why I don't find move speed quints as useful.


Welcome to the winning team. I actually don't like running move speed quints on her. I've done a bunch of different tests and I feel like armor quints are the best thing you can get. Makes for a much better first clear.

I play her with Ghost though so maybe that's why I don't find move speed quints as useful.

Hmm that seems viable as well. I tend to (by tend to I mean within my 6 played games with her) force their flashes pretty easily during early ganks and use my Q to follow up when laning with shitty teammates.
I also very much enjoy her build options occasionally allowing gp10 items or iceborn gauntlet which is my flavor of the month right now.
Whats your full rune setup?

I worry about dropping the movement quints because I feel like she has amazing pre 6 gank pressure.


Welcome to the winning team. I actually don't like running move speed quints on her. I've done a bunch of different tests and I feel like armor quints are the best thing you can get. Makes for a much better first clear.

I play her with Ghost though so maybe that's why I don't find move speed quints as useful.

How are you clearing with her? I'm getting the fastest jungle clears with Sej. I usually have both buffs down at lv 3 while the rest everyone else in the match is lv 1

edit: I do a smiteless blue though which is a gamble in solo queue
edit2: Nevermind completely misread your post, thought it said sej clears were slow... A sign that it is time to go to bed now


Just wondering.

If I buy a champion with RP(full price) and then goes in sale.

Can I refund the champion and then re-buy it at the sale price?
you can but it's a waste since you only get 3 refunds in your lifetime.

Also, I suck as support. So I'm going to read this guide, do you guys have any pro-tips?
that sounds alright. edit: a little outdated tho.

some tips I guess.

in lane you have a couple jobs:
1) fight over lane brush control so your carry can farm safely: you basically want to get in the brush and pop out all the time, make yourself unpredictable and dangerous by harrassing or just by being a menacing presence because of your kit (read: blitz, alistar). hide in that brush try to get all the free poke you can. sometimes you want to focus one, sometimes the other (say if you're against janna, she'll probably shield the adc so it's better to get hits on her that won't be blocked). if you're against taric, blitz, leona, etc., and they have brush control, just plant a ward in the brush and play safe, bait them into wasting their shit and then counterattack when they're vulnerable

2) give your team map control at bot lane & dragon area: basically you'll want to have wards placed in dragon and tri brush (though if you're blue team you can get away with not warding tri brush if your mid laner wards his right jungle entrance). you'll want to keep that warded as to deterr the enemy jungler and mid from ganking. some junglers gank early and from behind, so if you're against a hecarim or something you might want to ward early. you should also be buying pink wards to set up ganks for your jungler and to give you an advantage if you want to get dragon. try to track their ward placements, so you can think "in 3 minutes that ward will be gone". you can also pink it for the 25g and for overall being an asshole.

3) generate kill opportunities for your carry: basically try to keep trades in your favor by using your abilities to your best benefit (landing both sona Qs, etc.). when you see a kill opportunity ping it and just let your carry deal the finishing blow (though not always :p). in lane carries are basically turrets, so it's your responsibility to get them fed. sometimes this takes patience, but do what you can, pink ward the lane brushes so that you can attack them unexpectedly, sometimes you need to flash+ult as with sona to get the drop on them, etc. also try to memorize when their cc is in cooldown so you know the best time to strike. like if you just saw ashe use her ult to save the mid laner or something you know that you have a window to make your move.

4) extend any advantages you have: if you're winning, zone them. if they're dead, get your jungler and a pink on dragon and collect that free cash, if you'd rather take their tower, do so. get wards on their blue buff if you're in the blue team and distract your enemy adc/support while your jungler steals it. all that sort of stuff.

after laning phase it's basically just warding objectives (dragon, baron, buffs), warding important points (jungle entrances, usually placing a ward in the middle of mid lane one of the towers is down) and teamfighting. depending on which support you're playing and the situation you're in, in teamfights you'll want to either initiate (leona, taric, thresh), peel for your carries (lulu, janna), counter initiate (sona, zyra), etc. you'll also want to deny vision by buying tons of pink wards and/or oracles. itemize for cdr and maybe some defenses, depending on what the jungler/top laner got.

