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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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everything owns top aatrox man

like tryndamere

which is funny given the lore

but also, pantheon is hella strong against anybody not named chogath
Added my name to the list, I should start joining the GAF room more often!

Playing on the NA servers, level 30, looking for a possible ranked duo partner or team to join. Right now I'm just practicing champions on unranked with friends. Times for playing are a little bit awkward though as I'm in England for the entire of summer along with my friends who are 30 who also play on the NA server.


Neo Member
everything owns top aatrox man

like tryndamere

which is funny given the lore

but also, pantheon is hella strong against anybody not named chogath

Im sure that in Bronce counters doesnt exist... ive played recently vs Chogat as Garen and got 6-0 pre lvl 12 xD same vs Teemo, Jayce or Elise.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
everything owns top aatrox man

like tryndamere

which is funny given the lore

but also, pantheon is hella strong against anybody not named chogath

Yorick is pretty hilarious v panth too


HAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahha. Oh shit Boken actually did one for me

And get with the times man. Last time I was gold 2 was in early April.

I'm the gold equivalent of liftlift apparently

And Terk :L

Oh man, you guys are killin me here

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Been in queue for pbe for an hour now D:

Fat chance ill get Lucian when i do find a game :(


For those interested, the "League of FIGHTERS" art is done by 2gold.


2gold deviant: (he has a very korean style of art, reminscent of old KRPGS)

full of gold like



I think I'll try corki again after the patch

just the old s2 trinitry force thingie on him and see how that goes... he was my favorite carry back then.

trinity force, bt then bjork, something like that

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I think I'll try corki again after the patch

just the old s2 trinitry force thingie on him and see how that goes... he was my favorite carry back then.

trinity force, bt then bjork, something like that

I was building frozen on him over trinity a few weeks ago and had good results.

Im thoroughly convinced its the superior item between the two.


corki's kind of a mess of design, half his abilities deal magic damage, he has an armor shred skill and a true damage passive lol

I dunno about blue corki, if only his ult proc'd frozen fist or something...
I think I'll try corki again after the patch

just the old s2 trinitry force thingie on him and see how that goes... he was my favorite carry back then.

trinity force, bt then bjork, something like that

I really like Corki, but I've never had much success with him. My ADC stable is getting pretty full at the moment though. Just bought Quinn, and Lucian seems like a good time. I might be in the minority but I quite like his launch skin. Quite a Borderlands feel, much less angst.


Blue Corki should be an ok build, I haven't seen one building AP yet, though.

Well I've only seen 3 corkiis on a winning team this season.

I think the build went something like: 2 doran blades, tear, cdr boots, muramana, sheen, deathcap, lichbane then whatever after that.

Missiles kind of hurt


Well I've only seen 3 corkiis on a winning team this season.

I think the build went something like: 2 doran blades, tear, cdr boots, muramana, sheen, deathcap, lichbane then whatever after that.

Missiles kind of hurt
Ah, I see. I haven't watched any LCS games with Corki. The missiles sure are spammable.


everything owns top aatrox man

like tryndamere

which is funny given the lore

but also, pantheon is hella strong against anybody not named chogath

So true. I don't even play top and I crushed a poor Aatrox with Trundle.

Lucian breakdown with Dan Dinh. He goes through all the abilities and demonstrates them on PBE.


Looks sick. I'll play him.

I dont think he means LCS.

GANKED BY MOM is making his professional debut with CJ Frost on the OGN right now


(rapidstar is a sub D:_)

So many roster changes.... We'll see how Ganked by Mom does. I'd say LG IM is going to win but Frost has Nunu.


Is Sejuani still legit? I pulled her in an ARAM and was pretty fond of the kit. I know she was Tier 1 jungle for a bit before nerfs.

Right now I'm all Elise, Khazix, Eve the odd Trundle to work my way through this mess called solo queue.
Started playing again at the weekend after a 3 month break. My son was born and no way in hell I had any time to play this. However he has got into a sleeping pattern now so a few nights a week I get to play a few games. Also hurray for ARAM, when I have less time, to have a quick chaotic game.

