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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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with the increased exp to the red/blue buff camps, double duo (double support) lanes have become more of a thing than ever

you guys should try it out

adc lane takes red buff, other duo (whatever+supp) takes blue. if you are purple side, you will probably have to run double adc just so that your bottom lane can have a simpler matchup. People have been running double smite on the supports, but I imagine single smite on the blue support and mid helps with red buff, you can get an exhaust on the other support.

of course, make sure you pay attention to your team comp - if youre running double adc+supp, make sure at least one of the supports can initiate and soak damage. picking a mid that can peel - like lissandra or chogath will also make teamfighting easier

the obvious advantage of this strategy is being able to crush lanes down incredibly quickly and take objectives with (double) smite. make sure you push hard before buff camps spawn so you can take them to offset some of the exp lost in a duo (and to block the enemy jungler from stealing it). if you stall with this strategy, you will most likely lose. you must play with an objectives focus, taking the outer towers, then dragon, then middle, then steal a buff camp and take out an exposed adjacent tower. pay attention to minion waves and create a huge wave (ala cj blaze - this is done by getting a large enemy wave and freezing it, eventually your wave will become huge) if there are no objectives to be taken (enemy team is turtling and playing defensive) and then push the opposite lane once the wave becomes huge. ward in jungle once you take their outer towers and constantly apply pressure and take objectives.


playing on my smurf account with lux

enemy lux apparently was like a pretty bad smurf and she was copying my build so I started buying random items to mess up her build lol

our garen ended up afk'ing but we won 4v5 anyways

so new lux build: nashors, lich bane, bjork, zerkies, muramana. I don't have the hard numbers but everything seems right for me


aka, Velocity's Jungle Ezreal strat. Sort of.

so new lux build: nashors, lich bane, bjork, zerkies, muramana. I don't have the hard numbers but everything seems right for me

You totally missed the perfect opportunity for a Rageblade.


You totally missed the perfect opportunity for a Rageblade.
true, I actually had a pickaxe for most of the match and thought about buying it, but changed my mind for some reason

I think I was basically buying the most expensive damage item I could afford every time I went back to base and it never came up

but yeah, I chickened out

I'm on another lux slump, lost like 5 in a row in my main, I clearly play other champions better, gotta start getting my shit together and improve. mostly I gotta ask my friends not to go "poke comp" when I pick lux because I don't like it one bit. I like big bulky dudes that stun shit up and let me laser the whole enemy team, not nidalee or jayce or whatever...


on another lux slump, lost like 5 in a row in my main, I clearly play other champions better, gotta start getting my shit together and improve. mostly I gotta ask my friends not to go "poke comp" when I pick lux because I don't like it one bit. I like big bulky dudes that stun shit up and let me laser the whole enemy team, not nidalee or jayce or whatever...

The biggest problem with poke comps is the heavy reliance on ... well, landing your poke. That and having the patience to actually poke before engages.

And not just getting destroyed in lane and facing down a team that gives zero fucks and just runs you over.


my biggest problem with poke comps is that you have to resist the urge to charge right back at them when they try to engage you

people love to bash heads and team fight

especially the bruiser players. fkn bruisers


I started playing Akali for some reason since I collected all the 3150 champions. I'm not sure how competitive she is...I feel like Kat or Diana or something would be a better option. Does anyone still play her? Of course I would have a lot to learn either way.


The biggest problem with poke comps is the heavy reliance on ... well, landing your poke. That and having the patience to actually poke before engages.

And not just getting destroyed in lane and facing down a team that gives zero fucks and just runs you over.

yeah, I feel like they're less obvious and require more coordination than regular straight out teamfighting comps.

like, orianna + malph/j4 really telegraphs your team when to engage and it's just easier.

it is pretty cool when someone on my team just says "alright, let's poke" and we just throw the whole barrage at them. but really, it ends up there, it might work once or twice but at some point zac's gonna break us down and eh...

