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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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3 Kennen games, completely dominated lane, get perfect ults in fights but someone fucks up and we lose. Sigh.

So does anyone else find that AP Yi can be way too OP way too fast, or am I just bad.

He's a good pub stomper, he does well against bad players or people who just generally don't know how to fight him. He can even just ruin your game if he gets one kill because of how well he roams and how seriously annoying he is to fight.

(not saying you're bad btw. Play Fizz against him, he does pretty well against Yi)
3 Kennen games, completely dominated lane, get perfect ults in fights but someone fucks up and we lose. Sigh.

He's a good pub stomper, he does well against bad players or people who just generally don't know how to fight him. He can even just ruin your game if he gets one kill because of how well he roams and how seriously annoying he is to fight.

(not saying you're bad btw. Play Fizz against him, he does pretty well against Yi)

Well in this latest match, that's pretty much what happened. It was ARAM, I had never played the champ, and I was playing with two friends who, if I must be honest, are just absolutely terrible. So he got fed and get a penta as our first turret fell. All he had were two Doran's Rings, boots, and a blasting wand. It was pretty terrible. We would have three people hitting him as he stood in front of us just meditating and gaining health in the middle of the onslaught. Most of the time I actually do pretty well. Honestly, this guy was probably just a really good Yi who also got fed. But just having a good game right after that one has made me realize I was just bitching. :p


You don't have to be good at Yi to do well with him in an ARAM.

If he gets an uninterrupted Mediate off, that's more on your team for not saving an interrupt for it.
You don't have to be good at Yi to do well with him in an ARAM.

If he gets an uninterrupted Mediate off, that's more on your team for not saving an interrupt for it.

Not sure, but I don't think we had anything to interrupt. Such is the way with ARAM.


So does anyone else find that AP Yi can be way too OP way too fast, or am I just bad.
in aram, yeah

in 5v5s, hmm, not really, he's like one of the most annoying champions in the game since he's a collection of shitty anoying mechanics (massive 0-100 heals, resets, becoming untargetteable and hitting you even if you're not close) but he can be dealt with.

just make sure you're never close to your minions if there's few of them, pick someone with an interrupt, get morellos/ignite/pick a champ with grievous wounds (mf, varus, all these things help against him) and just make sure you're not harassed out of lane. just focus on waveclearing while avoiding his alpha strike harass and get your jungler to camp him pre-6. also it's really good to have easy stuns like taric's in the team to mess his resets up.

the biggest problem I have with yi is stopping my teammates from feeding him, so ward the side brushes to alert your team of his roam and pray your bot and top lane have a brain


Man, I got to have more consistency with my eve jungle

I either go 10/0 or i go 0/10 in laning. There is no in between.
I hated that one game I had where we had jungle Eve who said she'll counterjungle. They had jungle Nunu. Man talk about wasting Eve's massive lane pressure by playing with her weakest point.


Need to open up my jungle options with a AP champ. Bought Elise so,
any tips? tricks? specific runes?

Mpen reds, armour yellows, choice blues, and I sometimes run MS quints or ap quints on her depending on who i'm jungling against.

Seems to do pretty well.

I usually go spirit golem-bulwark then a void. But if i get fed, i'll get spirit golem-haunting-bulwark.

She's a pretty good solo queue jungler. You can control the jungle pretty easily because you have an amazing early game.


Holy shit Sejuani. She must have been insane before the nerfs. She's creating the illusion that I'm a half decent jungler


Incoming 2v1 lane change. I really hope it's more about buffing melees against ranged during lane phase, and not nerfing it to go back to the same old meta.

tbh, i hate the sound of this

i know 2v1 on a technical level sucks in league, but the high objective, high constant pressure meta was very different to the preceding years and has a lot more strategic complexity in comparison

a better fix is to make it more forgiving for the suicide laner to be in, rather than make 2v1 "just a gambit"

if we're going back to the old 1-1-2 meta it moves us away from the chinese 1-2-3-4-5 priority system with longer laning phases meaning less team fights, less pressure to be applied, less objective strategy and less map control

seriously, i might as well just go play dota


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
tbh, i hate the sound of this

i know 2v1 on a technical level sucks in league, but the high objective, high constant pressure meta was very different to the preceding years and has a lot more strategic complexity in comparison
the pool of viable top laners is diminished by an incredible amount when you have to run 1v2.