Got Morgana recently and really liking her mid. Not quite the kill stealer that Lux is but she holds her lane fantastically and puts out good damage as well late game. Also the ult plus zondas trick is always fun.

Still loving Karma as support. Out of all the supports I have used (and its my most played role) I have found her ability to turn a fight around one of the strongest. Also in ARAM late she has a really good balance of utility and damage output.

Udry is my current jungle fav. Havn't used him to much and I only jungle now and then but I really like how you can be very tanky and with him but at the same time be very fast by twisting your skills to keep the buff at max and then stun the target. Then with phoenix stance do some decent damage still.

Don't really have a favourite top but on the rare occasion I am there I use cho or WW (who I also jungle with).

Ashe still my main ADC. Havn't got round to buying any other ones. Tempted to get corki and Caitlyn at some point. I have tried them both during there free rotation in the past and liked them both quite a lot.

I have a bad habbit of buying skins for any character I remotely enjoy using. Loving the ghost bride Morgana skin as well.

I seem to absolutely not want to but and play as blitz. He just seems so damn cheap and not fun. Annoying as hell to play against if your ADC just doesn't get the idea that hanging out by the bush he is in is a bad idea.

Anyway its good to be playing again. I'm basically just not letting the morons get to me and just laugh it off. More often than not I notice most people can tell the "report xxx because I died" players are the ones in the wrong. Also ARAM has a lot less bitching due to its more of a mash up gameplay style.
lulu. blow flash, exhaust, shield and ult to save garen.

garen takes this as cue to continue the 1v3

get called a coward


shit forced to solo top jarvan because cho took too long picking. Never laned with him before. wat do? against lee sin. brutalizer, etc
lulu. blow flash, exhaust, shield and ult to save garen.

garen takes this as cue to continue the 1v3

get called a coward


shit forced to solo top jarvan because cho took too long picking. Never laned with him before. wat do? brut, hex, stuff

Yup thats how playing support properly goes.


Is Sejuani still legit? I pulled her in an ARAM and was pretty fond of the kit. I know she was Tier 1 jungle for a bit before nerfs.

Right now I'm all Elise, Khazix, Eve the odd Trundle to work my way through this mess called solo queue.

Personally, I think she's great and the outdated perception based on her old kit (which was never weak, even strong frankly) keeps her on the down low even after that short period where she was getting some bans in higher elos after her remake. Her ult is among the best AoE CC ultimates in the game, strong CC between her E and, to a lesser extent, her Q. Ranged ultimate followed by QWE, I personally put that up there with the other big initiations/teamfight winning ult combos in the game - the Amumus, the Malphites - except she's never banned! She has lots of build path options and as far as tanks go itemizes for damage exceptionally well if you want to go that route.

She's pretty easy to play competently, too. You could easily add her to your jungle roster and bring her out every now and then with good success. Unlike, say, an Elise or Lee Sin who can get rusty if you don't bring them out for a long period.

OmegaTreeFish said:
My son was born and no way in hell I had any time to play this.


My second child, my little man, was born about three weeks ago and it's cut into gaming a bit but not too much. It's all old hat now and easy to time my gaming around him.

You're pretty much going through the same cycle I did with my daughter. At about the three month mark I started getting more time for hobbies. Babe's crying a lot less, goes to sleep well, feeds and does its business at longer intervals and more regularly. Just wait a few months more for when you start putting the boy to sleep at the same time. Within a week you'll have regular evenings, almost like you used to before the baby.


Gotta say I agree with Saint on the new Oracle. Pretty much cements junglers into their S2 role of being early Oracle bots to control map vision, especially with the number of Sightstone wards all over the map. I'm still pretty salty that Riot was like "In S3, carry junglers are back!" only to nerf the two damage jungle items and repeatedly nerf EVERY. SINGLE. CARRY. JUNGLER into the ground repeatedly. Eve is the only current viable jungler you don't rush Bulwark into Locket on.

Some neat item buffs and new items on the PBE. They're really trying to buff MR items.

