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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Man, it really sucks when you have a massive gold advantage over the enemy team, but in the end they just have the better team comp and can wombo combo you in teamfights.


Man, it really sucks when you have a massive gold advantage over the enemy team, but in the end they just have the better team comp and can wombo combo you in teamfights.

is this aram?

on SR, i know this is pretty counter inuitive for solo queue environment, but if you have a massive gold lead but they have a wombo combo teamfight comp you should avoid teamfighting them

ward up their jungle and let your strongest duelists split push top and bot while 3 of you push middle v carefully. or let 1 strongest duelist split bot while 4 of you push top.

if you have a disengage champion, you can push more aggressively, but if you dont, make sure you put deep wards and avoid them trying to flank you/get behind you by running in the opposite direction - just waste their time, never fight them unless its highly favourable

alternatively, if somebody gets caught, let them waste their wombo combo on that one person, then either own their asses 4v5 or wait for that person to come back to life and just push really hard because most wombo combo ults have 90s+ cds


is this aram?

on SR, i know this is pretty counter inuitive for solo queue environment, but if you have a massive gold lead but they have a wombo combo teamfight comp you should avoid teamfighting them

ward up their jungle and let your strongest duelists split push top and bot while 3 of you push middle v carefully. or let 1 strongest duelist split bot while 4 of you push top.

if you have a disengage champion, you can push more aggressively, but if you dont, make sure you put deep wards and avoid them trying to flank you/get behind you by running in the opposite direction - just waste their time, never fight them unless its highly favourable

alternatively, if somebody gets caught, let them waste their wombo combo on that one person, then either own their asses 4v5 or wait for that person to come back to life and just push really hard because most wombo combo ults have 90s+ cds

This was Summoner's Rift. This was the first time I've been in this particular situation, and I'll keep an eye open for it more often now. They had 5 AOE ults while we only had two. We were doing really wellin lanes, but then I called everyone mid, because it just feels like a natural transition to teamfight if you've been successful in every lane. We got destroyed and aced the first teamfight and they took our three mid towers and inhib. As soon as we recalled I made everyone go to Baron because they were all pushng seperate lanes. Our Tristana went bot for some reason, but we started Baron anyway, which made killing Baron so much slower and as soon as we got the Baron buff, they engaged on us in the pit for the ace. Baron call was probably not a smart move on my part.

Some good advice. Wish I had known some of this in the match, but hey, now I know.


This was Summoner's Rift. This was the first time I've been in this particular situation, and I'll keep an eye open for it more often now. They had 5 AOE ults while we only had two. We were doing really wellin lanes, but then I called everyone mid, because it just feels like a natural transition to teamfight if you've been successful in every lane. We got destroyed and aced the first teamfight and they took our three mid towers and inhib. As soon as we recalled I made everyone go to Baron because they were all pushng seperate lanes. Our Tristana went bot for some reason, but we started Baron anyway, which made killing Baron so much slower and as soon as we got the Baron buff, they engaged on us in the pit for the ace. Baron call was probably not a smart move on my part.

Some good advice. Wish I had known some of this in the match, but hey, now I know.
yeah I had a similar thing happen to me in ranked yesterday, enemy team had malph, kenen and wukong + vayne, so I basically knew from minute 1 that teamfights were gonna be an issue.

our team had a nidalee+kha6 so it was gonna be tough to fight them.

as sona I just rushed shurelya's and just used the hell out of it, just as soon as someone looks at me wrong I run out of there, and my team usually followed. since nid and kha are both good splitpushers and they weren't doing so bad we took all three inhibs and they only got 4 of our turrets.

so basically if your team doesn't have a natural way to disengage have someone get shurelya's or even twin shadows, ward a whole lot as to not get any ugly surprises and just try to split push smartly, don't go looking for any fights, camp pink warded brushes, go guerilla warfare on their asses.

also aoe comps are really good in solo queue since people are usually too impatient to splitpush, poke, assassinate, counterjungle, etc. so yeah, it's usually a good idea to just stack aoe cc ults and go for teamfights


yeah I had a similar thing happen to me in ranked yesterday, enemy team had malph, kenen and wukong + vayne, so I basically knew from minute 1 that teamfights were gonna be an issue.

our team had a nidalee+kha6 so it was gonna be tough to fight them.

as sona I just rushed shurelya's and just used the hell out of it, just as soon as someone looks at me wrong I run out of there, and my team usually followed. since nid and kha are both good splitpushers and they weren't doing so bad we took all three inhibs and they only got 4 of our turrets.

so basically if your team doesn't have a natural way to disengage have someone get shurelya's or even twin shadows, ward a whole lot as to not get any ugly surprises and just try to split push smartly, don't go looking for any fights, camp pink warded brushes, go guerilla warfare on their asses.

also aoe comps are really good in solo queue since people are usually too impatient to splitpush, poke, assassinate, counterjungle, etc. so yeah, it's usually a good idea to just stack aoe cc ults and go for teamfights

I'll have to use this stuff if I'm in the same situation. Thanks guys.

