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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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One of my big weaknesses is being able to asses my lane matchup outside of botlane where I main.

Is there a place I can get shortcuts and read about matchups for common tops and mids?

Like...Zed v Morg mid who starts cloth 5...should I have been able to kill her?


sometimes, really indepth pro guides go into matchups

theyre not the norm though.

if youre desperate for an opinion, really big mobafire guides often feature matchup info. half the people on mobafire arent diamond or challenger, but they definitely try hard to help.


Play Fizz if you want to kil AP Yi easily in lane.
there's no draft pick in latam south atm

New Ultimate skin is Spirit Guard Udyr, announcement post is scheduled on the NA site.

Can't wait to see it tbh


Hippalus said a while ago it'll be 1950 RP for the first few days or so, then go up to the 3000+ RP price.
there was tiny bit of me that was still believing it was diana all along :(

Who would ever pay $30 for a skin?
eh, if it were the right skin for the right champion who knows :3

There was a post on reddit about two kinds of lol players, logistical and technical, and while being rather narrow in definition basically the technical had mechanical ability but no game awareness and the logistical had game awareness but not much skill. I didnt pay much heed to it but today I have come across a third category, one i call feckless. Its ok to not be very good at this game, its ok to be learning, its ok to make mistakes, but when you solely lose the game for your team because you refuse, I say again, refuse to group and then continue to blame everyone else when you lose, thats kind of rediculous.

Point in order, if every member of your team is asking you to group because you have an advantage, and for 20 minutes you refuse allowing the other team to eek back control then you are an idiot.

And im not even talking about dedicated split push tactics, im talking about doing everything in your power to not join the team.
uh yeah it's kind of an arbitrary division, so w/e.

my categories would be people wanting to play the game and idiots. idiots will call gg if your team lost first blood, won't ward, won't group, will go wraith camp instead of pushing shit and taking objectives after fights, will whine all the match long etc. the rest are half functional decent human beings.

I played with someone just like that earlier in ranked. He said Malphite was open so he wanted the captain to get Malphite for him. When it was his turn, he said he didn't want Malphite anymore, called ADC and picked... Kayle. Yeah okay maybe we can still work that out. When the game started, he refused point blank to go with the support and wanted to solo top, which forced our Xin to lane with the support against ALISTAR and CAIT. He lost the lane and blamed support for not warding top. After 40 mins we started getting back because the enemy threw a lot, then he disconnects.

It's like he's trying to sabotage the team as much as possible.
lol that's actually kind of funny

One of my big weaknesses is being able to asses my lane matchup outside of botlane where I main.

Is there a place I can get shortcuts and read about matchups for common tops and mids?

Like...Zed v Morg mid who starts cloth 5...should I have been able to kill her?
some guides have a matchup section that can prove useful

I also have this bookmarked but I can't comment on its usefulness: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai8-MN21ELJ5dEk0WFBCYlpfOFNxRXN5TlB1alhDMkE#gid=0

Apparently, there's a bug with Jax getting max ASPD against towers if he uses Zhonya before W hits. What's with these Zhonya bugs?
zhonya's coded as minions?

This game felt like it lasted an hour. Teemo AND the Donger. I wanted to die.


I mean, Riven isn't supposed to be a nice champion. She's Noxian. She still believes in the whole "strength above all." The strong survive.


I mean, Riven isn't supposed to be a nice champion. She's Noxian. She still believes in the whole "strength above all." The strong survive.

isn't she an exile because she decides to like not be a piece of shit like everyone in noxus?

she's not supposed to be a cute waifu but the angsty levels in lol are reaching supernova


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I mean, Riven isn't supposed to be a nice champion. She's Noxian. She still believes in the whole "strength above all." The strong survive.
Strength = head down eyes up. And black eyeliner. Redeemed Riven splash is good. I dunno, the new one is just super generic in its pose and kind of trying too hard to be edgy.


isn't she an exile because she decides to like not be a piece of shit like everyone in noxus?

she's not supposed to be a cute waifu but the angsty levels in lol are reaching supernova

Lore-wise, she's in exile because of Singed bionuking everything (and mostly because it was Zaun-related and not Noxus-related). She's basically just looking for the truth behind "The strong will prevail." That's the recurring theme for her lore and her league judgment. Only the strong survive.

Strength = head down eyes up. And black eyeliner. Redeemed Riven splash is good. I dunno, the new one is just super generic in its pose and kind of trying too hard to be edgy.

The eyeliner is the awkward part. I don't mind the dash pose since it's one of her Broken Wings animations. It's certainly better than her "just standing here with my glove that's freakishly huge" splash.

And Redeemed splash is good.


I played with someone just like that earlier in ranked. He said Malphite was open so he wanted the captain to get Malphite for him. When it was his turn, he said he didn't want Malphite anymore, called ADC and picked... Kayle. Yeah okay maybe we can still work that out. When the game started, he refused point blank to go with the support and wanted to solo top, which forced our Xin to lane with the support against ALISTAR and CAIT. He lost the lane and blamed support for not warding top. After 40 mins we started getting back because the enemy threw a lot, then he disconnects.

It's like he's trying to sabotage the team as much as possible.

He is trying to sabotage, i got retards like him like once or twice, they do everything in their power to lose you the game.


