I've been on a roll and went from bottom of Bronze 5 to Bronze 3. Some of the champs I've been playing:
AD Twisted Fate mid, 17-15 win loss
Vayne ADC, 7-6
Annie mid, 14-9
Zac jungle and mid, 6-1
Gangplank support and top, 9-3
Sejuani jungle, 9-2
Rammus jungle, 3-0
Overall record is like ~500 ranked games played and 253 wins, 250 losses.
I used to really suck with Vayne, like I'd go 1:2 k/d ratio regularly. All of a sudden something happened and I get tons of kills with her now and won like 4 in a row with her each with kills in the teens (sometimes many deaths too, like an 18-15 game the other day but still a win). I think out of all ADCs Vayne is the most satisfying to play if you can play her competently. She just destroys everyone in later game.
What else I wanted to add. Oh for AD TF I use 25% attack speed runes. My team of course thinks I'm gonna be AP because they wouldn't let me mid if I said I was AD. I get the 400g dagger + 2 pots to start. Then a pickaxe on first back, then finish zerk boots, then rush Infinity Edge and get a vamp scepter in there somewhere, then after IE I get Statikk Shiv and Runaan's Hurricane. He attacks so fast and is so fun to play, it's one of those champs you never get bored of, which is rare.
For support GP I use crit dmg% and crit chance% runes, like a mix of them giving 20% crit dmg + I forget the crit chance. He does great.
E: is that yorick skills pic real?