Wolf Akela
Default Udyr has different standing/running animations too.
i hope you play him ad top.
so watched this and now I'm pretty disappointed about the udyr skin
I was hoping for at least different running animations depending on the stance or something
it's really basically same udyr with different arms and a couple texture changes, very disappointing
i already made the 30$ hat joke
move along everybody nothing to see here
please stopOh Boken <3
I heard a camera guy fiasco happened yesterday or something? Can anyone explain to me in detail what exactly happened?
Them standing up is so awesome.
AP Sona is really strong in ARAM with the right/wrong enemy team. It's always heartbreaking when I get the 1/60 chance of playing Sona but a teammate immediately dodges the ARAM.I just went AP Sona in ARAM.
19/6/25 Rambo Sona with the most damage dealt on the team will never cease to amuse me!
Unlike the LAS(south) tournament (It was streamed from Round 3[Week 3] onwards), they decided to stream the LAN(north) tournament from Round 1[Week 1].
Games like this may happen until round 3.
Link to a date countdown!Today they will steam my team @ 4 pm Mexico.
Varus should be 100+. Best adc in Aram
Varus should be 100+. Best adc in Aram
Today they will steam my team @ 4 pm Mexico.
Link to a date countdown!
Maybe all of gaf can watch and support
Not that many of us play support
It would have been funny if they gave Sion the ultimate skin instead of Udyr.
I just went AP Sona in ARAM.
19/6/25 Rambo Sona with the most damage dealt on the team will never cease to amuse me!
Volibear support really only works against bad players. He's been one of the more "common" bruiser support things but it really isn't all that effective against decent players.
Sorry, forgot to check back! Team New Life and we just played Team Entrophy. I'm Ocho, support.
I'm not all about the ladies
Then it's my duty to compensate it.
Why Riot don't do Girls Generation Ahri at least?
amd crysis buttocks next champ in league of legends amd the way it's meant to be played nyaaaaa
just throwing salt in the wound
This is fake, right?
I think it was only concept art (fan made), not even custom skin ):
I would buy that in a heartbeat. Too bad it's fake.
Wow, holy shit, they did stream your game. Sadly I only watched the last teamfight, I'll have to see it once the stream is over.
Now you go against a peruvian team (DraGoStore).
That's awesome, hope you make it to the finals.
Edit: Is up http://www.twitch.tv/ezgamingtv/b/424025625 2:00:00
I see you played with Nami, incredible plays with your tsunami.
Stats of the match (not sure if this link will work for everybody...)
well yeah how could it be official, can't you see it's not GRITTY and BADASS!?
it doesn't fullfill the fantasy of DARK FANTASY ANGST
I don't get it xD
Also, the image you posted earlier doesn't show up!
marvel is dead.should i watch marvel or play solo queue
marvel is dead.
shows up for me
use your imaginashun
it was the zilean at this link: http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=59946