;_;League of Legends |OT5|: "Damn @ those changes. Was getting use to it also, lol."
;_;League of Legends |OT5|: "Damn @ those changes. Was getting use to it also, lol."
Aegis gutted. Bulwark is dead. Locket eats the corpse.
It...does give magic resist. Carrier gets Legion buff too.How do you have an item that has an magic resist stat item as part of a recipe not give magic resist? I assume that won't hit proper release.
It...does give magic resist. Carrier gets Legion buff too.
Battlebunny to stronk.Redeemed Riven best Riven (the splash anyway)
I once played Swain in ARAM. I got massacred by 3 tanks and saw their Sunfire Capes did like 1000+ damage total. The rest of the damages they dealt were tiny.I think they should increase the damage on sunfire a little
Crs Aphromoo
I once played Swain in ARAM. I got massacred by 3 tanks and saw their Sunfire Capes did like 1000+ damage total. The rest of the damages they dealt were tiny.
For ADC?Confirmed.
Scumbags.thanks bjaekle
thanks for helping daydreamingz + aphroo troll NEOGAF
thanks bjaekle
thanks for helping daydreamingz + aphroo troll NEOGAF
They always forget about the super villain.CrissenGaard: how come you had 1000+ ap
2guys1sock: you get 1 ap for every minion you kill with q
2guys1sock: and 5 ap for every champion you kill
CrissenGaard: as veigar?
2guys1sock: yes
CrissenGaard: or every champ?
CrissenGaard: i didn't know
CrissenGaard: but isn't there a max you can achieve?
CrissenGaard: like max 30 ap
My first skin was Bilgewater Katarina, back in the day. Then I bought Kitty cat once it was released.
I wish I had bought the Mighty Jax. I was released during the days I thought I would never buy RP.
I was released during the days I thought I would never buy RP.
Lol a friend started playing a week ago and at first thought that buying skins and RP was stupid and he said he'd never do it. Just today he told me he wanted Full Metal Jayce![]()
Indeed. I've spent so much time playing league my 'other' game time is way down. I really don't have problems spending money now, though it is not often. I actually have a hard time justifying purchases of other games since I know I will probably play league anyway.I doubt any of us realized just how much time we'd be spending on League when we first started.
I doubt any of us realized just how much time we'd be spending on League when we first started.
If only I knew. I would have bought $200 up front for all the bonus RP and saved money.
Buying crap for this game is an addiction. But it's so easy to justify if you've ever played MMOs. Been playing for 18 months, that's like $15 a month!The 500+ hours also means it's only cost me ~$.50/hr in entertainment. Solid.
My problem isn't the skins on sale, it's the new champ bundles. Those are killer. But I keep doing it. And half of them suck.
Nah, I'm alright.New sale! Now you can all buy Fiora for half off! The best day!
But you need to expand your jungle roster. Right....right....Nah, I'm alright.
New sale! Now you can all buy Fiora for half off! The best day!
Fiora @ 487 RP
Ezreal @ 440 RP
Nasus @ 292 RP
Dark Crystal Ryze (just in time for his nerfs!) @ 487 RP
Bilgewater Katarina @ 487 RP
Forsaken Olaf (buffs incoming) @ 260 RP
Having issues with my CS which i think is the biggest hurdle into getting more solid for gold. I main adc but having issues keeping up with the typically expected rates. Some adcs are easier than others like cait and mf. But with varus i always lag behind. I think it's part trying to herass too much and not focusing enough on csing, part of it may be varus's weak attack and finally bad zoning from my support that makes me scared to confidently cs. Anyways i was considering switching my armor seals to pure damage or my marks. I'm not sure how the numbers add up, but would removing armor or armor pen put me behind alot? Currently quints are physical, marks are armor pen, seal are armor and the glyphs are magic resist.
What's your runepage right now?
It's all the rage now to go lifesteal Quints, AD or armor pen marks, armor seals, MR glyphs and start doran's blade.
With a doran's blade start you should have no problems last hitting.
Never try to start boots pots, if you want safe start get lifesteal quints with dorans. I can see why you can't last hit starting boots...60AD -_-.I'll try doran's, feel like boots and pots are safer but yeah if i can't cs right i shouldn't adc lol.
http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/10869#runes active.
If only I knew. I would have bought $200 up front for all the bonus RP and saved money.
Buying crap for this game is an addiction. But it's so easy to justify if you've ever played MMOs. Been playing for 18 months, that's like $15 a month!The 500+ hours also means it's only cost me ~$.50/hr in entertainment. Solid.
My problem isn't the skins on sale, it's the new champ bundles. Those are killer. But I keep doing it. And half of them suck.
LS Quints + Dorans Blade lets you stay in lane for so darn long. It's not unusual for me to go back healthy with 2000+ gold.
Nope, the ARP reds scale better than AD. It depends on who you're playing, but ARP is going to give more dmg. Doran's blade should be more than enough AD.Ditch the ARP reds and just run flat AD.
Currently quints are physical, marks are armor pen, seal are armor and the glyphs are magic resist.
I'll try doran's, feel like boots and pots are safer but yeah if i can't cs right i shouldn't adc lol.
Nope, the ARP reds scale better than AD. It depends on who you're playing, but ARP is going to give more dmg. Doran's blade should be more than enough AD.
Nope, the ARP reds scale better than AD. It depends on who you're playing, but ARP is going to give more dmg. Doran's blade should be more than enough AD.
You'll actually be doing more damage level 1 with ARP reds than AD reds (to champions, not minions). Again, it depends on which champ you're playing but "ditch the ARP" is not the answer here. With strong laners like MF and Draven ARP is the answer. Crit champs like Cait, and weak early game champs like Ashe and Vayne should go AD reds.This is practically irrelevant, however. Runes are used typically to improve your early game. Improving your late game by a few percentage points instead of your early game isn't really worth it.