I also feel the nerfs affected my winrate more than I want to let on, and I kinda hate that :/

my biggest problem with poke comps is that you have to resist the urge to charge right back at them when they try to engage you

people love to bash heads and team fight

especially the bruiser players. fkn bruisers
yeah, people get antsy, specially that one bruiser/jungler still left on the team. still, I'm saying on a 5 premades, so it's not like you can pin it on the random


I'm the bruiser. My team will poke a bit and I see I can catch their carry. I go DEMACIA on the carry and my team is all "jarvman stop, we are a poke comp".

That's my latest experience with a poke comp in SR. Thankfully I face them more often than I play in a poke comp.


Sounds like he carried those 6 duo wins

Not really. We just played well together.

He plays nothing but evelyn jungle. And he played really aggressively. I would play TF or Diana, push, ward and help him steal buffs for all of early game.

We practically kicked the enemy jungle out of the game so we could get free dragons due to the smite level.

The guy is stuck at plat 4 for a good 3 weeks now with over 200 games in that division alone. Feel bad for the guy since the aggressive jungling ain't really working with better junglers and he rarely gets laners who help him out.


Whoah, TheTess, Svenskeren and GodBro all benched from NiP.

New roster:

Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg - Mid Lane
Martin "Deficio" Lynge - Support
Vytautas "extinkt" Melinauskas - Top Lane
Aleš "Freeze" Kněžínek - AD Carry
Tobias "Malunoo" Magnusson - Jungler


Gotta say, not happy about this at all. May have to rethink my planned purchase of the NiP icon :(

Not sure extinkt and malunoo are improvements. This will most likely come back to bite them in the ass.


Not sure extinkt and malunoo are improvements. This will most likely come back to bite them in the ass.
It's possible that they had to accept the trio as a whole.

Extinkt didn't impress when he played against CW though. Nor did malunoo for that matter. Sid's best player was easily freeze
The biggest problem with poke comps is the heavy reliance on ... well, landing your poke. That and having the patience to actually poke before engages.

And not just getting destroyed in lane and facing down a team that gives zero fucks and just runs you over.

The biggest problem with poke comps is Nidalee. It's the law of inverse Nidalee all the time. If she's on your team she sucks, if she's on the enemy team she's the most annoying champ in the world to play against.

Fuck Nidalee.


I think double duo lane strategy is much better if you leave solo top and place 2 people in mid. Two people in mid will put far more pressure on the map compared to 2 in the top.
With no jungler, it is very unlikely to kill someone in top, therefore taking teleport will make your top laner sort of the ganker.


No responses on Akali is kind of scary. I guess maybe she really has been abandoned. :p

I would like to try 2 mid, sounds fun (though losing CS and having to ward to prevent the farmed enemy mid laner from getting double kills with jungle ganks sounds treacherous).
I didn't even realize the Ashe dc'd. If that's the case, then there's no use pointing fingers at anyone. The enemy would have sniffed an opportunity to rush one way or another.

Also, iirc le bips gafnick is kSt.

I thought kSt was KS76 (or similar) on LoL. Not sure about bip. Sad I missed games. Been playing a lot less LoL lately, 'cos I have a job now. Upsetting. Also got demoted to Silver V because of inactivity. :/ Stupid, I should have just played.


my plan instead of two duo lanes was gonna be:
top: someone with a strong initiate like malphite
jungle: ezreal
mid: jayce + support, probably lulu/sona
bot: a good 2v1ner like maybe diana? or elise? I don't usually play 2v1s

but I think someone already did it so that's it.

two duo lanes with maybe jayce+support mid would also be really good. you need a lot of ad for this comp to work since you want to be bringing down towers fast

No responses on Akali is kind of scary. I guess maybe she really has been abandoned. :p

I didn't answer because I'm really bad with akali but yeah, imo diana outdoes her in almost every way, probably except akali's insane snowballing, which is probably second to only very few.

but yeah, diana has:
* more build options, basically you can build anything on her
* some tankiness with her w, even after the nerf it's pretty decent
* up until the last patch she had a better escape, now they're kind of even, akali's w is more immediate but has a longer cooldown than diana's q
* some cc that gives her good initiation and combos with other champions (lulu, orianna). you could do something like this with akali but akali's like kat and usually join fights late or goes for the backline while someone else initiates.
* easier to play than akali imo
* less punishing if you don't get fed
* can splitpush really well with nashors

but to be honest, akali's more fun, so just play her if you want to :p

i just got borderlands 2 dlc for free. does anyone still play this thing?
boredlands... ugh gross :(


I really dislike support Sona. I need to find a support a actually enjoy using. Any suggestions? Should I hop onto the Nami train?