the pool of viable top laners is diminished by an incredible amount when you have to run 1v2.

thats because they were designed as "top laners"

e.g. 1v1'ers vs other "top laners"

so rather than fix them for the meta, we push the meta back to the original design?

besides, i already made the point about 2v1 being flawed "technically". the fact that it destroys the 1v1 bruiser design space is one of those "flaws", but 2v1 meta is so much more complex strategically than ye'olde top-mid-bot, less pick variety be dammned

you can fix pick variety with buffs

like you know, a poor mans shield type item!? (block damage on ranged auto attack, low slot efficiency, decent gold efficiency) this also cock blocks jayce,elise,kennen power that a 1v1 top lane struggles with
or EXPp5 item!?
Yes, that's why you saw champs like Jayce and Kennen become popular again. They can deal with 1v2s since they can safely farm. Rumble is melee, but he's manaless and can still farm with harpoons and protect his tower with flamethrower.

And no, see this is the problem with Riot designing champs specifically for a lane for specific roles. If the meta shifts slightly, they become completely unviable.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i don't know why 2v1 is supposed to be interesting. same thing every time.


i don't know why 2v1 is supposed to be interesting. same thing every time.
its true that 2v1 is pretty predictable

the lane itself isnt the interesting part, its the after effects of the quick first tower that require teams to make objective\positional decisions in quick succession

because of that, theres more strategy than laning phase


I like Bokens explanation better on jungle/lane. I also didn't know you knew much about the game and I thought you just came here to make jokes.

Store down riot plz
I like 2v1 in general
because I don't play top
because it's more engaging in general, instead of just leaving top lane alone to duke it out.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Can someone explain to me how to get past silver I? Constant troll team-mates and 5lp per win...

Perseverance, luck, and enough skill to not throw. If you truly belong in Gold the system will work out eventually.


bought liz

she's still op

pretty insulting to champions that actually have some process behind clearing a wave, with her you just q w and move on.

so far core for me is athene-zhonya's. I tried tear but I find the mr more useful than on lux et al since she has to go frontline to kill people, so chalice worked out ok.

I like liz, gotta get the right timing for her casting w after ulting and be a bit smarter on when I self cast or cast on others, but other than that she's fun and really strong, and kinda like what I'm used to but still different


Second-rate Anihawk
thats because they were designed as "top laners"

e.g. 1v1'ers vs other "top laners"

so rather than fix them for the meta, we push the meta back to the original design?

besides, i already made the point about 2v1 being flawed "technically". the fact that it destroys the 1v1 bruiser design space is one of those "flaws", but 2v1 meta is so much more complex strategically than ye'olde top-mid-bot, less pick variety be dammned

you can fix pick variety with buffs

like you know, a poor mans shield type item!? (block damage on ranged auto attack, low slot efficiency, decent gold efficiency) this also cock blocks jayce,elise,kennen power that a 1v1 top lane struggles with
or EXPp5 item!?

This is Riot we're talking about. No buffs and no taking from that "other" game (except when nobody is looking).


I like Bokens explanation better on jungle/lane. I also didn't know you knew much about the game and I thought you just came here to make jokes.

Store down riot plz
If you're serious all the time it's pretty trying for you and the readers. If I kept a blog it could be super serious but this is neogaf

bought liz

she's still op

pretty insulting to champions that actually have some process behind clearing a wave, with her you just q w and move on.

so far core for me is athene-zhonya's. I tried tear but I find the mr more useful than on lux et al since she has to go frontline to kill people, so chalice worked out ok.

I like liz, gotta get the right timing for her casting w after ulting and be a bit smarter on when I self cast or cast on others, but other than that she's fun and really strong, and kinda like what I'm used to but still different
Her wave clear carries a range risk in that q w is basically melee, which opens you up to gangs because one of your escape tools is down and you're over extended

It also comes at the ability to defend sieges since her wave clear has such low range and puts her in danger

Lcs people have been basically playing her as a godly initiator since her ult is practically instant


Alright, I spent 30minutes testing the knock up thing on the oceania server and:

1. There's a millisecond where you get completely silenced. You can't do anything in this time, including smite.
2. It happens at the moment you get popped up (while you're ascending).

I only got the timing right 3 times in 30 minutes so I guess it's nothing to worry about but it's nice to know.

And I spent another 30 minutes on trying to use malphite ult to stop smites on dragon. Had 2 enemies with smite and I managed to steal it once out of the 3 times.

