I'm using 320.49.
i had a renekton lane switch with his kassadin to avoid my riven.
turns out riven vs kassadin is pretty good for riven.
Renekton turning away free lane :/
sad to see this
It happens, just fight through it, try different things, watch some streams, maybe read a guide on your champ or matchups. Also playing with different people sometimes helps too, give you fresh perspectives and such.Does anyone else just have streaks of shitty games? I haven't gone positive or won in a long time.
Interesting perspective. And yeah, I can imagine that many people love the lane duelling that the pub lol meta brings. I have to admit it's pretty damn fun to dodge skillshots and own people straight up in lane. In terms of pub set up in dota, a suicide solo against a safe tri lane is going to be the shittiest game play for the suicide laner. It's honestly just no fun and you do it in the hopes that you win. Pub games should generously be designed with enjoyment in mind, when your only objective can be to win, you set yourself up for a lot of frustration.After diving back into League of Legends after a long stint with Dota 2 has giving me a whole new perspective on how Riot has done some great things with this game. Before I left I was heavily invested with LoL and probably sunk about 300$ with cosmetics which I still love.
Coming back one of the things I missed so much was one of the things friends complained about the most who left for Dota 2 the stale pub meta. Besides bottom a lot of these lanes and jungle were a solo experience, I missed the 1v1 aspect of mid/top even the duo bottom. Your skill shots can be spammed, laning and winning lane felt rewarding and like you solely didn't depend on others. I always feel like my skills can shine and I am not affected as much by teammates interaction. While playing in dota I felt lanes and outcomes were so predictable and dependent on other teammates. These days most games I play I can tell who's going win just by picks they got 2 supports a strong carry good mid and semi compared to our 1 support and a carry that's also late game that can't out carry theirs, if our team doesn't happen to play to a aggresive game where we pressure their carry WE LOSE. I always feel like the League meta is predictable in what you are up against, but what you actually care about is that lanes fights are dynamic through numerous skill shits and the unpredictably comes from the jungler.
Interesting perspective. And yeah, I can imagine that many people love the lane duelling that the pub lol meta brings. I have to admit it's pretty damn fun to dodge skillshots and own people straight up in lane. In terms of pub set up in dota, a suicide solo against a safe tri lane is going to be the shittiest game play for the suicide laner. It's honestly just no fun and you do it in the hopes that you win. Pub games should generously be designed with enjoyment in mind, when your only objective can be to win, you set yourself up for a lot of frustration.
I find it interesting though that despite 2v1 being 60% of the lane set up in competitive play that it hasn't infiltrated pub meta more. I think part of is it is that the lol community is so young in comparison to the Dota community that shifting from the first real meta we've ever had would be pretty tough. Like forgetting a first love.
Interesting perspective. And yeah, I can imagine that many people love the lane duelling that the pub lol meta brings. I have to admit it's pretty damn fun to dodge skillshots and own people straight up in lane. In terms of pub set up in dota, a suicide solo against a safe tri lane is going to be the shittiest game play for the suicide laner. It's honestly just no fun and you do it in the hopes that you win. Pub games should generously be designed with enjoyment in mind, when your only objective can be to win, you set yourself up for a lot of frustration.
I find it interesting though that despite 2v1 being 60% of the lane set up in competitive play that it hasn't infiltrated pub meta more. I think part of is it is that the lol community is so young in comparison to the Dota community that shifting from the first real meta we've ever had would be pretty tough. Like forgetting a first love.
Nothing beats the feeling of getting a clutch hook.
I would go for an Aegis --> Bulwark if your Jungler is not building it
Otherwise go for a Locket.
Also a good option to finish Shurelias.
Boots are preference but I find myself preferring either a defense boot(tabi or mercs) or the Mobility boots
I have seen some KR supports buy Tear on him to get his max mana up for his spell costs and shield but
It is a good idea to keep 1 slot for pinks at all times. I usually keep 2 pinks on me, that is enough to counterward the next objective.
Dont forget Oracles if you are in a position to start roaming and clear out the map.
It occasionally happens in yoloqueue that you just get rich and in that case I would consider Glacial Shroud into IBG or FH depending on your needs.
Like all things it's situational. If the enemy team has a high output of magic damage it's usually better for the jungler to grab it because they will finish it first. In most situations the jungler will be better served grabbing Aegis/Bulwark. Sometimes it makes sense to just build other things and tell your support to grab it though. Bulwark is less than ideal on Trundle tbh, but again, it depends on composition of the enemy team. It's not bad to have two people build it even in certain situations.Who should have first dibs on Aegis, the support or the jungler?
I mean surely it depends on who is tankier/built to initiate but someitmes both are tanky and sometimes neither are tanky.
I guess in a situation like Leona supp Trundle jungle you'd give it to the leona right?
Like all things it's situational. If the enemy team has a high output of magic damage it's usually better for the jungler to grab it because they will finish it first. In most situations the jungler will be better served grabbing Aegis/Bulwark. Sometimes it makes sense to just build other things and tell your support to grab it though. Bulwark is less than ideal on Trundle tbh, but again, it depends on composition of the enemy team. It's not bad to have two people build it even in certain situations.
None of this really matters because after the patch the item will change completely.
Never forget that the playstyle by matchip can vary highly and sometimes, you have to be very passive and just farm and poke until your jungler comes around. Some matchups you own, some you suck. And some, you just don't know how to handle yet.I was 0/4 against an Aatrox by the 15 minute mark in my last game of the night before bed. I was so embarrassed, I thought I knew how to play Vlad but I clearly need more practice. Glad it wasn't a ranked game.