This reminded me of the Best Game NA. Great watch, very long, but totally worth it for the end. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/3290014/


So Akali scales off AD and AP right? So get this -- Guinsoo's rageblade gives BOTH of those stats. Great item choice right?

(how do I akali)


AD Thresh sure is a pub killer. Just played against one that nabbed 14 kills, most of which came from laners or junglers being like "Oh look, I caught the support! Let's kill him real quick..." and then getting three-shotted. Ended up winning, but only because their team was a total troll.

Evem scariers is that he seems to have another game where he got more than 30 kills with AD Thresh... http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/31805154#history


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So Akali scales off AD and AP right? So get this -- Guinsoo's rageblade gives BOTH of those stats. Great item choice right?

(how do I akali)
akali doesn't need attack speed and doesn't auto enough to make the passive useful.


akali doesn't need attack speed and doesn't auto enough to make the passive useful.
Thankfully I didn't actually buy it since I figured it was bad for those reasons, and was just joking. I was trying gunblade, deathcap, rylais, and lich bane and it worked ok in aram, just not good enough.

It's weird that I sort of like Akali now that she's rarely played. Used to (before nerfs/season changes?), I would have been pretty happy if she had vanished from LoL forever.
Maybe you can do a gimmick
Akali build. She does have the highest base ASPD along with a few others, gets bonus damage with AA and is tanky inside her shroud.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't like gunblade so much, lately I've been trying spectral wraith then rylais

but don't take me seriously
please let this be a joke.
Maybe you can do a gimmick
Akali build. She does have the highest base ASPD along with a few others, gets bonus damage with AA and is tanky inside her shroud.
please let this also be a joke.
you guiz

it has ap and spellvamp

what else do you need




To be fair, it's not that great of an item on Akali. She just has other items that are of a higher priority so getting it really isn't helping all that much. Not even in some weird "there's a niche use for this!" sense either, really.

Edit: To expand, sure, it gives AP and Spell Vamp (not that big of a deal), and CDR (limited more by Energy rather than cooldowns) but they're not good enough to make it worth over what her other core items do. Sure, you can say that the item has a use or whatever but the most important question to answer when figuring out the value of an item is to determine when you get it and how that syncs up with your what's going on in the game and what you're giving up to do that.

A lot of times when builds come up in this thread, items get mentioned as if there's no other factors to consider outside of "hey, it has stats that I can use."


I can't not take it personally, and it's annoying, but that's my problem

sosw has ap, spellvamp and cdr and it's very cheap. I don't like gunblade much, it was the only spell vamp item that I liked and made sense for me.

I like to (gasp!) try shit out, I never said it's a good item to buy on her, I made an effort to say "don't take it seriously", but whatever


I thought you weren't supposed to take anything dimb says personally. :p

Honestly, I think the worst thing in the game is not being able to catch up to someone. It's pretty annoying knowing you can kill someone, but not being able to because you can't get in range feels pretty horrible.

Best thing in the game though is going 1v3 and coming out on top with someone like Tryndamere or Wukong.


I thought you weren't supposed to take anything dimb says personally. :p

Honestly, I think the worst thing in the game is not being able to catch up to someone. It's pretty annoying knowing you can kill someone, but not being able to because you can't get in range feels pretty horrible.

Best thing in the game though is going 1v3 and coming out on top with someone like Tryndamere or Wukong.
Said no Vayne or WW ever.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I can't not take it personally, and it's annoying, but that's my problem

sosw has ap, spellvamp and cdr and it's very cheap. I don't like gunblade much, it was the only spell vamp item that I liked and made sense for me.

I like to (gasp!) try shit out, I never said it's a good item to buy on her, I made an effort to say "don't take it seriously", but whatever
there is no such thing as very cheap in league of legends.

