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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Will definitely pick up the Major Ziggs skin since he's my favorite champ and I don't own any skins yet, might pick up Quinn since I've been enjoying her this week.
Thinking about buying Tier 1 runes for the Quintessences of lifesteal.

At least until I have enough IP for the Tier 3 lifesteal.

They aren't that bad, for what they cost...


Speaking of Ziggs, I should really buy him. I only really play Zed/Orriana/Anivia mid. Should get more mid champions for more variety.

And I want his mad scientist skin, really like that one.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Why you do this Soda Cop???



It's a big nerf. He already has mana problems. Now he'll need a tear or something. Manamune Hecarim?

Hes already highly susceptible to counter jungling which is going to be big this patch, he's had everything in his kit nerfed and hes not even a top pick. Its really sad to see. He isnt my main jungler but i think they need to reevaluate some of his balancing especially with the new jungle timers and buffs to fast clearing counter junglers.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Udyr is a highly mobile tanky utility jungler who has one of the most flexible build and ability paths in the game, he has a passive ability which stuns and mini dashes to who he targets, has great AoE clear, has amazing persistent damage, a shield, flat health steal, multiple speed boosts, great chase potential, high damage and he's getting an ultimate skin.
He has one stun. Suddenly he is a utility jungler. He has no health steal, it's just a regen. Dis is ridic.
Hecarim has counter play. Hard cc, deep wards, map awareness (god forbid), snowballs in both ways so if you shut him down he has a really hard time coming back because he's so item dependant, and he can be kited by things like blue ezreal or whatever.
1)You want to take hard cc as the jungler. Also who gives a crap because you are tanky and Hecarim has hyper mobility and an unavoidable ultimate. Number one problem I see even when watching high elo games is people blowing hard CC on the wrong targets like the support or tank and then not having it when they need it most.
2)Stuff like deep wards and map awareness hurt every jungler. They are not some super counter to Hecarim especially when he is one of the best through lane gankers in the game.
3)Hecarim has like...very few issues with kiting compared to most other melee champions.
Why you do this Soda Cop???
yo i'm out. riot please stop. i have no idea what i am doing. why am i here?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Division skipping hax!

(I don't wanna play my series, gold was my goal for season 3 lol.)



riven splash fixed by riot, zky aproves

What site is that? Like the clean layout.

it's pretty good, tracks your normal and ranked and even aram stats and you can check a lot of cool post match stuff, if you're into that shit.

it's 6 bucks a month and it'll track your stats and of whoever you follow, so you can split the fee with a friend or something and just pay 3 bucks each.

hey zkylon I found a game you might like

check out these assets

Riot really need to up their game
HiRez has more pandering and fanservice
havent had a sexy champion in yonks
I'm starting to think I have developed a reputation in this thread


I started a League of Legends stream. GAF Channel 4 is going to be playing tonight.


If anyone wants to inhouse, give us a heads up. We are down to play.

Three out of the five of us are gaffers(Lonzz, FalIen_Hero, and Wtngninja). Probably be playing 5's throughout the night just messing around. May start up a new rank team. FalIen_Hero is Plat 5 so he'll be carrying us through the night.
He has one stun. Suddenly he is a utility jungler. He has no health steal, it's just a regen. Dis is ridic.

1)You want to take hard cc as the jungler. Also who gives a crap because you are tanky and Hecarim has hyper mobility and an unavoidable ultimate. Number one problem I see even when watching high elo games is people blowing hard CC on the wrong targets like the support or tank and then not having it when they need it most.
2)Stuff like deep wards and map awareness hurt every jungler. They are not some super counter to Hecarim especially when he is one of the best through lane gankers in the game.
3)Hecarim has like...very few issues with kiting compared to most other melee champions.

He does damage he gets health, sorry if my wording isn't fucking spot on enough for you...

Scratch that, I'm not sorry. It is lifesteal: http://gameinfo.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/udyr/

Persistent Effect: Gains 10/12/14/16/18% Life Steal.


And so what if people at high elo make that mistake? You just reinforced my point. Don't make that mistake, simple as. You can't blame that champion because you fuck up. Your point is ridiculous.

