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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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holy shit riven looks like a serial killer

riven please

dont kill m-


When will Ahri get a new splash art?. It isn't that the one she has right now is bad(is good), but eventually it'll be outdated... I wonder how it will be.

s4. Maybe.


I finally own all champions that are 3150 IP or less.

Now I just need 91200 more IP to get the 4800 IP ones too! That should only take what, another 600 games or so. D:
ahri already looks like every other female character in the game.

I hope you mean that her splash art is already as up to date as the others.
Well... that means Riot can work in another skin.

Still, eventually Ahri will look "old" if Riot keep updating and improving every splash art, I just wonder how will Ahri's splash art be in the future.
I hope you mean that her splash art is already as up to date as the others.
Well... that means Riot can work in another skin.

Still, eventually Ahri will look "old" if Riot keep updating and improving every splash art, I just wonder how will Ahri's splash art be in the future.

Ahri's art looks really out of date. Probably the worst in the game (yes even worse than Sion). Including her in game models and particles as well.

Riot, move Ahri to the front of the VU queue.

Pretty please and thanks. :p
Riven is my favorite character, lore wise. I'm hoping Orianna will get a new skin/appearance rework. All of her skins are ugly.

Also, Syndra and Vi need moar skins :3


Man, how bad must the person who did all the original splash artwork feel? I mean, it was bad, but the Internet certainly isn't that nice about breaking the news.

But then again

Fucking Sion. Bleeeech.


Man, how bad must the person who did all the original splash artwork feel? I mean, it was bad, but the Internet certainly isn't that nice about breaking the news.

But then again

Fucking Sion. Bleeeech.

maybe the original artist did the new one

or maybe the original artist was a programmer and doesnt give a shit

maybe the programmer of the client is the artist of the new riven splash


Riven is my favorite character, lore wise. I'm hoping Orianna will get a new skin/appearance rework. All of her skins are ugly.

Also, Syndra and Vi need moar skins :3
wig ori skin is pretty :3

I wish they made splash arts animated

Acceleration Gate - Cooldown is now 16 seconds (instead of 14/13/12/11/10)
I'm ok with this

maybe someone will put points in his ult now lol


"New Loading Screen! Now shows Your Summoner Icons"


holy shit

fuck hats

summoner icons are now worth

and poor jayce. I hate jayce but 16 is an absolute shitting on

wtf riot


Glad the Udyr skin is finally coming. My most played champ for season 1 and 2 will finally come back into my play roster :D

Can't wait to see the leak.

Played him a couple of times in the past 2 weeks and he is really situational right now though.

Hopefully people don't instalock him in ranked and suck at him. It'll make me real sad.



just ran a pretty weird comp with some friends

we basically had two junglers, one manaless (lee sin), one mana-based (maokai), who split up our jungle and just kept counterjungling and pressuring lanes all match long.

I picked ahri so I had a pretty mobile champion, we had an elise bot for the 2v1 and fiora top (yeah I dunno) doing her thing.

it kinda worked great since their jungler was an alistar, so they basically just roamed together and stole all his jungle. double smite meant we got every single dragon and generally had a shit ton of control of the map since the junglers would either gank together or split up to push/help lanes

it was pretty cool, I might try it again

and poor jayce. I hate jayce but 16 is an absolute shitting on

wtf riot
yeah, it's pretty brutal

I wonder what people will put points in now, I guess his ult?

personally I feel like he's still gonna be pretty fucking strong, I'm not sure if it was that unwarranted a nerf.
yeah, pick or ban is a pretty good place for the champions you play.

No need for the sarcasm, I don't play ranked so I dont know his pick/ban status. If that's the case then I guess he needs a nerf, I just hope they don't go overboard like with skarner


Noooooooooooooooo my mmr is back to plat.

Why are people raging and afking even though we're ahead? I don't understand some people at all. SMH
Three people called support in lobby. WHOA AMAZING

Snobbish Lux gets to support. Build: Mejai, Sorc Shoes, Athene. 1/10

Choice words from Lux:
"gg nubs"
"get wards" (she bought more or less the same as everyone else)
"lrn2cs" (i got the highest cs and whooped vayne)

losing streak :(
Uh, Skarner will spam his Q out at two to three times the rate of Hecarim.

Realistically it's pretty much the same actually. Hecarim's Q is 2 second cool down with 2 stacks, Skarner gets to use his Q around once every 2 seconds as well, maybe 1.5. With 40% CDR (which is important on Hec) Hec's Q goes down to like 1.2 seconds with 2 stacks. That's Eve Q level of cool down, with higher mana cost at max rank and no inherent mana regen like Eve has.

