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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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And, again, he most likely lacks an ASPD steroid entirely which makes the passive potentially less valuable depending on the internal CD, damage penalty, etc. etc.

The bolded, and it can most likely hit creeps.

Based off the wording ("first champion hit"), I'd say it probably ignores minions. Dunno for sure though.


Depending on the cooldown and animation on his skills, he could be another ad carry that doesn't scale well with aspd like Ezreal. Another blue ad carry incoming?


And, again, he most likely lacks an ASPD steroid entirely which makes the passive potentially less valuable depending on the internal CD, damage penalty, etc. etc.

Based off the wording ("first champion hit"), I'd say it probably ignores minions. Dunno for sure though.

Ah, yes, you're right. It ignores creeps. I was taking a quick look at the skills zkylon posted in the post above.


Tragic victim of fan death
Why the fuck are they putting away some of those skins that are somewhat new. Like... why the hell is Ahri's dynasty skin getting put a way?


I really like how muse sona looks in-game, but splash art is so bad, so sad they're vaulting her, I was hoping for a redo on the splash, or at least using the chinese version...



I know agreeing with soda cop is like the #1 rule of Fight Club, but without some sort of cooldown interaction or fractional scaling, having an extra autoattack does sound pretty crazy.

Of course Riot could just be like Draven and get rid of / change his passive after a few months. =P
Stop reminding me, pls.


League of Draven (New Passive)

When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes half of his Adoration stacks and gains 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half of his Adoration stacks upon death.

unlimited stacks?


unlimited stacks?
Yes stacks are unlimited, but it's not as good as it sounds. The passive may look good, but let me explain something to you. Draven is based on the first 15 minutes of playing. You have to play super aggressive and go for those early kills, and make sure you're denying creeps. If you're up against any other ADC and you have equal CS and kills, that means you're behind as Draven because of how hard it is for him to position in teamfights. This passive is a negative feedback loop; if you don't get ahead you basically have no passive since you lose so many stacks on death.


Yes stacks are unlimited, but it's not as good as it sounds. The passive may look good, but let me explain something to you. Draven is based on the first 15 minutes of playing. You have to play super aggressive and go for those early kills, and make sure you're denying creeps. If you're up against any other ADC and you have equal CS and kills, that means you're behind as Draven because of how hard it is for him to position in teamfights. This passive is a negative feedback loop; if you don't get ahead you basically have no passive since you lose so many stacks on death.

So now you'll be rolling even better if you're early game is great. And if it isn't, then your passive is pretty much worthless.


Basically it lets you auto last hit, auto smite, puts a timer at the top of your screen for all the jungle creeps/objectives respawn, shows where all wards are on the map (as long as you see them placed), and shows all enemy units health.

Seems kinda meh.

nowhere as interesting as 0cd summoners


You know, I'm just a beginner and stuff, but seriously... they have to do something about Teemo. I don't know, maybe restrict it to only Gold+ players or something like that.
He is one of the most basics champs in the game though.


Get a win, figure it's as adc. I made the mistake of telling my team I don't adc often though. Despite my pretty good play they were blaming me for every lost fight. The jungler was annoying me because he didn't have control over any objectives at all. I solo'd dragon twice.

Then play jungle again and top gets crushed (0/7), every time I try to help Lee sin is there counter ganking. Gank mid a few times but every time I leave mid dies. It was mid cho for all that's holy. Oh well. Silver II is where I'm at I suppose. 90 lp again lol


Just had an annoying game where I didn't ban Amumu and got shit for it all game. I don't think he's worth a ban, and still don't.


You know, I'm just a beginner and stuff, but seriously... they have to do something about Teemo. I don't know, maybe restrict it to only Gold+ players or something like that.

easier said than done, but just don't let him destroy you in lane, don't give him kills, focus on csing and spend whatever you have to spend in potions to keep up with him

eventually the game will reach teamfight time and he'll be useless

but yeah, teemo sucks, imo they should just remove him from the game, refund whoever bought him and redo him.

nunu too


Serious question, answers to both SR and ARAM welcome: What are good items for Corki?

And something I'm perhaps more curious about, why do 3/4 of his abilities do magic damage instead of physical damage and scale off of AP? I don't feel like AP Corki would be very viable but maybe I just don't know.
Serious question, answers to both SR and ARAM welcome: What are good items for Corki?

And something I'm perhaps more curious about, why do 3/4 of his abilities do magic damage instead of physical damage and scale off of AP? I don't feel like AP Corki would be very viable but maybe I just don't know.
Muramana isn't a bad choice for him in ARAM, but with the upcoming reductions to mana costs, maybe not that good anymore.

Corki's AP ratios are bad, and his passive and armor shred is wasted by going AP.


So lucian's passive has no cooldown
His E costs 60mana at level 1 and no mana at level 5
His range will be 525
His Q will be like Caitlyn's Q. So.. windup?

Man. The E-AAs will feel so damn good. E'ing while channeling the ult will feel pretty sweet too when you dodge something big like a malphite ult.
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