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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Am I the only one that still likes Primal Udyr over the new ultimate?

About the only thing I like about Spirit Guard is the new VO lines.


Her damage doesn't really seem lower than other mages. She has good burst, good sustained damage, and lots of CC.

They lowered it but, honestly, she still reaches the point of "I ulted someone and they disappeared" and that's just absurd considering how she enters fights. Like, let's compare her to Orianna. Orianna's approach path is generally pretty awful which is why she gets paired with ball delivery systems. Lissandra is her own delivery system. She may not pull them with her ult but she does have a slow and snare (along with either invuln or a single-tagret stun).

I'm expecting some number tweaks and maybe slowing her E travel speed so people have an easier time getting out of her range. Like, maybe +25/+0/-25 [175/250/325] and dropping E to 700 or 725 from 750.

Edit: Alternatively, just dropping it outright to +0/-25/-50 [150/225/300] and maybe giving her +5% AP scaling.

sure, I just played her a bit in free week and was like "fuck this champion and her q range"

Well, her Q range is supposed to be the challenge of her kit. It has a fairly long range (~1000) if you use it as a two part spell: Hit minion and use the pierce. It's kind of like aiming Double Up except not as random on the target acquisition. The only big part of landing her initial Q is to get the slow.

but like the feeling I got from my short experience with her is that harassing is just a lost cause. doesn't really matter since with the amount of cc she has taking down from 100-0 with a gank is a good possibility.

Harassing is not a lost cause. It's never a lost cause. She has an incredible harassment game because of her Q piercing targets so to abandon it is just weird. Especially with her CC and the ability to engage.

Honestly, her strength in lane is her harassment because of her CC capabilities. Being low on health pretty much means you have to play in fear of her E so her zoning range widens as your opponent loses health.


Junior Member

besides the fact a nice amount of photoshop experience of removing moles and lines out of models' faces in 12000x pictures which doesn't really matter in this matter, I've been zooeying for a bunch of years now, collecting pictures (600+), gifs, watching her movies (including the very obscure shorts and indie flicks, and even finding that old frasier episode she's in for like 5 minutes), making art shit out her pictures, stuff like that.

so yeah, I've got my zooey experience, my trained eye in zooeys and I got a favorite zooey

bite me


to some degree

it's not about men or women, our society values youth and puts beauty as a core female characteristic (and beauty and youth go hand in hand, all babies being cute and whatnot). women themselves agree with this, which is why they wear makeup, etc. it's not imposed by men or meant to attract men or whatever, it's imposed by society and reinforced by everyone.

I mean I haven't met a girl that didn't like to spend hours on her hair and wear makeup, society is just messed up in this way.

RE Zooey: Kinda creepy, man.

RE The other bit: It's centuries and millenniums of men of perfecting their views of the ideal woman through the arts and such, and it wasn't really until women started burning bras in the sixties that things STARTED to change. Women play the part because they want to be pursued by men (evolutionary need to procreate and what-not), men who mostly abide by these views that they have imposed themselves.

I think it's safe to say that most society-imposed things (this and otherwise) stem from the male gender, since it wasn't until recently that women really began having a say in it.


Well, her Q range is supposed to be the challenge of her kit. It has a fairly long range (~1000) if you use it as a two part spell: Hit minion and use the pierce. It's kind of like aiming Double Up except not as random on the target acquisition. The only big part of landing her initial Q is to get the slow.

Harassing is not a lost cause. It's never a lost cause. She has an incredible harassment game because of her Q piercing targets so to abandon it is just weird. Especially with her CC and the ability to engage.

Honestly, her strength in lane is her harassment because of her CC capabilities. Being low on health pretty much means you have to play in fear of her E so her zoning range widens as your opponent loses health.

guess I played her wrong then

didn't find much enjoyment in the q mechanics so just devoted my life to roaming (and neglected everything else)

RE Zooey: Kinda creepy, man.
edit: deleted this shit because it was kind of embarassing

RE The other bit: It's centuries and millenniums of men of perfecting their views of the ideal woman through the arts and such, and it wasn't really until women started burning bras in the sixties that things STARTED to change. Women play the part because they want to be pursued by men (evolutionary need to procreate and what-not), men who mostly abide by these views that they have imposed themselves.

I think it's safe to say that most society-imposed things (this and otherwise) stem from the male gender, since it wasn't until recently that women really began having a say in it.[/QUOTE]
true, but then you may be getting into religious and historical stuff and such and it'd blow things out of proportions of what was meant as just a casual comment

edit: I dunno what I'm doing sharing this shit but I haven't gotten much sleep these past couple days... I don't mind going back to lol stuff

sorry for the weirdness


Junior Member
true, but then you may be getting into religious and historical stuff and such and it'd blow things out of proportions of what was meant as just a casual comment

edit: I dunno what I'm doing sharing this shit but I haven't gotten much sleep these past couple days... I don't mind going back to lol stuff

sorry for the weirdness

RE Zooey business: Whoa man.