It's such a big nerf to him. Going too far with it IMO. It hurts the team so much. He pretty much requires all the blues now, and it reduces his build flexibility so much by forcing him to work towards early mana items as opposed to less selfish items. It has a much bigger impact than just on Hecarim himself.


Realistically it's pretty much the same actually. Hecarim's Q is 2 second cool down with 2 stacks, Skarner gets to use his Q around once every 2 seconds as well, maybe 1.5. With 40% CDR (which is important on Hec) Hec's Q goes down to like 1.2 seconds with 2 stacks. That's Eve Q level of cool down, with higher mana cost at max rank and no inherent mana regen like Eve has.

It's such a big nerf to him. Going too far with it IMO. It hurts the team so much. He pretty much requires all the blues now, and it reduces his build flexibility so much by forcing him to work towards early mana items as opposed to less selfish items. It has a much bigger impact than just on Hecarim himself.

It's a big nerf. He already has mana problems. Now he'll need a tear or something. Manamune Hecarim?


The hecarim nerfs are kinda random tbh

i mean yeah, he spammed his Q way too much

it was practically free

but it wasnt a problem before was it
The hecarim nerfs are kinda random tbh

i mean yeah, he spammed his Q way too much

it was practically free

but it wasnt a problem before was it

The "problem" with Hecarim isn't how much Qs he spams, it's that his ganks are strong and you need to be more aware of him because of his speed.

It's like Rammus. Ward deeper, actually pay attention to your wards and you can react to him in time no problem. He works on the element of surprise and people not having the awareness to pay attention to their wards.

He's the perfect example of why warding top lane river bush or bot lane river bush is generally a bad idea.

Increasing his mana costs aren't going to balance him. Seems like they want to nuke him rather than balance him, and I think he's in a pretty decent spot as is. Sometimes you have to realise that it's not his stats that are the problem but it's how people play against him.

*maybe* they could instead remove some of the speed increase off devastating charge, or make it increase with level. It's currently at a flat 75%. Maybe if it started at 65% and gained 3% per level, so it would eventually reach 77% or something, but still starts out lower.

Or increase the time it takes to go from the initial 25% burst to the full 75% from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Would give people more time to react to it.

Although I don't think he needs to be nerfed any more than he has been.


The "problem" with Hecarim isn't how much Qs he spams, it's that his ganks are strong and you need to be more aware of him because of his speed.

It's like Rammus. Ward deeper, actually pay attention to your wards and you can react to him in time no problem. He works on the element of surprise and people not having the awareness to pay attention to their wards.

He's the perfect example of why warding top lane river bush or bot lane river bush is generally a bad idea.

Increasing his mana costs aren't going to balance him. Seems like they want to nuke him rather than balance him, and I think he's in a pretty decent spot as is. Sometimes you have to realise that it's not his stats that are the problem but it's how people play against him.

*maybe* they could instead remove some of the speed increase off devastating charge, or make it increase with level. It's currently at a flat 75%. Maybe if it started at 65% and gained 3% per level, so it would eventually reach 77% or something, but still starts out lower.

Or increase the time it takes to go from the initial 25% burst to the full 75% from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Would give people more time to react to it.

Although I don't think he needs to be nerfed any more than he has been.
yeah his ganks are crazy

that E is RIDONKS

i guess they want to keep his horsey speed and take away some damage

its not easy to ward deeper all the time

Quinn is on sale before Thresh.

Such greed.

excess inventory of quinns

makes sense



just ran a pretty weird comp with some friends

we basically had two junglers, one manaless (lee sin), one mana-based (maokai), who split up our jungle and just kept counterjungling and pressuring lanes all match long.

I picked ahri so I had a pretty mobile champion, we had an elise bot for the 2v1 and fiora top (yeah I dunno) doing her thing.

it kinda worked great since their jungler was an alistar, so they basically just roamed together and stole all his jungle. double smite meant we got every single dragon and generally had a shit ton of control of the map since the junglers would either gank together or split up to push/help lanes

it was pretty cool, I might try it again

yeah, it's pretty brutal

I wonder what people will put points in now, I guess his ult?

personally I feel like he's still gonna be pretty fucking strong, I'm not sure if it was that unwarranted a nerf.

What site is that? Like the clean layout.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No need for the sarcasm, I don't play ranked so I dont know his pick/ban status. If that's the case then I guess he needs a nerf, I just hope they don't go overboard like with skarner
It was supposed to be joking sarcasm not bitter sarcasm. Hecarim is picked or banned all the way through Silver and Gold right now, but he's not an really considered to be as dangerous in the high level games I watch.

