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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I'm still bitter GMG pulled the coupon on Bioshock Infinite.

Not buying the game for $30 on GMG or Steam.

I just started FTL and I got absorbed in the first hour. I need to play more but I'm still at work.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
First time I played FTL it was 11PM I stopped playing when I realized the sun had come up. Shit is addicting.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
low base AS values means AS% is worth less for you
The percentage gain is the same.
I know what you mean though.

People with exceptionally poor autos really benefit a lot from attack speed though. Wit's is good on Naut. Trust me. Abyssal works, but Abyssal is less useful for certain tanks right now.


Finally found a game of ARAM where Riven wasn't completely useless. The combination of minimal cc and many melee champions really benefits Riven. One cycle and you got yourself a quadra.


Finally found a game of ARAM where Riven wasn't completely useless. The combination of minimal cc and many melee champions really benefits Riven. One cycle and you got yourself a quadra.
If they have minimal CC and many melee champions you're probably gonna win anyways.

Even if you have an AD bruiser Karma on your team.


Top feeds and gets outfarmed by 50-60cs at 20minutes in.

I outplay the crap out of enemy mid

Bot gets fed as hell.

ADC dcs for 10minutes. It's fine. I'm fed enough to instagib 2 people with my diana.

However, my top gives up and goes to solo farm for the entire game telling us all to fuck ourselves.

Lose even though we have a 18kill lead and 3 dragons and a baron.

Our top gets honoured by the enemy team. Fuck this game.


Yeah, you can't really justify NA & EU having so many teams considering their subpar performance.
It's the same problem FIFA faces when they plan the World Cup. Invite the best or promote equality by allocating spots to each region.

Yorick vs Irelia. Is this Season 2?


It's the same problem FIFA faces when they plan the World Cup. Invite the best or promote equality by allocating spots to each region.

Yorick vs Irelia. Is this Season 2?

I guess the number of viewers in EU/NA would decrease quite a bit if there were fewer teams from the region. Especially since it is held in the US.
At first I was surprised, but I guess it makes sense.

It's the same format as last year but with 2 extra spots, the one that went to the All-Stars winners and one for the international wildcard. It's not like NA and EU gained a spot or anyone lost one. Korea just gained one for winning All-Stars.

Also Asia has 7 entries, more than EU and NA put together.

Like Korea is only one country and it has the same as full continents.

I get KR is really strong, but it would be boring if Korean teams just outnumbered everyone else.

edit: yo MVP Ozone are so good. Like, ridiculously good. Mata and DanDy are gods


At first I was surprised, but I guess it makes sense.

It's the same format as last year but with 2 extra spots, the one that went to the All-Stars winners and one for the international wildcard. It's not like NA and EU gained a spot or anyone lost one. Korea just gained one for winning All-Stars.

Also Asia has 7 entries, more than EU and NA put together.

Like Korea is only one country and it has the same as full continents.

I get KR is really strong, but it would be boring if Korean teams just outnumbered everyone else.
That is there reasoning, yes. And I feel like it's a cop out.

1. East v west is an illusion and promotes segregation
2. Each region has their own league that their teams have to play just as much and so should be equally represented and have the same opportunities.
3. Continents vs countries argument only makes sense if continents have a huge number of teams to represent their size. (they don't, Korea and China has at the least, as many teams.

Notice how I made an argument for equal slots per league without Mentioning greater skill which isn't a good argument anyway because skill needs to be proven.
The fact that Asia as a region has multiple leagues shouldn't mean it gets an absurd amount of slots though. There still has to be a balance there, something that is already tipped massively towards Asia.

Like, if NA and Europe was split like Asia and had specific country or state based leagues, would you be pushing for them to have 2 or 3 spots each so that there are like 6 NA teams, 6 EU teams and the Asia gets 7 because one of their regions won All-Stars?

With the regional tournaments we have, NA, EU and KR have the same amount of spots.

Korea only counts teams from one country as opposed to teams from an entire continent, so it makes sense to me that they would be given 2 spots.

And Korea only has as many or more teams because their league is twice the size of the LCS.

I don't see why Asia should have 7 spots, with NA and EU only having 4 together (which is what you're suggesting). Like that isn't fair.

It's not about East versus West, it's about NA vs EU vs KR vs CN vs SEA, where two of the continents have the same amount of slots as a single country's league and have half of the other continent as a whole.

I know you have a Korean LoL boner, but come on man.


Kennen + Karthus + J4 + Thresh + Vayne.

What a team comp. So much AOE with cleanup potential. CTU is out teamfighting stealths like crazy.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I didn't even play against one recently, but today I got struck with a feeling that just seemed to say, "Ryze is really dumb."


The fact that Asia as a region has multiple leagues shouldn't mean it gets an absurd amount of slots though. There still has to be a balance there, something that is already tipped massively towards Asia.

Like, if NA and Europe was split like Asia and had specific country or state based leagues, would you be pushing for them to have 2 or 3 spots each so that there are like 6 NA teams, 6 EU teams and the Asia gets 7 because one of their regions won All-Stars?

With the regional tournaments we have, NA, EU and KR have the same amount of spots.

Korea only counts teams from one country as opposed to teams from an entire continent, so it makes sense to me that they would be given 2 spots.

And Korea only has as many or more teams because their league is twice the size of the LCS.

I don't see why Asia should have 7 spots, with NA and EU only having 4 together (which is what you're suggesting). Like that isn't fair.

