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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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scy please explain tear of the goddess cooldown for me again

was reading this: http://www.surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes.html

Tear of the Goddess
Mana charge now grants 4 maximum mana ..
( Summoner's Rift ) Mana charge cooldown is now 2 times every 8 seconds from 3 seconds flat.

I don't get the 3 second cooldown, I always just randomly spam spells at base and it works, it's like for dot stuff like anivia's r? if I go qwe on lux I get the full 12 mana, I've checked, so maybe it's broken?

uhhh I should go back to playing front mission

also some food for pankaks:

trust in teh sona


scy please explain tear of the goddess cooldown for me again

was reading this: http://www.surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes.html

I don't get the 3 second cooldown, I always just randomly spam spells at base and it works, it's like for dot stuff like anivia's r? if I go qwe on lux I get the full 12 mana, I've checked, so maybe it's broken?

Tear currently stores triggers so you can cast spells back-to-back-to-back. It's not infinite (something like 3 or so?) so you can have occasions where you get three casts that trigger it immediately despite the cooldown. What the change is doing is spelling this out. Every 8 seconds, you can have two spells that trigger it. The net effect should be no change (in both cases, Tear is ideally 1 mana per second gained) but we'll have to see how it pans out in practice.

Basically, Tear has a cooldown but the game gives you some leeway so you can maximize using it without making sure you hit a spell every single cooldown.


? useless?

dude for a guy that wrote a guide on sona you should know better :p

all supports are good even when gold starved, that's kind of the point since they're always gold starved.

think about sona, her q passive is basically a free amp tome+pickaxe for the whole team, her w passive is a free cloth armor+mantle, her e passive are free level 1 boots. her power chords are insane, a mini iceborn gauntlet, mini exhaust. and her ult is great no matter what. destroying bot lane only allows you to buy locket/aegis earlier, which makes you tankier (locket gives cdr which is great too) but doesn't really change all that much.

she doesn't bring the waveclear for a turtling like maybe janna but other than that, she's the same as other supports.

trust the sona

love the sona

I had a very bad support Sona game. Excuse the bitterness please :p I guess you don't really see what Sona does for the team as opposed to let's say, Thresh's Hooks, or Nami's knock up stun bubble. Also, warding Baron and Dragon is dangerous.


Tear currently stores triggers so you can cast spells back-to-back-to-back. It's not infinite (something like 3 or so?) so you can have occasions where you get three casts that trigger it immediately despite the cooldown. What the change is doing is spelling this out. Every 8 seconds, you can have two spells that trigger it. The net effect should be no change (in both cases, Tear is ideally 1 mana per second gained) but we'll have to see how it pans out in practice.

Basically, Tear has a cooldown but the game gives you some leeway so you can maximize using it without making sure you hit a spell every single cooldown.

I gotta write this shit down somewhere. new tooltip isn't really so helpful either.

I was under the impression they were gonna nerf tear, tho, that item is so op, I can't remember the last time I bought my beloved athene's T_T

I had a very bad support Sona game. Excuse the bitterness please :p I guess you don't really see what Sona does for the team as opposed to let's say, Thresh's Hooks, or Nami's knock up stun bubble. Also, warding Baron and Dragon is dangerous.
huh I don't think I understand what you mean

what is it that I don't see?


I gotta write this shit down somewhere. new tooltip isn't really so helpful either.

I was under the impression they were gonna nerf tear, tho, that item is so op, I can't remember the last time I bought my beloved athene's T_T

huh I don't think I understand what you mean

what is it that I don't see?

No. Her help to the team isn't as noticeable as other supports, like Nami's bubble or Thresh's Hook.


huh I don't think I understand what you mean

what is it that I don't see?

Just the general case "you." But, really, it's sort of true. Sona is low imapct for low level games. But the same can be said for basically everything short of "things that kill things."


