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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Is one of your lanes winning hard? Is one of your lanes really pushed? The jungler will probably look to gank that lane and you can position for a counter gank.
What if lanes are tied? Just keep farming? or should I try counterjungling?

I just try to keep in mind this advice I was given when I started playing: "Always keep doing something".

Sometimes a lane that I was going to gank, because that lane was being pushed, when I arrive is too late and my team pushed back. Err, I guess my mistake was not telling my team I was going to try to gank that lane... right?

basically yeah, jungle has the highest knowledge/experience requirement of all lanes

And that is why I'm a bit scared to play as the jungler... but it has to be done, I'll have to jungle eventually in ranked.


I get the feeling the tits part was directed at me

which is weird, since I tend to cross the line often but iirc I don't think I talk too much about champions tits

also boko your post talking about gangs is funny
i typed that on my phone
auto correct ganging me
What if lanes are tied? Just keep farming? or should I try counterjungling?

Sometimes a lane that I was going to gank, because that lane was being pushed, when I arrive is too late and my team pushed back. Err, I guess my mistake was not telling my team I was going to try to gank that lane... right?

1. if lanes are tied, gank the lane that will win you the game or the one that will snowball.

2. thats probably your fault. you need to learn to understand lane flow. you need to notice pushing lanes before they reach your tower (because towers will cause your lane to push back - e.g. if you (blue jungler) start leaving for top when purple side top has 6 minions vs 4 of yours, by the time you get there, it should have just reached your tower


Was't directed at anyone, just kind of making fun of the apparent image DotaGAF has of LoLGAF. Sorry for the confusion.
Was't directed at anyone, just kind of making fun of the apparent image DotaGAF has of LoLGAF. Sorry for the confusion.

I'm pretty sure we aren't talking about your comment here, but about one of the posts in the thread of "dota 2 or lol" that got locked.


Also, I tried another game with Nautilus, and ehh, 1/5/10 . I thought things would go well since I succesfully ganked top. (our panth vs sejuani) and got first blood.

I tried really hard to help our Akali at the beggining, but I was late 3 times like for 2 seconds, it was frustrating, and as soon as lanning phase was over Akali wanted to surrender, and didn't wanted to help me anymore, it was a little bit frustrating, if she had helped me twice, she would have got 2 kills since we would have ambushed Olaf twice.

My team started to blame Akali, and it got harder, and I just tried to focus helping our adc and our pantheon since they were cooperating, we even won a teamfight in top, but eventually we lost. (The enemy panth was gold 3)

Eh, I'll give it a break, I worked hard to get +20 wins more than defeats, and I want to keep it there, and expand it, so I'll play some games as mid/suport/adc (in that order) to improve my winrate.



the image this time is sponsored by dimb

lets create a
lolgaf players list:
[Google Form]
Uj, I'm a losing streak, 5 defeats in a row.

It's sad.

The bright side is that I had a good game, everybody was doing relatively well, I was against a Twisted Fate, (I was Ahri), so everything was just fine, their jungler (Xin) did get to kill me once, (no assistance for TF). Their TF gets a bit cocky just because I died, forgeting the fact that we were mostly tied, he run towards me with a golden card, and I just EWQ+Ignite, he stuns me+AA (getting minion aggro) I do another AA, and watch him flash away and then get killed by my ignite.

The game advance, and our jungle was underlevel and top was losing badly, I tried to roam, but Xin was focusing me, waiting for me in the bush, while their top was helping another lanes, or just holding mid, pushing it so I wasn't able to roam.

Late game comes, and we only had one inhibitor, we still were in a good mood, since everybody knew what don't to do, like, we typed at the same time "don't go alone", "stay together", "if miss fortune die, we lose", "wait for them", "dragon", it was cool, to be so synced.

The plays Miss Fortune and I did, with me going all in, E+DFG+WQ+Ignite > Zhonyas (while she finish their Gangplank who was waiting for me to come out of Zhonyas) > R to kill the fleeing Nidalee.

We almost got baron when it was contested, but we lost it, sadly here our adc made a bad decision and throwed her ult instead of just run away, I'm the only one alive, Ahri vs a lot of minions and super minions, luckily they were low and recalled, otherwise they could have won in that moment.

Then we saw them coming to the base, I was a bit worried since I had my ult in cd, we lost all the nexus tower and they start to attack our nexus, we manage in someway to kill them all, except their Ezreal, we killed him, but he had Guardian Angel, we check our nexus, and it had only 103 of health, a single AA from Ezreal and it was done.. (we where all around Ezreal, waiting for him).

... I never saw someone dying so fast. It was funny.

