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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Can you tell me what his argument is for that?

An on-demand stun and her own ability to peel. She trades off raw damage for the ability to prevent anyone from reaching her outright. Honestly, the only thing she lacks compared to, say, Ezreal is an on-demand escape in the form of a skill that creates distance. Ashe controls the space in front of her very well.

Or just this:

There's more to being an ADC than how quickly you run away.

Think about this: Renekton could theoretically use no abilities until he got into range of you. Same with Zed. Same with their jungle Amumu.

You're Ashe. You can Volley and ulti from outside of their engagement ranges.

Do your opponents: run at you and never catch you as you run away, making it a 2v4 fight? Do they say screw it and use abilities on the rest of your team, which now allows you to enter the fight fully because their CC is down? Or do they just send one guy after you, whom you kite with Frost Shot?

Now granted, this is a somewhat specific circumstance, but I'm trying to inform that there's more to team fighting as an ADC than just walking up to auto attack range and then going, "OH **** IT'S IRELIA" and trying to run away. Compared to Vayne, Ashe has a lot of things she can do from safety. This helps Ashe be a "safe AD Carry"

The game is not ADC vs. the world. The game is 5v5. There are teams. There are 5 champions on each side who have varying levels of, "Give a ****" if they're getting hit or not.

The enemy team's threats don't get to fight optimally and threaten an AD Carry. Zed doesn't get to Death Mark everyone on the team. He either sits there toe-to-toe with Jarvan, or he sits in the back hoping he can find a way in toward the back line. If Zed sits there throwing around basic attacks, Ryze and Jarvan eat him for lunch in about 3 seconds. Now Ashe gets to fight! My front line had to tank for 3 seconds, and I was able to still ECA and Volley from the back line. Zed did nothing.

Or what if Zed decides to sit in the back? Well, I'm Ashe! I am 600 range away from your front line. I can see Zed coming, Volley from 1000 range, go, "Nope!" and get out of there before he ults me. Also he's slowed, and, if their cooldowns are still available, J4 and Ryze eat him up.

Now, if I'm Vayne it's different. I'm either in the fight or I'm not. I don't get to bait Zed. I have to outplay Zed. If I'm fighting, he's in reach of me. If he threatens, I leave the fight entirely. Now maybe I'm far enough ahead, or a good enough player that I win the 1v1 or escape the duel successfully and leave him overextended, but the point still remains that Vayne isn't exactly safe in a team fight.
Ashe is my safe pick for ADC when I don't know what to go.

Slows, kiting, can initiate from anywhere on the map. When your arrow is up your team has the advantage because you can stun anyone on their team allowing yours to possibly gib them before they can do anything.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Phreak put Ashe in the top half of safe ranged AD champs. I don't think that's unreasonable. He said Ezreal didn't have much utility though...which made me laugh.


Phreak put Ashe in the top half of safe ranged AD champs. I don't think that's unreasonable. He said Ezreal didn't have much utility though...which made me laugh.

Does he though? I mean, he inherently has very little utility. He builds into great utility (which Phreak kind of undersells there), yeah, but Ezreal doesn't really have much utility in his kit itself.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Does he though? I mean, he inherently has very little utility. He builds into great utility (which Phreak kind of undersells there), yeah, but Ezreal doesn't really have much utility in his kit itself.
When it's a core part of the build I just have a harder time ignoring it. I think the attack speed buff is pretty strong, particularly for pushing down towers, and he doesn't have to save his ultimate for team fights so you can push waves back/forth from across the map. The zoning potential of his E arguably provides its own amount of utility that no other carry can buy. Compared to other AD carries I think Ezreal offers a lot to his team as someone who can take care of themselves and becomes a kiting god.


If you're counting those as utility, then I'll agree with that. I think Phreak was more going at the angle of buffing/debuffing utility.
what mouses/mice/meese do you guys use?

the crappy little microsoft USB mouse i've been using just crapped out and started left clicking everything without me telling it to, so I'm in the market for a new mouse now.

I was considering the Razer Deathadder, but the only thing I'm worried about with buying a new mouse is that I have kind of a weird grip, at least when I play LoL. I can't rapidly right click with my pointer finger on the LMB, so I hold it like this:


Greetings Summoner,

The account xxxxx has been temporarily suspended for three (3) days due to an increase in Leaver Level.

lol wut? i haven't even played in weeks. there are some games on lolking, probably got hacked. good time to quit, they can have my acc.


I use a sensei raw with a fingertip style grip. I really like it. Changed from a Logitech mx518 which I also liked. Either of those mice can't go wrong. It'll be a huge upgrade from a generic.


Everything is moe to me
hmm. how to properly sum up about 6 months worth of solo queue in one post....

1. fuck duo queues
2. mute all adc players
3. pankaks is a jerk
4. rageahol
5. more people should play kennen
6. Yi, Nid and malz are all terrible teammates.

I use a steelseries sensei


hmm. how to properly sum up about 6 months worth of solo queue in one post....

1. fuck duo queues
2. mute all adc players
3. pankaks is a jerk
4. rageahol
5. more people should play kennen
6. Yi, Nid and malz are all terrible teammates.

I use a steelseries sensei
do go on.....


Ashe is not a safe adc. She has no escapes other than slow, which can just be gap closed. The safest ADC would be Ezreal or Caitlyn for sure.
Thanks for all the recommendations, guys. For now I'm playing with a "compact optical mouse" that's about the size of a pudding cup.

Just played my first trundle game. Had an orianna leave after getting ganked twice and yelling at me that I "should never test champions in draft pick" (this was a normal game btw). The first time he got ganked I was up at top helping our singed, and the second time, he got ganked the insant I walked out of middle to go help bot. I guess the second can be explained by a river ward, which our Ori clearly failed to do.