I ended up 6/7/20 or so though so it wasn't too terrible (our katarina carried so hard, it was glorious). I do SO MUCH BETTER as support or mid or even ADC since I get the role more often. I need to buckle down and demand top more so I'm not such a waste when I need to be there
Vlad sucks the first few levels and Aatrox has a huge powerspike at level 3. Vlad also is notoriously bad at 1v1ing. He doesnt burst and most players seem to understand when it is time to leave. Most kills as Vlad come from you using TrollPool to make them waste an R or due to jungler.
Did u get itemization to counter him, like Armguard? What did you start with?
The biggest mistake of mine was taking my e at 2 instead of my W (even though i didn't mean to). I took boots to better dodge the sword laser thing. He got 3 first (I helped leash and he didn't cause I was Blue side) and he blew me the f*ck up. I just didn't know that much damage was possible at lvl 3. I was crushed, and he was starting to snowball.
My build...lol. I felt so useless I built armguard...then proceeded to build stuff like Randuin's, Ruby Sightstone, Ninja Tabi... I stacked HP and armor and just switched between farming/pushing my lane, warding (I warded more than our support, part of the reason I like being support is because I don't trust anyone else to ward at all), and ulting for Kat during teamfights. I was making the best of a bad situation, but it was still bad. He didn't even bother with MR or anything (which was a mistake because of Kat).
Let me reiterate how good this Kat was. By the time I was 0/4, she was like 8/1 and i think she was supposed to be facing a toon she is not good against in mid (AP Yi? Or maybe it was Lux...one of the two, stuff blurs late night). Vlad ult + Sej ult is apparently very nice setup for Kat in teamfights also, and Alistair didn;t hurt either. She ended up with 20+ kills and would have probably gotten more if I hadn't "last hitted" some of them in TFs casting whatever was off CD.
And as bad as I was doing in my lane, he only took 1 tower, then I took one back pretty quick. I just felt kinda weasel-y having to basically turn around if i saw him coming and I was alone/not at my turret. My team was all really nice or I probably would have been miserable, but them being nice and me sucking made the embarrassment worse.
Edit: Feeling better though, got to play Mid for the first time in a few days and CRUSHED a Khaz mid while repping my Ziggs and his Snow Day skin. It got so bad that the enemy jungler Vi would come for a gank and I'd end up just chasing her back to the turret too. 7/0/8 at the end. I love Ziggs so much, easy farming and easy harass.
Don't know why lolcounter shows Kat as a counter for Lux.
When Kat ults, hit W to absorb the damage, snare her with Q, put E under her feet and smash her with R and follow up with Ignite. Anything less than full health and she'll be vaporised.
Just make sure you take a step away from Kat so you can aim Q properly.
The thing about Kat v basically every skillshot champion is that ... well, it's a skill matchup. The Skillshot-based champion has a pretty high skill floor to get a good matchup. But once you get there, it's basically 50-50.
Edit: Also, no Kat will just ... ult you with your tricks up. Kat for most matchups will play bait things out and play reactively otherwise.
The thing about Kat v basically every skillshot champion is that ... well, it's a skill matchup. The Skillshot-based champion has a pretty high skill floor to get a good matchup. But once you get there, it's basically 50-50.
Edit: Also, no Kat will just ... ult you with your tricks up. Kat for most matchups will play bait things out and play reactively otherwise.
Sighstone math
Sightstone gives higher effective gold generation because of the free wards.
Philostone gives 5 gp/10, Pick gives 4 gp/10
Sightstone gives 2 wards(max) per 3 minutes which comes to 8.3 gp/10
Ruby SS gives 3 wards(max) per 3 minutes which comes to 12.5 gp/10
Always SS first, then gp/10. The Pick or Philo is for the advanced items it builds from, which for me make Philo rarely ever a buy as on Tanky supports you can grab other HP items or resists to buff yourself out(Locket, Aegis), and on caster supports I favor Pick as the eventual mana regen and cdr from nomnomicon is king.
Finally got around to playing vayne for the first time.
It's more because supports buy a Faerie Charm to start with a lot for the extra bit of MP/5. Ruby Crystal start as support is usually unfeasible, you'd have almost no wards or sustain to harass with. In a vaccum or with enough gold for one over the other on your b you def want Sightstone, that's usually what I try to rush first.
The last time I played Kat v Lux I was laser babe.
If you have decent control of your skillshots you can handle her pretty easily.
Drop E over a large range of creeps she would have to jump to, throw Q. She jumps into the E field, which then got popped and then she took the passive enhanced auto.
When she gets 6 you need to keep her poked down so that her ulting is suicide.
Once you are 9 and have chalice you can waveclear from range and make her life miserable.
Just call her roaming on the chat and ping persistently and you are golden.
nobody should stand near their creeps against lux, just saying
what happens if she jumps on you when you throw your E
then uses the increased speed from W to dodge your Q?
what THEN
thats so crazy it might just workI have had that happen against a Kat. You throw W + Ignite immediately then auto her. She will either blow flash or die.
This should not effect your starting items. Faerie Charm goes into Morellonomicon. With melee's I had been trying flask starts. If you feel you have strong early domination chances then you can just buy a single mana pot. Charm takes ~3min to restore the same amount of mana and you can afford 2 extra green or a pink ward with the starting gold.
I'm just going by what the high elo streamers seem to be doing. 90% of the games when I tune in they have the Philo stone and get SS next. Shur is still a pretty popular pick.
I personally go Charm + 2 greens + pink + 2 HP pots. I use the 1 min ward for "brushchecking" more or less, seeing when if/they set up wards on their side or possibly faking out their own pink if they have it. Then my own pink removes the ward they place in our bush, which makes it much easier for me to land Nami's Q or Zyra's E for harass. It varies depending on the support I take and what I build outside of Sightstone almost entirely depends on team comp and skill, but I can def see the appeal of Philo if your carry goes back early and your options are limited.