No other jungler is able to freely spam an AOE ability like that, and Riot has continually gone out of their way to stop them. I don't really see why Hecarim would be an exception.
Skarner and Udyr have to be conscious of mana use even while jungle farming. I don't play enough Eve but I'm pretty sure it's the same there. Zac is Zac.

Skarner has lower mana costs for the same rate of spamming, Udyr's cooldowns are higher and the mana cost decreases per level, and Eve's passive lets her regen 1% of her max mana while stealthed. Zac can recover all the health he loses (and more) when he uses W.

None of them have it as bad as Hecarim will.


Skarner has lower mana costs for the same rate of spamming, Udyr's cooldowns are higher and the mana cost decreases per level, and Eve's passive lets her regen 1% of her max mana while stealthed. Zac can recover all the health he loses (and more) when he uses W.

None of them have it as bad as Hecarim will.

None of them nearly as strong as Hecarim save maybe Zac


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Skarner has lower mana costs for the same rate of spamming, Udyr's cooldowns are higher and the mana cost decreases per level, and Eve's passive lets her regen 1% of her max mana while stealthed. Zac can recover all the health he loses (and more) when he uses W.

None of them have it as bad as Hecarim will.
i do not even know what to say.


Hecarim is a jungler with amazing gang, can snowball, tanky, and AOE CC. Oh right, he is also impossible to chase down without hard cc, and ult also double as a free escape. Now he can hog over small cliff like nidalee. At least with rammus you can escape the gang by standing behind a minion.

The mana nerf does nothing to his early game presence since he will be running around with blue buff.


News from yesterday's PBE patch but I didn't see it mentioned on here yet. Apologies if old.

Death Streak gold has been changed a bit. The death streak penalty has been changed to 13% for first death then 20% for every death afterwards from 13% and 30%. Additionally, the minimum gold a player can be worth is now 50g instead of 15g.

Obviously intended to limit the effectiveness of proxy farming a bit.



apparently on PBE you can activate ziggs W in mid air so that it instantly explodes on impact

i wish lux and gragas would get these changes : (
i do not even know what to say.

Other than Skarner, yeah, but Skarner's problems go deeper than mana on his Q.

Hecarim is a jungler with amazing gang, can snowball, tanky, and AOE CC. Oh right, he is also impossible to chase down without hard cc, and ult also double as a free escape. Now he can hog over small cliff like nidalee. At least with rammus you can escape the gang by standing behind a minion.

The mana nerf does nothing to his early game presence since he will be running around with blue buff.

If to want to get really reductive about champions and just put out a list of their strengths without showing what counter play they have, sure we can do that.

Eve is a highly mobile and really versatile AP mage who has an AoE %HP nuke that also gives her a shield, she has mass mana regen, extremely flexible build path, a slow, is an amazing ganker, does a tonne of damage, has an attack speed boost, a movement speed boost and, oh yeah, she's invisible half the time. Ans she's a waifu.

Udyr is a highly mobile tanky utility jungler who has one of the most flexible build and ability paths in the game, he has a passive ability which stuns and mini dashes to who he targets, has great AoE clear, has amazing persistent damage, a shield, flat health steal, multiple speed boosts, great chase potential, high damage and he's getting an ultimate skin.

Breaking it down like that would make Rengar or Elise the best champion in the game.

Hecarim has counter play. Hard cc, deep wards, map awareness (god forbid), snowballs in both ways so if you shut him down he has a really hard time coming back because he's so item dependant, and he can be kited by things like blue ezreal or whatever.

A champion is allowed to be strong. He's a good solo queue jungler, although outside of China he's been shown to be a non-desirable competitive pick, and even in high ELO games has stopped being pick or ban generally.

Not to mention you have champions like Jarvan who had one round of nerfs who's still tearing it up in solo q and competitive and he's "fine". Or Zac who offers so much utility that he's a way higher priority ban than Hecarim. Or Elise, who despite being nerfed, is still stronger and has more going on in her kit.

Just because a champion is good in a certain environment doesn't mean you have to nuke them until they're weak, unless they're terribly designed like old Eve or like Yorick.
It was supposed to be joking sarcasm not bitter sarcasm. Hecarim is picked or banned all the way through Silver and Gold right now, but he's not an really considered to be as dangerous in the high level games I watch.

No other jungler is able to freely spam an AOE ability like that, and Riot has continually gone out of their way to stop them. I don't really see why Hecarim would be an exception.

Sorry, hard to tell on the Internet. It won't impact me that much cause I always take blue in yolo-queue anyways.
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