It's not about East versus West, it's about NA vs EU vs KR vs CN vs SEA, where two of the continents have the same amount of slots as a single country's league and have half of the other continent as a whole.

I know you have a Korean LoL boner, but come on man.

if NA could be split into canada/NAE/NAW and EU separated into EUW/EUC/EUE and still have functional leagues and competitive teams, sure you could make any of those arguments

its about functional leagues vs functional leagues

if NA had 30 competitive teams and KR only had 20, then sure 3-2 makes sense

but what are you justifying this on the basis on? because its a continent? australia is a contitnent
my IP is starting to build up and im not sure who to get.

Caitlyn as she is an ADC I want.

Zyra as a new support but I aleady have a bunch of supports plus Karma is just m fav support by a fair way at the moment.

Nidalee as a support / mid (is that right) however I sometimes see her as just someone to spam spear throw and thats is.

Maybe corki as I had fun with him on a free weekend.


Having trouble deciding which icon to buy.

Started off liking Curse because they were the perennial losers who worked hard and got reward for doing so. Then I got an affinity for TSM after (to my shame) I got into gamecribs. I've always been a Nien, Jiji, Link and DL fan so CLG is tempting but I can't stand Chauster. I like rooting for the underdog and reckon Vilerose's story is a really cool one, plus I post on TL as does their manager so there's almost a link there. Coast always bring really entertaining strategies/teamcomps. Dignitas have probably my favorite icon aesthetically though following them sounds like a recipe for a Shakespearean tragedy. Vulcun is probably the only team I would dismiss out of hand (even if ManCloud is probably best mid NA) cause I can't stand Bloodwater.

Don't even get me started on EU.

I like Curse, Dignitas, TSM and I'm starting to really like c9.

Of all those, I'd say c9 could use the money (I don't know much about cloud9 as an organization). Curse def doesn't need the money. Dignitas needs some morale support (and is probably my favorite group of players). So I'll probably buy Dignitas.
I'm basing it on an entire content of competitive teams vs a country of competitive teams. KR alone should not have the same amount of slots as an entire continent's worth of teams (unless they won the extra all-star slot, like they did).

Like, what way do you want it to be? 10 slots for Asia (because Korea won All-Stars so they get a 4th slot), 3 for NA and 3 for EU? Or 7 for Asia, 2 for NA and 2 for EU? How is that fair, just because Asia has split multiple leagues instead of a collective league? It's not at all. Hell it still gets double the other 2 continents.

And don't make the Australia argument to me, you just got your own servers. That couldn't be more irrelevant.

This is still heavily weighted towards Asian teams winning it.


I like Curse, Dignitas, TSM and I'm starting to really like c9.

Of all those, I'd say c9 could use the money (I don't know much about cloud9 as an organization). Curse def doesn't need the money. Dignitas needs some morale support (and is probably my favorite group of players). So I'll probably buy Dignitas.

Got the Dig one, even though I guess other teams might need the money more. Gotta show mah support :)


I'm basing it on an entire content of competitive teams vs a country of competitive teams. KR alone should not have the same amount of slots as an entire continent's worth of teams (unless they won the extra all-star slot, like they did).

Like, what way do you want it to be? 10 slots for Asia (because Korea won All-Stars so they get a 4th slot), 3 for NA and 3 for EU? Or 7 for Asia, 2 for NA and 2 for EU? How is that fair, just because Asia has split multiple leagues instead of a collective league? It's not at all. Hell it still gets double the other 2 continents.

And don't make the Australia argument to me, you just got your own servers. That couldn't be more irrelevant.

This is still heavily weighted towards Asian teams winning it.
Haven't looked at it that way, sounds pretty reasonable. Would be cool though to leave a few spots for an international qualifier. Would let more teams get exposure on "the world stage".


Australia is not a relevant argument because the competitive scene here is smaller?

So spots is a function of size of the scene.

EU and NA are the same size as China and KR, competitively
Might need a bit more information than that. Are you laning against her? Teamfighting? Which champ are you playing? Are you going well gold wise or are you on a budget?

Her damage is primarily magic and she has no spells that do %hp so magic resistance and HP are both good options. Good MR items are very much champion dependent at the moment.

Yeah, I was Katarina mid. I looked around and it turns out Diana was a counter.
Haven't looked at it that way, sounds pretty reasonable. Would be cool though to leave a few spots for an international qualifier. Would let more teams get exposure on "the world stage".

There is a spot for an international qualifier from the various other servers like Oceania, BR, Turkey, Russia, LA etc.

And boken are the servers even out of beta yet? Like, Oceania doesn't even have ranked 5 v 5 yet does it? The competitive Australian teams are likely still on the NA server.

Australia won't even be a consideration for a few years outside of the wildcard tournament.

Why are you trying to make that point? You know it has no relevance.

I don't see how the slot allocation could be more fair any other way. It simply wouldn't be.


Need to get back into playing now that I have some time off.

I know nothing about any of the teams whatsoever, but want to buy the Lemondog one because lemondogs.


Sidenote. I don't browse GAF with avatars so I forgot what mine was. Diana is so 6 months ago. Anyone have a good Elise avatar? :)


Just qualified for my promotion series into Silver IV!


All twitch chat seems hosed right now.

I just wanted to comment real quick. Don't be afraid to pool offensively. You had a few kills you missed that you would have secured if you did so. It does decent damage, slows the opponent stepping on the pool and gives your Q and E a chance to refresh. So you get 2 Qs, 2 Es and all the pool damage in a single trade.
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