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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Best game I've ever had. Not that I played the best, but the most down to the wire game ever.

Us: Me (Sona), Nasus, Nunu, Ryze, and Varus. Them: Zed, Zyra, Xin, Nidalee, Caitlyn.

Down 22/39. 45 minutes in. ALL our inhibs gone. All their base towers up, no inhibs down, obviously. We just hung out in our base and waited. They got Baron. Shit. Shit. Shit. Calm down, let's do this. Nunu says "flash ult". Wut.

Shit went down. In an instant. BOOM. Nunu jumps in with a flash into an ult. I, being Sona, flash and ult on top of him, locking everyone down. Right as Nunu's ult ends, Varus throws an ult. Oh God, it's working. Ryze pops his ult and starts wrecking shit with Nasus. Zed ults Nunu. Well, he's gone. Just us four. One more WOMP from Nasus and Zed is too low to continue, but not dead. He shadows over the wall and is gone.

Everyone's on the retreat. We're in pretty good shape, they're all REALLY hurting. I pop Shirliasldaisdasl's whatever speed thing and chase with my E. I snag Zyra with an E auto attack and she's exploded by Nasus. Now, where'd that slippery cougar go? Varus blind shots into the jungle with his Q. DEAD. WHAT. We're like ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. We look behind us and oh fuck, Ryze is tangling with Caitlyn. Just as Ryze throws his Q, Caitlyn slays the mage, but his sacrifice was not in vain, as she goes down too.

Remember, our base is FUCKED. We have minions pouring in. We push down mid. Nunu tells us he's got the base covered, just go. One turret down. Another. Inhib gone. Zed's here. Oh shit. He ults me. Yeah, I'm gone. I throw out one last Q and die a hero's death. Wait, huh? I'm alive? How? Nasus and Varus went to town, that's how. Everyone's up except Zed and Caitlyn. It's now or never. We focus a nexus turret. It's down. Everything's going nuts. Enough's enough. We slay the chlorobitch with three auto attacks and turn to the last turret. Nid's chucking spears and we're taking them. Like men. And women. And FUCK IT.

Turret's down. Really quick. Nasus would later let us know that his Q was doing over 700 damage. Daaaaaaaaamn. We turn to the nexus. Nid's spear chunks Varus. He has less than 20% health. We don't care. We were born for this moment. We've trained for 45 minutes for this moment.

It's down. We won. We...won. Their team was so mad. Our team was shocked. How is this possible?

Teamwork, friends. Teamwork. Clutch plays, being on the same page...

No feeling like it. I need a cigarette.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i changed my mind. shen is fun. ult baits are neat, especially when it's to counter a twisted fate ult or something where he thinks he's coming in to be a boss.


oh yeah i mean obv spiders dont proc on hits, i just didnt wanted assume like maybe there was some secret technology

but w does give sustain, I think ppl are just thinking that they dont need machete and pots, hev hp and some dmg instead


oh yeah i mean obv spiders dont proc on hits, i just didnt wanted assume like maybe there was some secret technology

but w does give sustain, I think ppl are just thinking that they dont need machete and pots, hev hp and some dmg instead

well w gives as so it still goes well with dorans I guess


what is the lol vs dota meta tho
what is the state of the lol vs dota pro scene
boken is tearing it up in na but thats probably because archie went to korea?
gold 1 gp: "vayne ur so dumb why do you keep tumbling away instead of diving squishies"

yes brb diving into 3 champs that can lock and instagib me


every elo is elo hell


Pretty class wins with le bip and Merovin* last night, despite haters hatin'. Great to be back in the GAFseat again, especially as some sweet sweet Leona support. (Best moment for me was after Draven killing Merovin, he rolled up with <10% health to last hit at my turret. I had even less health but I caught him with an EQWauto combo that left him looking pretty silly. And dead. :D)

In lame news, dropped to Silver V and gonna drop further. Really do not want to drop further, given the horror stories, but still a bit gunshy of ranked after some terribad duos with a friend. :/ Don't wanna duo more, because I don't think I can overcome the handicap, but yuck.

*Think that was the LoL tag.

Thanks again for the carry, more games soon!


weird day

support lee sin in my team, support trynda in enemy team with jungle sion

next match enemy support soraka goes for mejais

at least I won both games

man panth needs a visual update bad
yeah, I'd like they gave him more lore in his vu, not just random spartan dude that spawned in league for some reason

just make him look like he's from the leona tribe or whatever he's supposed to be

but keep the manliness


I feel rylais+liandry might be really good on him

also elder wraith

also seriously why people keep surrendering at minute 1 in this game


League of Wifus would be less offensive, i think.
And entirely appropriate for me - i just realized all my main characters are female: Vi, Sejuani, Annie, Syndra, Karma, Leona. It's really crazy, since it wasn't a conscious decision.

(Probably my first post in this topic, so Hi :) )


So I wasn't going to mention it because the thread got locked but it is seriously bugging me. I went back to read the remnants of the lol v dota thread and seriously wtf. What appeared to be an entire community condoning shaming their already beaten opponents? And defending that shit? I've played sports all through high school and college and you just don't do that shit in a competitive environment. There is literally zero benefit to anyone involved besides ego bloating. That was seriously the most classless thread I've ever read. Sorry for the soapbox, but I couldn't believe what I was reading.


How bout the tits on Ahri, eh?


So I wasn't going to mention it because the thread got locked but it is seriously bugging me. I went back to read the remnants of the lol v dota thread and seriously wtf. What appeared to be an entire community condoning shaming their already beaten opponents? And defending that shit? I've played sports all through high school and college and you just don't do that shit in a competitive environment. There is literally zero benefit to anyone involved besides ego bloating. That was seriously the most classless thread I've ever read. Sorry for the soapbox, but I couldn't believe what I was reading.


How bout the tits on Ahri, eh?

It's an entire community with Napoleon complex. Just ignore them, they lash out often.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Starcraft community had this problem for the longest time (still probably do honestly). Every other couple of days you would see posts about why SC2 is clearly a superior and more beautiful game than any other game out there. Especially LoL.

It just gets annoying after awhile. Though I attributed it to the fact that a large portion of SC2 forum posters didn't really play the game since there was nothing at the time but customs and ranked.
So I wasn't going to mention it because the thread got locked but it is seriously bugging me. I went back to read the remnants of the lol v dota thread and seriously wtf. What appeared to be an entire community condoning shaming their already beaten opponents? And defending that shit? I've played sports all through high school and college and you just don't do that shit in a competitive environment. There is literally zero benefit to anyone involved besides ego bloating. That was seriously the most classless thread I've ever read. Sorry for the soapbox, but I couldn't believe what I was reading.


How bout the tits on Ahri, eh?

Looks like I need to read this thread.
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