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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Fuck it since it keeps breaking for some reason ;/ But merc

Auto - Q - Auto

Yeah I know, I just misclicked and didn't get a single one out of 5 wards that game when I had the opportunity. :<

I still remember that one Platinum (Diamond?) Leona doing it to like four wards in a row or something and you were like "well what the fuck."

I remember that bitch lol, diamond I believe. I don't know why I didn't plant one immediately afterwards after she killed the first one. I must've wanted to see her succeed until I ran out of wards. :<


Leona anti-ward thing was autoattack-Q-autoattack. You didn't have to click after the Q though, she would autoattack again automatically.

It works no more as far as I can tell.


So are those skins they are about to retire going to go on sale? I would like Muse Sona just to have since I think it's actually a decent skin.


I remember ages ago you mentioned something about you have to move canel the Q animation to land the third auto.

No move cancel, just right click. The Q resets the timer, but halfassedly. If you don't make your own input she will wait a normal AA amount of time but if you right click she will immediately begin the animation.

Leona anti-ward thing was autoattack-Q-autoattack. You didn't have to click after the Q though, she would autoattack again automatically.

It works no more as far as I can tell.

That might've been when she was first introduced, but at least as of S2 you have to click to start the second auto faster.


It does indeed. The fact that there's absolutely zero compensation for having one or more afk/troll for an entire match is just ridiculous.
I just saw trundle's dance animation for the first time and I think I am now very interested in learning to jungle with trundle. i had bought naut while he was on sale but I'm not having much fun with him so I might refund him.

is trundle fun y/n


I just saw trundle's dance animation for the first time and I think I am now very interested in learning to jungle with trundle. i had bought naut while he was on sale but I'm not having much fun with him so I might refund him.

is trundle fun y/n

Trundles fun. If you find running around almost unkillable taking bites out of people and dropping troll pillars everywhere is fun. Then yes. Fun.

I like him in the jungle a lot. I know dimb has a thing for him too.


Neo Member
Top Trundle was a thing for a while. Rush botrk and charge something. Traditionally he's been use in teams that need the regular disengage his pillar provides. He's not my cup of tea, but he's definitely a cool champion who has some pronounced strengths.

Find the allocation of spots for the S3 finals to be strange at best, stupid at worst. Not sure why NA and EU are more deserving of an extra spot than KR or CN, particularly given that an extra slot for CN/KR would kick the number of teams up to a number much easier to manage from a tournament perspective (16).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeah, I like Trundle. He has easy clears and can be valuable to a team, but you pick him for different reasons than someone like Nautilus. I am moving further and further away from Trundle lately though because I don't find him to be very reliable against the champions that are super popular and can carry really hard right now.

Everyone should have an AOE CC initiate jungler ready, and I think it's best to learn on them as well. Amumu, Nautilus, Jarvan, Hecarim, Zac, Sejuani. Trundle is a specialized champion and you have to play to his strengths. Learning an initiate jungler is just better for general comps, and all of those picks have value early/mid/late game that is easy to understand. Nautilus in particular is a little harder because he is more gank-centric than the others I listed, but he's a good champ to learn that on.


Just from my limited experience with him (in lane), Trundle is more a disengage type jungler. He really lacks a strong way to initiate on teams besides just ... charging into them. Which isn't really what you want out of the role. What he does do in fights themselves is rather worthwhile (debuff their ADC, debuff their tank, somehow live forever, troll) but it's just the getting in there part that is lacking a bit.

Godlike pillar placements, however, are still good stuff. Good way to separate a team, if even for a moment, or a good way to just create space on an escape.
Trundles fun. If you find running around almost unkillable taking bites out of people and dropping troll pillars everywhere is fun. Then yes. Fun.

I like him in the jungle a lot. I know dimb has a thing for him too.

Yeah, that sounds like a ton of fun to me. He's free this week too, which is awesome, so I'm going to give him some playtime.