RE societal things: Well that's my point, though. You're casually saying something that goes against the bigger picture! Rookie mistake.

RE edit: I dig weirdness. You should, too.

And yes on returning to LoL business. As one of the few ladies in the LoLGAF community, I just had to open my big trap. :D


RE Zooey business: Whoa man.

RE societal things: Well that's my point, though. You're casually saying something that goes against the bigger picture! Rookie mistake.

RE edit: I dig weirdness. You should, too.

And yes on returning to LoL business. As one of the few ladies in the LoLGAF community, I just had to open my big trap. :D
thanks, I'm sorry for being dumb :)

anywho, anyone has an updated skill list for reworked xerath? I heard he's like losing mana constantly unless he's in turret mode or something


the trained eye will notice the differences but she still looks amazing

again, my problem with her nowadays is that the shit show she's in is really selling out considering her more indie roots

Except new girl is very good. God forbid she become popular and make some money.



1:12 long match. Trynd, Yi, Fiddles, Panth, and Ez VERSUS Darius, Annie, Lee, TF, and Taric.

I was Trynd and 27k gold by the end. We had like 16 kills and they had 50 kills.

We won.

we fucking did it.

holy fuck. I'm going to post the replay once it loads it was one helluva match

my heart


Junior Member
They're reworking Xerath? What was wrong with him?
Speaking of reworks (I'm mad behind since I haven't played in about 4 months), is Karma still a joke? If not, does she go mid or support? She doesn't seem very supporty to me anymore.

Vagina joke?

Hahaha noooooo

Udyr's skins are all ugly. I wanted to buy one but none of them were appealing.

Yeah they ARE kind of lame. If I had to pick, I'd go for the one where he has animal masks on.
They're reworking Xerath? What was wrong with him?
Speaking of reworks (I'm mad behind since I haven't played in about 4 months), is Karma still a joke? If not, does she go mid or support? She doesn't seem very supporty to me anymore.

They're reworking Xerath so that he'd have more stuff to do without his ult. He was pretty much WQ or WEQ. IIRC they're swapping W and R around.

Karma is a great solo laner and and a decent support. She has both nice base damage and very ridiculous ratios. If you can get the entire RQ damage on, I think it was ~800 +150% AP. As a support, she can poke pretty hard and can semi-peel for your carry with W. E is like Shurelya+Locket combined.

She's just not played by popular people often enough but she's in a good spot right now IMHO.


I am loving Warwick top. Silver 1, most people can't seem to beat it.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I am loving Warwick top. Silver 1, most people can't seem to beat it.
I would ditch the Hextech. Too much AP in general. Could do more with magic penetration, CDR, and general tankiness. WW top is underrated though.


Except new girl is very good. God forbid she become popular and make some money.
she was loaded already since his dad's an award-winning cinematographer and imo being an artist is better than being popular. the quality of the films she was in was declining before new girl but I just don't like the show at all, unfortunately for me, it's boring and unfunny :/

the dead puppy joke was great tho

They're reworking Xerath? What was wrong with him?
Speaking of reworks (I'm mad behind since I haven't played in about 4 months), is Karma still a joke? If not, does she go mid or support? She doesn't seem very supporty to me anymore.
xerath was annoying to play against from the little I got to face xerath players, and overall pretty weird I think. like why isn't his e a skillshot and why does he get three ult charges? ugly ugly

I think he's getting half a vu or something too

I dunno about karma, I returned her so I wouldn't get her on aram, from what I've played of her I keep wishing I had a real fourth spell.

Hahaha noooooo
I read the original post


I love Lux. <3
I love you <3
I am loving Warwick top. Silver 1, most people can't seem to beat it.


Not sure why you'd want Nashor/Zephyr when you have Wits. CDR is nice but you're getting too much ASPD now. Should get that CDR elsewhere like Visage.

Mallet much better on WW than Rylai. Unless they can eject you, they're stuck with you.


Well, just 20 minutes for LAN tourney to begin. I'm only watching it because is going to play Lyon Gaming vs Toaster Gaming (poor guys).

My team wasn't lucky enough to qualify. The tourney has 256 teams. 32 teams qualified thanks to their achievements in the competitive scene, 64 by their performance in soloQ, and 160 by luck. (random)

It sucks that a team called "Cinco De Asada Con Todo" got lucky and qualified. ):
Whatever, I'll just play Minecraft until the show begins, I guess.

Edit: lulz, even here they spam "Dong Squad 4 20", wow, much better casters, and a great Intro. 8.5k viewers, nice for a first match.

nice to see LA regional tournament doing well

oh and this recent discussion got pretty weird
nice to see LA regional tournament doing well

oh and this recent discussion got pretty weird

The downside is that low-level teams got paired against semi-pro teams. Poor Toaster Gaming, their dreams got crushed, such little luck to be paired against Lyon Gaming in their first round.

