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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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dbl's interview at MLG


watch the girl at 8:17

proplayers get all the ladies

i mean just look at me and electrastar

you think shes insane? watch the guy at 16:45



league fans be carazy


wow fuck man them fans are insane

have i told you that zooey looks like katy perry
a couple years ago I'd take that as an offense but I kinda like katy perry now

not too much tho, just that song in which her boyfriend cheats on her and she joins the marines or something


Travis makes best interviews. All those interviews @ LCS are so shallow and nobody asks players anything interesting.

Pluto also used to make awesome interviews.
Nami OP in ARAMs. Even got a triple at one stage. Nami + Blitz combo too stronk. Bubble then pull, or pull then bubble as well as Veigar stun. I don't think there was a single fight where twitch didn't hit everyone with his ult because of our cc.


(I know Rylai's is kinda dumb, but the slow worked pretty well. I made sure to use my ult from behind my team mates so they'd all get sped up and the enemies would all get slowed as well as knocked up. Only did it because their disengage speed was really quick with Jayce gate, Karma shield, Quinn ult, Rango ult and Galio E.)


Why the fuck does Sejuani feel so fucking slow
feels fine for me

Here's your Thresh sale for everyone who's been moaning.

Thresh @ 487 RP
Nocturne @ 440 RP
Xin Zhao @ 395 RP

Uncle Ryze @ 260 RP
Statue of Karthus @ 260 Rp
Minuteman Gangplank @ 260 RP

meh, but I appreciate the sale being being themed

all the more reason for the eventual argie skins

gaucho lux, gaucho garen, nazi refugee swain, etc.
Just when I thought I was getting into normal elo heaven... either I get 1-2 really bad teammates or I start 3/0 Vayne but top disconnects. Support Teemo who tries to "help" me CS by shoving the lane, doesn't even poke, always in a bad position. Not a single support item, doesn't avoid obvious easy spears/Ez ult kills, OMG. I already told him nicely what he should do but no, gotta play hero. I check his profile... how did he get Gold 1?


Does matchmaking pair you with trolls when you're about to promote? I don't think I've ever met so many in quick succession..


it always matches you with trolls

you just realize it more when there's something meaningful on the line like your promotion series

so yea, negativity bias


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Bot lane is going to be funny watching all these people learn how to really utilize Tresh. They will probably try to play him like Blitz 90% of the time.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i meet friendly people in ranked. today i got +27 for my game and got carried by a d1 rengar smurf.
I've been on a roll and went from bottom of Bronze 5 to Bronze 3. Some of the champs I've been playing:

AD Twisted Fate mid, 17-15 win loss
Vayne ADC, 7-6
Annie mid, 14-9
Zac jungle and mid, 6-1
Gangplank support and top, 9-3
Sejuani jungle, 9-2
Rammus jungle, 3-0

Overall record is like ~500 ranked games played and 253 wins, 250 losses.

I used to really suck with Vayne, like I'd go 1:2 k/d ratio regularly. All of a sudden something happened and I get tons of kills with her now and won like 4 in a row with her each with kills in the teens (sometimes many deaths too, like an 18-15 game the other day but still a win). I think out of all ADCs Vayne is the most satisfying to play if you can play her competently. She just destroys everyone in later game.

What else I wanted to add. Oh for AD TF I use 25% attack speed runes. My team of course thinks I'm gonna be AP because they wouldn't let me mid if I said I was AD. I get the 400g dagger + 2 pots to start. Then a pickaxe on first back, then finish zerk boots, then rush Infinity Edge and get a vamp scepter in there somewhere, then after IE I get Statikk Shiv and Runaan's Hurricane. He attacks so fast and is so fun to play, it's one of those champs you never get bored of, which is rare.

For support GP I use crit dmg% and crit chance% runes, like a mix of them giving 20% crit dmg + I forget the crit chance. He does great.

E: is that yorick skills pic real?
Now I get a ridiculously good game even if I lost. I felt like everyone was playing at very high levels. Nonstop skirmishes. Whenever there was a gank, mids (both Fizz) were usually almost always there. I'm surprised I managed to not die up to midgame.

I hate Rengar. He's the reason I got a belt instead of LW. Whenever he jumps at me out of nowhere he gibs me to 30% health. I found it so difficult to keep my DPS when Rengar, Fizz and Lee all have a mighty fine interest at my ass. Goddamn I wish I had the replay. Most satisfying game I've had in a long time.

One thing I didn't notice until later was how much more protected I was than I thought. Whenever we grouped up, Vi keeps putting extra effort sticking to my back. She even told Mundo to just focus on me.

Condemns never fail to feel soooo goooooooooood.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What else I wanted to add. Oh for AD TF I use 25% attack speed runes. My team of course thinks I'm gonna be AP because they wouldn't let me mid if I said I was AD. I get the 400g dagger + 2 pots to start. Then a pickaxe on first back, then finish zerk boots, then rush Infinity Edge and get a vamp scepter in there somewhere, then after IE I get Statikk Shiv and Runaan's Hurricane. He attacks so fast and is so fun to play, it's one of those champs you never get bored of, which is rare.
I'm not really sure Twisted Fate's E is really good enough for this to be viable.
I'm not really sure Twisted Fate's E is really good enough for this to be viable.

You'd be surprised, and they even indirectly buffed his E for AD build by removing the CDR and adding AS. He does big damage.

For what it's worth recently I saw one of the pro streamers playing AD TF mid and doing really well and he kept acting surprised how he was doing.

E: Try him in a normal game but don't tell them you're going AD. Use 9x AS reds, 3x AS quints, whatever other ones.


Stupid brain. Why doesn't it just remind you of all the good games instead ):?

The Yorick tool tip is just that: a tool tip.

I've gone 5-1 as Twisted Fate ADC early on, but ended up losing at 7-7. His low range really hurts him.
Stupid brain. Why doesn't it just remind you of all the good games instead ):?


"... with negative events being remembered in greater detail than positive ones"
"These benefits make sense within an evolutionary framework," writes Kensinger. "It is logical that attention would be focused on potentially threatening information."

Look it in the bright side, your brain is helping you to remember bad stuff so you have a better feedback of what went wrong, so you can improve and be better.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You'd be surprised, and they even indirectly buffed his E for AD build by removing the CDR and adding AS. He does big damage.

For what it's worth recently I saw one of the pro streamers playing AD TF mid and doing really well and he kept acting surprised how he was doing.

E: Try him in a normal game but don't tell them you're going AD. Use 9x AS reds, 3x AS quints, whatever other ones.
Pro players do all sorts of trolly things and can get away with it. Twisted Fate is always banned when I play, and I don't like mid lane anyways. If I was going to play him AD i wouldn't focus so much on attack speed when it came to runes because you aren't really going to get off very many autos in trades or early game anyways. You would get way more running hybrid penetration reds.

Dagger isn't really a valuable starting item. Doesn't help with last hitting, doesn't help with pushing, doesn't help with early trades. Biggest weakness of Twisted Fate is survivability, which becomes much easier to exploit when he is constantly coming in to auto and can't just spam cards from a mile away.

No reason to rush IE either. Again, super easy to exploit in lane and TF isn't safe enough to rush it. Doesn't really have true benefits of it either when you are mostly looking for Stacked Deck procs and the 100% AD scaling on W to be your damage output. Might as well just rush BotRK or BT.
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