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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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you can but it's a waste since you only get 3 refunds in your lifetime.

that sounds alright. edit: a little outdated tho.

some tips I guess.

in lane you have a couple jobs:
1) fight over lane brush control so your carry can farm safely: you basically want to get in the brush and pop out all the time, make yourself unpredictable and dangerous by harrassing or just by being a menacing presence because of your kit (read: blitz, alistar). hide in that brush try to get all the free poke you can. sometimes you want to focus one, sometimes the other (say if you're against janna, she'll probably shield the adc so it's better to get hits on her that won't be blocked). if you're against taric, blitz, leona, etc., and they have brush control, just plant a ward in the brush and play safe, bait them into wasting their shit and then counterattack when they're vulnerable

2) give your team map control at bot lane & dragon area: basically you'll want to have wards placed in dragon and tri brush (though if you're blue team you can get away with not warding tri brush if your mid laner wards his right jungle entrance). you'll want to keep that warded as to deterr the enemy jungler and mid from ganking. some junglers gank early and from behind, so if you're against a hecarim or something you might want to ward early. you should also be buying pink wards to set up ganks for your jungler and to give you an advantage if you want to get dragon. try to track their ward placements, so you can think "in 3 minutes that ward will be gone". you can also pink it for the 25g and for overall being an asshole.

3) generate kill opportunities for your carry: basically try to keep trades in your favor by using your abilities to your best benefit (landing both sona Qs, etc.). when you see a kill opportunity ping it and just let your carry deal the finishing blow (though not always :p). in lane carries are basically turrets, so it's your responsibility to get them fed. sometimes this takes patience, but do what you can, pink ward the lane brushes so that you can attack them unexpectedly, sometimes you need to flash+ult as with sona to get the drop on them, etc. also try to memorize when their cc is in cooldown so you know the best time to strike. like if you just saw ashe use her ult to save the mid laner or something you know that you have a window to make your move.

4) extend any advantages you have: if you're winning, zone them. if they're dead, get your jungler and a pink on dragon and collect that free cash, if you'd rather take their tower, do so. get wards on their blue buff if you're in the blue team and distract your enemy adc/support while your jungler steals it. all that sort of stuff.

after laning phase it's basically just warding objectives (dragon, baron, buffs), warding important points (jungle entrances, usually placing a ward in the middle of mid lane one of the towers is down) and teamfighting. depending on which support you're playing and the situation you're in, in teamfights you'll want to either initiate (leona, taric, thresh), peel for your carries (lulu, janna), counter initiate (sona, zyra), etc. you'll also want to deny vision by buying tons of pink wards and/or oracles. itemize for cdr and maybe some defenses, depending on what the jungler/top laner got.

that's about it, support is kind of a weird role to play because your effect is not as easily measurable as "dealt 40k damage". it's also pretty tough because you need to know about four different champions and how they mix together. like taric graves was a pretty popular pick since taric could easily set up a graves burst with his stun (plus taric makes graves even more naturally tanky).

and finally don't let trashy adcs give you any shit. sometimes you had to secure a kill because they may die if you didn't, and you're allowed to last hit and even push if your adc went back to base/is dead. you're an adc's babysitter, not his bitch, you carry him through laning phase so he can return the favor late game. you don't owe them shit.

pd: watch this for motivation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aea9IQlNphU

edit: also know that all ezreals are assholes

Great advice all around.

I'll add this video to add to the support advice.


you can but it's a waste since you only get 3 refunds in your lifetime.

that sounds alright. edit: a little outdated tho.

some tips I guess.

in lane you have a couple jobs:
1) fight over lane brush control so your carry can farm safely: you basically want to get in the brush and pop out all the time, make yourself unpredictable and dangerous by harrassing or just by being a menacing presence because of your kit (read: blitz, alistar). hide in that brush try to get all the free poke you can. sometimes you want to focus one, sometimes the other (say if you're against janna, she'll probably shield the adc so it's better to get hits on her that won't be blocked). if you're against taric, blitz, leona, etc., and they have brush control, just plant a ward in the brush and play safe, bait them into wasting their shit and then counterattack when they're vulnerable

2) give your team map control at bot lane & dragon area: basically you'll want to have wards placed in dragon and tri brush (though if you're blue team you can get away with not warding tri brush if your mid laner wards his right jungle entrance). you'll want to keep that warded as to deterr the enemy jungler and mid from ganking. some junglers gank early and from behind, so if you're against a hecarim or something you might want to ward early. you should also be buying pink wards to set up ganks for your jungler and to give you an advantage if you want to get dragon. try to track their ward placements, so you can think "in 3 minutes that ward will be gone". you can also pink it for the 25g and for overall being an asshole.