Hopefully it's because they're nerfing Bulwark into the ground, that item is so stupidly OP.
Lost my first top J4 game. dat throw at the end. Me and Cait spammed retreat because it was so painfully obvious enemies were waiting in the bush but NO gotta get dat farm. Roflstomped Lee though. I didn't expect so much damage early on. Q->AA chunked like 25% of his health and I only brought consumables.

Maaaan, when am I gonna get a break? :( I got bot fed too thanks to some TPs. I'm winning my lane AND other lanes but still got demoted to S5.


noob question

is there a differnce between top and bot or is the current meta how things played out?
Well in the current meta, the top lane is usually a tank/bruiser and the bottom lane consists of the AD carry with a support. The reason for this setup is that dragon is closest to bottom lane, so by having two people down there you have a better chance of securing it. Bot lane and top lane can easily switch if they don't like their matchups and create a 1v2 situation for enemy laners. The lanes themselves don't matter, it's all about having those two people near dragon.
noob question

is there a differnce between top and bot or is the current meta how things played out?
Biggest difference is that bot is nearer to dragon so more players are put there for better control.

Tourney level meta right now are 2v1 lanes. Take the tower very fast then swap lanes. This is too effective right now so it's getting nerfed a bit.


Gotta say I agree with Saint on the new Oracle. Pretty much cements junglers into their S2 role of being early Oracle bots to control map vision, especially with the number of Sightstone wards all over the map. I'm still pretty salty that Riot was like "In S3, carry junglers are back!" only to nerf the two damage jungle items and repeatedly nerf EVERY. SINGLE. CARRY. JUNGLER into the ground repeatedly. Eve is the only current viable jungler you don't rush Bulwark into Locket on.

Hopefully it's because they're nerfing Bulwark into the ground, that item is so stupidly OP.

I couldn't agree more. Every single carry jungler I've grown attached to has been nerfed repeatedly. Guess I'll pick up a tanky initiator like Nautilus or J4 and just spam games with them buying an early Oracles into all tank.


I couldn't agree more. Every single carry jungler I've grown attached to has been nerfed repeatedly. Guess I'll pick up a tanky initiator like Nautilus or J4 and just spam games with them buying an early Oracles into all tank.
Yeah, full tank junglers are a little too viable right now.


Yeah, full tank junglers are a little too viable right now.

I hate it though. It relies on teammates following up on your initiation and them doing the damage. It also means I struggle securing a kill on a gank if the laner isn't on top of the followup.

Sigh. Maybe I should just go back to laning but then I'd be fighting for the position all the time.


I mean, most the good tank junglers right now have a lot of CC so their burst damage isn't that relevant. That and the ones that are popular (e.g., Jarvan, Nautilus) have a lot more damage than people give them credit for. Especially early game in ganks.


I mean, most the good tank junglers right now have a lot of CC so their burst damage isn't that relevant. That and the ones that are popular (e.g., Jarvan, Nautilus) have a lot more damage than people give them credit for. Especially early game in ganks.
Which is a probably a balance issue.


Gotta say I agree with Saint on the new Oracle. Pretty much cements junglers into their S2 role of being early Oracle bots to control map vision, especially with the number of Sightstone wards all over the map. I'm still pretty salty that Riot was like "In S3, carry junglers are back!" only to nerf the two damage jungle items and repeatedly nerf EVERY. SINGLE. CARRY. JUNGLER into the ground repeatedly. Eve is the only current viable jungler you don't rush Bulwark into Locket on.

Hopefully it's because they're nerfing Bulwark into the ground, that item is so stupidly OP.

Pshh, just play Smashus if you want to carry out of the jungle. Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Brutalizer, Sheen, Aegis, then either Cleaver, IBG, or Bulwark. Get your Q farm out of the jungle and take what you can when covering lanes or after a gank. When you finally get that Cleaver, your second Q after you drop your E will be doing nearly true damage to carries. Not really a carry in the same sense as Eve or someone like that, but spamming "NASUS SMASH" before dive ulting and splitting skulls is definitely the most fun way to carry in normals.

I highly doubt this works in ranked.


hallo gridirongrace and his team will be on for inhouse 830-1130 cst tomorrow
you guys ever hear of the scottish fold cat its pretty sweet
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