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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I can kind of understand this philosophy, but I think there is a bit of a problem with the numbers. For one thing, even if you dropped back to silver from a single bad game, you would still have your gold/whatever border reward. Other than that, it doesn't matter where you are -- you had an absolute elo number that went up and down in a predictable fashion and you knew where you were.

I ran the math a while back and I think I posted it here about how it took more games to get from one point to another with the new minimum LP gains compared to the old minimum elo gains, but since it seems to partially reset when you change tiers in a division, it probably wasn't right. The result is that some people have like +20 -10 swings, some people have +10 -20 swings, some people may just get +-11 no matter what, some people may change divisions and suddenly start getting +20 points, etc.

There is some sort of rhyme and reason to it, but because it's behind the scenes now instead of public, people have occasional red name Riot forum posts to go by, or general assessments that "one can raise/lower MMR and thus and such should theoretically make things balance out"...causing more confusion and potential frustration than existed before.

I like the idea of the tiers. I just don't think it is ideal.
The "keep your reward" was only introduced in the last month of S2, and most likely what pushed them into the league system we have now.

As Boken explained, MMR determines LP. I got +30 LP all the way from Plat IV to my promotion series in Dia V. You're right in that Gold, plat and diamond aren't really what they were before, you can't really look at it as a 300-400 elo difference in the same way, since MMR and LP apparently do not have a linear dependence.


The "keep your reward" was only introduced in the last month of S2, and most likely what pushed them into the league system we have now.
Fair point. I do like a keeping a reward aspect.

As Boken explained, MMR determines LP. I got +30 LP all the way from Plat IV to my promotion series in Dia V. You're right in that Gold, plat and diamond aren't really what they were before, you can't really look at it as a 300-400 elo difference in the same way, since MMR and LP apparently do not have a linear dependence.
Thank you. The "apparently do not have a linear dependence part" is the part that I think can be confusing and frustrating to some players, especially since they cannot know their current MMR as far as I'm aware.
So I wasn't going to mention it because the thread got locked but it is seriously bugging me. I went back to read the remnants of the lol v dota thread and seriously wtf. What appeared to be an entire community condoning shaming their already beaten opponents? And defending that shit? I've played sports all through high school and college and you just don't do that shit in a competitive environment. There is literally zero benefit to anyone involved besides ego bloating. That was seriously the most classless thread I've ever read. Sorry for the soapbox, but I couldn't believe what I was reading.


How bout the tits on Ahri, eh?

I see what you did there


new ranked sucks because it's not transparent. like you play against a platinum dude and you feel cheated and you're supposed to know that in actuality the system didn't screw up and his mmr is super low, it's just needlessly messy.

the promotions thingie is also pretty frustrating since it takes forever to get there and if you have the bad luck to lose your first two you go back to like 50lp, it's just disheartening and makes climbing a bigger pain than it should.

new akali splash. hope it looks great.
cool, too bad I already bought a skin for her

New Sale:

Mecha Kha'Zix 675 RP
Iron Solari Leona 487 RP
Bird of Prey Anivia 260 RP

Zyra 487 RP
Caitlyn 440 RP
Tryndamere 292 RP
wow that's actually a pretty good sale

I might buy kha6 only for the skin

leona too, 'course.
-How to jungle 101-
Thanks, I'll keep that in mid. There is really a lot to learn about jungling.
People should respect good junglers.

jfyi, Randuin's is really only ideal against auto-attack heavy teams as a first item kind of pickup. Miss Fortune and Pantheon aren't going to feel its effects in a particularly pronounced way.
I was going to build an Aegis, (since I would have forgotten to use the active of the Locket), but I wanted to have more armor since pantheon was doing tons of damage.

I still have a lot to learn. What should I have bought?

Yeah probably. At least Eve has a useful ult.
Uh, that sucks, another reason to don't buy any of those just yet.

Also, my Kraken Pro, finally arrived.
They're beautiful. (No, I'm not biased because they're green. My favorite color)

Everything is cool, now I only need to break my losing streak to make this a good day.
It's even supposed to rain in my city! (It hasn't rained in months).