Yeah, I like Trundle. He has easy clears and can be valuable to a team, but you pick him for different reasons than someone like Nautilus. I am moving further and further away from Trundle lately though because I don't find him to be very reliable against the champions that are super popular and can carry really hard right now.

Everyone should have an AOE CC initiate jungler ready, and I think it's best to learn on them as well. Amumu, Nautilus, Jarvan, Hecarim, Zac, Sejuani. Trundle is a specialized champion and you have to play to his strengths. Learning an initiate jungler is just better for general comps, and all of those picks have value early/mid/late game that is easy to understand. Nautilus in particular is a little harder because he is more gank-centric than the others I listed, but he's a good champ to learn that on.

Yeah, I'll stick with Naut since I got him on sale and it'd kind of be a waste of a refund. I'm just really put off of him initially because he's so much different than Udyr, who I had been learning on. Udyr is almost idiot proof, but with Naut there are skillshots to screw up. My first game with him I was something like 0-5. Nothing feels worse for me than walking out of a lane after a gank with nothing to show for it. I get that burning flashes is important but it still feels bad to not succeed in a gank.

Should I go 0/9/21 with him or 0/9/21? I see good cases for both. I'm used to building tanky because of Udyr but the case for Utility on him is pretty strong, it seems.


Neo Member
Having trouble deciding which icon to buy.

Started off liking Curse because they were the perennial losers who worked hard and got reward for doing so. Then I got an affinity for TSM after (to my shame) I got into gamecribs. I've always been a Nien, Jiji, Link and DL fan so CLG is tempting but I can't stand Chauster. I like rooting for the underdog and reckon Vilerose's story is a really cool one, plus I post on TL as does their manager so there's almost a link there. Coast always bring really entertaining strategies/teamcomps. Dignitas have probably my favorite icon aesthetically though following them sounds like a recipe for a Shakespearean tragedy. Vulcun is probably the only team I would dismiss out of hand (even if ManCloud is probably best mid NA) cause I can't stand Bloodwater.

Don't even get me started on EU.
Having trouble deciding which icon to buy.

Started off liking Curse because they were the perennial losers who worked hard and got reward for doing so. Then I got an affinity for TSM after (to my shame) I got into gamecribs. I've always been a Nien, Jiji, Link and DL fan so CLG is tempting but I can't stand Chauster. I like rooting for the underdog and reckon Vilerose's story is a really cool one, plus I post on TL as does their manager so there's almost a link there. Coast always bring really entertaining strategies/teamcomps. Dignitas have probably my favorite icon aesthetically though following them sounds like a recipe for a Shakespearean tragedy. Vulcun is probably the only team I would dismiss out of hand (even if ManCloud is probably best mid NA) cause I can't stand Bloodwater.

Don't even get me started on EU.

It's all about Dignitas.



Should I go 0/9/21 with him or 0/9/21? I see good cases for both. I'm used to building tanky because of Udyr but the case for Utility on him is pretty strong, it seems.

I assume you mean 0/21/9 or 0/9/21? Either way, 9/21/0 or 0/21/9 are the typical ways. I'd say that 0/21/9 is the most common of those two.

He looks like he's winding up for serious spot of throwing.

And now you know why it's the mascot of dongnitas.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeah, I'll stick with Naut since I got him on sale and it'd kind of be a waste of a refund. I'm just really put off of him initially because he's so much different than Udyr, who I had been learning on. Udyr is almost idiot proof, but with Naut there are skillshots to screw up. My first game with him I was something like 0-5. Nothing feels worse for me than walking out of a lane after a gank with nothing to show for it. I get that burning flashes is important but it still feels bad to not succeed in a gank.
Burning flashes is still good. It gives a big opportunity to your laner, and as long as you come back while its down your next gank will be much easier. Like with all junglers you want to burn the flash before you blow your major CC/gap closer. Save your anchor until they flash if you can.
Should I go 0/9/21 with him or 0/9/21? I see good cases for both. I'm used to building tanky because of Udyr but the case for Utility on him is pretty strong, it seems.
I don't play Naut, but his damage output is so low and he isn't buff reliant. Putting points into utility seems unwise. Nine into offense for magic penetration and then 21 into defense, but it's all up to playstyle I guess. For build most tank junglers just rush Ancient Golem and grab Tabi or Mobility boots early game. Then buy Aegis or Locket on someone like Naut and go tanky from there. Choose Liandry's or Wit's End maybe if you need damage.