No. Her help to the team isn't as noticeable as other supports, like Nami's bubble or Thresh's Hook.
huh that's kind of a weird comparison. it's more subtle I guess but then at the same time it's not since she can just flash ult and win you the game, so I dunno what to say about that.

they're different, sona is probably the most reliable support in the game, takes very little skill to do ok with and is really powerful in the right hands

this is just a guess but maybe you're too used to mid sona damage to see the good in the rest of her kit

also my support tier list right now:

tier 1: thresh, sona, janna
tier 2: blitz, lulu, leona, nami
tier 3: zyra, soraka, alistar
tier 4: taric
god tier: fiddle
not gonna bother tier: karma

based on nothing but my personal opinion, so don't y'all come raining down on me for hating karma or something

Just the general case "you." But, really, it's sort of true. Sona is low imapct for low level games. But the same can be said for basically everything short of "things that kill things."
scy can you please be my translator of life for me please :3

also yeah I guess she's less obvious than "I hooked adc gg" but at least she's got like the best skins in the game


Tomas said:
We’re repositioning Flame Breath as a core tool for objective control and faster jungle clear while also emphasizing its use as a “burn down” ability to be followed up with auto attacks against more tanky fighters. We’ve also increased Shyvana’s Fury gain at higher levels of Dragon’s Descent to help her engage in team fights more consistently at late game. Lastly, we’ve moved Shyvana’s old passive effects to the actual ability tooltips to help centralize information.
Fury of the Dragonborn
Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects are now located on the ability tooltip rather than the passive.
*NEW PASSIVE*: Dragonborn
Gains bonus Armor and Magic resistance. This bonus is increased per level. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.
Flame Breath
No longer reduces Armor by 15%
Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
Debuff duration increased from 4 seconds
Damage decreased at higher levels from 80/125/170/215/260
On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to a % of the target's Maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage.
Dragon's Descent
Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
Fury Gain per hit increased at later ranks from 2/2/2
Passive Fury Gain increased at later ranks from 1/1/1 per 1.5 seconds

Looks like Shyvana is about to be hands down the fastest jungler. They are changing her so much in PBE in every second patch. I would like to see better ultimate, far too many times I was cc'ed or simply too slow. She needs something like Malphite or Hecarim: they can not be disabled and move at least 2x faster than Shyvana's flight.


I think I'll probably buy shyv as soon as they change it. her kit is still kinda trash (at least imo in the grand scheme of things) but I'm running out of waifus here and ice shyv skin is delicious


huh that's kind of a weird comparison. it's more subtle I guess but then at the same time it's not since she can just flash ult and win you the game, so I dunno what to say about that.

they're different, sona is probably the most reliable support in the game, takes very little skill to do ok with and is really powerful in the right hands

this is just a guess but maybe you're too used to mid sona damage to see the good in the rest of her kit

also my support tier list right now:

tier 1: thresh, sona, janna
tier 2: blitz, lulu, leona, nami
tier 3: zyra, soraka, alistar
tier 4: taric
god tier: fiddle
not gonna bother tier: karma

based on nothing but my personal opinion, so don't y'all come raining down on me for hating karma or something

scy can you please be my translator of life for me please :3

also yeah I guess she's less obvious than "I hooked adc gg" but at least she's got like the best skins in the game

This is most likely the right answer. Anyway, why Fiddlesticks God tier? Oh and why does no one ever use Zilean? You even forgot him in your list, lol.


This is most likely the right answer.
could be, I know when I'm playing lux support if I don't get a couple kills in lane I start feeling like I'm worthless

Anyway, why Fiddlesticks God tier?
because people don't know how to play against him and his fear is op. I regularly play him with a friend and we just win lane+game every single time.

haven't taken it to ranked mostly because I figure we'll get heat for it, put everyone on tilt and just jinx it but in normals it's just been an amazing combo.

like, put him with someone with good burst like graves, varus, mf, and just burst people down while they're running up and down like idiots lol. grab ignite with him, you don't care about exhaust since their adc won't be autoattacking while you murder him heh.

late game in teamfights you have a targetted 3 second fear that gives you the perfect window to delete carries.

it's probably not as good at higher levels of play but I imagine he's still pretty decent

Oh and why does no one ever use Zilean? You even forgot him in your list, lol.
didn't really forget him, just left him out on purpose >:D

also left out lux, morg, kayle and nidalee because those are "I wanted to mid but I got stuck with support so w/e I'll start dorans ring"

I did forget about elise, which I'd put in tier 3, I guess. she's a really good champion and actually pretty decent at support since both her qs already have awesome base damage but I dunno, I don't like her so much, unlike fiddle the gold she gets from taking kills from the adc go towards single target damage which isn't really what I want in a support. if fiddle gets killed the money just goes towards his ult, which helps the whole team even if it's not doing all that much damage.