It's her best skin for sure, I'd say.
I really like the valkyrie leona splash art, the pose is really cool, all ready and geared up for battle, but then in-game it just looks kinda awful. just a lot of orange (I hate orange) and a silly looking shield and sword

defender would've been cool without the stupid american football helmet and shoulderpiece

but iron solari is just badass, splash art is kind of lame but I love the red arm and she just looks like a silver hawks character, it's awesome

I was going to build an Aegis, (since I would have forgotten to use the active of the Locket), but I wanted to have more armor since pantheon was doing tons of damage.

I still have a lot to learn. What should I have bought?
just actually remember about the active and buy locket. it's like the perfect item for those kind of junglers, cdr + resistances + super awesome active.

it took me a while but just put it in a slot that it feels natural and remind yourself of it every couple secs.

I mean it's just one active and you bought randuins so what gives :p

Also, my Kraken Pro, finally arrived.
They're beautiful. (No, I'm not biased because they're green. My favorite color)

Everything is cool, now I only need to break my losing streak to make this a good day.
It's even supposed to rain in my city! (It hasn't rained in months).
why are you happy about rain

rain is sad



So annoying to level an account. I want to hit 30 just so I can play ARAM in peace (I'm 16 right now and queues are ridiculously long, over 10 minutes) but it's painstakingly slow. I'm usually paired with smurfs so it's okay but sometimes we get an actual low level player... it's bad for them.


I was going to build an Aegis, (since I would have forgotten to use the active of the Locket), but I wanted to have more armor since pantheon was doing tons of damage.

I still have a lot to learn. What should I have bought?

Barring locket? I doubt it's going to be a popular opinion, but glacial shroud. From there either build more health (giant's belt/kindlegem) or upgrade to Frozen Heart in the event that MF and Olaf start to really pick up too. That said, locket + shroud would still be my final recommendation. I imagine most people would recommend aegis but I don't like it in this case from what I can see. +10 armor aura isn't going to save people from Pantheon that late in the game and +15 MR aura would be almost entirely against Sej who doesn't look like too much of a threat.

That said...going by the end game report it looks like it Akali let Panth spin out of control. I'm assuming your own deaths came either by getting blown up on teamfight engages or trying to help a lost cause in Akali's lane. Considering how behind she was (presumably) her build is pretty awful. At some point she has to realize she's in a bad spot and build to not die/disrupt (e.g. build hourglass) as opposed to build to kill. Frankly, there's probably not much you could have done - there's no item you can build that'll let you offset a teammate who decides to double-down on dumb.

(Side note: I get the apprehension about buying an item with an active, but recognize that the majority of big-ticket items aren't efficient with their regular stats alone. Knowing how to use either their passive or active effects is critical to maxing the value of these items. I recommend playing a quick mode like Dom for like a dozen matches and buy something like a locket or hextech sweeper and set the item(s) always on the same number key(s). Use them liberally. You'll get into the groove of remembering you have actives in no time.)


free week: nunu (fuck you too riot), leona, riven, bowie, wuko, kat, kog, ken, trun, tee


might as well try riven and kennen again

might've improved my natural skills since I played them a bunch of months ago

Barring locket? I doubt it's going to be a popular opinion, but glacial shroud. From there either build more health (giant's belt/kindlegem) or upgrade to Frozen Heart in the event that MF and Olaf start to really pick up too. That said, locket + shroud would still be my final recommendation. I imagine most people would recommend aegis but I don't like it in this case from what I can see. +10 armor aura isn't going to save people from Pantheon that late in the game and +15 MR aura would be almost entirely against Sej who doesn't look like too much of a threat.

That said...going by the end game report it looks like it Akali let Panth spin out of control. I'm assuming your own deaths came either by getting blown up on teamfight engages or trying to help a lost cause in Akali's lane. Considering how behind she was (presumably) her build is pretty awful. At some point she has to realize she's in a bad spot and build to not die/disrupt (e.g. build hourglass) as opposed to build to kill. Frankly, there's probably not much you could have done - there's no item you can build that'll let you offset a teammate who decides to double-down on dumb.
why? it's a great item, one of my favorites on duders like malph that use a ton of mana and love both cdr and resistances

but tbh tanky jungler = locket, that's how it goes :p
just actually remember about the active and buy locket. it's like the perfect item for those kind of junglers, cdr + resistances + super awesome active.

it took me a while but just put it in a slot that it feels natural and remind yourself of it every couple secs.