3) generate kill opportunities for your carry: basically try to keep trades in your favor by using your abilities to your best benefit (landing both sona Qs, etc.). when you see a kill opportunity ping it and just let your carry deal the finishing blow (though not always :p). in lane carries are basically turrets, so it's your responsibility to get them fed. sometimes this takes patience, but do what you can, pink ward the lane brushes so that you can attack them unexpectedly, sometimes you need to flash+ult as with sona to get the drop on them, etc. also try to memorize when their cc is in cooldown so you know the best time to strike. like if you just saw ashe use her ult to save the mid laner or something you know that you have a window to make your move.

4) extend any advantages you have: if you're winning, zone them. if they're dead, get your jungler and a pink on dragon and collect that free cash, if you'd rather take their tower, do so. get wards on their blue buff if you're in the blue team and distract your enemy adc/support while your jungler steals it. all that sort of stuff.

after laning phase it's basically just warding objectives (dragon, baron, buffs), warding important points (jungle entrances, usually placing a ward in the middle of mid lane one of the towers is down) and teamfighting. depending on which support you're playing and the situation you're in, in teamfights you'll want to either initiate (leona, taric, thresh), peel for your carries (lulu, janna), counter initiate (sona, zyra), etc. you'll also want to deny vision by buying tons of pink wards and/or oracles. itemize for cdr and maybe some defenses, depending on what the jungler/top laner got.

that's about it, support is kind of a weird role to play because your effect is not as easily measurable as "dealt 40k damage". it's also pretty tough because you need to know about four different champions and how they mix together. like taric graves was a pretty popular pick since taric could easily set up a graves burst with his stun (plus taric makes graves even more naturally tanky).

and finally don't let trashy adcs give you any shit. sometimes you had to secure a kill because they may die if you didn't, and you're allowed to last hit and even push if your adc went back to base/is dead. you're an adc's babysitter, not his bitch, you carry him through laning phase so he can return the favor late game. you don't owe them shit.

pd: watch this for motivation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aea9IQlNphU

edit: also know that all ezreals are assholes

I'd like to emphasize the importance of number one. Do not stand around and just heal your ADC. You have to be aggressive with your pokes. You have to make sure the enemy ADC can't farm and that your ADC isn't getting harassed by the enemy. For example, if you're Sona, move around in circles around the minions and Q the enemy ADC/support whenever you get the chance. You can take a few hits since you have your heal (but not too many, because you're squishy).


Even for ganking I prefer to run defensive runes on her. Early game she doesn't really have that much escape outside of Arctic Assault. If you are low on health you can wind up dying to the laner, the enemy jungler, or both.

I really do not think gp10 items are good on her. Kage's is okay if you know you're going to build ghost buddies, but you don't even want to sit on the gold generating item that long before you buy the item you need. Philo is worthless. Better off just buying Spirit Stone if you need regen.

As for Iceborn Gauntlet I honestly hate seeing people build it on Sejuani. Someone else here was doing that too...and I just don't know why it's popular at lower levels. Sejuani already has peel and stick power, but what she lacks are raw tank stats and her damage will fall off pretty fast if you don't get penetration. You are not spamming abilities on her to make use of Gauntlet, and you will not be building AD for its proc either. You are building a metric ton of mana you don't need, armor in a less desirable place that will dissuade you from getting stuff like Tabi, Randuin's, or Sunfire, and CDR, which is a low priority stat on Sejuani. You want to make her abilities useful, not pop them as many times as possible. Without health and mpen to boost your damage you simply will not be a threat.

Spirit Stone -> Giant's Belt -> Haunting Guise (when you can get away with it) -> first major health item. Choose between Warmog's and Sunfire depending on enemy team comp. Then finish up Liandry's.

Attack speed reds. Armor yellows. Scaling MR blues. Flat armor quints.

