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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
pantheon is pretty much a worse elise, way stronger early game, kinda shit late game unless he snowballed, though all compensated by sheer manliness.
They serve completely different purposes. You wouldn't pick them for the same reason. Pantheon's got global presence and lane domination that Elise doesn't.
Draven does it all.
uh, champs that don't get banned.


They serve completely different purposes. You wouldn't pick them for the same reason. Pantheon's got global presence and lane domination that Elise doesn't.
correct, meant just in the way his kit works in lane

start with some either flask or mana pots, spam q, then all in


At least you paid for a game that exists. Just dropped 30 bones on Star Citizen because my friends won't stop bugging me about it.

I have 65 bucks into the non existent game too. Lol. Love me some space sims.

I do not approve.


At least you got 450 extra rp this time. :/

I've never jungled as kha, I usually only go either mid or top with him. Do you level up Q first? And do you evolve it first as well?

Q first. Can do E or W second but I do E second for the lower cool down. Helps a lot chasing. Evolve Q first, E second, ult third.

I get elder lizard first, then usually brutalizer. From there it depends. In the 5 games I played as him last night, 3 I was ridiculously ahead. So I just kept building damage.

Khazix has good objective control too. Baron and dragon go down quick with the isolation damage.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I know it is nothing for you hardcore LoL players, but for a casual player like me who hasn't bought any champs with real money I hit a milestone.

I have roughly 50 champs now, and I have all the champs bellow the 3k IP barrier. I am proud of myself :p
I have 67 myself. I will never buy champs for RP.


When do people start to learn that a jungler covering a lane isn't a bad thing? Getting real tired of dead laners spamming retreat when I'm last hitting at their tower after a gank.


I dreamed last night that someone had Ahri and I was going to pick Fizz against her but NO FIZZ WAS BANNED. I had this rage dream feeling that Fizz was always banned when I wanted to pick him.


Q first. Can do E or W second but I do E second for the lower cool down. Helps a lot chasing. Evolve Q first, E second, ult third.

I get elder lizard first, then usually brutalizer. From there it depends. In the 5 games I played as him last night, 3 I was ridiculously ahead. So I just kept building damage.

Khazix has good objective control too. Baron and dragon go down quick with the isolation damage.

Thanks. Def gonna do some Kha jungle today. Jungle is definitely my worst role right now. The only time I do good as the jungler is when I play Trynd.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I have 67 myself. I will never buy champs for RP.


When do people start to learn that a jungler covering a lane isn't a bad thing? Getting real tired of dead laners spamming retreat when I'm last hitting at their tower after a gank.


I will never buy champs either.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
even without any gold i can push towers so hard as trundle. it's kind of gross.

w+q on turret, so hard to push out or kill because i can always run away.


I have 67 myself. I will never buy champs for RP.


When do people start to learn that a jungler covering a lane isn't a bad thing? Getting real tired of dead laners spamming retreat when I'm last hitting at their tower after a gank.

Around Platinum Elo.


Thanks. Def gonna do some Kha jungle today. Jungle is definitely my worst role right now. The only time I do good as the jungler is when I play Trynd.

Its not as much about the champion as it is control. Objective control, lane control, jungle control. Ward well, counter gank, cover the laners and try to ensure their success and control the buffs, dragon and baron. Try to ward in such a way that you know where the enemy jungler is so you can either be where he's not and gank/counter jungle/take a tower/take dragon or you can follow him and counter gank.
1-5 in ranked today. This sucks, and I queued with a smurf plat 2 friend. We had an ADC who can't CS, a Panth who got demolished by GP, and a jungle Nunu who lived in the jungle because the enemy didnt have a jungler. Always the same scenario: win our lanes, lose other lanes 10x harder.

I'm surprised I even won a game. It was a Soraka game and we bullied the enemy so much. Told Vayne Im going home to buy wards. 10 seconds later engages and dies. Later I tell her Ill be gone for a bit to ward mid. Immediately engages and dies again then complains me and Noct were too far.

Cant even effin leave her alone without killing herself. Holy crap. People in my elo need too much babysitting.

NA is so much better than this. Even on ny my Lv23 account people actively try to fill roles. Generally nicer too and none of the BS students leaving because their rent time is up.

Around Platinum Elo.
What do those people even LOSE?


Silver V yesterday to Silver III today.

Pretty class wins with le bip and Merovin* last night, despite haters hatin'. Great to be back in the GAFseat again, especially as some sweet sweet Leona support. (Best moment for me was after Draven killing Merovin, he rolled up with <10% health to last hit at my turret. I had even less health but I caught him with an EQWauto combo that left him looking pretty silly. And dead. :D)

In lame news, dropped to Silver V and gonna drop further. Really do not want to drop further, given the horror stories, but still a bit gunshy of ranked after some terribad duos with a friend. :/ Don't wanna duo more, because I don't think I can overcome the handicap, but yuck.

*Think that was the LoL tag.


Neo Member

I'm not even level 20 yet, so everything is likely to be terrible.
Yes, I cocked up the screenshot.
AP Sona that starts support and only builds support items as rest of team isn't fantastic.
Seriously never carried like this, excuse me for turning into an 8 year old.