I mean it's just one active and you bought randuins so what gives :p

why are you happy about rain

rain is sad


Ehh, is more about remembering to use the locket, I don't really have problems using items, is just that I don't use Locket that much, so I tend to forget about it.

About the rain, there's very few things that could make me, actually, sad.
Rain is cool, and I like hurricanes.

My city tend to get a bit flooded (not enough for the water to enter houses), something about the city being too flat, and the water does not flow, it stagnates. You see really weird shit, like people using their kayaks in the flooded street, or just floating on an air bed.

The downside is that the street next to mine, gets really, really flooded, like 1 meter (3 ft 3 in) inside their houses, so we have to help them getting all their things in the second floor, and getting something to pump the water out of their street.(Supposedly, this should no longer happen.)

And if it rains, it will put an end to the drought in my region.


why? it's a great item, one of my favorites on duders like malph that use a ton of mana and love both cdr and resistances

but tbh tanky jungler = locket, that's how it goes :p

It's absolutely a great item, but I meant people in the general sense, not just here. I just don't have faith in the generally sheepish LoL community (LoLGAF excluded) who think after SotAG it's either aegis or locket and those are the only options on jungle CC tanks. So if Deadly Paw doesn't want to buy a locket because he's uncomfortable with the active, I'd expect most people to default to the aegis recommendation without thinking things through.


It's absolutely a great item, but I meant people in the general sense, not just here. I just don't have faith in the generally sheepish LoL community (LoLGAF excluded) who think after SotAG it's either aegis or locket and those are the only options on jungle CC tanks. So if Deadly Paw doesn't want to buy a locket because he's uncomfortable with the active, I'd expect most people to default to the aegis recommendation without thinking things through.

I always rush Locket on Shyvana, Sightstone if lanes winning. I think almost all games should default to tanky support jungler, unless top is full tank. Just drop Locket on 1 binding and press it at the start of the team fight, the shield lasts for 5 seconds. Here is the proof, just played 2 matches:


Being jungler in SoloQ is the worst experience ever, especially a control jungler. Lanes always lose then blame me because they all Dicks from Phantoml0rd stream. I think that so called ELO heaven could start @ Diamond IV 50+ LP.


I always rush Locket on Shyvana, Sightstone if lanes winning. I think almost all games should default to tanky support jungler, unless top is full tank. Just drop Locket on 1 binding and press it at the start of the team fight, the shield lasts for 5 seconds. Here is the proof, just played 2 matches:


Being jungler in SoloQ is the worst experience ever, especially a control jungler. Lanes always lose then blame me because they all Dicks from Phantoml0rd stream. I think that so called ELO heaven could start @ Diamond IV 50+ LP.
I guess people don't like Shyvanna. To be honest, I'd rather see a jungler like Nunu or Jarvan. She's not bad or anything, but she doesn't really raise morale.


I guess people don't like Shyvanna. To be honest, I'd rather see a jungler like Nunu or Jarvan. She's not bad or anything, but she doesn't really raise morale.

Shyv is not in a good place right now. There are at least 10 better junglers.


Ehh, is more about remembering to use the locket, I don't really have problems using items, is just that I don't use Locket that much, so I tend to forget about it.
just use it as soon as a fight start, or whenever you're about to dive a turret or something. better to use it early or late than to not use it at all.

it's just such a great all-around item and the active's really good

just gotta set your mind to it

About the rain, there's very few things that could make me, actually, sad.
Rain is cool, and I like hurricanes.

My city tend to get a bit flooded (not enough for the water to enter houses), something about the city being too flat, and the water does not flow, it stagnates. You see really weird shit, like people using their kayaks in the flooded street, or just floating on an air bed.

The downside is that the street next to mine, gets really, really flooded, like 1 meter (3 ft 3 in) inside their houses, so we have to help them getting all their things in the second floor, and getting something to pump the water out of their street.(Supposedly, this should no longer happen.)