Everybody type at the same type "Beware of TF ult", since our nexus was in a silver tray for him. Nidalee try to run to our nexus, but we catch her and killed her, so their Xin. Sometime later, while we were busy trying to kill the minions (they almost destroyed the nexus) they reagrouped and while we were busy trying to kill them (we were fighting around our nexus) we didn't see TF who was AA the Nexus, and defeat. (And we were winning the teamfight, =/ )

So sad.
Bottom line.
Tomorrow I will play mid-Ahri-only. It can't be that I lost with her my last three matches.


played my ranked match, won, still right in the middle of the silver 3 ladder...

pretty decent match, enemy team had wukong, malphite and kennen and we had like kha6 and nidalee, so it was just splitpushing, then throwing, then splitpushing some more, then more throws, etc.

eventually we won because they threw harder or something

rest of the games were just bad

at least I played well on support

played like shit mid tho


league of lesbians

backdoors are like the shittiest ways to lose

feels like you wasted your time

you would like that artist.
link me babe



I was Pantheon mid, 250-300 ping all the facking game, 8-0-4 at 30min. Lost game cos bot and top fed like hell.

Lol. I had something like that today.

Pantheon, lose connection. Reconnect five minutes later. Level 1 while everyone else is about level 6. Go top with Miss Fortune, start to beat my team in levels. Meanwhile everyone else is feeding while I'm the only one killing. They push super hard and get the win in less than 30 minutes.

Classic LoL MM.
played my ranked match, won, still right in the middle of the silver 3 ladder...


backdoors are like the shittiest ways to lose

feels like you wasted your time
How is ranked? Do they still match you with people like El Reginaldo, or is it better?

Anyone knows if ranked is still broken in Brazil?
Noc gets no love in aram :(

Shen gets the least love. The most loved champ in normals is the most hated champ in aram.

I don't own either of them so I haven't played with them in ARAM.

Are they worse than playing with Evelynn in Aram?


I don't think any of those champions are as terrible as Riven in Aram. That may be some of my lacking Riven skills talking though, I just blown up by everything.


I can't believe nunu hasn't gotten hotfixed

it's specially annoying since all I have is blind pick and you see a nunu in the enemy team and you know you're in for a shit match

How is ranked? Do they still match you with people like El Reginaldo, or is it better?

Anyone knows if ranked is still broken in Brazil?
uh it's alright, usually matched with golders but apparently las gold is shit compared to na gold and basically every tier is a few levels worse or something

makes some sense, since all my friends went up a few tiers.

It's nsfw
googled the dude

again people thinking me a pervert :(

I don't like that :(
uh it's alright, usually matched with golders but apparently las gold is shit compared to na gold and basically every tier is a few levels worse or something

makes some sense, since all my friends went up a few tiers.

It makes me wonder how will be the Division V of all the tiers after some time, I mean I too have friends who got placed in Silver III, IV, and a lucky one in II.

They bragged about it.

Now they are in Silver V and IV.

Yup, the people that will be "stuck" in division V, in tiers they shouldn't be just yet...


uhh I dunno I used to get matched with gold and plat morons all the time in na and I still get matched with gold and plat morons here and they don't feel that much different

I'd like to get to gold tho, too bad I can't get the janna skin anymore tho :(

my issue with people in this game is them whining all game long on all chat or just outright just hating on me for being an argie. if you suck you suck, c'est la vie, I won't hold it against you if you tried


uhh I dunno I used to get matched with gold and plat morons all the time in na and I still get matched with gold and plat morons here and they don't feel that much different

I'd like to get to gold tho, too bad I can't get the janna skin anymore tho :(

my issue with people in this game is them whining all game long on all chat or just outright just hating on me for being an argie. if you suck you suck, c'est la vie, I won't hold it against you if you tried

how do they know youre an argie
and why are you still awake

duto's ahri is pretty good tho


I've experienced that the community is a lot better in the lower Diamond tiers, once you stop play with the Plat I guys. There are barely any rage, and people don't care much if you mess up a bit. The ranked experience is quite pleasant there actually.


Yeah, watching streamers, you can see that diamond and challenger are just full of people who are playing for a good time. Most of the time they just laugh everything off.

Bloody elo heaven


Yeah, watching streamers, you can see that diamond and challenger are just full of people who are playing for a good time. Most of the time they just laugh everything off.

Bloody elo heaven

It truly is. Solo queue is no longer this uncomfortable experience for me.


I'm pretty sure we aren't talking about your comment here, but about one of the posts in the thread of "dota 2 or lol" that got locked.


Also, I tried another game with Nautilus, and ehh, 1/5/10 . I thought things would go well since I succesfully ganked top. (our panth vs sejuani) and got first blood.

I tried really hard to help our Akali at the beggining, but I was late 3 times like for 2 seconds, it was frustrating, and as soon as lanning phase was over Akali wanted to surrender, and didn't wanted to help me anymore, it was a little bit frustrating, if she had helped me twice, she would have got 2 kills since we would have ambushed Olaf twice.