I still remember that one Platinum (Diamond?) Leona doing it to like four wards in a row or something and you were like "well what the fuck."

Best Leona USA.

I remember that game well. I was merc's adc. Best game I ever played at bot.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I've been playing for a few months now. ARAM decides to throw Diana at me again - first time I've played her since I decided to take the game seriously.


It feels so right


I had to drastically alter my playstyle, but I'd have to say. This passive is amazing on Draven. Draven is no longer a hyper aggressive carry. You sit in lane and passive farm, waiting for your jungler to gank. By the time he ganks, you should easily have 300-400 stacks giving you enough gold to get a BF sword. With proper playstyle, this passive is better than the old one. Last game I earned an extra 1.5k gold with the passive.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why Wits on Naut? His base and growth aspd are awful. I'd rather get Abyssal for extra damage and MR.
Wit's is better for clearing, towers, and objectives. Abyssal is just not good on junglers right now who should already be buying Bulwark. Too much MR and Abyssal costs too much for what it is. Having bad attack speed values would just be more incentive to buy attack speed. Easier to get off passive procs on multiple targets, more damage coming out on your shield, etc. Haunting Guise >>> Abyssal. Just buy that and hold it if that's what you want.


Its weird to see some of the league community so pissed off about SGU not being released


riot treats leeg players too well that theyre like spoilt self entitled children

valve abuses their doto fans and their fans learn to love it.

Why Wits on Naut? His base and growth aspd are awful. I'd rather get Abyssal for extra damage and MR.

wits is a hold off from when nautilus shield did amazing damage and wits was pretty good

i mean, it still increases your shield damage and gives you more passive procs, but the new numbers are that wits is less efficient (more dependant on the MR shred now) and naut shield does less damage


Neo Member
How do you build against a Diana?

Might need a bit more information than that. Are you laning against her? Teamfighting? Which champ are you playing? Are you going well gold wise or are you on a budget?

Her damage is primarily magic and she has no spells that do %hp so magic resistance and HP are both good options. Good MR items are very much champion dependent at the moment.
Having bad attack speed values would just be more incentive to buy attack speed.
Hardly. Annie has amazing AA range but she's not even slightly viable as a gimmicky ADC because her base ASPD is the worst in the game (0.58). An Annie with a PD still attacks slower than an Ashe without any items. Lower base ASPD is less incentive to get ASPD items because you get a lot less from them.

Naut's shield applies a 2 second AoE debuff, and attacking again just refreshes it. Extra ASPD just makes it easier to refresh, assuming your shield isn't broken by then.

Abyssal costs like 100g more than Wit's End. I don't see why extra MR from Abyssal after Bulwark is too much, but extra MR from Wits is okay.

Easier passive procs is alright I guess.


I had to drastically alter my playstyle, but I'd have to say. This passive is amazing on Draven. Draven is no longer a hyper aggressive carry. You sit in lane and passive farm, waiting for your jungler to gank. By the time he ganks, you should easily have 300-400 stacks giving you enough gold to get a BF sword. With proper playstyle, this passive is better than the old one. Last game I earned an extra 1.5k gold with the passive.
I didn't read the numbers so I guess I was thinking that the passive only worked on champion kills, lol. Giving extra gold for minion kills definitely sounds like it could still be decent.


I don't believe he meant it in a raw value sort of way but more of a the lower your ASPD, the greater the incentive to try to not have as low of an ASPD.


So I don't play anything but League anymore... but that Steam sale is so tempting.

Ignore it or dive in and take a League break?


Its not about the games bro.

Its teh deals

Edit: I suppose it's for the best that I stay away. I'm just now learning to love Orianna
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