Create a custom game with a password so nobody joins. Fill it with bots.
Attack speed reds have been absolutely godly on some of my favorite champs. Ill give your setup a try.
Karma player (BGLiubaka981) called mid. Kassadin (Selhiah) locked in. The following happened:

BGLiubaka981: ok then we lose
BGLiubaka981: u go sup
nemesisND1derboy: dude
nemesisND1derboy: you're karma
nemesisND1derboy: just go support
BGLiubaka981: no
nemesisND1derboy: better we win than lose
Selhiah: yes little newb
Selhiah: go supp
Selhiah: like ur mama
Selhiah: stupid kid
BGLiubaka981: i will go sup ur moms pu55y
BGLiubaka981: !!!!!
Selhiah: cool
Heimdahl182: kassa sup
Selhiah: ur so slow
BGLiubaka981: u kid i say 1st
Selhiah: i mid first
Selhiah: hahaha
Selhiah: kid

EUNE solo queue.


Is the maturity level of players in this game really this low? I hear lots of nightmares like this. I have yet to play with others online. Just bot's.
Is the maturity level of players in this game really this low? I hear lots of nightmares like this. I have yet to play with others online. Just bot's.

Yep, although I find it not to be as bad as it used to be ever since they started actually banning people and the tribunal system.


Is the maturity level of players in this game really this low? I hear lots of nightmares like this. I have yet to play with others online. Just bot's.

Just need more mature players to dilute the pool and eventually the trolls will be banned if people report. The nature of the game invites rage though, so there will always be some.


How can a team (vulcan) be so consistently bad?

I mean, first game they have a good lead but lose it because their team fighting sucked. Game gets reset due to technical issues.



Great advice all around.

I'll add this video to add to the support advice.
ty, and yeah, that aprho vid is hilarious every time I watch it :D

This is the most beautiful post about ranked I have seen in quite some time.

And yes, Bioshock is the answer.

I'd like to emphasize the importance of number one. Do not stand around and just heal your ADC. You have to be aggressive with your pokes. You have to make sure the enemy ADC can't farm and that your ADC isn't getting harassed by the enemy. For example, if you're Sona, move around in circles around the minions and Q the enemy ADC/support whenever you get the chance. You can take a few hits since you have your heal (but not too many, because you're squishy).
also being aggressive doesn't mean to be reckless. if the enemy carry has two doran's blades and your carry has a vamp scepter, you're gonna lose that trade. try to get trades for free, win them, or know how to all-in, all that. I've seen many supports go "aggressive" and just force me into a position of being such low health I can't farm any longer.

also if you're losing, suck it up, freeze the lane and don't die. just let your carry farm and try to catch up. make sure you take advantage of every advantage you have. their early bloodthirster doesn't mean anything if they get stunned and instaggibed thanks to double stuns from taric+jungler. a dragon is a lot of money to all the team, if you see them go to base and you have the health, get your team to do it quickly, or take down their tower. take the initiative and get yourself back in the game. and if you're so far behind, just focus on farming. remember that kills against a same player give diminishing returns, but cs is always good, so if you allow yourself to be outfarmed and outkilled, you're pretty much done for.

edit: also sometimes you just allow them to take down your tower and let your adc freeze the lane on the second tower and farm it up while you go help at mid. sometimes that's the best move, it's all situational



Here's Garen, playing the guitar :)

EDIT: Can you guys think of a good caption?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Played against a support Karma tonight who tried to out harass me as Sona with her skillshot thingy. Was pretty funny and somewhat sad.



"garen playing a guitar"

Lol, no, something that you put in those big white letters so that it actually gets some use.

Anyway, I'm regaining confidence in my Ashe. Two-win streak and I played great on both. The first was in an Ashe ditto. I went AFK for five minutes and when I came back I was STILL outfarming her :D

EDIT: This is how I felt in-game


As if an Ashe could make a Xin, Yi and Trynd run for their lives


if annie+panth counter lux, I can attest that tf+victor don't counter syndra.

what's with duo lanes mid recently, just let me play people :(


1. I love this week's free champs. I want to buy Akali after I get my Tier 3 runes.

2. I do not like playing against Zac. Holy crap, he is so annoying.

3. I broke down and bought $35 worth of RP to buy some rune pages. Saving the rest for skins when I have better champs. I also bought PAX Rammus from a lovely GAFfer. $41 on a "free" game, I am ashamed. :c

This game is too addicting.
Thanks everyone for their tips, as always, it sounds relatively easy... but I know it will take some time to be a somewhat decent support... at least good enough I'll not be a noticeable liability to my team if I have to play that role.