My team started to blame Akali, and it got harder, and I just tried to focus helping our adc and our pantheon since they were cooperating, we even won a teamfight in top, but eventually we lost. (The enemy panth was gold 3)

Eh, I'll give it a break, I worked hard to get +20 wins more than defeats, and I want to keep it there, and expand it, so I'll play some games as mid/suport/adc (in that order) to improve my winrate.

An early gank can snowball a lane. For that early start, Phillip covered most of it (go blue to red, gank at level 3 if you can, else keep farming). But pay attention to what the laners are starting with to know if they have a ward or if they are a threat to burst you down when you gank. Like if a top teemo starts doran's blade, he's asking for a river gank. Chances are he won't take his speed boost level 2 so he'll die quick to a level 3 gank. However if it's riven and you are say.. evelynn. That doran's blade can mess you up at level 2. Other popular starts that yield no ward is cloth armor + 5 pots (watch out if it's 3 pots though that's a ward). Flask + 1 pot = no ward.

If the mid laner starts with just a single ward, try to keep an eye on him and see which side he places it so you can gank from the other side.

A successful gank is anything that burns summoners or even just forces the laner to back, making them lose a wave and your laner getting up in farm. If it's a laner with no escapes other than flash and I know where I'm attacking from is not warded, I like forcing them to burn the flash then circling right around and doing it again. Usually results in a kill.

A jungler has to have great map awareness. That's 3/4 of the game for that role. Know where the wards are, know their timers, know what buffs are up and down and what their timers are. Know what the timer is for dragon and baron and where the wards are around them. Know where the enemy jungler is.

It's really fun to watch junglers like Oddone or Crumbzz. These guys will be talking while they jungle pointing out all these things.

I love the role because I have so much room to grow and get better with it. Fun stuff.


Neo Member
For a few weeks, I was doing nothing but Ranked que. I was doing pretty well, too. A couple friends jumped on and wanted me to do normals with them (since we didn't have 5 for team ranked) and we ended up going on the longest losing streak of my LoL career. Now it seems all the confidence I built up on solo ranked is shot because of this...this game man...the LoL giveth and the LoL taketh!


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It makes me wonder how will be the Division V of all the tiers after some time, I mean I too have friends who got placed in Silver III, IV, and a lucky one in II.

They bragged about it.

Now they are in Silver V and IV.

Yup, the people that will be "stuck" in division V, in tiers they shouldn't be just yet...

I feel rank/divisions will be broken until Season 4.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also, I tried another game with Nautilus, and ehh, 1/5/10 . I thought things would go well since I succesfully ganked top. (our panth vs sejuani) and got first blood.
jfyi, Randuin's is really only ideal against auto-attack heavy teams as a first item kind of pickup. Miss Fortune and Pantheon aren't going to feel its effects in a particularly pronounced way.


I feel rank/divisions will be broken until Season 4.

getting "stuck" at the lowest tiers existed in the old system too.

riot doesnt want people to sit on their tiers because they are afraid of dropping down


Akali is definitely a splash that we're looking to have reworked very soon. I'm actually already in the process of working on it and I'm pretty stoked to say that it should reflect her game-play a lot more than the one currently in game (akali is my main).

It's gonna take a little bit of time, but we will be getting to every base splash that doesn't meet our current quality standards as well as the ones we feel don't quite fit the character. Bear with us, and definitely keep sending your feedback!

Peace out!
new akali splash. hope it looks great.


getting "stuck" at the lowest tiers existed in the old system too.

riot doesnt want people to sit on their tiers because they are afraid of dropping down
Yeah, people might get a bit too high in tiers now, but with the separation of mmr and lp this is not as much of a problem as before, as they will eventually go back to fighting people their own skill level. The stress of old solo queue is greatly reduced for many people.
Going on a losing streak is definitely not as punishing as before.


Yeah, people might get a bit too high in tiers now, but with the separation of mmr and lp this is not as much of a problem as before, as they will eventually go back to fighting people their own skill level. The stress of old solo queue is greatly reduced for many people.
Going on a losing streak is definitely not as punishing as before.

My problem is I feel the stress in Silver I. I've been up to 90 lp twice, first time falling to 0, then falling back to 30-40. I don't want to lose my Silver I and at the same time I'd like to be promoted to Gold. Once I hit gold I'll feel a lot better (until I potentially climb back to division I and feel the stress all over again).

My games are a combo of other stressed out Silver I people and forever Gold V people.


My problem is I feel the stress in Silver I. I've been up to 90 lp twice, first time falling to 0, then falling back to 30-40. I don't want to lose my Silver I and at the same time I'd like to be promoted to Gold. Once I hit gold I'll feel a lot better (until I potentially climb back to division I and feel the stress all over again).