Because that, a small part of me dies every time I click "Play".
(I'm playing more ARAM than 5v5 lately, due to this)
yeah I wouldn't mind so much but like it's down to call order and it's just annoying

also I can't ban ryze in blind pick :p

Lore-wise, she's in exile because of Singed bionuking everything (and mostly because it was Zaun-related and not Noxus-related). She's basically just looking for the truth behind "The strong will prevail." That's the recurring theme for her lore and her league judgment. Only the strong survive.
there's the whole part of her looking for redemption for all the people she killed during some war or something like that, and her own less asshole interpretation of what "being a noxian douchebag" means.

she's one of the good guys, sorta

The eyeliner is the awkward part. I don't mind the dash pose since it's one of her Broken Wings animations. It's certainly better than her "just standing here with my glove that's freakishly huge" splash.

And Redeemed splash is good.
at least we can all agree that redeemed riven is best riven


gotta love dat saint seiya shiryu shield


Haven't had a tough game like this in a while. Game started with Nunu stealing our Nocs buffs early on, and just generally giving everyone a tough time.

Once I got my Lichbane however, game started to slowly turn around:

Managed to turn around a couple of fights, and sneak a baron. We started to slowly snowball from there, and push to win.


One of my big weaknesses is being able to asses my lane matchup outside of botlane where I main.

Is there a place I can get shortcuts and read about matchups for common tops and mids?

Like...Zed v Morg mid who starts cloth 5...should I have been able to kill her?

This is a problem for me. There's like a 75% chance I'm going to be first blood in any match I play. Even in games where I end up with good scores I was probably first or second blood.

Guys what's the chance Tryndamere will be seeing a nerf soon?


nope, Bunny is best Riven:

too pervy for my taste

This is a problem for me. There's like a 75% chance I'm going to be first blood in any match I play. Even in games where I end up with good scores I was probably first or second blood.
huh, why

if you're constantly giving first blood just play passive early on :/

Guys what's the chance Tryndamere will be seeing a nerf soon?
probably low, he's kind of in a decent spot right now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i just won an hour long game with all three inhibs of mine down. jeeeeeeeeez. so tense. like 13k behind on gold too.


too pervy for my taste

huh, why

if you're constantly giving first blood just play passive early on :/

probably low, he's kind of in a decent spot right now.

I'm working on it. It's mainly against match ups I've never played before. And since I barely started top laning a few days ago all match ups are new to me :p


I'm working on it. It's mainly against match ups I've never played before. And since I barely started top laning a few days ago all match ups are new to me :p
ah that I can understand. I thought you were like giving first blood all the time with sona mid or whatever else you do...

top lane completely eludes me too unless I'm playing pantheon


When did Edward join Team Curse? I've been out of the loop for some time.

That's a pretty big deal.

Edit: nevermind, wiki'd it. Wow.


When did Edward join Team Curse? I've been out of the loop for some time.

That's a pretty big deal.
a week or so before lcs started

they practiced with him for a day before superweek

and he still was the strongest player in the team lol


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He wasn't in the LCS though, was he? I remember them using Rhux.
You're thinking of last season. Edward was with them at the start of this season last week. It didn't help and Curse is in last place.


Why does it seem like the people that play ARAMs have really shitty computers? It takes forever to load. Usually one or two people that just crawl.

I've been throwing down an ARAM here and there just to kill some time when I don't have enough for a real game but man. Might as well when some of these guys finish loading lol.
I dont know what caused it, but last night my FPS tanked to 20-30FPS in ARAM for a good 10 mins before returning to normal. I heard Graves' W can cause it but it never happened before. My PC is waaaay too good to drop that low.

Ouch Hecarim is getting the Skarner nerfs. Riotpls stpp nerfing the horsy.

He is trying to sabotage, i got retards like him like once or twice, they do everything in their power to lose you the game.
Yeah, in a hindsight our support couldve went top with him but that would probably be worse. Xin alone cant do squat againsy Ali and Cait.
Last time I took a huge performance hit (well, moreso than usual at least) in ARAM was when I was playing with a LeBlanc.

I get about 10 FPS less in ARAM than I do on SR.


just ran into zykon9, my little clone from the past or something

I bet you can't guess which champion he was playing :D

not fucking ryze

I dont know what caused it, but last night my FPS tanked to 20-30FPS in ARAM for a good 10 mins before returning to normal. I heard Graves' W can cause it but it never happened before. My PC is waaaay too good to drop that low.
howling abyss is just badly optimized or something like that

my brother can't even play aram


ugh.. what a game.

I'm elise jungle. Lee sin jungle ambushes me at red. I don't have my E so I Q, W and start backing off pinging him. No one comes. I pot up a little then W a bush. He's there. I ping some more. He's at half health at this point. I move in to see him killing red, I ping him again and try to W, Q. He lands a Q and starts chasing me again. I ping some more and do my best to fight. I flash over the wall to escape when I am almost dead. Then he lands a blind Q over the wall. Dammit. I'm dead. Along with my blue buff. I'm still level 2 and neither solo lane responded......

Worst part is about a min later while I'm still trying to get level 3, both of them die with their opponent barely alive. But I can't do anything about it.

wtf guys. Respond to a counter jungle. I'm elise. If ONE person comes we kill him easy.

I still come back. Somehow some way. I still come back but we're just losing lanes left and right. Yi/Kat bot (wtf). Quinn is crushing Veigar mid. It's just ugly. I managed to start top snowballing with some counter ganking but I just can't do anything to help mid and bot. Started too far behind. I hate games like that. If anyone on the team plays smart we could have won.
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