that's about it, support is kind of a weird role to play because your effect is not as easily measurable as "dealt 40k damage". it's also pretty tough because you need to know about four different champions and how they mix together. like taric graves was a pretty popular pick since taric could easily set up a graves burst with his stun (plus taric makes graves even more naturally tanky).

and finally don't let trashy adcs give you any shit. sometimes you had to secure a kill because they may die if you didn't, and you're allowed to last hit and even push if your adc went back to base/is dead. you're an adc's babysitter, not his bitch, you carry him through laning phase so he can return the favor late game. you don't owe them shit.

pd: watch this for motivation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aea9IQlNphU

edit: also know that all ezreals are assholes


Another patch. This is like the third one in the last few days.

I'm having a hard time deciding what to play tonight. Ranked, normals with Zac or Bioshock haha.

I don't want to get demoted. My first game in Silver I was a loss. I need to put my tryhard hat on if I play ranked, so no Zac even though I think I could probably do well with him. I originally thought I wouldn't set any goals because I don't play as much as I'd need to in ranked but I kinda think I can hit gold. All my teammates and opponents are gold so I might as well try to join them.


just played a fun match.

our team was losing because our jungle amumu and adc vayne were feeding pretty bad.

Amumu was playing pretty crappy... throwing out his ulti and hitting no one numerous times.
we were all laughing about it. Then we had a team fight that we were clearly losing, then AMUMU CAME AROUND THE CORNER! BANDAGE WRAP! ULTI!! stunned 5 champs! and that was game over. We stormed down mid and eventually after a couple more small pushes, we won the game.

MVP Amumu


Is there a way to create a non-tutorial game of just me and AI? I want to practice (noob) but I do not want to waste other peoples time with my craptastic playing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hmm that seems viable as well. I tend to (by tend to I mean within my 6 played games with her) force their flashes pretty easily during early ganks and use my Q to follow up when laning with shitty teammates.
Even for ganking I prefer to run defensive runes on her. Early game she doesn't really have that much escape outside of Arctic Assault. If you are low on health you can wind up dying to the laner, the enemy jungler, or both.
I also very much enjoy her build options occasionally allowing gp10 items or iceborn gauntlet which is my flavor of the month right now.
I really do not think gp10 items are good on her. Kage's is okay if you know you're going to build ghost buddies, but you don't even want to sit on the gold generating item that long before you buy the item you need. Philo is worthless. Better off just buying Spirit Stone if you need regen.

As for Iceborn Gauntlet I honestly hate seeing people build it on Sejuani. Someone else here was doing that too...and I just don't know why it's popular at lower levels. Sejuani already has peel and stick power, but what she lacks are raw tank stats and her damage will fall off pretty fast if you don't get penetration. You are not spamming abilities on her to make use of Gauntlet, and you will not be building AD for its proc either. You are building a metric ton of mana you don't need, armor in a less desirable place that will dissuade you from getting stuff like Tabi, Randuin's, or Sunfire, and CDR, which is a low priority stat on Sejuani. You want to make her abilities useful, not pop them as many times as possible. Without health and mpen to boost your damage you simply will not be a threat.

Spirit Stone -> Giant's Belt -> Haunting Guise (when you can get away with it) -> first major health item. Choose between Warmog's and Sunfire depending on enemy team comp. Then finish up Liandry's.
Whats your full rune setup?
Attack speed reds. Armor yellows. Scaling MR blues. Flat armor quints.
Is there a way to create a non-tutorial game of just me and AI? I want to practice (noob) but I do not want to waste other peoples time with my craptastic playing.
Create a custom game with a password so nobody joins. Fill it with bots.


Have you guys seen LaLaLaDemacia? There's a ton of fanservice and pandering, but I marathoned through both seasons anyway. Season one was a lot better because it had less fan-service. I'm still annoyed that Caitlyn got much more screen time than Ashe.
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