In one of my last games there was an Ashe in the other team... and I was hit by her arrow four times, got myself killed thanks to the stun it causes when my team was falling back, two times I was so close to dodge it... I felt pretty much like in that gif. At least I got my revenge against that Ashe, I actually flashed through her arrow (like I was running away from her and suddenly flashed in her direction 'jumping' her arrow) used my ult to reach her, E + DFG + W + Q + 'everything I had and then some', and I killed her with only like 15% of my life, and then really ran for my life since I had a blitzcrank about to reach me. (I got saved by Shen). [I was Ahri]

(I once tried, when I was playing with Tristana, to jump above Ashe's arrow... don't do it. Learned the hard way...)


Thanks everyone for their tips, as always, it sounds relatively easy... but I know it will take some time to be a somewhat decent support... at least good enough I'll not be a noticeable liability to my team if I have to play that role.
you can start with taric and move up from there so at least you don't have skillshots or mechanics to worry about. just focus on landing your stun on the correct target (usually the adc) and heal. don't stun people for no reason, since the moment you do you cease to be a threat, just look at where both carries are and land a stun that gives your adc some free damage.

sona is also pretty easy to learn, though at least she has a bit more depth than taric in using her passive.
you can start with taric and move up from there so at least you don't have skillshots or mechanics to worry about. just focus on landing your stun on the correct target (usually the adc) and heal. don't stun people for no reason, since the moment you do you cease to be a threat, just look at where both carries are and land a stun that gives your adc some free damage.

sona is also pretty easy to learn, though at least she has a bit more depth than taric in using her passive.

Some of my friends says I should start with Lulu... I remember I played with her once, when I started to play LoL since she was in the free rotation. As you can guess, since at that time I didn't know anything about the meta (just the general objetive of the game to win; destroy nexus) I was really bad with her. I was thinking about giving her a second try.

But, wasn't Taric recently nerfed in one of the latest patches?


awesome waifu art of the day:


How can you even walk with your legs crossed like that?

In one of my last games there was an Ashe in the other team... and I was hit by her arrow four times, got myself killed thanks to the stun it causes when my team was falling back, two times I was so close to dodge it... I felt pretty much like in that gif. At least I got my revenge against that Ashe, I actually flashed through her arrow (like I was running away from her and suddenly flashed in her direction 'jumping' her arrow) used my ult to reach her, E + DFG + W + Q + 'everything I had and then some', and I killed her with only like 15% of my life, and then really ran for my life since I had a blitzcrank about to reach me. (I got saved by Shen). [I was Ahri]

(I once tried, when I was playing with Tristana, to jump above Ashe's arrow... don't do it. Learned the hard way...)

Haha yeah. Whenever you're running away from Ashe it's always best to run in zigzags if you know her ult is up.

For the support suggestions, while Taric is easier, he just isn't a lot of fun imo. Sona is free this week, but is a bit more challenging to play. What's your guy's opinion on support Volibear? I don't use him anymore, but when I did I was constantly harassing and he was pretty good to me.


Some of my friends says I should start with Lulu... I remember I played with her once, since I started to play LoL when she was in the free rotation. As you can guess, since at that time I didn't know anything about the meta (just the general objetive of the game to win; destroy nexus) I was really bad with her. I was thinking about giving her a second try.

But, wasn't Taric recently nerfed in one of the latest patches?
yeah, he's not op anymore but he's cheap and still decent.

sona is great but people find her boring for some reason. I really like her. lulu is also amazing though has a higher skillcap with double effects on two skills and a somewhat weird ult

my support tiers as of march/2013:
best: thresh (op, nerf this asshole already), lulu
great: sona, leona, janna, nami
good: taric, alistar, zyra, blitz
soraka: soraka
no idea: karma
better suited elsewhere or overall bad: lux, zilean, kayle, nunu
stupidly op in solo queue: fiddle

