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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
you don't have to dive in with her though because her kit is multipurpose. in most situations it seems like its better to ult other enemies than yourself. you also have to account for zhonya's. she has the potential to assassinate or initiate but because of the versatility of her kit she isn't shoehorned into doing that every fight.


from my short experience with liz she's pretty op as long as you have a bit of communication. like it's silly how easy she is to play at my elo at least

just don't forget you're squishy as fuck and ult yourself when going ham on people

no way she's not getting nerfed, it's making me feel bad for playing anything else

edit: also the thing I find less enjoyable from her kit is how her ult always seem to be just slightly out of range. it's like it has 25 less range I'd like.


sorry to be asking so many questions, but is it normal for people to switch roles/champs a lot? my friend keeps switching between support bot and solo mid.


sorry to be asking so many questions, but is it normal for people to switch roles/champs a lot? my friend keeps switching between support bot and solo mid.

Yes. You should learn all the roles. Obviously some people are better at certain roles than others, but you should at least learn support/jungle, as people don't play those in ranked often.

I go top, if I can get it. If I can't, I go jungle. If I can't get that, I go support. The only role I suck at and don't really want to subject my team to is my mid game. It's atrocious.


sorry to be asking so many questions, but is it normal for people to switch roles/champs a lot? my friend keeps switching between support bot and solo mid.
yup, you can main a role but you should be able to play all of them to some degree of success


Junior Member
Guys, what mid or top should I learn next? I feel so boring with my three same people.
Preferably someone bursty.

ElectraStar is gonna be mad at you boken
I could never be mad at Boken <3
You, however, are a jerk for making dumb assumptions D:<

This is my first time watching Korean e-sports.

I'm fascinated by k-pop.

Edit: It just me or is klol on an entirely different level in terms of decision making?

Welcome to a wonderful world of WTF


Elise if you haven't bought her. Riven can be pretty bursty. Karma top is really fun (don't do ranked with her, but it's funny how much she can dominate top).

Elise, though. Just went 11/1 against a Jayce (4/0 in laning). He was rull mad.


Guys, what mid or top should I learn next? I feel so boring with my three same people.
Preferably someone bursty.
I dunno who you have but any of my waifus is pretty strong: lux, ahri, syndra, liz, anivia, ori, diana

spider waifu is also pretty op right now


hate new sona so much

feels as weak as always but now I can't harass for shit

would've rather they straight out said it was a nerf


hate new sona so much

feels as weak as always but now I can't harass for shit

would've rather they straight out said it was a nerf

was ap sona already nerfed? There's been two on the other team in my past couple games and theyve all done really well in lane.
After months of ARAM I finally dipped my toes back in classic and found I've effectively un-learned everything I once knew about summoner's rift.

Teach me to be good again, GAF :(


After months of ARAM I finally dipped my toes back in classic and found I've effectively un-learned everything I once knew about summoner's rift.

Teach me to be good again, GAF :(

Teach me while your at it
1. You have gone through a lot of elo decay due to normal game inactivity
2. You played lots of aram

Chances are you've forgotten how to last hit, when to roam, when to take objectives and how to control the minion wave. However, you've gotten better with micro - aiming skillshots, kiting, dodging stuff. You've also gotten a little better at building items (hopefully ). These are your strengths. Since you've elo decayed, people are worse.

Play to your strengths, don't try to play how you used to - just go kill your laning opponent with your superior mechanics and farm when he's dead. Everything else is just experience
Chances are you've forgotten how to last hit, when to roam, when to take objectives and how to control the minion wave. However, you've gotten better with micro - aiming skillshots, kiting, dodging stuff. You've also gotten a little better at building items (hopefully ).
You pretty much have it nailed. I need some guidance on what to and when to do it - the advantage of ARAM is the objective is always clear because there is only one way forward. In classic, I never know what exactly to do next, and that is my biggest weakness.


This game. I just put another 35 bucks in. Bought nautilus and jarvan. Because.. Well.. I dunno. I'm definitely up there on the wall of shame.

On the bright side, I found another jungler as fun as Elise. Kha'zix. Learning which team comps complement him as a jungler but the new q is super effective and without the mana suck of a levelled W he is really viable. Great duelist early in this age of counter jungling too.

I think I made an amumu cry today. I was level 11 when he finally hit 6. Then the lux asked me how I was 9/1 with only 2 items. Wards baby. Wards.


This game. I just put another 35 bucks in. Bought nautilus and jarvan. Because.. Well.. I dunno. I'm definitely up there on the wall of shame.

On the bright side, I found another jungler as fun as Elise. Kha'zix. Learning which team comps complement him as a jungler but the new q is super effective and without the mana suck of a levelled W he is really viable. Great duelist early in this age of counter jungling too.

I think I made an amumu cry today. I was level 11 when he finally hit 6. Then the lux asked me how I was 9/1 with only 2 items. Wards baby. Wards.

At least you got 450 extra rp this time. :/

I've never jungled as kha, I usually only go either mid or top with him. Do you level up Q first? And do you evolve it first as well?
People say don't focus the tank. They also say target the closest. The tank is the closest target. What do I focus?
If you're a carry, you should care more about your safety. Focus whoever's threatening you.

If you're the tank/bruiser/initiator just consider the situation. Is your carry really fed? Peel. Is THEIR carry really fed? Consider diving.

It's not a rule though. Sometimes going balls deep as the carry can really pay off.


People say don't focus the tank. They also say target the closest. The tank is the closest target. What do I focus?