I mean.. just ...

Unlike the LAS(south) tournament (It was streamed from Round 3[Week 3] onwards), they decided to stream the LAN(north) tournament from Round 1[Week 1].

Games like this may happen until round 3.


holy shit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM63Zuxhiyc

I've just realized I have a ton of friends in latam south

been playing almost nothing but custom games all week

my mom would be proud


"Next Champion's Release Skin has at Least 4 Eyes"

hope it's not another jax/yi and it's actually a new void monster

void monsters are fun


"at least"
he has abilities which increase the number of eyes he has

"four eyes"
lucian wears glasses now

one of his abilities gives him a hovering eye which shoots lasers


Will have to try that later on. I was just sitting on a tear and 1400g when I backed. Was going to upgrade my Haunting Guise, but made a swift decision to try a bit of AD.


so watched this and now I'm pretty disappointed about the udyr skin

I was hoping for at least different running animations depending on the stance or something

it's really basically same udyr with different arms and a couple texture changes, very disappointing
so watched this and now I'm pretty disappointed about the udyr skin

I was hoping for at least different running animations depending on the stance or something

it's really basically same udyr with different arms and a couple texture changes, very disappointing

He does have different running animations for every stance, and different auto attack animations.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
so watched this and now I'm pretty disappointed about the udyr skin

I was hoping for at least different running animations depending on the stance or something

it's really basically same udyr with different arms and a couple texture changes, very disappointing
weird. watching that video makes it look like a gigantic overhaul to me. loads of redone and new animations, new spell effects everywhere, new voice work, and a skin that will essentially evolve its look over the course of each match.

it's super impressive compared to new champion releases (aatrox wwwwwwww), compared to recent skins (gross bride morgana), compared to legendary skins (blackfrost anivia and aetherwing kayle), and is even a step up over the last ultimate skin released.

compare it to $35 dota 2 items if you need an especially good laugh.

like, you are posting a ten minute video about all the new stuff he gets. ten minutos.
weird. watching that video makes it look like a gigantic overhaul to me. loads of redone and new animations, new spell effects everywhere, new voice work, and a skin that will essentially evolve its look over the course of each match.

it's super impressive compared to new champion releases (aatrox wwwwwwww), compared to recent skins (gross bride morgana), compared to legendary skins (blackfrost anivia and aetherwing kayle), and is even a step up over the last ultimate skin released.

compare it to $35 dota 2 items if you need an especially good laugh.

like, you are posting a ten minute video about all the new stuff he gets. ten minutos.

yeah, pretty much this.


Second-rate Anihawk
weird. watching that video makes it look like a gigantic overhaul to me. loads of redone and new animations, new spell effects everywhere, new voice work, and a skin that will essentially evolve its look over the course of each match.

it's super impressive compared to new champion releases (aatrox wwwwwwww), compared to recent skins (gross bride morgana), compared to legendary skins (blackfrost anivia and aetherwing kayle), and is even a step up over the last ultimate skin released.

compare it to $35 dota 2 items if you need an especially good laugh.

like, you are posting a ten minute video about all the new stuff he gets. ten minutos.

Spirit Guard Udyr would be the default skin in Dota. :)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Spirit Guard Udyr would be the default skin in Dota. :)
eh, I can't think of any Dota hero that reaches the level of minutia that this skin does. reminds me of brewmaster. Dota has better stuff going on with context sensitive voice work but animations seem way less diverse.


He does have different running animations for every stance, and different auto attack animations.
difference is barely noticeable, his arms are a bit different but general posture and style is almost exactly the same

weird. watching that video makes it look like a gigantic overhaul to me. loads of redone and new animations, new spell effects everywhere, new voice work, and a skin that will essentially evolve its look over the course of each match.

it's super impressive compared to new champion releases (aatrox wwwwwwww), compared to recent skins (gross bride morgana), compared to legendary skins (blackfrost anivia and aetherwing kayle), and is even a step up over the last ultimate skin released.

compare it to $35 dota 2 items if you need an especially good laugh.

like, you are posting a ten minute video about all the new stuff he gets. ten minutos.
I like how it looks, but on paper it sounded much better. like, imo it's pretty comparable to blackfrost anivia, I like it and it looks really good, no denying that, but if udyr's base skin wasn't a billion years old and you knocked a few effects/vo's, I don't think you could pass that as a 30$ skin. like a different joke for each stance, making it 4, when new champions already have that many, etc.

I figure they left all the stances similar as to not mess around with siluettes and whatnot but I had to skip at least half of those ten minutes because it was always the same thing with a new spirit (hat).

I like it more than robo ezreal simply because it looks pretty cool, but I was hoping for more drastic changes between stances. maybe that was unrealistic, I dunno...

and yeah imo the fact that dota is much worse doesn't change anything

also I can't for the life of me lay the darned egg as blackfrost anivia. do yuo have to do /joke then wait for a while or what?
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