Deep wards don't hurt every jungler. Ward deep against a Jarvan and he'll EQ over a wall into your bush and you didn't see shit. Ward too deep and Zac will jump over a wall and bounce all over you. It's a way to counter Hecarim, just because it works against other junglers doesn't mean it doesn't work against Hecarim, it doesn't have to be exclusive.

And of course he has kiting issues. His main gap closer is related to speed. He has a 325 range jump which is entirely related to his speed. Kiting teams can do really well against Hecarim. And if he can't gank well until 6 when he gets ult? Hey guess what, you've survived the scariest part of Hecarim. He hasn't been able to snowball and your jungler has probably done his work. Most other melee champions have a gap closer that's unrelated to speed, targeted or otherwise.

Aatrox - gapcloser knock-up
Akali- targeted gap closer, three potentially
Alistar - targeted gapcloser and a knock-up combo
Amumu - skillshot gapcloser x stun
Blitzcrank- pull
Cho-gath - one of the few that doesn't, still has knock-up + silence
Darius- pull
Diana- double targeted gap closer
Mundo - consistent ranged slows combined with super speed, but no gapcloser
Eve - she's fucking invisible
Fiora- double targeted gapcloser
Fizz- gap closer and targeted gap closer

That's just A - F. I can keep going.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Deep wards don't hurt every jungler. Ward deep against a Jarvan and he'll EQ over a wall into your bush and you didn't see shit. Ward too deep and Zac will jump over a wall and bounce all over you. It's a way to counter Hecarim, just because it works against other junglers doesn't mean it doesn't work against Hecarim, it doesn't have to be exclusive.
Deep warding is the best defense against jump junglers like j4 and Zac because you can see them coming before they even get to the walls they want to jump. Just saying. For someone like Hecarim lane ganks are good so deep wards aren't so bad. Charge in fast through lane and pick up kills. Wards are irrelevant.
And so what if people at high elo make that mistake? You just reinforced my point. Don't make that mistake, simple as. You can't blame that champion because you fuck up. Your point is ridiculous.
i dun understand. All I said was it's good to take hard CC as the jungler. It's your job to tank for the team as someone as Hecarim, and you have high enough mobility to not be completely shut out of fights by one effect. You get a mobility ultimate that is completely immune to CC.
And of course he has kiting issues. His main gap closer is related to speed. He has a 325 range jump which is entirely related to his speed. Kiting teams can do really well against Hecarim. And if he can't gank well until 6 when he gets ult? Hey guess what, you've survived the scariest part of Hecarim. He hasn't been able to snowball and your jungler has probably done his work. Most other melee champions have a gap closer that's unrelated to speed, targeted or otherwise.
You are on a super fast champion with some of the best initiation int he game. If you're getting kited on Hecarim you are doing something wrong. Scariest part of Hecarim isn't early game to me. His ganks are good but his team fighting and initiation tools make him really good mid to late game. People don't play Hecarim for his early game.

That's just A - F. I can keep going.
this list is kind of a joke.

do you have a point? hecarim is a strong champion who is played and banned often with few weaknesses. udyr and skarner are comparatively fairly weak and not picked as often, and their mana issues are very real and noticeable.
Yes, my point is that while Hecarim is strong (which he is allowed to be), he has real counterplay that people don't consider when they talk about him being insanely OP or whatever. Or just OP in general.

Yes Skarner and Udyr have mana problems, but Hecarim is going to have worse mana problems because he has a an ability that's as spammable (and you're encouraged to spam it because of how it stacks) as Skarner's Q but costs more mana, and mana costs that are in line with Udyr and eventually are higher than Udyr's mana costs but Udyr doesn;t have to spam nearly as often.

Udyr's strong in certain environments, competitively and in solo queue, like Hecarim is strong in solo queue. And as I said, Skarner has problems that lie deeper than his mana costs, which are comparatively fine compared to PBE Hecarim's costs. Skarner has 5 less mana than Hecarim in total, yet has lower mana costs aside from his ult, which isn't up all the time.