It kinda depends on about a billion other things. How close are the other targets, can you see all five members of the other team, what is the rest of your team doing, do you have an escape, are you near a turret, how late in the game is it, what's happening on the rest of the map, are you a carry or a tank, do they have someone with a gap closer that's going to jump on you as soon as you go in and what is the rest of your team doing again. And a billion other things.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
This game. I just put another 35 bucks in. Bought nautilus and jarvan. Because.. Well.. I dunno. I'm definitely up there on the wall of shame.

On the bright side, I found another jungler as fun as Elise. Kha'zix. Learning which team comps complement him as a jungler but the new q is super effective and without the mana suck of a levelled W he is really viable. Great duelist early in this age of counter jungling too.

I think I made an amumu cry today. I was level 11 when he finally hit 6. Then the lux asked me how I was 9/1 with only 2 items. Wards baby. Wards.

At least you paid for a game that exists. Just dropped 30 bones on Star Citizen because my friends won't stop bugging me about it.


Is Pantheon a good character? I feel like he's really weak. He walks slow, wicked slow attack speed, really squishy beginning, a bad E, low damage (except for the spear) and just seems weak in general. However I love playing with him. He's the most fun I've played IMO. His ult is just too much.


Is Pantheon a good character? I feel like he's really weak. He walks slow, wicked slow attack speed, really squishy beginning, a bad E, low damage (except for the spear) and just seems weak in general. However I love playing with him. He's the most fun I've played IMO. His ult is just too much.

strong early
falls off late game but still useful especially when people disrespect your stun range


strong early
falls off late game but still useful especially when people disrespect your stun range

I feel like I can do pretty well late game against some characters. I don't know man, trying to find a champ who isn't banned a lot (Aatrox).


I feel like I can do pretty well late game against some characters. I don't know man, trying to find a champ who isn't banned a lot (Aatrox).

well there's 6 bans and 100+ champs so that's not that hard

anyways i like to use pantheon when i'm bored. i think he's an okay champ but his usefulness is limited the longer the game goes on. in lane he's pretty great though with aegis and w aegis reset.

tldr just play pantheon if you're a man


well there's 6 bans and 100+ champs so that's not that hard

anyways i like to use pantheon when i'm bored. i think he's an okay champ but his usefulness is limited the longer the game goes on.

I know, but draft pick too. I'm only level 11 so I don't need to worry for a whille i guess.


pantheon is pretty much a worse elise, way stronger early game, kinda shit late game unless he snowballed, though all compensated by sheer manliness.

just cannon ball into teamfights and qweqweqweqweqwe

also another shitty day. 3 matches, one dc per match. first match I was like 11 2 8 on mf or something and then vlad dcs and they just roll through our base. second match my friend just lags all match long until he finally dcs and we just surrender at 20. third match fiddle just dcs at level 4 but for some reason everyone but me just carried the game (though I made a couple cool plays with liz) and we won 4v5. I think the enemy team started fighting each other or something because they were just roaming around and we won stupidly easily, it was really bad.

all in all I liked the first match, hated the other two and still can't get my groove on

got 3 more days to play ranked or I'll start losing lp, but how I've been lately I guess it's silver 4 for me either way...


Is Pantheon a good character? I feel like he's really weak. He walks slow, wicked slow attack speed, really squishy beginning, a bad E, low damage (except for the spear) ...

I'd just like to note that literally every part of this is incorrect. He has one of the fastest movement speeds (tied for 1st with Yi and Cougar form Nidalee), a very fast base attack speed (tied for like 7th), his Shield makes him a lot better in trades so he's really not that squishy (that and he has pretty average base HP and above-average base Armor), and Heartseeker Strike is really good.

Edit: Just to add, Pantheon is one of those champions that can stomp solo queue games fairly well. He has a pretty powerful early game which makes him a great lane bully and he can easily turn his own lead into a lead for other lanes once he has his ult. His usefulness falls off as the game goes on but it's pretty common for similar champs. He can still just go on and assassinate carries late game so it's not like he becomes useless.


I'd just like to note that literally every part of this is incorrect. He has one of the fastest movement speeds (tied for 1st with Yi and Cougar form Nidalee), a very fast base attack speed (tied for like 7th), his Shield makes him a lot better in trades so he's really not that squishy (that and he has pretty average base HP and above-average base Armor), and Heartseeker Strike is really good..

Really? Damn, he feels so slow sometimes. Weird.


Animation on some of the older characters, maybe? Sion and Nasus feel like molasses to me but they're in the 3rd tier for base movement speed.

Nasus actually feels really fast as does Ashe. However Ashe feels really slow when attacking.

I swear though, Teemo absolutely hauls ass.


lol ashe is literally the slowest champion in the game (well she's in a group with anivia, ori, I think liz too, maybe even lux)
lol ashe is literally the slowest champion in the game (well she's in a group with anivia, ori, I think liz too, maybe even lux)

And Ahri.
She's as slow as Lux.


Also, I hate to play against Ziggs, for some reason I'm unable to avoid his bombs. Really annoying.
Except when I'm Fizz, usually I get angry at him at some point, and I go all-in-stop-poking-me-mode. lol.


Damn dude, what's up with me? My brain is all wonky now haha
it happens heh

I'd like to note that I don't like Pantheon as a champ in both play and in visuals. It bores me. T_T
I kinda like his passive and his super manly persona but yea he's pretty dumb

And Ahri.
She's as slow as Lux.

I think lux and ahri are in the syndra camp, just a bit faster than anivia and ori

ori just feels faster because you're spamming w all day long


I like Panth because of the shorter cooldown times on the skills. I think he's a ton of fun to play. I tried Nasus and Ashe and they just didn't do it for me. I'd use Aatrox but he feels kinda cheap and I wanna get good with more than one character.
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