1) akali is not reliant on buying into spell vamp massively because she gets it just for building damage.
2)cdr is not necessary. spamming weak abilities only emphasizes the limits of energy.
3)buying into unnecessary stats like mana regen
4)gives you no early/mid game power.
5)makes you lose out on chase potential because you are forgoing gunblades active.

akali is a burst assassin. spirit of the spectral wraith is an item ideal for ap junglers or people like vlad who want massive amounts of sustain and cdr in lane. also wota is shit right now so vlad players just avoid and take spectral wraith instead.

you don't have to try it out, but people should think about why they buy the items that they do.


Lucian has two guns. One carved with L for Lucian, the other with S for Shauna Vayne. Heard it here first folks. LucianxVayne will be legit.


I thought you weren't supposed to take anything dimb says personally. :p
yea but I'm bad at that

How is Zyra right now? I rarely see her in any of my games.
pretty decent I'd say, she's a cool peel support and very disruptive in teamfights, plus a cool pusher like janna

in mid I dunno, I haven't tried her but I see people succeeding with her sometimes so I guess she's probably average, her plants proc liandry's so she can do a lot of damage with that

akali is a burst assassin. spirit of the spectral wraith is an item ideal for ap junglers or people like vlad who want massive amounts of sustain and cdr in lane.

you don't have to try it out, but people should think about why they buy the items that they do.
voyboy built akali and kat tanky top, link built lich bane on ahri, scarra does nashor's on diana, blue ezreal, etc...

I'm obviously not voyboy, and lich bane on ahri didn't really make a lot of sense to me, but when I actually tried it I found it to be pretty decent, ofc not something you'd buy on every match, and you gotta think your champion differently, but sometimes you just gotta try it to see how it works for you

tbh, I don't think I've ever played akali without buying hex revolver as my first item (since gunblade is first buy on every single guide), so I assumed spellvamp was core on her. I looked for other spellvamp items, I grabbed the one I liked, and one that was cheap enough to allow me to grab rylais/zhonyas earlier, so I went for it. you know, trying shit out in normals/aram.

turns out spellvamp isn't absolutely necessary on akali? well I never thought about that, great, I'll go for elder lizard then


Spell vamp is pretty good on akali actually. She's part of the reason why the Spell vamp on gun blade was nerfed

Cdr is pretty crap on her though, because your ult is about max charges and resets, and you only have enough energy to spam your Q


Dimb gonna Dimb. He also thought Blitzcrank was an awful support, Elise was a garbage top laner and release window Vi was a bad jungler. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.


I'm embarrassed but I'm going to share my shame. Last night I got demoted to Silver II. I guess looking back I'm on a 5 game ranked losing streak. Have a few normals and ARAMs strewn in there.

I've been to 90lp twice in Silver I. Latest I was around 45 when I went on the slide. The last few games were just trainwrecks. Even bringing out Elise I couldn't get a win. The attitudes are just so terrible. Couple of deaths and the raging just spirals out of control. EVEN WHEN THE TEAM IS WINNING. That's what amazed me the most. We're getting dragons, our farm is higher but we're behind 10 kills. The game is NOT lost for fucks sake.

Last game was 4 man bot central with skirmishes down there left and right. And we were winning them. Then out of nowhere the top Kennen (who wasn't even dying) starts raging in chat about how we're all ignoring top and f- us, etc etc. Wow. Guess Singed was farming behind his tower and stressing him out.

Later Trist rages as me saying I'm not building tank and feeding (4/4/5 and I had ancient golem, tabis and bulwark as elise). Building straight tank is my least favorite way to play Elise but I did it because the Trist swore up and down he was going to carry and he was in promotion etc. The games where people focus more on themselves and not what their teammates are doing wrong are the ones that are won.

I guess my MMR dropped quick on that streak. I was still getting anywhere from 17-27 for a win but I think it was the losing streak that did me in.

The raging and absolute insanity of the last few games need to be forgotten. The skill level of my teammates isn't that different from the winning games but the attitudes are everything.

Oh well. Just going to relax and play some more. It'll turn around. I'm just going to stick with it. I took my normals from dead even w/l to a +30 over the last few months. I can do the same in ranked.

It really is embarrassing to get demoted though. I'm better than I'm playing lately. Even with teammates going full retard I should be able to keep going.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Not saying you don't need spell vamp on Akali, just that you don't need so much early game (which is why people go for spectral).


Lucian has two guns. One carved with L for Lucian, the other with S for Shauna Vayne. Heard it here first folks. LucianxVayne will be legit.

Probably not since Vayne isn't dead. And the name begins with "Sen"

Dimb gonna Dimb. He also thought Blitzcrank was an awful support, Elise was a garbage top laner and release window Vi was a bad jungler. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.

Except this time he's right.
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