Easily the best game I've ever had on LoL. Started against a Brand. Struggled due to lack of range, had to go back. Hit level 6, go round the sound, one dead Brand. He replies, this carries on for a bit. In the meantime, rest of our towers are falling.

I decide to go double Doran's, get another two kills on Brand. They send Nid at me, but just about spot them and run away in time. In the meantime more towers are being lost. I'm roaming around a bit, doing decent damage. However we keep falling further and further back. End up with nexus towers. We keep defending, at this point I'm doing a a lot of damage. So I'm going in, hitting people, hit the hourglass and Carry Sona cleans ups.

However this cannot last forever. I get the Zepher for the cooldown, the movement speed and faster attack means faster passive proc. Everyone is at mid, I do as much as I can and port back. Then push bot. Everyone else keeps pushing mid. They keep falling back, I keep going further up. End up at inhib turret. Enemy team at edge of base. I keep pushing. Get to nexus turrets. Enemy in base. No recalls. Well screw it, all or nothing. I get one turret down, they start to recall. Too busy to check, I shall assume team does amazing job of stalling them. Cho and Nid appear as their nexus is at 1/4 health. No point running, keep going for it. No idea what health of our nexus is. I keep swinging and...


Hence the DDAMMNN in chat. Still excited about it now. You may now post about my terrible build...NOW.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
But Tiger is bad.
it has certain downsides, but being able to start with something like a doran's blade puts you really far ahead on gold and early game power. it also alleviates stance dance to turtle for sustain, which could add up on mana cost super fast. when you start blade you get super sustain off the bat, more damage, and extra hp. tiger is honestly better for early game dives and ganks for the damage burst, and the clear time is better on this than you would get from phoenix.

you have to remember that just from passive stats udyr can gain 100% attack speed. tiger stance benefits the most from udyr's playstyle because it plays into the stance swapping with the five second buff and initial burst of damage.
tell your friend vlad said hi.

He buys Archangel's Staff when he plays Vlad.
(This is one of the reason I'm trying to play alone every time I can, too bad he's online almost all the day... )


He's just a huge nidalee fan, and since he always use Archangel with Nid, now he builds it with every other mage.


He buys Archangel's Staff when he plays Vlad.
(This is one of the reason I'm trying to play alone every time I can, too bad he's online almost all the day... )


He's just a huge nidalee fan, and since he always use Archangel with Nid, now he builds it with every other mage.
your friend is kinda dumb

I mean I was thinking he was building it on I dunno swain or something but building on vlad is almost trolling

too bad lol doesn't have an ignore button :/


fuck just lost a whole night of work since gamemaker is dumb and screwed up my ini files (and I'm dumber and didn't set up my repo because I was too lazy)

this week just's not been my week

if sushi place is closed tonight imma get seriously depressed

but it does.
but it removes them from your friends list


so why are you friends with them?
because I know them irl and I don't wanna be rude to them but at the same time I don't want to play with them

or they're friends of a friend and I just accepted their friend invite out of courtesy but now I'm tired of them inviting me to everything or whatever

kinda twisted up I know but a basic functionality that pretty much every friendslist has

I'm not even level 20 yet, so everything is likely to be terrible.
Yes, I cocked up the screenshot.
AP Sona that starts support and only builds support items as rest of team isn't fantastic.
Seriously never carried like this, excuse me for turning into an 8 year old.

Easily the best game I've ever had on LoL. Started against a Brand. Struggled due to lack of range, had to go back. Hit level 6, go round the sound, one dead Brand. He replies, this carries on for a bit. In the meantime, rest of our towers are falling.

I decide to go double Doran's, get another two kills on Brand. They send Nid at me, but just about spot them and run away in time. In the meantime more towers are being lost. I'm roaming around a bit, doing decent damage. However we keep falling further and further back. End up with nexus towers. We keep defending, at this point I'm doing a a lot of damage. So I'm going in, hitting people, hit the hourglass and Carry Sona cleans ups.

However this cannot last forever. I get the Zepher for the cooldown, the movement speed and faster attack means faster passive proc. Everyone is at mid, I do as much as I can and port back. Then push bot. Everyone else keeps pushing mid. They keep falling back, I keep going further up. End up at inhib turret. Enemy team at edge of base. I keep pushing. Get to nexus turrets. Enemy in base. No recalls. Well screw it, all or nothing. I get one turret down, they start to recall. Too busy to check, I shall assume team does amazing job of stalling them. Cho and Nid appear as their nexus is at 1/4 health. No point running, keep going for it. No idea what health of our nexus is. I keep swinging and...


Hence the DDAMMNN in chat. Still excited about it now. You may now post about my terrible build...NOW.

I am level 20 and I still haven't had a game like that, so feel free to celebrate it! nice job.
because I know them irl and I don't wanna be rude to them but at the same time I don't want to play with them


The good news is that I started to tell everybody that in ranked I'll always play in soloQ, "because I want to test myself". (yeah... of course...).

And now, I always try to play custom or aram if I have to play with him. So far he hasn't noticed. Everybody is happy this way!



The good news is that I started to tell everybody that in ranked I'll always play in soloQ, "because I want to test myself". (yeah... of course...).

And now, I always try to play custom or aram if I have to play with him. So far he hasn't noticed. Everybody is happy this way!
I'm not happy, sushi's gonna take an hour and a half to get here

I'm hungry :(
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