Anyway, Trundle is a lot of fun. Our singed was getting ganked by three dudes (jayce, nunu, kennen) and with my help we actually managed to turn it. I pinned the Jayce against a wall with my pillar, which is SUPER satisfying.
Ashe is not a safe adc. She has no escapes other than slow, which can just be gap closed. The safest ADC would be Ezreal or Caitlyn for sure.

This is how I feel. When you look at and analyze her kit, sure, she has an excellent "safe" kit.

BUUUUT, we have to talk about the champions that kill her as well. Do these champions run up to Ashe or do they use their gap closer? I disagree entirely that Ashe is a safe champion when looking into the other champions that actively try to kill her.

When an Akali has her sights on you, would you want to be:


You picked someone other than Ashe didn't you? Because the only way you're going to escape that bitch is jumping over a wall and praying to god she already used flash.

jk you can't escape akali


Master Yi AP makes me want to vomit.

Jesus Christ remake that shit already or get rid of Q's AP ratios until the patch. I can't decide who's worse though, the character itself or the players who abuse it.


what mouses/mice/meese do you guys use?

the crappy little microsoft USB mouse i've been using just crapped out and started left clicking everything without me telling it to, so I'm in the market for a new mouse now.

I was considering the Razer Deathadder, but the only thing I'm worried about with buying a new mouse is that I have kind of a weird grip, at least when I play LoL. I can't rapidly right click with my pointer finger on the LMB, so I hold it like this:

I just bought the Razer Naga Hex. I love it so far. I had always used a basic mouse, so the addition of side-buttons is amazing.


Ashe is not a safe adc. She has no escapes other than slow, which can just be gap closed. The safest ADC would be Ezreal or Caitlyn for sure.

Nobody said safest. Just one of the safest ones. She's about as safe as you can get from an ADC without having a dash/blink.

When an Akali has her sights on you, would you want to be:

None of them are rather safe against multiple targeted gap closers.

Edit: What it comes down to is that it's hard to approach directly on an Ashe. Like, she's one of the best ADCs at keeping people from walking up (or even dashing towards) her. Targeted hard gap closes kind of cause problems but the same applies to most ADCs anyway (and she can flash a single one if needed).


It's not like AP yi is good anyways.

It's cool to try to speak like a LCS, but the truth is that AP Yi wrecks soloQ as Amumu does.

I just had a leader who firstpicked TF mid despite our attempts to stop him, was obviously counterpicked by Fizz and ended like 2/9. Sad thing is these kind of players are not uncommon in gold. There's just no coordination/brain to actually think about how to stop these retarded 2-button-win characters in soloQ unless you're on platinum at least.


To be fair, I don't like dealing with Shen.

The rest aren't really that big of a deal, however. But, at the same time, it's solo queue and you don't really have targeted bans so the choices are "OP champs" and then the "harder to play against than play" ones.

I still wouldn't put Amumu in that category anymore, however.

By that logic she's not one of the safest. Because about half the ADCs do have a dash or blink.

Ezreal, Caitlyn, Corki; Graves is an arguable one since it's relatively short range so it's not as useful compared to those three. Unless we're going to count Tumble, I guess? Vault?

Edit: Oh right, forgot Tristana.


How are Hecarim and Shen uncommon bans? I wonder what league you play on because they're really popular bans in silver-gold.


It's cool to try to speak like a LCS, but the truth is that AP Yi wrecks soloQ as Amumu does.

I just had a leader who firstpicked TF mid despite our attempts to stop him, was obviously counterpicked by Fizz and ended like 2/9. Sad thing is these kind of players are not uncommon in gold. There's just no coordination/brain to actually think about how to stop these retarded 2-button-win characters in soloQ unless you're on platinum at least.
LCS speak? What? Ap Yi isn't good because he offers only one damage move until mid/late game and he has no CC. A 47.5 winrate does not equal a champion who wrecks solo Q, Janna wrecks solo Q not Yi. You got to at least back up your statements before you accuse someone of "LCS speak".


LCS speak? What? Ap Yi isn't good because he offers only one damage move until mid/late game and he has no CC. A 47.5 winrate does not equal a champion who wrecks solo Q, Janna wrecks solo Q not Yi. You got to at least back up your statements before you accuse someone of "LCS speak".

It's not a matter of being good but being broken. Of course it isn't strictly "good" as a mage because he was never intended to be that. Do you think Riot thought of meditate as a way to tank turrets and five players without stun/silence? I bet they didn't intend Sion to be a burst mage either.

Thing is Q's damage is ridiculous even with 60mres at level 4. It is almost unpunishable at early levels (if you manage to punish him, he will get full hp with meditate so you might as well just farm and try to avoid Qs which range reaches your nexus), it means auto-farm of minion waves, instant push and additional enormous damage to your champion with just one spell.

In teamfights, even without feeding, one kill onyour team means you're fucked. Of course he will be not much problem against a organizated team, but that's not exactly what soloQ teams are.

Anyways I think every lol player should agree that thing must dissapear, it's even more toxic than release Vladimir/Xin Zhao. It breaks ARAM too.

Don't take the LCS stuff too seriously.


Anyways I think every lol player should agree that thing must dissapear, it's even more toxic than release Vladimir/Xin Zhao. It breaks ARAM too.

Don't take the LCS stuff too seriously.

I just assumed we were talking about ARAM the whole time.
League of Legends |OT5| lrn2speak like a LCS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴜʀ ᴅᴏɴɢᴇʀs ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
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