Riven still has eyeliner on the outside of her eyes though. Why would you put it only on the outside?

For some reason I thought her legs were wrapped up before the new splash, too.


Yes, my point is that while Hecarim is strong (which he is allowed to be), he has real counterplay that people don't consider when they talk about him being insanely OP or whatever. Or just OP in general.

Yes Skarner and Udyr have mana problems, but Hecarim is going to have worse mana problems because he has a an ability that's as spammable (and you're encouraged to spam it because of how it stacks) as Skarner's Q but costs more mana, and mana costs that are in line with Udyr and eventually are higher than Udyr's mana costs but Udyr doesn;t have to spam nearly as often.

Udyr's strong in certain environments, competitively and in solo queue, like Hecarim is strong in solo queue. And as I said, Skarner has problems that lie deeper than his mana costs, which are comparatively fine compared to PBE Hecarim's costs. Skarner has 5 less mana than Hecarim in total, yet has lower mana costs aside from his ult, which isn't up all the time.

What is Hecarim counter play? Ward every ganging route at level 1-5 and never leave tower range? Hecarim have shaco level of gang, but can still be useful late game without snowballing.
So, I just bought Quinn about a week ago with IP and now she's on sale tomorrow for RP. I have the RP to buy her and would much rather just buy her with RP instead of IP at this point (but not for full price). If I e-mail Riot and tell them my situation will they refund me my IP and not charge it against me as a refund if I tell them I want to buy her with RP and that I just bought her with IP a week ago?


So, I just bought Quinn about a week ago with IP and now she's on sale tomorrow for RP. I have the RP to buy her and would much rather just buy her with RP instead of IP at this point (but not for full price). If I e-mail Riot and tell them my situation will they refund me my IP and not charge it against me as a refund if I tell them I want to buy her with RP and that I just bought her with IP a week ago?

Ya I heard that they will refund you if you email support.


If the show was about a dance party at the Valve offices, it'd probably be more interesting

right now its probably more shonen tripe


Tragic victim of fan death

I locked ADC. then quinn bitches cuz she called adc even though i locked before she called it. game starts they bitch at me go mid. I go mid and call them fuckers for not going mid themselves. Own ez mid and carry the game by pushing turrets while Quinn steals half of the kills. Still got reported for calling them fuckers. =D


Tragic victim of fan death
Quinn carried pretty hard

it was right of her to ADC then

She stole half of my kills. She also had only kill for the longest time while I had 3/0 within the first 5 minutes.

EDIT: In all honesty I don't really care since I know I carried that game. I think it was because I just didn't give a damn if I lost or won so I played without a care in the world. =D


Tragic victim of fan death
what is ez doing

Being fucking stupid. I killed him twice. Once after hitting 6. Second after he hit 7. It was funny. Fiddle also thought he could 1v1 me when he was a whole level under me. Granted I guess he thought he could win cuz I had half health and he had 3/4. . LOL.


Omfg. Guys, guys blue buff GIVES YOU 20% CDR. Trying to find a way to get 40% with lots of damage and blue buff was just sitting there the entire time. What's the better item for CDR/mana regen, Athenes or Morellos?


Morellos is best AP cdr item

unless you need lots of MR for some reason

morello's evil plan to get us to all use his item has finally succeeded


Omfg. Guys, guys blue buff GIVES YOU 20% CDR. Trying to find a way to get 40% with lots of damage and blue buff was just sitting there the entire time. What's the better item for CDR/mana regen, Athenes or Morellos?

I still wonder if you're capable of tying your own shoes.
I don't know. Everyone at lower levels/elo wants blue became they can spam 24/7 and see more pretty effects. Red is pretty much taken just because it's a buff, not for what it does.


Carrying a game doesn't really excuse the behavior.

To be fair, it's pretty hard to get to 30 without knowing what Blue Buff does. Unless you never read the icon.

Or I guess just never get the buff.

many people dont know that buff icons have tooltips

and many low level junglers are assholes that keep all da buffs

the way i see is that he was so happy and excited to learn it, that it mustve never occured to him

plus we gotta keep that magic of learning alive
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