And if it rains, it will put an end to the drought in my region.
lol you like hurricanes?

you're crazier than I am dude

personally I like rain and generally overcast days, it gives buenos aires a weird pinkish look I really enjoy, so I usually just go out and film it with my phone or something.

but sunny days are better since nothing beats sun :D

It's absolutely a great item, but I meant people in the general sense, not just here. I just don't have faith in the generally sheepish LoL community (LoLGAF excluded) who think after SotAG it's either aegis or locket and those are the only options on jungle CC tanks. So if Deadly Paw doesn't want to buy a locket because he's uncomfortable with the active, I'd expect most people to default to the aegis recommendation without thinking things through.
well nowadays if I'm supporting the jungler is decently tanky I'll default to asking him to get aegis. it just makes much more sense, I can get and oracle's and more pink wards this way, and I'll grab a locket myself to help the team be tankier, since it's cheaper and gives some lovely cdr.

shroud is good but it's a selfish item. it's kind of an unfair comparison to compare it to aegis/locket since they're both higher tier items, but well, it's your choice.

I really really like aegis myself


Shyv is not in a good place right now. There are at least 10 better junglers.

Shyvana is good, going to be perfect after buff. Every champion is good, the real differene is skill and knowledge, not champion abilities. I can see myself flying on her wings to Diamond IV.

There is no bad champions, just bad players.


Shyvana is good, going to be perfect after buff. Every champion is good, the real differene is skill and knowledge, not champion abilities. I can see myself flying on her wings to Diamond IV.

There is no bad champions, just bad players.
ehhh I wouldn't go that far

imho there are bad and terrible champions and players that know how to play them

I wouldn't necessarily put shyv in that category but more like dudes like sion.


There are definitely bad champions. I just wouldn't say that there are champions that are so bad they're unwinnable with. Because that's really not true. Some champions are just worse than others.


There are definitely bad champions. I just wouldn't say that there are champions that are so bad they're unwinnable with. Because that's really not true. Some champions are just worse than others.

Champions aren't equal, but everything works up to Diamond I. Just play to the strengths of them and you will be ok. I shall prove it to you by winning more games with Shyvana if I have enough time and motivation.

There is no other jungler like Shyvana and that is why people don't like/play her.


I like Shyvana so you don't really have to prove anything to me. Just saying that there are definitely some champions that are worse than others. It's just the nature of the game.


There are definitely bad champions. I just wouldn't say that there are champions that are so bad they're unwinnable with. Because that's really not true. Some champions are just worse than others.
All animals champions are equal, but some are more equal than others.


This client is such garbage. My game crashes, can't end the process in my task manager, have to actually restart my computer and by that time, it's GG.

Never have any issue like this in any other game, only this one. This happens at least once every 20 games, and apparently it's a pretty common bug.

getting fatter mushrooms is just better overall because at least youre useful late game!
The only good alternative is Nashor, which strikes the balance between push speed and mushroom coverage. I stopped rushing Liandry since push speed is awful.

Out of all the styles I've tried (like Wriggle+Mobility+BC stack in S2) I've had most success with Hurricane, Codex/Nashor and Mobility as core items, then REWQ. I'll grab a few wards to make up for the CDR until I could get the jungle covered enough.

I mean yeah mushrooms that hurt more is great if you plan to duel and kill whoever's going at you. I just prefer to run/TP to other lanes then push that instead because it makes enemies rage more. They just keep running at me while they ignore my teammates murderizing them.

This client is such garbage. My game crashes, can't end the process in my task manager, have to actually restart my computer and by that time, it's GG.

Never have any issue like this in any other game, only this one. This happens at least once every 20 games, and apparently it's a pretty common bug.


Even End Process Tree doesn't work?


Nope, doesn't work, which is super odd. I thought it was just me, but I searched it and it's a somewhat common problem that's been around since the game launched.


This client is such garbage. My game crashes, can't end the process in my task manager, have to actually restart my computer and by that time, it's GG.

Never have any issue like this in any other game, only this one. This happens at least once every 20 games, and apparently it's a pretty common bug.

i hear of this, but i have to say that i have personally not had this happen to me or my gf in a long long time


Second-rate Anihawk
This client is such garbage. My game crashes, can't end the process in my task manager, have to actually restart my computer and by that time, it's GG.

Never have any issue like this in any other game, only this one. This happens at least once every 20 games, and apparently it's a pretty common bug.


Why didn't your teammates pause while you tried to reconnect?


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