I hate him in ARAM, very annoying.
just played against him on aram last night, the dude casted his revive while my syndra ult was still in the air so I just couldn't instagib anyone... so depressing lol
just played against him on aram last night, the dude casted his revive while my syndra ult was still in the air so I just couldn't instagib anyone... so depressing lol

That sucks.
I may or may not hate Zilean, just because he was in my most frustrating ARAM I have ever played.

I was Xin.
The other team was Zilean, Jax, Teemo, Nidalee, Yi.

We lost very quickly. That Jax destroyed towers like it was nothing. They literally poked us to death, between Nidalee's traps and Teemo's mushrooms it was a no-no to try take the health.

As soon as we were poked down enough, Yi just alpha killed us all.
The single time we killed Yi... Zilean used his ult in him.

At some point I was like, "please, just end this already" ...
MR wasn't enough to survive all this shit.
Yeah try being Zed when the enemy team has Zilean in ARAM.

Someone initiates, ult their MVP and... Zilean ult. And there I am standing around like a spare tit because my combo is on cooldown.

Was so frustrating.


That sucks.
I may or may not hate Zilean, just because he was in my most frustrating ARAM I have ever played.

I was Xin.
The other team was Zilean, Jax, Teemo, Nidalee, Yi.

We lost very quickly. That Jax destroyed towers like it was nothing. They literally poked us to death, between Nidalee's traps and Teemo's mushrooms it was a no-no to try take the health.

As soon as we were poked down enough, Yi just alpha killed us all.
The single time we killed Yi... Zilean used his ult in him.

At some point I was like, "please, just end this already" ...
MR wasn't enough to survive all this shit.
lol that's a nightmare aram team to play against
Sivir is personally my best ARAM champ. I never lost a game with her, even if the enemy had multiple god-tier champs. I can easily block Nidalee spears for my teammates, shove lane, god-tier Q/W pokes and still function as an ADC even without ASPD items. When I get 6 items I have around ~450AD, which means Q can hit a loner for 1300 ish damage.

Can't spell shield Zilean's bomb damage after they get planted though, but it's not too hard to bait.


Sivir is personally my best ARAM champ. I never lost a game with her, even if the enemy had multiple god-tier champs. I can easily block Nidalee spears for my teammates, shove lane, god-tier Q/W pokes and still function as an ADC even without ASPD items. When I get 6 items I have around ~450AD, which means Q can hit a loner for 1300 ish damage.

Can't spell shield Zilean's bomb damage after they get planted though, but it's not too hard to bait.
Why can't you spell shield bomb damage? I thought shield worked on that, unless it's a double bomb.

scy please explain tear of the goddess cooldown for me again

was reading this: http://www.surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes.html
I was just testing this in ARAM with Jayce earlier. Maybe I didn't give it the full 8 seconds of doing nothing, but it seemed like I only got a maximum of two triggers and 8 mana if I used 3 abilities within 8 seconds, so I had to keep an eye on the circling update.


Why can't you spell shield bomb damage? I thought shield worked on that, unless it's a double bomb.

I was just testing this in ARAM with Jayce earlier. Maybe I didn't give it the full 8 seconds of doing nothing, but it seemed like I only got a maximum of two triggers and 8 mana if I used 3 abilities within 8 seconds, so I had to keep an eye on the circling update.

he means you cant shield when the bomb is already on you
Looks like it's getting hot in here again.

I do miss playing games with GAF but I must stay on my path of the solo warrior.

In other news I don't think Nami is completely terrible anymore.

I think whether she is good or bad completely relies upon how well you can land her Q.


I'll probably be watching lcs tomorrow if there is one tomorrow
but I mean I can't really speak for other people's schedules so there is no particular time I can put down
also we might be playing with r00m 4 tomorrow too, it'd be funny to have a round robin kind of situation

i was watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7IQ5rt8sxo and then xpecial posts dat taylor swift video, we r probably connected souls
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