Don't know if the other guys suck at smiting or I actually got the timing right.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
the twists and turns, hit a 10 game win streak to set up promotion to platinum, and lose 3 games in a row, kinda crestfallen about them because it felt like i couldnt impact any of the games, they were just complete snowballs.

Now got that awful feeling that i wont get another shot :(


This is Riot we're talking about. No buffs and no taking from that "other" game (except when nobody is looking).
Buff point noted. However, I think there is no easy buff to fix how much melee suck in a 2v1 situation in league.

Tbh, the stealing issue is a problem with both communities. Dota folk are so incredibly protective, it's like they own the genre and whenever anybody else (riot especially) takes a look at their baby they react like some white trash overprotective mother. Riot on the other hand are limiting their design space by intentionally avoiding 1:1 analogies between a league skill and a doto skill. Why doesn't yotick have a gravestone that summons ghouls?

The problem with the 2v1 lane in league is that
1. It is incredibly punishing to the suicide laner. He basically reaches level 2 when the duo nearly hits 3 because they can zone him out of exp range for the first 3-4 waves.
1A. Due to the extent of exp zoning, suicide laner has to almost always be able to ranged farm and not get harassed to death under his tower. this has lead to the death of melee champions that arent in the jungle
2. Towers in league are super squishy. Less hp, 2 more ranged minions, no tp, less OP wave clear and no fortify compared to doto
2A. this has lead to incredibly fast laning phases, which is ironic given the doto criticism. towers can fall around 4:30 minutes when the jungler joins and laning phase ends when the duo backs and moves to middle which is around 6 minutes
3. Junglers can join in for the tower push and it's almost always worth it
3A. they used to 3 man dive the suicide laner, but better teams realised fast that taking the tower and continuing to pressure objectives was safer

Identifying four immediate problems or questions:
1. suicide laner gets absolutely shat on - (is it lane push speed, defensive abilities)
2. melee are useless
3. towers are squishy?
4. junglers have no decision making - always go take the tower


Finally managed to get my win:lose ratio back in Aram back to equal after suffering ~20 lost games in a row. Just can't beat that double heal from Soraka/Sona.


I don't mind Dota and League copying eachothers ideas. It just results in more refined products for both communities and better service(s) for the consumer.


Need to open up my jungle options with a AP champ. Bought Elise so,
any tips? tricks? specific runes?

My favorite jungler. So interesting. Such a high skill cap. Many different ways to play her.

I run Movespeed quints, attack speed reds, armor yellows, MR blues for runes. Movespeed is always welcome and the attack speed gives her good sustain and clear speed. I go 9/21/0 masteries. 2 points in butcher on the offense tree. I tried a lot of different rune setups and that's the one I had the most success with.

I always buy spirit of spectral wraith into sorc shoes first. Makes her jungling and ganking better. You can also solo dragon with just those two items. Good for a sneaky dragon or knocking a quick one off when you have an option.

From there it's based on the team. Can go more damage -> Haunting guise into Rylia's into Liandry's. Or tanky Aegis/Bulwark or Randuins. She still does great damage even with tanky items but building her with a little more damage and she can blow up the squishies in one spell rotation.Good synergy with spirit visage and locket too. Cooldown reduction is great on her. Abyssal and Frozen heart can help depending on team comps. Elise will often be right in the thick of things.

Two ways to gank:

Spider form E to gap close into a quick Q, then change and land the cocoon in human form, Q, W and if they aren't dead change back to spider and finish with W and Q. This is effective if the champ doesn't have any escapes because you are using your only gap closer to initiate. But works great over walls and from hiding. Also easier to land the cocoon when you're right on top of them.

Other way is harder. Human form E cocoon. You're generally walking right up to them to do it and it's just going to be up to landing it. If you do, it's almost a guaranteed kill. E->W->Q->R->W->Q then if they are getting away, E to gap close and Q them for the kill.

Max R->Q->W->E. At level 9 you'll have a nice little power spike with maxed Q.

Elise is great fun. Very versatile and a great all around jungler.


I don't mind Dota and League copying eachothers ideas. It just results in more refined products for both communities and better service(s) for the consumer.
But try telling some people that.

2v1 as standard is easily superior to the old top-mid-bot in terms of strategic depth
If people want to see lots of 1v1s they can watch magma chamber
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