My games are a combo of other stressed out Silver I people and forever Gold V people.
Yeah, it's as tough as it gets in the I divisions. As you pointed out the stress is reduced once you hit the next tier. With the old system, the stress would not be reduced once you hit gold, a single bad game would throw you back into silver. If you raise your mmr you should be able to be matched with more gold players. I know I started facing diamond I guys when I duo queued in plat I. That's when I stopped duo queueing until I hit diamond by myself.


To celebrate the new Spirit Guard Udyr release, you can now own all Legendary skins with our skin pack for 100000 RP, a savings of over 25%
Worst match I've played. I just can't believe it. Garen going 0/6 against Aatrox and still keeps diving, then builds offensively, then insists it's okay because Garen is a lategame champ. Varus starts with Dagger, begs me to stop harassing the enemy, start dewarding, then stop dewarding, then builds Nashor's Tooth. Kassadin 1v4 suicide diving dragon.

I try to tell them nicely about the bad decisions they make but either they don't listen, just tell me to shut up or is too busy bickering with someone else.

I don't think I can climb out of this. There's just an unbelievable amount of awful. Lv20 NA plays better then half the Silvers I meet. Varus at least sees my retreat pings
half of the time
when the jungler comes, and we had a good Udyr.


Yeah, it's as tough as it gets in the I divisions. As you pointed out the stress is reduced once you hit the next tier. With the old system, the stress would not be reduced once you hit gold, a single bad game would throw you back into silver. If you raise your mmr you should be able to be matched with more gold players. I know I started facing diamond I guys when I duo queued in plat I. That's when I stopped duo queueing until I hit diamond by myself.
I can kind of understand this philosophy, but I think there is a bit of a problem with the numbers. For one thing, even if you dropped back to silver from a single bad game, you would still have your gold/whatever border reward. Other than that, it doesn't matter where you are -- you had an absolute elo number that went up and down in a predictable fashion and you knew where you were.

I ran the math a while back and I think I posted it here about how it took more games to get from one point to another with the new minimum LP gains compared to the old minimum elo gains, but since it seems to partially reset when you change tiers in a division, it probably wasn't right. The result is that some people have like +20 -10 swings, some people have +10 -20 swings, some people may just get +-11 no matter what, some people may change divisions and suddenly start getting +20 points, etc.

There is some sort of rhyme and reason to it, but because it's behind the scenes now instead of public, people have occasional red name Riot forum posts to go by, or general assessments that "one can raise/lower MMR and thus and such should theoretically make things balance out"...causing more confusion and potential frustration than existed before.

I like the idea of the tiers. I just don't think it is ideal.


I can kind of understand this philosophy, but I think there is a bit of a problem with the numbers. For one thing, even if you dropped back to silver from a single bad game, you would still have your gold/whatever border reward. Other than that, it doesn't matter where you are -- you had an absolute elo number that went up and down in a predictable fashion and you knew where you were.

I ran the math a while back and I think I posted it here about how it took more games to get from one point to another with the new minimum LP gains compared to the old minimum elo gains, but since it seems to partially reset when you change tiers in a division, it probably wasn't right. The result is that some people have like +20 -10 swings, some people have +10 -20 swings, some people may just get +-11 no matter what, some people may change divisions and suddenly start getting +20 points, etc.

There is some sort of rhyme and reason to it, but because it's behind the scenes now instead of public, people have occasional red name Riot forum posts to go by, or general assessments that "one can raise/lower MMR and thus and such should theoretically make things balance out"...causing more confusion and potential frustration than existed before.

I like the idea of the tiers. I just don't think it is ideal.

jesus, LP gains are based WHOLY on your MMR relative to your division MMR

you are going to drive me insane

i even give you a source for that


jesus, LP gains are based WHOLY on your MMR relative to your division MMR

you are going to drive me insane

i even give you a source for that
If I recall correctly the only source you mentioned was a forum post, correct? What's the formula for it?

If the formula isn't known, then the method isn't exactly public now, is it? :p What is your current MMR and your division MMR for example, and by what numerical amount do average LP gains go up when you change from say, Gold V to Gold IV?


If I recall correctly the only source you mentioned was a forum post, correct? What's the formula for it?

If the formula isn't known, then the method isn't exactly public now, is it? :p What is your current MMR and your division MMR for example, and by what numerical amount do average LP gains go up when you change from say, Gold V to Gold IV?
If that's your argument then you can't even compare elo system to lp system.

Elo system will always decay to a minimum

The numbers withstanding, the lp gain based on relative distance to div mmr means that there is no certain decay to a minimum (unless your division is locked eg div V) . Forum post by a red. Which is better than you assuming you elo hell experience is right

And methods are distinct from formulas. You can know a method without knowing a formula

Jesus I swear you make me want to ignore you just to avoid this stupidity
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