What's your guy's opinion on support Volibear? I don't use him anymore, but when I did I was constantly harassing and he was pretty good to me.
if you ask me, don't bother. why play voli if you can play alistar, who can heal, tank, peel and isolate targets, while voli can at best grab one dude and flip him? or if you're looking for a kill lane, put someone like pantheon with a better, unavoideable gap closer and overall lane presence.
yeah, he's not op anymore but he's cheap and still decent.

sona is great but people find her boring for some reason. I really like her. lulu is also amazing though has a higher skillcap with double effects on two skills and a somewhat weird ult

my support tiers as of march/2013:
best: thresh (op, nerf this asshole already), lulu
great: sona, leona, janna, nami
good: taric, alistar, zyra, blitz
soraka: soraka
no idea: karma
better suited elsewhere or overall bad: lux, zilean, kayle, nunu
stupidly op in solo queue: fiddle

if you ask me, don't bother. why play voli if you can play alistar, who can heal, tank, peel and isolate targets, while voli can at best grab one dude and flip him? or if you're looking for a kill lane, put someone like pantheon with a better, unavoideable gap closer and overall lane presence.

I own Alistar.

Do you think he's also good to learn to play as support? I'm curious about Thresh thanks to gaf, and I'm looking to play with Blitz as soon as he's in a free rotation. (Thanks to watching Aphrodite play with him)


I own Alistar.

Do you think he's also good to learn to play as support? I'm curious about Thresh thanks to gaf, and I'm looking to play with Blitz as soon as he's in a free rotation. (Thanks to watching Aphrodite play with him)
hmm, I wouldn't say ali is the best champ to learn how to support, mostly because his own mechanics are already pretty involved. do try him out if anything to learn how to play against him.

taric and sona are my basic suggestions, you can do well with others but those two are pretty darned easy.

and like corgi said, thresh is op, so you might want to enjoy him while he lasts.
Thresh would not be so OP if it weren't for the fact that he is also ranged. He is all of the CC of Blitz/Taric with the harass of Sona/Lulu in one champion. :\
I don't know how they can nerf Thresh without fundamentally re-working him.

At the same time, he is an OP champ at best just like any other. You have to work on the notion that the person playing him is going to land the grabs and fire the ult in a decent position. If not, he's just a waste of space with debatable tank capability.


I don't know how they can nerf Thresh without fundamentally re-working him.

At the same time, he is an OP champ at best just like any other. You have to work on the notion that the person playing him is going to land the grabs and fire the ult in a decent position. If not, he's just a waste of space with debatable tank capability.
for me, take out the AoE shield and make it so that it only shields the person closest to the lantern, or maybe it splits up among everyone shielded by it (so instead of shielding one guy for 60, it shields two guys for 30 each or something).

something like that. thresh gets a free locket of iron solari active at level 1 that doubles as a mega double triple flash on a 20 second cooldown.


I don't know how they can nerf Thresh without fundamentally re-working him.

At the same time, he is an OP champ at best just like any other. You have to work on the notion that the person playing him is going to land the grabs and fire the ult in a decent position. If not, he's just a waste of space with debatable tank capability.
They could reduce the disable time on his Q. As of now, it is a combined stun and hook. Make the stun time shorter, and it won't be as hard to trade with him.


Thresh sounds good when all his abilities are listed, but in practice I feel like he hardly ever dominates a game. I haven't watched tournaments in forever so maybe he shines there, though. I'm curious what sort of win rates Blitzcrank has vs. Thresh. Blitzcrank's hook/knockup/silence make more of a long-distance rapid "you've been randomly selected for a beatdown" combo, while Thresh's is more of "you tried to move and then realized you couldn't, so you are slowly going to be dragged a bit of distance and pulled into a force field box."

But, speaking of shining in games, at least Thresh isn't Nami. :p
Thresh wins pro games. His W enables turret dives and his Q gives him engaging of Blitz plus his first AA hits hard as hell. And his E allows him to ensure ADC protected or who you want dead stays dead.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Got to play Blitzcrank for the first time in ages. Poor enemy team didn't stand a chance.


Apparently was in a rank game with a fellow gaffer :)


Got to play Blitzcrank for the first time in ages. Poor enemy team didn't stand a chance.

I got to play sona first time in ages, i was ksing like hell.

last time i play sona was feb 9,13 . lol


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sweet jesus. Maxing E with Lulu and mana regen runes is a bot lane terror!
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