I really dislike support Sona. I need to find a support a actually enjoy using. Any suggestions? Should I hop onto the Nami train?

My favorite support is Janna. I like her because I can adapt to how the adc plays. If they're more passive I can sheild, slow, and disengage. If they're more offensive I can sheild for +dmg, slow/exhaust our target, and tornado to disrupt them. She's boss support, but some might consider her boring.


I really dislike support Sona. I need to find a support a actually enjoy using. Any suggestions? Should I hop onto the Nami train?
just think of her shitty scaling mid, but bot :D

thresh, leona, zyra, to some degree nami are all pretty fun

janna is really good but really boring imo since you actually need an adc with half a brain. kinda like leona, really.

I'm really liking blitz too, lately, though mana issues just make him really annoying to play sometimes

alistar is still really good in the right hands, but completely trash otherwise

so bottom line is play sona, she's got initiate, she can go tanky, she can throw blue spell shit that makes adcs cry, boobies, etc.


I really dislike support Sona. I need to find a support a actually enjoy using. Any suggestions? Should I hop onto the Nami train?

Zyra and lulu are my favorite supports. Zyra cc is super potent in lane and the poke with plants is very effective if you can utilize it.

Lulu is just a real well rounded support. Shield + ult can turn a team fight around. Her poke isn't as good as it used to be though. Mama costs high and damage pretty low. Still lots of fun though.


I really dislike support Sona. I need to find a support a actually enjoy using. Any suggestions? Should I hop onto the Nami train?

Thresh is super fun and can be built a little more ADC-y if your team gets ahead. There is no ability like his lantern which has dozens of uses.

Lulu has just so many tools at her disposal. Her W and E are essentially two skills each.

Zyra is a fun support too. Her root is amazing and she gets mini wards.

Those are my three go-to supports.


just think of her shitty scaling mid, but bot :D

thresh, leona, zyra, to some degree nami are all pretty fun

janna is really good but really boring imo since you actually need an adc with half a brain. kinda like leona, really.

I'm really liking blitz too, lately, though mana issues just make him really annoying to play sometimes

alistar is still really good in the right hands, but completely trash otherwise

so bottom line is play sona, she's got initiate, she can go tanky, she can throw blue spell shit that makes adcs cry, boobies, etc.

The problem with Sona is if you don't destroy bot lane, you're useless /: Super duper squishy and without her ult she can't do much. I made some clutch heals but that's it.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm looking into Nami and Lulu :)


The problem with Sona is if you don't destroy bot lane, you're useless /: Super duper squishy and without her ult she can't do much. I made some clutch heals but that's it.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm looking into Nami and Lulu :)
? useless?

dude for a guy that wrote a guide on sona you should know better :p

all supports are good even when gold starved, that's kind of the point since they're always gold starved.

think about sona, her q passive is basically a free amp tome+pickaxe for the whole team, her w passive is a free cloth armor+mantle, her e passive are free level 1 boots. her power chords are insane, a mini iceborn gauntlet, mini exhaust. and her ult is great no matter what. destroying bot lane only allows you to buy locket/aegis earlier, which makes you tankier (locket gives cdr which is great too) but doesn't really change all that much.

she doesn't bring the waveclear for a turtling like maybe janna but other than that, she's the same as other supports.

trust the sona

love the sona


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The problem with Sona is if you don't destroy bot lane, you're useless /: Super duper squishy and without her ult she can't do much. I made some clutch heals but that's it.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm looking into Nami and Lulu :)

So much wrong in one post.
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