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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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roit pls nerf

i need a karma support guide


you keep poking with Q (very stronk)

dont mantra Q unless their dumb

if jangler comes RE->W->Q

karma gud for gank protection (RE->W) and strong pokes

not gud against hard cc


From extensive googling, I have found out that a 'shrimp' is a prawn.

It's okay boken. I think they are saying we're the best prawn cooks here.

Or they're asking us to mail them a plate of prawns.


just got matched against a all-diamond/plat team. enemy mid is ryze, ofc. we manage to beat their invade and he starts w. I get first blood on him

he still outdamages me and farms safely with utility masteries

can't wait for draft pick



Carried my way to Gold V by maining support.

feels good man.
can't wait for draft pick

Relevant. (Spanish)

Riot (Mister Candanga): "I can tell you that the percentage of people playing ranked games are higher than in many other servers. So, for now, we are trying to keep ranked open more hours before opening other game modes"


Why would be that? (sarcasm) I just... even I played a match of ranked if only to play a draft pick match. The good news is that this is making me play a bit more of Minecraft.

I can only endure a limited amount of blind pick games per day.

What's worse, I have heard there is a lot of people playing ranked right now, that doesn't respect pick order(more than usual), in the sense that they just call a lane, even if they're last pick, and ruin the team composition. Before, it was more usual to find people that will just complaing about not getting what they wanted but would fill what the team needed in the end than people going all "fuck-it-I-do-whatever-I-want".


barbie, i understand

The way I say barbecue is:


Guess some people are so lazy they can't be bothered pronouncing the Q anymore


Relevant. (Spanish)

Riot (Mister Candanga): "I can tell you that the percentage of people playing ranked games are higher than in many other servers. So, for now, we are trying to keep ranked open more hours before opening other game modes"


Why would be that? (sarcasm) I just... even I played a match of ranked if only to play a draft pick match. The good news is that this is making me play a bit more of Minecraft.

I can only endure a limited amount of blind pick games per day.

What's worse, I have heard there is a lot of people playing ranked right now, that doesn't respect pick order(more than usual), in the sense that they just call a lane, even if they're last pick, and ruin the team composition. Before, it was more usual to find people that will just complaing about not getting what they wanted but would fill what the team needed in the end than people going all "fuck-it-I-do-whatever-I-want".
dude then disable fucking blind pick instead of draft

really even though from my experience it's pretty acceptable I've been hearing the matchmaking is pretty dodgy, and I can only imagine that further dividing the player base will make it even worse...


Ran into two trolls in a row in ranked. One AD Soraka, support Ez duo and the other a Panth who gave up after feeding 5 kills and AFKd at base, dropped from 90 LP to 60. Silver 4 seems so far away now /:


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
support ez max w to give attack speed boost and up your soraka banana count. makes sense to me.


support ez max w to give attack speed boost and up your soraka banana count. makes sense to me.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work but even if it did her first buy was Sword of the Occult and she ended going 0-12 :p

At what point is it worth getting the ad/ap snowball items?


I am so bad at this game but it is still so fun. I just don't understand the items...at all

in a broad brushstroke statement, itemisation is pretty straightforward - albeit there are lots of subtleties to allow you to get the most out of your role

in general its whether you want to:
1. deal more damage
a. AP or AD?
i. MORE!
b. are you an auto attacker?
i. attack speed item time!
c. do your spels have lots of utility? (cc, shields, heal etc)
i. get some cdr!
d. are they stacking defensive stats? (MR items or ARM items)
i. time to get LW (ad damage) or Void staff (AP damage)
2. tank more
a. buy for your lane
b. buy to counter the fed enemy
c. buy to counter overall damage of enemy team

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work but even if it did her first buy was Sword of the Occult and she ended going 0-12 :p

At what point is it worth getting the ad/ap snowball items?

against suicide champions e.g. proxy singed
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